Open Sesame 09/03/16

So I was noticing the other day that people on this site, they are again having the bickering. Sustained bickering. So much so, that, JtC, he has several times had to go in, cranky, in his bathrobe, to tell people to go to their rooms, or go sit in the corner, with the duncecap on. In one instance, a person became no longer a survivor, and was removed, wholly, from the island. JtC. As Thor. Hurling. The hammer.

Then, when I sat down here Friday night, to draft this Sesame, I noticed that it was still happening. The bickering. Sustained. And even the Giant, he appeared, here, in this room, to confirm. That: indeed. It Is Happening. Again.


This bickering, it has occurred, is occurring, across multiple threads, and on multiple topics. None of these topics, at bickering issue, are they really new, or nuclear. All have, here, on this site, been previously discussed. Without the bickering. Sustained.

So. Why the bickering? Now?

Then: I had a brainshower. Maybe the Problem, it is astrological. Maybe, as the site is moving through time and space, it is encountering planets and moons and aspects and nodes and conjunctions and squares and whatnot, that are stimulating effects that are Bad. Maybe people here, they are being whipped about, by Saturn & The Sabian Symbols. Which sounds like a band. And. Maybe. It is.

If I were cloned, I would set one of my selves, to examining this Problem. But, I am not. So, I'm not going to. Anyway, I would have to first know the date and the time the site was born. I know JtC mentioned this once here, but I don't remember it, and I'm not going to look it up. Also, I would have to know where, the site, it was born. I assume that would be JtC's computer. But, maybe not. I have never cast a chart, for a tube. Maybe the birthplace of a tube, it is considered the server. Who knows? I have no idea. I assume tubular astrologers, they have long ago solved this problem, of where it is, that tubes, are actually born. Or, maybe not. Because, after all, astrologers, they are humans. So, no doubt, there are endless heated tube threads, out there, somewhere, where the astrologers, they convene, to be all about pinpointing, just where it is, that a tube, it is born. And: lo: look: there they are. Bickering.

A tube has a chart, just like everybody else. Back in the day, I cast charts for all sorts of people, places, and things; animals, minerals, vegetables. Charts of nations, those can be fun. For instance, it is useful to know, just the basic astrological fact, that the sun-sign of the United States, it is Cancer. And that an attribute of a Cancer, can be an overweening desire to "help"—even when that help is not wanted, not needed, and results, inevitably, in but a raging, inextinguishable, tire-fire.

All my charts, I cast, in the era pre-tubes. This meant consulting these great thick musty books called Ephermeri—lunatic assemblages of numbers. There were also all these various other steps. All culminating in filling in the chart with pretty multi-colored pens. And all this, it would take a while.

Today, all this shit, they say, it can be done, and instantly, with tubes. But, to begin, I don't trust the numbers, there on the tubes. Because, I know, that those numbers, they are Lying.

I know this because I know that it is impossible to find, anywhere on the tubes, the essays of Geroge Orwell, as he actually wrote them. Whoever the 8368094906_501651a677.jpghumans are who have uploaded them, they have somehow felt free, to cry havoc, with his word choice, word order, paragraphing, punctuation. Orwell, he was extremely picky, about how his work appeared. And if Orwell were here today, and looked into the tubes, and regarded there his works, he would, surely, stab and shoot.

He would also grimly go for the machinegun, or the Medicine, or both, when observing how tubesians, they just make shit up, and then put it into his mouth. For instance, the most popular Orwell quote on all the tubes—"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"—is something Orwell never wrote, or said. Orwell addicts, like myself, can detect the stench—of fraud, of mendacity—upon encountering such "quotes": it just doesn't sound like him. But, to millions upon millions of tubesians, that "quote," it is, Orwell.

So. I am not trusting. The Ephemeral numbers. In the tubes. Because, if the tubes, they can't get right, a hundred thousand words or so of Orwell essays, no way, are they getting right, the millions upon millions of lunatic numbers, there in the Ephemeri.

Once upon a time, I wrote a weekly astrology column, for one of the newspapers. It was meant as a lark. But, I soon had to give it up. Because, although the thing was not serious, people took it, seriously.

