Open Thread 7-28-16: News From the Future Plus Bernie's Super-Secret Plan
I just got back from the future.
Here's what happened, Part I
Lots of people hated Hillary and voted for Trump just because they couldn't stomach Hills. Lots of others voted for Jill Stein and some guy named Johnson. It turned out Nate Silver was right. In a close election Trump actually won. Maybe it was because it was revealed that the Clinton Foundation was a front for all sorts of crooked activity, mostly money grabbing. Maybe it was because people found out that the Clintons personally profited from deals made while she was Secretary of State. That was an interesting turn of events as Hillary supporters shrugged it off, saying "everyone knew about it. That's old news and besides, Colin Powell made money, too, off of being Secretary of State". When it was pointed out that Powell made his money after his stint, the Hillbots continued to insist it was the same thing.
Whatever caused it, it translated into Trump taking Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. Those additional electoral votes gave Trump a 273-265 win. There was immediate panic in some circles. Although Clinton had had her share of scandals it was Bernie Sanders who got most of the blame, along with "JtC", a formerly little known blog adminstrator. Stocks fluctuated wildly from November through January as we all waited to see what would happen in a Trump Presidency.
True to his campaign, the new President sent legislation to Congress calling for reduced taxes for businesses. He took his time about that "wall" thing, though. He mentioned it a few times, then let it slide. He also realized that the religious test he'd talked about, restricting Muslims from entering the country, was too unwieldy, and so that was abandoned.
Still, the economic policies, President Trump's real objective, put a strain on ordinary working people. As their share of available cash fell they were unable to pay mortgages or their new, recently raised rents. Homelessness got way out of control, even worse than it had been in 2016. Crime rose, especially burglary. President Trump called out the National Guard, leading to the infamous "Springfield Incident". That sparked national protests, culminating in the New March on Washington. The media, safely behind the Guard (supplemented by the US Army), described the homeless, hungry marchers as "rioters" who "needed to be stopped" as New York Times writer, Paul Krugman, said.
Things continued to get worse. Marches and rallies seemed to be going on all the time. The new poor were angry because they could no longer afford their SUVs. The auto companies became nervous because their sales plummeted. The banks owned more and more property after the foreclosures but could only sell them to foreigners. Rightwingers grew irate that their hero, who'd promised to make America great again, had caused so much real estate to fall into foreign hands.
When Trump lost the rightwingers he lost the Army. Seeing that there were three more years of this still to come, the Army took over. A frightened Congress reversed many of the new policies. Trump himself languished in jail, believing himself to be Napoleon.
Here's what happened, Part II
There wasn't much of a contest for the Presidency. By the time October came around Trump's numbers were so bad that no Republican except Mike Pence would appear with him. Hillary cruised to victory, 448-87. With her easy win the Democrats retook the Senate which was expected, but also the House, which was not. However, true to form, the Democrats declined to take advantage of this situation, explaining that it "wouldn't be nice" to push their agenda as long as anyone in the country disagreed with it.
Madame President's first act was to re-nominate Merrick Garland, Obama's choice for the Supreme Court. The Republicans, overjoyed that she didn't have a new pick, one more liberal, jumped at the opportunity and confirmed Garland. Next, in a "bipartisan spirit", she reduced taxes on multimillionaires. When it was pointed out that she and her husband were in that group she shrugged it off and kept talking about something else. That "something else" was the danger that Iran was posing to the rest of the world. When Hassan Rouhani objected to the tone of Hillary's talk she used it as an excuse to bomb the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Unfortunately the whole thing exploded in what became known as "The Foreign Workers Swimming Beach Incident".
Meanwhile, at home, those who'd supported Sanders, or even Trump, were labeled "treasonous" for disagreeing with the Iran bombing. Just as at the Democratic Convention, when those who'd had Sanders signs were threatened with arrest, so too were demonstrators now if they carried signs against Madame President's policies. Many who had been through the primary campaigns of 2016 believed that "the revolution had to continue". The Clinton Administration seized on the word "revolution" and had thousands thrown in jail. The new Attorney General, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, called the protestors "un-American" and said "we should treat them as we would any other mongrel dog who needs to be put out of his misery".
