Open Thread for April 18, 2016

Open Thread for April 18, 2016 - Happy Nevsky.
Today we celebrate Alexander Nevsky's defeat of the Crusaders & Teutonic Knights, but more on that later.
It is April 18, so today's number is 18
18 is a multiple of 9, 3, and 6, leading to suspicions that it will generate unending fractions (more later)
18 is the sum of 3 of its divisors, 3, 6, and 9
18 is argon, a noble gas
I8 is the group containing noble (inert) gases in the periodic table
The Mahabarata has 18 books, (including the Bhagavad Gita which has 18 chapters) and concerns a war between 18 armies that lasted 18 days
OK, deep breath, but first recall that 1/3 is .333 repeated forever, 1/6 is .666 repeated forever and 1/9 is .111 repeated forever.
1/18 = 0.055 repeat 5 forever
2/18 = 0.111 repeat 1 forever (1/9)
3/18 = 0.166 repeat 6 forever (1/6)
4/18 = 0.222 repeat the 2 (2/9)
5/18 = 0.277 repeat the 7
6/18 = 0.333 repeat the 3 (1/3)
7/18 = 0.388 repeat the 8
8/18 = 0.444 repeat the 4 (4/9)
9/18 = .5 (1/2)
10/18 = 0.555 repeat 5 forever (5/9)
11/18 = 0.611 repeat 1 foreve
12/18 = 0.666 repeat 6 forever (2/3)
13/18 = 0.722 repeat the 2
14/18 = 0.777 repeat the 7 (7/9)
15/18 = 0.833 repeat the 3 (5/6)
16/18 = 0.888 repeat the 8 (8/9)
17/18 = 0.944 repeat the 4
In most countries, 18 is the age of majority
In most countries, 18 is the voting age
18 is the age of sexual consent under the Mann Act (What famous performer was busted under the Mann Act?)
18 is 6 pm
There are 18 chapters in Ulysses by James Joyce
18 BCE was Year of the Consulship of Lentulus and Lentulus (That would be Publius Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, and Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus)
Caesar Augustus introduced two of the lex Julia, the Lex Iulia de Ambitu which punished bribery when acquiring political office and the Lex Iulia de Maritandis Ordinibus which restricted marriage between differing social classes