In the column, I trafficked, in the broadest, of astrological stereotypes. It was called "Sign Here," and it was written by "Elmo." I figured that, alone, should have been enough, to signal to the people, that, here, we were in the land, of the Not Serious.

But no. The first serious Problem, that was when, in a forecast for the Aquarius people, I predicted that, in the coming week, and pursuant to the Aquarian predilection for luluing, that, while the Aquarian mind was elsewhere, the Aquarian, s/he would accidentally back the car over a child, playing, there, in the driveway.

This caused extremely awkward domestic discomfort. When my lover, she informed me, that her mother, an Aquarius, had actually done this, to my lover's brother, some years before—run him over in the driveway, while her Aquarian mind was luluing; fortunately, to no permanent ill effect. Somehow, I had never been informed of this story. But, my lover, a Capricorn, and therefore always alert, to Plots, and Conspiracies, and Disrespectency, believed that I had, somehow, though admittedly not by her, been so informed, and then had set about, intentionally, using the newspaper, to wildly, and publicly, cruelly, dis her mother.

The plug was a couple weeks later permanently piulled on the column after an incident involving—yes, again—a Capricorn. I had predicted in the column that in the coming week the Capricorn would wake in bed in the night to discover their lover, lying there beside them, spasming in some sort of serious seizure . . . but then the Capricorn would just roll over in bed, and do nothing about it, having determined the lover had, in truth, been Replaced, by some sort of pod, or replicant, or clone, or whatnot, and was not, Really, their Real, True, lover, at all.

A couple days after this edition of the newspaper went out to the people, I was informed, by a coworker, that a friend of his—yes, a Capricorn—she had excitedly to him related, that she had read the Elmo, and thereby determined that her lover, though not the-daffy-doc.jpgsuffering in the night any seizure, was, indeed, and in fact, and just as Elmo had Said, a pod, a clone, a replicant, a Replacement, of some sort, and, therefore, this woman, she had broken up with her, her lover.

No. I decided. No more Elmo. I am not going to have daffy-duck nuttery from out of my brain, squirted larkily into newspaper ink, cause Real people, to Change, their Real lives.

The editor, he implored me, to continue with the Elmo. Who had become quite popular. The editor, he even tried to bribe me, with mass quantities, of Medicine. But I held firm. Elmo, I put him to sleep. And Elmo, he continues to sleep. To this day.

I had something of a similar experience, some years on, involving the local music people.

First: I was assigned to an interminable all-day music fest. And, about halfway through, I realized I had been sentenced to mostly hearing white people play the blues, white people play reggae, and white people do rap. I had a fearful creeping brainburp that I was now into the third generation (blues . . . reggae . . . rap) of listening to white people in blackface—it was, like, really bad, eternal recurrence—and, what's more, and as a complete Outrage, I had not, for this assignment, been provided, with nearly enough Medicine, to withstand it.

I subsequently offered these sorts of observations, in the article, that was printed, in the newspaper.

Which then caused waves of musicians—white musicians playing blues, white musicians playing reggae, white musicians doing rap—to storm the newspaper office, like it was the Bastille.

There was Shouting. A phone—yes—it was Thrown. And, not a single one of these people. Had the simple common decency. To bring me. Any Medicine.

Later, I reflected. What difference, really, did it make, that these white people, they were trying to make, the black music? They weren't doing it, out of any, onerous, motive. They were doing it. Because. They loved the music.

I had been right, I decided, in writing that, ideally, such people should not ape the music, but rather—as, say, has Van Morrison—absorb it. But then. That's probably. What these people. Were trying. To do. They just . . . couldn't. They tried to do their best. As Neil Young, once, did say. But they could not.

And, I further reflected, 6616198.jpgwho are you? To throw stones? At them? Without also throwing stones? At your own face? Because, haven't you—(me)—consciously, or unconsciously, aped, in your writing, everyone from Lou Gottlieb, to Celine? Though you, yourself—(me)—are not a bass-playing Hebrew with multiple PhDs, or a clinically-insane anti-semitic French sawbones? Or any of those other? People?

Shortly thereafter, and for my sins, I was assigned, to an open-mike night. (For I have committed. In my life. Many sins.) Taking the stage, eventually, was some sort of metal band. Not exactly my cup of—though not quite polonium—tea. These people, as pure instrumentalists, they were passable. But then, a singer, he was brought, onto the stage.

