Open Thread 11-28-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Just a quick reminder that we are currently asking for suggestions for a new site name. We'll take suggestions one more day and then tomorrow, Sunday, I'll aggregate all the suggestions and we'll take it to the next step. So, if you have some spare time, review the selections and add some more.
Just to let you know, I hunted down the bug that was preventing twitter images and videos from displaying, they now work as they used to, although you'll still need to manually embed them by visiting the tweet page and clicking the embed link and copy/paste the embed code here.
Instagrams should also work in the same manner as twitter, but I have yet to test them.
Thanks everyone for participating.
Music by Fleetwood Mac during their blues period featuring Peter Green and also before their commercial, more pop style era. IMHO, Peter Green is one of the best, if not the best white blues guitarists ever.
Fleetwood Mac - Doctor Brown
Fleetwood Mac - Shake Your Money Maker
Fleetwood Mac - Oh Well (Part 1 & 2)
Fleetwood Mac - Albatross

Good morning folks...
Like Joe we had Thanksgiving dinner two days in a row and I currently have a turkey hangover. How ya'll doing today?
I have a new suggestion...
I see quite a bit of interest in RisingBlueTide, but also quite a bit of disinterest in the word Blue. So I suggest RisingWorldTide, or some derivative thereof.
You already have the name at the top of the page....
The home of the Evening Blues.
This name makes it an established blog, instead of something brand new no one's ever heard of and that has to be explained. That's my thought.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good Morning JtC and 99%'ers
No Peace vigil today. Both of the guys are ill. Today I am decorating. Yes, i am one of those who likes to do a tree and all.
My husband over dosed on turkey and all the accompaniments on Thanksgiving Day, but promptly recovered to eat it twice yesterday and I guess it will be twice again today (both lunch and dinner). I am not big on turkey, but that is the price I have to pay every year at this time. I think it is going to take forever for us to finish that bird. I will probably scream "uncle" before it is gone. Maybe tonight!
JtC, I remember seeing Fleetwood Mac some time in the early 70's when they played at FSU. I think it was post Peter Green but before Nicks and Buckingham joined. Christine McVie was in the group because I remember how impressed I was with her. They opened for Black Sabbath. The concert was held in the gym and Black Sabbath about broke our eardrums. My ears rang for days afterward.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gg...
remember the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer got to spreading butter all over himself and fell asleep while laying out in the sun, they then visualized him as a butter basted, well browned whole turkey on a platter? Well, that's how I feel right now.
I saw Fleetwood Mac in the early 70s also, in Chicago, also post Peter Green. It was their Bare Trees, Future games, Kiln House tour. They were great but I sure wish I had caught Peter Green. He quit the Mac and joined a religious sect and got all weirded out for several years.
gulfgal, have you see Occucards?
They're very slick and smart and you can get them as handouts when you're on the street.
There are lots of topics to choose from. They are produced by Occupy:
They'll even figure out a way to get them to you free if need be. Or, they'll produce one just for you with your talking points.
Yay, Occupy.
I was not aware of these. They are great! Thank you for sending me this link.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Those are awesome! Mahalo for the link from me, too. n/t
i have a question, JtC.
you said tweets will embed: 'you'll still need to manually embed them by visiting the tweet page and clicking the embed link and copy/paste the embed code here.'
is the embed link different than clicking on the time stamp, causing the tweet's stand-alone url to display, or something different?
i tried this one, both hot and not in the compose box, and it failed to reproduce. i assume you didn't mean to use the 'inert link' feature above the box, or did you?
hot version:
buffaloed in mancos
p.s. again after Preview, the Save button disappeared. do i just have bad mojo?
Good morning Wendy...
to manually embed a tweet go to the tweet page and below it you'll see an icon that is a series of three small dots, click on the dots and then click "Embed tweet", you'll then see a dialoque box with the embed code, highlight the code if it isn't already, right click and copy, then paste into the editor and that's it. It's much the same to embed an instagram.
I have a problem though, dammit, I just embedded the tweets you linked to and the image doesn't appear. I had it working last night so I'll have to review it again. But embedding the link shows the tweet without the image and it's a simple one click for folks to view it, until I can get it troubleshooted again.