Juba II was King of Mauretania and Lugaid Riab nDerg was High King of Ireland
18 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Caesar
The Roman poet Ovid died
On this
day in
1521 Martin Luther's trial went into day two during the assembly of the Diet of Worms.
1831 The University of Alabama was founded, providing a future alma mater for The Snake
1857 Allan Kardec published "The Spirits Book" bringing about the birth of Spiritualism in France.
1906 An earthquake and fire destroyed much of San Francisco, California.
1909 Joan of Arc was beatified in Rome. Not bad for a heretic burned at the stake for her heresies.
1924 Simon & Schuster published the first crossword puzzle book.
1930 The BBC reported that there was no news and then played piano music.
1946 The International Court of Justice held its first meeting.
1958 A United States federal court ruled that Ezra Pound had to be be released from an insane asylum.
2007 The Supreme Court upheld the so-called "Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act".
day in
1480 Lucrezia Borgia, the daughter of Pope Alexander VI
1648 Jeanne Guyon, a mystic and hence heretic of some acclaim in France
1772 David Ricardo, an economist
1857 Clarence Darrow, an attorney.
1882 Leopold Stokowski, a conductor
1901 Al Lewis, a songwriter
1918 Clifron Hillegass, the founder of CliffsNotes
1924 Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown, a guitarist, singer and songwriter
1940 Mike Vickers, a guitarist, sax player and songwriter (Manfred Mann)
1946 Skip Spence, a singer, songwiter, drummer and guitarist (Jefferson Airplane, Moby Grape)
day in
1945 Ernie Pyle, a journalist and soldier
1955 Albert Einstein, a patent clerk, physicist, inventor, and engineer
2012 Dick Clark, a television personality and tv producer
2013 Cordell Mosson, a bass player (Parliament, Funkadelic)
Holidays, Holy Days, Feasts, Observances and such
The Evil Russkies celebrate Nevsky's victory over the glorious Crusaders at "The Battle of the Ice" on Lake Peipus. This particular sub-crusade of the Northern Crusades was led by the Teutonic Order, aka Teutonic Knights. Like the Albigensian Crusade, it was aimed at exterminating a European Christian sect that did not, in the minds of various Popes and lesser Catholic functionaries, properly follow prescribed dogma, doctrine, rite and ritual. (In this case, it was the Eastern Orthodox Church and its followers, as opposed to the Cathars, but it's all the same Crusader schtick of attempting to force Catholicism upon all humankind by the sword.) Unlike the Albigensian Crusade, it was also aimed at the extermination and/or conversion of all pagans.
Also unlike the Albigensian Crusade, this one failed. Nevsky hammered the living crap out of the Crusader invaders. This put pause to the northeastern thrust of the Catholic Church's quest for global religious hegemony and tyranny, and also took a big bite out of the Teutonic Knights, some of its most aggressive thugs and enforcers. It did, however, protect and preserve the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is becoming something of a tyranny of its own in Russia these days, but that is perhaps the nature of the beast.
So, we get: Al Lewis Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown Mike Vickers Skip Spence Dick Clark Cordell Mosson
Written by Al Lewis & Sylvester Bradford, sung by Little Anthony & The Imperials
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
Mike Vickers
Skip Spence
Dick Clark's American Bandstand introduced a lot of acts to the broader public, like ...
Cordell Mosson
So, it is an open thread, go for it

Wow, these Open Threads
and the Evening Blues are just awesome--jam--packed full of excellent material. Love it! Thank you, el
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, el,
and everyone. Happy Monday.
Thank you for the open thread, el.
NYTimes' coverage of Bernie's rally in Prospect Park. In the Politics section this morning. No pictures of rally, but a picture of Clinton on the subway from earlier this month.
Their political coverage this election has been a
complete embarassment. Thanks for posting that.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Gotta Bern!
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First Nations News
Good morning, Martha. Wow, that does give context to our time.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Morning Gerrit! Happy Monday!
It is a GLORIOUS day here, going to be near 70 F. I've already cleaned up my patio, and have started on cleaning up my garden....
Last winter we lost a big cedar tree on the property. It split in the wind and part of it fell all of the way across the street. Turns out it was a city tree, so they cleaned it up and took down the rest of the tree. It was dead on the inside. So, when they take one down they replace it. And I got to pick what we get!
I chose a Serviceberry over a Lilac. One can eat the Serviceberries. One more step towards permaculture!
The Arborist I have been talking to is a cool young man, and is trying to get the city to start planting more food trees. But the lawyers are afraid someone might get hurt if fruit drops on sidewalks. This is something to change for us urban homesteaders.
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First Nations News
Serviceberries! Excellent choice, Martha. Enjoy the process.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Wonderful poster, information, and message. Thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
For our Pirate Enthusiasts...
Holy Macaroni: Welcome To The First-Ever Official Pastafarian Wedding
Bridegroom Toby Ricketts and bride Marianna Fenn stand on a jetty in Akaroa harbor, New Zealand, on Saturday.
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First Nations News
That's awesome.
I gotta do that if I ever get married again.
Course as I've stolen joke from Sam Kinison, if I ever get married again, I want a guy with a drum set there to do rim shots during the vows...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I figured that would make you smile ;-) - n/t
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First Nations News
My second wife always says
that's why I haven't met her yet......
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
Happy Monday all.
I donated to Bernie's campaign today. First time I ever gave $$ to a politician -- Ever. I guess I had to wash out the bad taste of the Clooney Dog Food For Hellery fiasco.
And I ordered my Bernie button today. This will go on my baseball cap. I never go outdoors without my cap on.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Morning all
Just a quick reminder - the thread for this weeks photography assignment is up and already has some contributions. The assignment is Black and white outdoor flowers and or plants. All contributions welcome!
