Open Thread 10 JAN 17

Still floating about 5 feet above the distant horizon. Compass isn't distinct. Smashing the brain on the rocks of an interminable project. Seem to have little time for putting up a decent essay. I read with wonder the excellent other threads. Not reaching that beach with all the waves.

If anyone can stitch-up this Tuesday Open Thread, I'm more than willing to give it up. There are many good writing minds here. Surely one can carry it beyond its present bounds. Please contact one of the mods. I'll hang-in til you get here.

Meryl Streep's Golden Globes speech: If you haven't seen it, it's worth the 6 or so minutes watch.

...if it breaks your heart, turn it into art!

And this is cookin'

Well that should clear the decks. All call...

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

skod's picture

I just made another donation to the site. It's not much, but it is something to keep the forum going. Please consider it if you can- this is a great place.

Long rehearsal last night, but the gig this Friday will be the better for it. It has put me in the mood for a little Wall of Voodoo. I need a dose of the late Marc Moreland's spaghetti-western guitar and the late Joe Nanini's ranting right now. Many ghosts are roaming the halls this morning.

"I used to *be* somebody, I've been there before! Don't walk away...." Yes, Joe, you were indeed somebody...

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QMS's picture

sending another Jackson JtC's way

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

New year opens with wave of layoffs in the US

The New Year is opening in the US with a wave of layoff announcements and threats of further downsizing during the year.

In the latest blow to retailers, hundreds of women’s clothing stores, operated by Ohio-based chain The Limited, shut their doors over the weekend at shopping malls across the United States. The company, which has 235 stores nationwide and 4,000 employees, quietly began layoffs in December before shuttering its stores on Sunday.

Last week, Macy’s announced it was closing 68 stores and cutting more than 10,000 jobs. Sears also said it will shut down another 150 Sears and Kmart stores, after poor holiday sales. Kohls and JC Penney previously carried out mass layoffs.

This one really kicked my guts this morning, once I was part of the collective. Semper Virens solidarity forever: Layoffs coming to Petaluma's Alvarado Street Bakery

Alvarado Street Bakery, a Petaluma cooperative once touted by filmmaker Michael Moore as a successful alternative to traditional business structures, is laying off an undisclosed number of support workers as it seeks to reorganize and survive in what its executive called a “very competitive market.”

The affected employees work in retailer support services for the organic bakery, said Kevin Haslebacher, the cooperative’s general coordinator and CEO. He declined to say how many workers are being let go but did reveal that about half of the affected employees work in Sonoma County, while the rest were assigned to field offices in the South Bay and Central Valley.

Haslebacher acknowledged that some laid-off workers “were quite upset, understandably.” But he said the layoffs were done “within the guidelines and bylaws of the cooperative” and he suggested that competition was forcing the bakery “to make a very difficult decision.”

When I was there in the late 80s we had a "no-layoffs" policy. I guess they still do because the new CEO says “within the guidelines and bylaws of the cooperative” sounds like weasel words meaning the members did not vote. I don't know who Haslebacher is, definitely no Joe Tuck.
Only middle-class and above can afford healthy food. "That's the system."

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studentofearth's picture

Total retail sales for the holiday season was up, but was not good news for brick and mortar stores. The employers we rely on for local jobs. Holiday sales in total was up 3.8 %. The shift from brick and mortar stores to online shopping is continuing and On-line sales increased 17.1%. Physical stores saw a 6.7% decrease the last weekend before Christmas. Amazon continues to invest in alternative options for shipping, including an Uber model and drones.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Shahryar's picture

we saw a turntable way earlier in 2016 in a store on our shopping street. When it was time to buy it the store no longer had it available. I looked around town but ended up ordering it from the company.

I would have preferred to buy it on the boulevard even if it had cost a little more. I also, and I guess this is crazy in these times, prefer to have one of our local music stores order CDs or LPs for me even though I could save a few bucks by buying them online. I don't want those stores to disappear and I'm happy to throw them that small amount.

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studentofearth's picture

our buying power, decrease time spent shopping (unless it is a hobby) and minimize number of trips to a store. The store uses "just in time" inventory model to reduce cost of inventory held in the store. They run out of popular items and we shop else where.