This singer, he reminded me of what I had once experienced with Waddy Wachtel, as guitarist for James Taylor, at an outdoor show, in 110-degree heat, when Wachtel went through these incredible and endless and limb-shaking gyrations, that wildly shook every cell of his body . . . to play just one note. I noted that if Wachtel were compelled to play an actual solo, he would require an oxygen tent.

This local metal singer, he was like Wachtel. Flash and grab and all over the place. But: he couldn't, really, sing. I said something in the article, sort of like that. I don't really remember. I do remember, that I wrote, that the band, was better, without him.

Flash-forward a couple months. I am standing outside the same club. Smoking. Also smoking, there, I notice, is the metal singer guy. I ask him who, now, he's singing with. And he replies, "No, man, I gave that up. I was slammed by ---- [me]. Didn't you see that? Creamed me. So, that's over."

Instantly, I was distraught. "No, man," I told him. "Pay no attention to that ---- [me] guy. Who is he? Just a guy with an opinion, who gets his opinion in the newspaper. Fuck him. You should keep going." Eventually, I admitted to him that I was ---- [me]. I said I hadn't meant to fucking drive him out of the music. But, he said, that's what I'd done. I'd humiliated him. It had been hard enough, from the get-go, he said, to get up on the stage. But, after reading what I had wrote, he just couldn't do it. Not any more.

After that, I didn't write about the local music people anymore. Unless I could say something positive about them. If I thought they were no good, I would go back and tell the newspaper people I wasn't writing the piece. I was freelance, by then, and on the verge of living in a refrigerator box, under the freeway, but I didn't give a shit. Because I wasn't going to do that again. To a flesh-and-blood human. That I had experienced. In the flesh. I would save my vitriol, for people it wouldn't, couldn't, hurt. People around here, they still cackle, about a piece I wrote, many moons ago, about Gregg Allman, when he moved through town. Wherein, as example, I tried to divine why Allman had decided, once upon a deep Medicine haze, to intensively explore, Cher's genital region. And I concluded that, Allman had concluded that: "50,000 crabs, they can't be wrong."

That sort of thing, it's fun, and it's frisky, and all. But it's, also, at root, cruel.

Would, you, rather, be remembered, for Cruel? Or, for sweet, Melissa?


Orwell, before they put him into the tubes, and fucked him all up, and shoved shit into his mouth, he knew all about, what it is, to be a journalist.

These days, people, they sit in the Cheetos, there in the basements, and they but leap from tube to tube. And then, they "report." And they call themselves, "journalists."


Journalism, it requires encountering, in the flesh, and over and over and over again, real, live, human beings.

And, through that, you Change. As Orwell, he, in April 1938, wrote, to Stephen Spender:

You ask how it is that I attacked you not having met you, & on the other hand changed my mind after meeting you. I don't know that I had exactly attacked you, but george-orwell-6.jpgI had certainly in passing made offensive remarks abt "parlour Bolsheviks such as Auden & Spender" or words to that effect. I was willing to use you as a symbol of the parlour Bolshie because a. your verse, what I had read of it, did not mean very much to me, b. I looked upon you as a sort of fashionable successful person, also a Communist or Communist sympathiser, & I have been very hostile to the CP since about 1935, & c. because not having met you I could regard you as a type & also an abstraction. Even if when I met you I had not happened to like you, I should still have been bound to change my attitude, because when you meet anyone in the flesh you realise immediately that he is a human being & not a sort of caricature embodying certain ideas.

I had all these ideas, about what to write here for this Sesame—some of the words would even have been about the politics!—but then, before I even began, I got diverted, by the bickering, still happening, that I noticed, out there on the site, and then I got all lost, in the astrology, and then all the nonsense that came after, and, now: look at this: I am here in this mess: and I have no idea. Where I am. Or where to go next.

I have a prayer plant here. It is called that, because, at night, the leaves fold up, as if in prayer.

A while back, I noticed, that my prayer plant, it wasn't doing that, any more. Folding its leaves. Praying. Otherwise, the plant, it seemed to be perfectly healthy. So, I concluded, that, the plant, it had just lost, its faith. Can happen. I figured. To anybody.