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Sadly I'm running out of the GOOD incense...
at my house. Scouring the neighborhood for more, but nobody seems to carry the spiced Rose that I like. (Plain rose, yes, but nobody carries the "Dragon's Blood" variety. Yes, I sound like a dork, but it's something that has made my living situation better... and cheap too.)
One thing I've realized I do with my kids is a very theatrical thing but it works for us. Every day before it's time to go, I give the kids "Calls". Ten Minutes, Five minutes, One minute till time, Kids! (To which they respond, "Five Minutes, Thanks Dad".) It's theater protocol, but it makes our mornings go so smoothly, it's crazy. Nobody racing to get things together at the last second.
Actually not certain what I'm going to do today, but I really feel the need to DO something positive today. Almost think today might be the day I start working on the book again. Sounds like a positive step towards success.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You are in a nice groove with your children.
But added pollutant molecules @ home? I am a scent-sensitive, but I can tolerate that. I live in a Radon House. Outside air, 20 min per hour, but the intake is close to ground. My water is sky-high with radon, no doubt out-gassing. But, it's radiation background, except for Marcellus shale.
30 years in this house, smoked inside maybe 2 hours, long ago. Nights get chilly on the porch. Vaper now.
Inside, in bed, w00t.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Every few days I burn a stick.
Since I don't smoke in the house, and it's near the kitchen we've got plenty of ventilation. Also have a fan right over where we burn it, so no worries about air quality.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good if it makes you happy.
Yesterday, outside, butt on ground while puppy ran around, I heard the plants grow. Under me, all around, the ground made little popping noises that I think were plants emerging from the leaves. I heard Nature.
That makes me good.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
there is
Dragon's Blood in the antique store three blocks from here. But it's in California, so you wouldn't want it. ; )
Wish that would work with Mr. Scribe'd think after 25 years of marriage (29 years of relationship) I'd be used to it by now.
Flood Day here
ugh. Hunkered down and doing okay but no work for Papa and no school for Kid (still asleep) so Ill be in the kitchen... back later!
Good luck & stay safe. I'm cooking this week, but I'll be
doing it outside today.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, enhydra, TY for an amazing OT, as always.
Clarence Gatemouth Brown - w00t!
Nevsky - w00t!
The consulship of Lentulus & Lentulus - sigh: after the republic, comes the empire; always and forever because human nature evolves (pre-climate change, but I repeat myself) glacially.
Have a great day,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Errol Flynn under the Mann act?
And an august cast of characters for ABCDE? If I had picked a boy-pup, his name was designated Flynn, In Like Flynn, referring to the penile element I think. Very naughty, lost in time.
I picked a girl-pup instead. Just for a change-up from boy-dogs. Squat, not leg-lifting.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I guessed Charlie Chaplin (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Charlie was actually busted for violating it, but I didn't
know that. I was thinking of a rock star who did 3 years hard time.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
that would be
Chuck Berry. Sentenced to three years; served twenty months. GG is right; Chaplin was prosecuted under the act, too. As were Frank Lloyd Wright, and boxer Jack Johnson. The latter needed to go into the jail at all costs because he was black and in the ring knocked out white men. Jedgar Hoover tried for years to pop Errol Flynn under the Act, but failed; he did get charged with stautory rape, though. The Mann Act is still in effect, so be careful. It was authored by James Mann, a howling imbecile, who said of the March 1913 Washington DC parading suffragists, who were "jeered, tripped, grabbed, shoved" and subjected to "indecent epithets and barnyard conversation," that "they should have been at home where they belonged."
I don't think that numbers that "will generate unending fractions" should be allowed to run around loose.
Correctamundo on Chuck.
Unending decimals are conceptually interesting, IMHO. One ninth, for example is 0.1111 and ones forever. Well and good. Early pocket calculators, faced with (1/9) x 9 returned 0.9999 and nines forever. Is this an error, or perhaps a proof of limit theory? I personally have a serious fondness for 1/7, but I do admit to wierdness, so there is that ...
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
a ninth
is, classically, considered dissonance.
A minor ninth:
The major seventh, it is also considered dissonant.