Those opposed to the reckless foreign policy looked to the US Army for help but the military liked what was happening and prepared to lock up more "lefties".
Meanwhile, Russia had had enough. Furious over the Iran bombing, Putin, working behind the scenes, formed an alliance with China and what was left of the European Union. Realizing that simple retaliation (i.e. bombing an American power plant) would only lead to an American attack, the new alliance went straight for the target and blew up Washington, DC. Unfortunately the plan didn't work out the way they'd hoped, as the US then blew up the rest of the world.
However, the survivors were at last able to assert local control.
Here's what happened, Part III
Either Hillary or Trump won, doesn't matter which. The country prepared for disaster. The new President entered office and found it easy to get legislation passed that helped rich people but he/she was unable to build a wall/make college free for those households making less than $85,000 a year. Our military was either "our brave heroes" or "a great bunch of guys and gals. I love 'em!" and was allowed to pursue whatever adventures it wanted.
Eventually the next deep recession hit. It was the fault of either Democrats or Republicans. We got through it, though, and entered the winter of 2019 excited about the possibilities of the next election. This time, for sure, we'd elect a true Conservative....or a real Liberal. For after all, hadn't the 2016 election shown that the candidate of our party (R or D) was the wrong choice? Surely that was a lesson learned and we'd win the next time out.
And now, on another topic....Bernie's super-secret plan:
As we know, Bernie had a secret plan to win the nomination that began with his acknowledging defeat in the primaries. His clever "false endorsement" was his way of making sure he could get to the convention where he'd wrest the nomination with his speech. That speech, as we figured, would rip Hillary. Finally Bernie would care about those emails! And since Comey was going to indict Hillary it would be no problem getting those superdelegates to swith.
And when he told us that Hillary shared many of his views and that he'd pushed her leftward we knew that it was a way of holding her to it. No way she could backtrack on this now! Bernie kept silent about Kaine and the TPP and all that because of his super-secret plan! And here it is....!!!
Bernie knows that Julian Assange has lots more emails. Bernie knows that when it was revealed that Thomas Eagleton had had shock therapy, that even though Eagleton had been nominated (!!) he was still replaced on the McGovern ticket. Bernie, realizing that the worst is yet to come for Hillary, knowing that he came in second at the convention, knowing that the Democratic Party has to turn to him when it gets too hot for Hillary, is saving his money for the October Blitz, once he replaces her. He knows that he has to accept Kaine as his VP but that's ok. He can replace Kaine for the 2020 race. And he won't pick that no-good Elizabeth Warren either! His super-secret VP pick for 2020 will be (I've been told) JtC, a relatively unknown blog administrator.
And now, some liquid refreshment...
The Kingston Trio
Jimmy Rogers
The Kinks
The Fireballs
Here is a cool drink I found, need one, OMG, I gotta wear shades
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
futures so bright
Scenario III pretty much nails it.
My super-secret plan includes trying to get the Green Party enough votes to get on the ballot easier the next time, and into debates (the media will raise the 15% threshold, of course). And beer. Lots of beer.
Edit: I see now, riverlover, that is close to Tim Black's plan, too. (He didn't mention any beer). Sphinxmoth met him in Philly, among all the other events going on there. He's right...Bernie brought all these people together, OUTSIDE the convention, to meet, talk, learn, and plan. And Hug...he definitely mentions hugs.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Good morning everyone.
loving the new zippy server...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Can I ride on your time machine?
It sure would be interesting. You left out the most probable scenario...
Although behind in early polling, the giant meteor came rushing from nowhere to capture the election.