I don't know why the save button disappeared, that's never happened before. What it could be though is after you preview a post the original post that you are replying to shows up under the editor, scroll down further and you'll find the save, preview and cancel buttons again.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention that the tweet images aren't displaying again.
all five button were still in place after i'd previewed this tweet with the embed quote. lotta code, eh? but the media is there, and was the default choice by checkmark.
thank you, but still... i' reckon i'll stay away from cross-posting Storifies here, rather than have to recreate all the tweeties. save button is here again this time. odd-bodkins. yep, questionable mojo here.
I see the tweet image displayed after all, must be I have to tweak a setting in my browser, glad to see it working.
To have a tweet or instagram embed automatically like worpress does just by inserting the link takes installing a widget on the Drupal platform, which involves opening a twitter account which I have not done. Evidently wordpress incorporates that function as a default, Drupal does not. Hopefully with the upcoming upgrade we'll include that automatic widget function, whereby you'll only have to link to the tweet page as you are used to blogging with wordpress. Keep in mind, wordpress does all the heavy lifting for you with the behind the scenes coding, here it's all done by moi.
it's a feature at wordpress, although i did buy an upgrade so that i could find ways to alter the css code (with their help) to resize tweets and videos a third smaller.
@dancingwascallywabbit: oh, ish, hope my bad mojo ain't spreadin' here. but srsly, thanks for un-gaslighting me.
gotta join twitter to get the widget? ay yi yi! that's evil doin's indeed. they say twitter rots yer brain; mine's rotten enough, thanks.
Hey Wendy...
check out this draft I created with the Easy Copy extension. It did an exact copy, that by far will be your easiest solution. If you need help with Easy Copy, just give me a holler, it's really pretty easy..
lawd love a duck...
i'd missed this JtC. it worked, except for keegan's tweetie. i'll contact you about attempting your instructions for using Easy copy on my part I climate change series. i was finally a least partially rewarded after (apparently) misinterpreting your instructions to start with. but for one thing, even though there seems to be tweet embed code in there somewhere, the tweet didn't embed.
gadzukes, i suck at this stuff.
for your troubles, a fave:
Easy Copy is so easy to use that I did that draft in a total of about five minutes, including going to your site, copying the piece, and then transferring it here. I had to delete the title header from the pasted code and put it in the title box here, and then delete the menu from your site directly below the title. I don't know why that tweet didn't transfer, I went to the tweet page it was from and for some reason there was not an embed link included, so that may have some bearing on it.
If you'll just go ahead and post the first part of your climate change series, I can correct any changes and let you know what I did. That may be a good way to pick up on it all.
Thanks for the vid, Derek and Susan are one my faves too.
beyond the call of your duty
but thank you. i'll email the whole show tomorow, and the tweet's url, plus the embed code, and a few other odd issues.
for tonight, i need a hot bath, a scotch and soda...and a the worst sort of way.
bless your heart; i feel like the drama queen from drama, new york.
do ya know lou ann barton? she used to gig w/ stevie ray. whatta voice.
guess my fave of hers might just be...(oh my; that video crashed, sorry_
tomorrow, tomorrow, etc. sleep well, dream well. the gemini twins castor and pollux are shining bright in the northeastern sky, even with the waning full moon.
Have a great evening wd...
It's not that much of a hassle. Yes, I love Lou Ann and have a couple of her CDs, thanks.
Me too!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I had the same problem as Wendy twice yesterday.
When I selected Preview then scrolled
down to Save, the Save button and
others were nowhere to be found. So, I
just quit using Preview and used the
edit function to correct my posted
comment if my mistakes were
egregious enough to warrant it.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
that's weird. I wonder if Wendy was posting from a mobile also, that could be the prob, haven't heard that one before.
just a regular laptop. on firefox.
Everything old is new again in Afghanistan
Was that Thansgiving...
we just had, or was it Groundhog Day?
♫ I got you, babe ♫
If Afghanustawney Phil sees his shadow, do we get six more years of war? Or worse yet, nuclear winter?
The ever-changing rationale for assassinations
Now we are saying something else
The drone program
is especially insidious. It should be called the assassination of unknown human beings program.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Pressure increases on Turkey
United States
Remember Blackwater?
Blackwater again
Money can buy ability to kill, & ability to kill gives one power
The Saudi and Gulf tyrants have more money than anyone, so these super-Trumps get to be the most powerful killers.
That's a natural result of the crazy system the West has built in line with the dictates of Washington DC.