I knew it was Chuck but...
like Bennett Cerf, on "What's My Line?", I had to disqualify myself as I know too much about these musician's lives. Like how Buddy Holly left Lubbock Texas to move to Greenwich Village. Or how Gene Vincent was in the taxi with Eddie Cochran when Eddie got killed. Also Sharon Sheeley, who wrote "Poor Little Fool". And, while on the subject of car crashes of the famous pop stars, that Gloria Jones, who did the original version of "Tainted Love", was driving the car that went out of control, killing her boyfriend Marc Bolan.
and about the major 7th, one of those clever Beatle bits is how they use it in "No Reply". Thanks, remaining Beatles, for making it difficult to find youtubes of your music. The only one I could find was this Beatle cartoon.
but anyway, in the part that goes "I saw the light...I saw the light" someone came up with the great idea to use different chords on the same melody. That is, the first "I saw the light" uses a minor (let's call it E minor, which has the notes e, g and b), going to a B minor, while the second "I saw the light" uses a major 7th (here it would be C major 7th, using the notes e, g, b and c). Just a tiny little detail that is hardly noticeable but affects the feel.
but do the
remaining Beatles (down to two now) even control their music? I thought it was owned by Michael Jackson and that chimp in the sleep chamber.
Sony controls the publishing, Apple controls the music
so if someone wants to cover the Beatles songs, for an album or a commercial, they have to ask Sony and if someone wants to use the actual records they have to ask Apple.
When Apple released the new version of 1 (1+, 1+ with book, 1+ with Paul and/or Ringo moving in with you and the other variations) they figured out how to pull all of those videos off of youtube, since they're selling 50 videos on the new package.
note: I used the edit feature to make myself look less illiterate than it originally seemed.
i hope johnny
doesn't jettison the edit feature. If he does, this place will look like Night Of The Knuckledraggers.
Night of the Bearly Living Knuckledraggers. LOL.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
what a number!
I enjoy your number Speaking of numbers, how 'bout 28000+ in Brooklyn yesterday. Will the Queens rally be even larger today?
It's tax day. Guess who isn't paying any?
For those waiting for an indictment, more people are speaking out.
And finally a nice 1 min video of Jane talking about her partner
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Morning EL and 99%'ers!
It is a beautiful day here in western NC. We took the dogs for a walk this morning and it was very chilly to start and almost hot by the time we finished.
At our Peace vigil on Saturday, we had two teenage skateboarders stop by. Both boys were sixteen, too young to vote, but they saw Don's Bernie pin on his hat and said that if they could vote, they would be voting for Bernie. They also asked if they could hold one of our signs. We were just about ready to pack up, but I handed my sign to one of them for a few minutes. Earlier we had several young girls walk by and they all said "Go Bernie!" as they passed. I asked the boys how they knew about Bernie and they said they read about him on the internet. One boy said that he was very interested in politics and tried to read as much as he could. If Bernie does not win this time, it will probably be the last gasp for the establishment. These kids are smart and they want big changes. They know that they are getting screwed. It does my heart good to see kids like this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yay Peace Vigil!!
GG I recall you posted a few pics of you and the Peace Revolutionaries back in the What's Happenin' diaries. Great to see you haven't given up the fight!
I agree, young people know more about what's really going on. Probably because they don't watch the teevee corporate news, rather getting news from trusted online sources. There's a New Hope!
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, we are down to three of us
Me and two octagenarians. One of them is not well but he comes when he can. Our 86 year old is like the Energizer Bunny and he is the one who was behind this in the beginning. I have told him that I will stay as long as he does.
These kids were impressive. They know just how bad the future looks for them. One kid told me he tries to read all he can about the politicians. But, they do not trust the establishment. I found the same thing with the millennials I met in Occupy. They do not trust either party. And if they are indicative of the young people of voting age, I think a lot of them will sit out if Bernie is not the nominee.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hhe. I didn't known about Flynn's activities of that ilk,
but it looks like he wasn't busted and arrested for it. At any rate, he's not who I had in mind.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Charlie Chaplin? (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
he was, but I didn't know it. I was thinking of
Chuck Berry.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Enemies of the State, all.