Then, last night, on a lark, I decided, to sing, to the plant. And—please know—I sing, much worse, than did the local metal man. So, there was the real possiblity, that my singing, it would, might, even, kill the plant. But, I tried, anyway. And now. I look over there. In this minute. And the plant. It seems content. Asleep. Leaves folded. Again. In prayer. And so. Regaining one's faith. I guess. It can happen. With anybody.

Did you ever notice that, in the true-life documentary series The Newsroom, composer Thomas Newman, he employed, for the most Important music, a theme he snatched, he reprised, from his earlier score, for the true-life documentary film Angels In America?

I mention this, first, mainly so that I can embed, the Truths, of Harper.


Harper, she is embodied, in Angels In America, by the same wizardly actress, who regularly took over, The West Wing. A true-life documentary series, written by Aaron Sorkin. Who also wrote, The Newsroom.

Because. Everything. It is connected. As is. Everybody.

But the tubes. They are not, connected. In the most, essential way. In, that, there, in the tubes, there are no bodies. Only pixels.

When one bickers, on the tubes, one is bickering, but with pixels.

There is no understanding, no feeling, no Reality, that, behind those pixels, is a body. A human being.

There are, just words. In pixels. So let's see. Who can sling. The most bitchinist. Words. Kool! Cruel! Score! Yeah!

I don't know. If the astrology, it is making, the bickering, on this site. But, maybe, we could pretend, that it is. And then, when we feel the need, to go, Bad, to Badly bicker, we could pull up, and Decide: "this isn't me—this is, like, Mercury and Saturn, fighting, in the captain's tower."

Maybe we could pretend. That even though. We are all just pixels. Here on this site. To one another. That when we are speaking. To one another. We are speaking. To a flesh-and-blood human being. Real. And lying right there. In the bed. In the night. Right. Beside you.

Right. Beside. You.

if you love someone
if you love someone
you don't do that to them
even if you hate them


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riverlover's picture

Those days were FUN, for kids, to pick out new folders and binders and paper products. Plus crayolas, rulers, pencils, protractors, lunch boxes. Less fun for the paying parents. But we remember our roles then. And rules. And permission slips and Epi-pens.

Also, season changes. Personally, there are about 3 days of colored leaves worth peeking at. Then it's grey, wet, cooler, downhill to the expensive winter months.

There is also the (s)election nonsense, very appalling this time, making everyone grumpy. And to bicker relieves some of the sads, for some. And makes some sadder. Not sure this will pass. But we(I) shall try to ease up. And to remember the first weeks of school.

Mark Twain gets morphed, too. His rolling-in-grave was so vigorous last fall that a plaque from the grave marker was removed. But it was actually by thieves. Twain is too gone.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

they still having the schools, and the back-to-school sales, out there?

Here, all the nice, tidy, students, they are safely tucked away, for at least the very next semester, into the classes.

Because. They did not receive. Something like a Jerry Lee experience. So that, through that, they would know. That the schools. They are Wrong. They are Retrovert. And they are Over.


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i found out last week that the local schools in my area, and my "school taxes" are 11k a year!, are demanding that first graders bring 45 that's forty five, boxes of "sharpened" pencils to school on the first day of school. Plus dozens of other amazing demands because " the district cannot afford to provide these items to all students." Ya know what? The libertarians have a point.

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I love your shit, hecate. And here I thought you were a chick and you're a dude? The mind, it is blown! Smile

I'm sorry you had to give up the Elmo. Sounds like you had a knack for it and could have scored some good Medicine.

My take with the bickering is that the website is still going through growing pains. The Ides of March really fucked this place up, and people like me who came over after March 15th have to now figure out how not to be assholes at a site which allows us to say pretty much anything we want. There are less limits and more tolerance at c99p, and people (me included) are testing those limits. I can absolutely guarantee that it's not intentional, but it's happening regardless.

Cheers to you, man. You remind me of someone I knew ages ago, who went by the nickname "keef". Heh. All three of us seemingly enjoy the Medicine.

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I miss Colorado.

hecate's picture

have a good heart. You erect few screens. You are not afraid to fall, even in front of all and everyone. You are a wonderment.