I respect the time and effort you spend trying to buy local. I am not always successful, especially if I have to request them to order an item for me.

I think this a dangerous cycle when a delivery problem hits an area and it effects food and medicines. We are having major storms, as many parts of the country, it took me 3 grocery stores to find whole chickens yesterday. Fortunately it was not a necessity only a preference.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

shaharazade's picture

Alvarado bread is my 2nd source of bread. I buy bread from a local bakery called UBC and it's sketchy to find outlets who carry this small local healthy tasty bakery. I buy an equal amount of Alvarado's seven sprouted grain bread and I also buy their bagels. As we live in Portland I buy Alvarado's excellent bread frozen in my local co-op People's and at a close by Whole Paycheck when I get desperate. Will this great company go the way of Ben and Jerry's?

Or New Season's my local once healthy grocery store that's now a 'progressive' yuppie hipster local chain store that features Wonder Bread. They say to those of us who locally are dismayed at their transition to venture capitalist 'investment' and their commitment to growth and profit in today's market economy go somewhere else. When we complained on the cards available at the check out stands to voice your opinion the manager (shades of Marcos) said vote with your pocket book or maybe you would be happier at Safeway.

Sad that this great bakery is going down. I thought they started out in LA in the 70's? I did not know they were a Sonoma company and I'm really bummed as they made great bread and apparently were good to work for. Sad all over as New Season's once once a good place to find healthy food and was also a good place to work.

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It is why we can't afford crappy trade policies.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

James plans to issue a memo to Air Force Global Strike Command head Gen. Robin Rand and Air Force Materiel Command head Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, directing them to investigate several longstanding ICBM maintenance problems discovered at the bases, and put forward suggested courses of action, James said in a Jan. 5 interview.

JFYI: "An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a guided ballistic missile with a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi) primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more thermonuclear warheads)".

For example, blast valves, which help shield a launch control center from a nuclear attack, are frequently reported broken. Another regularly non-operational system is the B-plug — a steel door in a missile silo that moves up and down, allowing maintainers to work without exposing the missiles. When the B-plugs are not functioning properly, more security forces are dispatched to guard the visible ICBMs while repair work is conducted. Personnel also reported poor communications equipment, though officials stressed that problems were limited to administrative devices, not the nuclear command, control and communications (NC3) suite.

The memo will also call for a “maintenance roadshow,” which James visualizes as a group of experts who will travel to the Northern tier bases to educate operators about recent changes in maintenance and supply chain practices.

visualizes roadshow

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skod's picture

on ICBM maintenance- even in the best of times when they were new and spiffy, the programs have had issues. Google the "Damascus Incident" for more info on one such incident (practically in my childhood backyard, although I had moved away by then) from the bad old liquid-fueled days. And the book "Command and Control" is also a great read on this for students of cold war cautionary tales. There are also some good references out there from when they blew up the Titan 1 training silo at Vandenberg in 1960. They dug a *dandy* hole with that one. Things are better in the solid-fuel era, without question, but we're still one human error away from some ballistic unpleasantness.

The error-sensitive nature of these insanely complex systems is one of the reasons I've lost so much sleep and had so many white-flash nightmares for most of my life. The entire concept of "Control" is _illusory_: one human, electrical, or mechanical error, and the failure tree is entered. The problem with these systems is that once set in motion, there is no stopping them. The fact that we still exist at all is much more ascribable to incredible good luck than to excellent engineering or perfect training and professionalism of the folks who drive these things. The next four years will be interesting, won't they?

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That is a crowd of limousine liberals if there ever was one. She lost me when she made the claim that she and her "co-workers" were among the few most vilified groups in America. Really? I truly doubt that. How out of touch can you be? Together she and her crowd have tremendous economic power. The politicians court them. They may bad-mouth them but that is just superficial B.S. for the consumption of the adoring masses. Money and star power is a potent temptation for politicians. I think politicians love the Hollywood crew.