I have no sympathy for adults who bugger children, but We All Know that happens. Only the famous get targeted. Different"legal" plane. ----Did I spell that last word correctly? Plain? Too many homonyms.
edit: bad spelling, earlier than the last.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The rightward shift of American politics...
explains the rise of Bernie Sanders
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First Nations News
I would shift Obama over to the Neo-liberal mark
and Hellery to his right. Otherwise it looks accurate.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Economic: He is more of a Neolib
Foreign Policy: She is more of a Neocon
But as this is only an economic scale Obama is certainly as close if not closer to the GOP.
I also take a bit of issue with the liberal/progressive scale but that is an old discussion.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I don't think The Mad Bomber
is even a moderate Repug. Not unless you believe Goldwater or Kissinger are in any way moderate. As for domestic policy she's full blown conservative with no redeeming value. Goldman Sachs and Robert Rubin are not moderate. Turns out Mr. 'Conscience of a Liberal' Krugman is not very moderate either. Neocon- Neoliberalism is not moderate it's freaking fascistic and way off the charts regardless of what the measurements of mass deception tell you. The compass of right center left are gone daddy gone and the interpretations that all sides use to bolster their claims that this is reality and all insurrections are fringe and off the charts they devised. These charts and measurements define where we all stand in relationship to the pols of mass deceptions stances which have no direction other then killing , misery and profit. What kind of political measurement is this?
What’s a little extortion among friends? U.S.-Saudi relations
Heck, What's a Little Extortion Among Friends? U.S.-Saudi Relations
one of the
rarely acknowledged positives of the Soviet period is that during it the Russian Orthodox Church was told to shut up and sit in the corner. Now it is back, and, again, completely out of control.
April 18 is also the birthday of actor Eric Roberts, who for several years snorted most of the cocaine to come out of Bolivia.
A little more brutal than shut up and sit down
Not defending current behavior of Russian Orthodox Church but surely there is some middle ground between now and then?
Under Stalin
Under Krushchev
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
spend some time
researching the brutality the Russian Orthodox Church inflicted upon the Russian people. And for centuries. And is inflicting upon them again, now. I don't condone Soviet violence against the church and its adherents. But it is a fact that for hundreds of years the Russian Orthodox Church was a major contributor to the miseries of the Russian people. And that it is currently one leg of the troika that is smothering Russia.
And, wikipedia? Really? ; )
I was not defending ROC
but two wrongs do not make a right.
Re the wiki thing are you saying that the two quotes are wrong? If you want me to find a different source I'm sure that it wouldn't take me too long.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Neo-Nazis use the number 18 as a surrogate for AH = Adolf Hitler
18 —> a 1 and an 8 —> the 1st and 8th letters of the alphabet
Every time I hear 18,
no matter the context, I get an Alice Cooper earworm.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
If only the frustrated Austrian artist had become an entertainer
Ho ho — picturing “Adolf Cooper” belting out, “I wanna be elected!” — calling Mel Brooks . . .
In the Netherlands, the initials A.H. are more associated with the ubiquitous Albert Heijn, a small-town grocer whose operation grew to become a huge supermarket chain owned by the holding company Ahold.
there's that great Alexander Nevsky film
Eisenstein, 1938, because Nevsky the great Russian hero defeated the Nazis.
I learn so much here, it's a delight, thanks, can't help
to post that movie
I've posted part of the flick before, for the score,
but the bit about the knights falling through the ice is probably fiction. Nonetheless, there's a great allusion to it in the movie "Billion Dollar Brain".
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
fun corporate tax parody
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Such a great OT, thanks el
I have to admit that I get confused who was invading whom, who fought against whose oppression and who were the oppressors of whom.
Teutonic Order, teutonic Knights? I need to learn about this. Teutonic sounds like Wiking-ish, may be aryan? Sigh. You are so lucky to be that educated. I wished I were.