Finally peace on earth!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good essay. Nice tunes.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Part IV, a nationwide boycott materialized after the
conventions and millions of people said hell no to Trump vs. Clinton, demanding an end to this fake system of democracy and a new system that gives power to the people. A new system of government was implemented with direct democracy provisions allowing the people to decide whether the United States should remain a military empire; whether to implement a single payer health care system, and all major decisions previously made by elected representatives. The Office of the President, Congress, the Supreme Court were all abolished and in their places, people powered institutions were installed to end rule by the rich.
And they all live happily ever after.
Alternate histories are always fun.
I'm thinking at some point I'm going to unveil the special last minute electoral campaign for the real solution to all our electoral problems, and all of our other problems as well, all wrapped up in one nice, neat little package.
Cthulhu 2016.
Campaign Motto: Why vote for the lesser evil? Go all the way.
my fave part of the Obama/Hillary hug
it was "so sincere". They just love each other, don't they? Smiling, hugging, chatting....I give them a B for their acting ability. It almost looked like what it was portrayed as. And they kept it going, too, walking off, still hugging, until....
did you notice that as soon as they reached the wings, when they figured they were off camera, they dropped contact. It was great!
What actually really happened, honest
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This has got
to be Dylan's funnest song. Two of my favorite artists Dylan and Taj Mahal. "They let me go right away they were very paranoid." Great version. It really did happen.
Thanks Shah a good OT
I love that Kink's tune. I'm so sick of this convention/election circus I really could careless which scenario the masters of the universe decide to go with. I listened to the convention on Pacifica radio while cooking and caught Obama's speech as I was leaving the kitchen. It stopped me in my tracks. I hadn't been paying much attention and thought who's this tool they have slapped on the podium. I realized it was the pres. and was appalled that I ever thought he was a great orator. I didn't hear Big Dog thank god. I'm really glad we don't have a TV.
I go with the Bernie miracle scenario. I heard he's got unicorns up his sleeve. Well not really. I go with the people outside in the street who will only increase in numbers regardless of who wins this farce of an election. Here's a great article by Chris Hedges a well known ideological purist far lefty. It's a long read but an inspiring one.
The 1 Percent’s Useful Idiots
i nodded off
last night and awoke to somebody coming out of my radio who sounded like the guy in the bar who drinks boilermakers. I realized it was the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Then there was Boob Burg, ranting about how he has more money than The Hairball.
I was thinking he should run to be the president, too. Then, all three of these NYC creatures—Boob Burg, The Hairball, and The Mad Bomber—they could all have a debate, somewhere on that B. F. Skinner pustule of an island. And, while that debate is occurring, the rest of us could take big saws, slice NYC off from the United States, and shove it out to sea. The three stooges could then bicker about who gets to rule their little raft. Leaving the rest of us in peace.
Now that's a future scenerio
I would like even better then the giant meteorite.
we could have
a humanitarian mission, sort of like Dunkirk, where boats would be sent off from the US to the floating B. F. Skinner pustule, to evacuate from it the Real people, as the thing drifts ever more, out to sea.
rong place mat n/t
speaking of the future,
did you see this story?
By 2040, the computers will be using all of the electricity.
All of the humans, they will live in caves, and eat shoots and roots, while the machines, they hum on.
Decoding Orwellian doublespeak can be exhausting.
A good article that does decode the Democratic double speaking at the convention. It's from Counter Punch. political . We should have Counter Punch on the side bar with links as it does not toe the establishment party line like so many so called progressive sites do. Paul Street's critique of this primary/convention and the New Democratic party pols is right on.
Politician Speak at the DNC by Paul Street
i am putting some trolls
in here, in hopes of attracting more eyes to this fine but languishing OT.
Dance, trolls, dance.
looks like shaz' mom
shaz' mommy became an expat, living on the island of Paros in the Aegean. It did funny things to her skin and hair.
now wait
just a dern minute. Are you telling me that living in the Aegean causes your hair to turn bright purple and stand straight up? If so, why is this not in any of the old statues?
Then again, below is an Athena, from Paros. Hmm . . . .