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mimi's picture

then we realize those bodies we thought we found are pixels. The cruelty of the tubes, one feed at a time.

How this site got blessed with your OT must be a matter of an astrology misfit having gotten it extremely right for once. Miracles happen. Thank You !

I should still have been bound to change my attitude, because when you meet anyone in the flesh you realise immediately that he is a human being & not a sort of caricature embodying certain ideas.

And then we morph with the prayer plants.

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riverlover's picture

Hmm. I may have to find a prayer plant. Mimosa (Albizzia, I think) won't grow here. I think their leaves fold at night also.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lookout's picture

is the sensitive plant whose leaves fold up with a touch. They grow wild in the SE, but are S. American or Central American natives.


Perhaps those who are bickering could take a lesson and be more sensitive to others?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

great visual! Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Falling in front of everyone is embarrassing, but I have absolutely no grace, so I see no point in denying the honesty of various situations.

You just made my day. Have a great one, hec!

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I miss Colorado.


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I miss Colorado.

hecate's picture

they would like to be. Ready. For your jelly.

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That might be the best comment ever. Top 10, easy.

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I miss Colorado.

hecate's picture

you know, it's true. ; )

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shaharazade's picture

of grace Shiz even when falling up or down.

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hecate's picture

you are. In true time. And space. You never fall. You just. Float.


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That is all.

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I miss Colorado.

shaharazade's picture

always have since I first read you. Your an earthy goddess and wicked funny to boot.

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to be shared, it is. Far and wide, across, nay, THROUGH the tubes. To said Bickering, end.
Hey, families gonna fight, whachagondo?

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Raggedy Ann's picture

Essay titles give me warning to stay away. I'm not always successful, but after the Diablo I became at TOP, I decided my energy is better spent on more positive things. I'm not always successful, because sometimes I cannot help but assist someone in seeing the light I see. I'm not always successful, though, because there are those content in the darkness, so I must veer off to neverland.

I am a Leo with Cancer rising and moon in Virgo. I have my challenges, alright, but I just plug along trying to stay on the good side of those alignments, conjunctions, squares, and retrogrades. I'm not always successful, though because the planets, they like to wreak havoc where there was none before just to watch the humans scurry about in horror, trying to right the world again when they don't have any real control over the situation. Ego is a tough thing, though, because we like to think we have all this control, when, in fact, the universe is in charge of everything and we are just a pawn in its game of chess.

Great Sesame, hectate. You really got me thinking! Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

I don't mind sharing my opinion once, maybe twice, but then I'm done. I don't get paid the big bucks, and I am responsible for no one but myself. I care about humanity, not more than I care about critters though, and I am not responsible for how horrible it can act.

I am always amazed at how people internalize things said by strangers on the internet. Knuck left you some great pictures.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

right out of my mouth and I couldn't have said it better.

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hecate's picture

about somebody taking the words, right out of your mouth. Because, they might Change, the words. To, something, like: "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

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hecate's picture

a double Leo, sun and moon conjunct, with ascendant Pisces, at thirty degrees. Born, during a lunar eclipse. As such, I should, and certainly by now, be dead. And, perhaps, I am.


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Raggedy Ann's picture

Hmmmmm...........when is your birthday? LOL, just kidding! Smile

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

shaharazade's picture

as I'm so set against Order (and Law when combined) and tend to create and love chaos. A friend long ago did my astrological chart and told me I have Scorpio rising. Although I like to think I'm above believing in the Woo Woo like The Dawning of Aquarius which like the End Times did not dawn, I often use my signs as an internal excuse for my hot head. When working for Macy's an evil corp. if I ever did see one, my boss asked me what sign I was. I said Virgo to which she said "Well you must be a lapsed Virgo'.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

...about in this spacecraft, more intense than during elections in the past. Or, perhaps the excess is always there, and the ride is always this turbulent. But this time it seems like there are some unique and unusual emotions in the mix. Add that to the fact that the passengers have experienced severe stress and dislocation this year, and are reacting to extraordinary feelings of rejection, betrayal, disappointment, virtual violence, and brutal self awareness.

The brain doesn't know that it's just about "pixels." The brain is stewing in the ensuing bodily juices of anger, shock, disbelief, embarrassment, grief, confusion, sadness, and outrage.