If she thinks she is among the vilified, maybe she should get out of her bubble a bit. Talk to those Moms and children waiting in detention centers to be deported. Or talk to those homeless Vets on our streets who look as if they are enduring a living hell. Talk to the young Native American women and children at the DAPL protests who endured violent attacks endorsed by our authorities. Talk to the very poor and or unemployed anywhere in this there is a vilified group. Talk to those who are addicted to drugs and can't get help. Talk to those in prison. How about the family of the 16 year old child killed by a drone even though he is a U.S. citizen and had never been charged with a crime and TPTB justify it by saying the father made poor parenting choices so it's OK to kill the child. That child comes from a group so vilified that apparently our LAW does not apply to it.

The economic power of the Hollywood crew is very great. Instead of faux too-late outrage, why didn't they do something useful before we got too this point?

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mimi's picture

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However, she is still giving voice for those who have none.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Was she a political consultant to Clinton?

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

What used to be called "Winter storms", this is the last of three I hope. Checking the Stumptown Brewery cam, See what happened between Jan 7 and 8? Yikes. Here it comes again. They are downstream from me on the Russian River. Right now the volume of water headed that way is more than a lot. Yikes.

Anyone else look at their wunderground mapbox? The second atmo-riv woke me up around 3am that morning, the whole mapbox was yellow and orange with just a couple of green dots. It was heavy.

It amazes me the amount of weather data available, I hope it survives Trump administration. Thanks.

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mimi's picture

Henry A. Giroux: Trump’s Cabinet Will Be a Group of ‘Neoliberal Evangelicals’
transcript of the interview is within the linked article
I think I was posted here before in the EB, but am not sure. I thought it's straight forward and worth to hear again. Bold type is mine.

In this interview with The Real News Network, I argue that while it may seem hard to believe that Trump has appointed to high government positions a number of religious fundamentalists, conspiracy-theory advocates, billionaires, misogynists, climate-change deniers and retrograde anti-communists, this should come as no surprise given the anti-democratic conditions that produced Trump in the first place. Not only do these individuals uniformly lack the experience to take on the jobs for which they were nominated, they are unapologetic about destroying the government agencies in which they have been put in charge.

These appointments are indicative of forthcoming policy decisions that will increase the attack on democratic institutions and public goods, as well as the degree to which power will be further consolidated in the hands of the financial elite. While there is little doubt that Trump’s gaggle of appointees represents a deep embrace of ignorance and crony capitalism and a disdain for the institutions that give legitimacy to the social contract and the welfare state, these administrative heads also represent the front guard of the dark times that are to come, times that will be marked by a combination of state repression and unchecked collusion among big corporations, banks and the ultra-rich.

Yet not only has Trump turned a number of important cabinet positions over to the most criminogenic elements of neoliberalism, he has also filled cabinet and high-level positons with generals, ensuring that the militarization of American society will not simply be continued, but accelerated. This mix of incompetent and mean-spirited billionaires and generals represents support of the worst elements of militarism and neoliberalism—a war on education, support for austerity policies and an attack on social provisions, the poor, workers, unions and the most vulnerable.

Under Trump’s administration, a war culture will morph with an updated version of the Gilded Age. Trump’s government of billionaires and militarists makes clear that the next few years will be governed by ruthless financial elite who will give new meaning to an updated version of authoritarianism that will accelerate the misery, suffering and exploitation of a wider sector of American society.

So, am I manipulated by H. Giraux? ... ask a little nagging voice in my ear.
Nah, I don't think so. Some folks just like plain talk and that's ok.

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Trying to make it real compared to what?

Thanks for the Amazing jazz piece you linked for us....sort of scary how things have NOT changed. Was the reference to this president....Oh,... '69. Not much difference I guess. Could be either of them.

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Howard Schultz would be Labor Secretary. Who at Starbucks did under pressure raise their base min wage (from nothing to less than nothing) and then proceeded to cut hours.

HHS would be Neera Tanden who recommend to Hillary NOT to support $15/min wage.

Podesta as SoS? Continue the pay for play?

War monger at Defense who recommend no fly zone in Syria.

Treasury Secretary: Sheryl Sandberg--Sandberg was chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Larry Summers in Bill Clinton’s administration--

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janis b's picture

especially since the waves are trying to thwart communication. Stay safe.

I just watched these two videos again this morning, featuring the artist Wolfgang Laib. Enjoy ...



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