Your OTs are a great catalyst to try to understand history. I will get there eventually. In the end they are all ass-holish oppressors.... like in the nature of the beast.
Well, you pretty much summed it up
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
They actually had their own state on the Baltic coast.
Bobswern has no more NR (lol) status and cross-posted
a great article by Erica Garner from Common Dreams at TOP.
I Feel a Political Revolution Coming.
I think Don Midwest made a great comment in the thread of this diary, which links to another article in Common Dreams.
Would Hillary Overthrow a Government Run by Bernie?
by Les Leopold
Oh, quite damning of Hillary Clinton's involvements back in the days.
I can't figure out how to pull up just a single comment on TOP and link to it, so I have to copy it here in its entirety.
The Honduras story evokes some similarties ... outside of Latin America, no? I think. But what do I know. Just my guts making some noise in my mind. Sorry, if that is all known stuff to you, to me that's all something I learn along the way in recent months. And I am a slow learner and a fast "forgetter".
This is Not a Bathroom Bill, it's a Hate Bill, says Rev. Barber
I like Rev. Barber's take and the Moral Mondays activists. But I haven't quite understood or remember wrongly the whole thingy that happened on TOP with regards to someone saying Dailykos people are not supposed to come to a Barber speech or something.
What has become out of this story? I am getting confused again.
Sabotage by Bernie campaign people who secretly work for Hillary
That’s one interpretation of events, anyway.
Oh no math monday!
Here's a math problem or you el....
Thanks for the OT.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + . . . = –1/12
Gustav Flaubert to his sister
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The captain is the age of the most charismatic Mutineer.
Where "N" represents the average age of a working sailor, we can also add a modifier of "X" for the years of the new captain's education. While N CAN correlate to X, it is not an essential variable, but will affect the long term stability of the new crew.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
there is a similar one that starts out with an important clue
I've heard it as "you're driving a bus. At the first stop you pick up seven passengers. At the next stop 3 get off and 4 get on..." it continues with a mind-numbing series of pluses and minuses until it asks, like this example, "what color are the bus driver's eyes?"
I think it's part of a "test" that includes "a plane crashes on the border of Georgia and Florida. In which state do they bury the survivors?"
Best answer I ever saw to that was on Tiny Plastic Men...
Dr. Von Chaos: "I would say, On the Florida Side."
Examiner: "Ah, ah, that was a trick question, I said where would you bury the SURVIVORS."
Dr. Von Chaos: "I Stand by my answer."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Years ago I heard of a person
Who got a question wrong on a physics test. The question was Using a barometer how can you determine the height of a building. The answer the guy gave was to find the ratio of barometer height to the length of its shadow, then applying that ratio to the length of the building's shadow. Student said it was valid. Instructor maintained it was a physics class and the student gave a math class answer. The instructor gave the student a chance to change the answer to one appropriate to a physics class. So he answered Take the barometer to the top of the building, carefully noting the pressure indicated, then drop the barometer timing until it hits the ground. That was a correct physics answer.
The student did tell the instructor he had a much simpler method: take the barometer to the basement, find the head custodian, and inform him he can have this really fine barometer if he could tell how tall the building was.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
did flaubert
hate his sister?
Ahhh, floating fire ant mounds
Gotta love Houston!
We have been slammed again by relentless torrents that, similar to Memorial Day last year, squatted in one spot and poured buckets! The line eventually moved through the Greater Houston Area this evening, but not before dumping nearly 18" in one particular spot in less than 24 hrs. Harris County supposedly received enough water in that same time-frame to power Niagra Falls for 88 hrs (news guy said it while I was not in room, so don't quote me.)
Horses and people and pets have been rescued. Some were not reached, even still. Human body count so far is 4. Horse & pet count unknown.
More rain expected over next two days at least. A line is developing and moving this way as I type with my thumb on my phone.
If you visit - stay out of the water! The fire ants, they float inside their mounds and will f*ck you up, when it's seriously the last thing you need while wading through nasty flood water, with the exception of a cotton mouth or an open man hole.
Oh yeah, happy tax day, too. Ugh.