This feels "in your face" as far as the brain is concerned. Also real, is the unprecedented blast of propaganda and obvious misinformation, fire-hosed by both the government and the press. They are pushing buttons in the public psyche — panic, fear, terror, and dread — in order to manipulate the people into frightened submission to the imperious barking of authorities and leaders.

You got a nation of people who will readily tell you they don't believe the government and don't trust the press. That's what happens in failed states. What also happens is people on the street packing heat and local police dressed up like military stormtroopers, eying citizens as if they were enemy combatants.

Or, are elections always like this and I just never noticed?

Enjoyed your essay a lot. Thanks.

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Carry a flame and share the light.


Raggedy Ann's picture

Distilled it right down beautifully. Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pluto's Republic's picture

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Carry a flame and share the light.


Raggedy Ann's picture

Such a pleasure to read! Give rose

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

They hacked c99 and are sowing seeds of discontent.

I think this is the first primary that c99 has gone through with a group of people larger than 20. Add in two candidates experiencing historic disapproval numbers with a drive to destroy the planet, economy, and human race, and I think people who are politically aware are more tense than ever. Their natural barriers are weakened, and their enthusiasm for their point of view is reaching new heights.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Pluto's Republic's picture

I think we're a long way from accepting what has happened. Denying the coup is the only safe cognitive harbor, while a public vote of "no confidence" is the only thing that will save the people.

It's one hell of a situation.

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Carry a flame and share the light.


shaharazade's picture

Oh No! the Russian's are coming these days they are at it again but revised it to the Russian's did it.

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hecate's picture

the last time, that the Russians were coming, what the Americans, they, now, most have to fear, is the Americans, themselves.


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riverlover's picture

are elections always like this and I just never noticed?


Could be not in our lifetimes with two extremely unpopular candidates selected or chosen for POTUS. Add the biased press coverage that looks like opinion manipulation plus climate change being here and no one seeming to care, THAT makes it significant and emotional for many.

--Are you going better than you were 8 years ago?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Pluto's Republic's picture

That's the big existential leveler.

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Carry a flame and share the light.


hecate's picture

probably they've always been Bad. 1972, for instance? Remember? That was surely. A deep and prolonged. Nightmare. Or, 1988. I can't, to this day, even regard those numbers, on a page, without needing, immediately, and at once, mass quantities, of Medicine.

But it's kinda like, when a tooth, it is dying, there in your head. The pain, there in present time, it is so all-encompassing, so excruciating, that you can't possibly remember. That last time. It was just as bad. Or, maybe, even worse.

Then again, since the elections, they are subject to the second law of thermodynamics, they are, assuredly, devolving. I heard on the radio, the other evening, The Mad Bomber come on, followed by The Hairball. And I realized that both, they have voices, that no normal human being, would ever want to regularly hear. They are just unpleasant. Those voices. And, but, since, it is all devolving, probably, in four years, the Americans, in the people trying to be the president, they will be subjected, in the voices, to something like Gilbert Gottfried, versus Emily Litella.

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01/07/2015 - 7:17pm.

Conception date is much less clear, as is the case with many conceptions, medicine may have been involved, between man and machine. But, assuredly, the point of conception was a month or so before birth, on a local computer machine located in north central Illinois.

It was a rocky conception, the intermingling of mind and CPU was, many times, almost ported to the recycle bin. But after many, many hours of tenacious interaction, the concept was born.

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riverlover's picture

If the world is still turning? Could be celebration, could be a roast, could be alternative plans for living...

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

hecate's picture

Capricorn. January 7. Also the birthday. Of Nicolas Cage.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

One person posts an essay complaining of a non-existent problem.

Others complain that the problem doesn't exist, and even if it did, it isn't a problem.

The next day, the first person posts another essay complaining about the complainers.

Others again complain that the problem doesn't exist, and even if it did, it isn't a problem, and geez didn't we just do this all yesterday?

Then another person posts an essay complaining that the non-existent problem is so serious that it will seriously hamper our ability to save the world from destruction and that complainers who don't think so can leave the site.

Others again complain that the problem doesn't exist, and even if it did, it isn't a problem, and the person is a jerk for telling people to leave who don't agree.

Now another person posts an essay complaining about all the complaining.

Mercury is in retrograde. Communications tend to become muddled.

Or it's just before Labor Day and people are bored.

Or both. Or neither.

It's only talk...

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

That's why I didn't ask what people are so upset about on c99. I knew I wouldn't comprehend the explanation. Smile

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Shahryar's picture


I can hardly believe in this day and age that people like you are allowed to say the vile things you do. It's like you think the Nazis won, or should have won, and you want them somehow to make a comeback. You direct all your anger towards Jews and Blacks and Hispanics. It's sad. You don't realize how dumb you are. And mean, not that you care about meanness.

Look, the Nazis lost for a good reason. They're not coming back. Forget it!

(crossposted at Stormfront and Breitbart)

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hecate's picture

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Shahryar's picture

"funny, you don't look like a camera"

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hecate's picture

I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Recording the man shaving at the window opposite and the woman in the kimono washing her hair. Some day, all this will have to be developed, carefully printed, fixed.

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riverlover's picture

Mourn for the memories good and bad for those gone.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

hecate's picture

a Philip K. Dick theorem, as to what happens, when the being, s/he dies:

Like a cloud of volatile gas the Corpsman's mind hung together, then slowly, inexorably, began to scatter. Its weak thoughts faded. The man's consciousness, his being, dissolved into random particles of free energy. The mind ceased to be a unit. The gestalt that had been the man relaxed—and the man was dead.

This, is what Heraclitus, he propounded:

After death comes nothing hoped for or imagined.

And this. Is what Placebo. Knows.


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Big Al's picture

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hecate's picture

you can still be a lumberjack. If that is really. What you want. To do.

Because. It is never too late. For anything.

Me, I think, maybe, all I, really, want to do:


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Pluto's Republic's picture

We're all trying too hard to make it right before we go. We pulled great music down through the cosmos. In our time. For our time. After which it expired.

I trust only the new generations now. They're channelling the new harmonies that has the code that "life" needs. The new music has greater reach and more data. Maybe it will be able to fix "The Big Thing That Went Wrong" before it is too late:

Sometime between 1890 and 1910, homo sapiens doubled their average lifespan — after a million years of evolutionary context — and nothing from the past could scale to accommodate this abrupt and profound evolutionary distortion. Not the Constitution and not the ecology. We need new tools because no tool from the past, like the Neocon's age-old genocide scheme that is currently underway, can fix the future. The old tools can only turn the present into hell. That entire generation needs to step down instead of offering two of their very craziest fucks as potential leaders the world.

You know how wrong everything is when you realize that people refuse to address the single issue (genetic overpopulation) from which all global problems emerge, beginning with resource scarcity and greed. Instead, the mind of the species has reacted with perversion. Did you know that half the US government shutdowns in the past half century were caused by fights over abortion? Now that is a species with one truly perverted deathwish.

Plus, we need new medicine, stat. Lots of it.

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Carry a flame and share the light.


shaharazade's picture

right place to be a lumberjack and your alright.

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Big Al's picture

They go way back to around 1918, that type of lumberjack up in the Colville area. So ya, in another life.

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Big Al's picture


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shaharazade's picture

that this is just pixels and that politics are just horsehshit. Maybe they always have been I don't know. I used to know they were and lived my life outside of their insane reality as much as possible. It takes a lot of energy to run and hide as they no longer allow people to exist in any kind of counter culture or lay low in the mainstream they created.

It's a crime to be poor, black, or a dirty Dr. Commie Rat. You become an enemy of the state. Then they fine you if you slam the door on them. They have spread their horse shit to every nook and cranny in the world and beyond. It's hard to live in a dream as the noise is deafening even in the pixel world.

I think it's the pain of caring and disparing that's making the bickering and anger flare up. I date joining the 'mainstream' political fray back to the Bush 1 and 2 and Poppy's other son days. It was hard to not get involved once the horseshit hit the fan, bush's selection, 9/11 followed by unleashing the disaster cappies on people everywhere. They took away the rule of law and declared war on everything. I think everyone has there enough is enough moment in this global madhouse. I'm back to where I started with no direction home and no political vehicle available.

Yesterday I got off the damn machine and talked to people in real life. I left my anger next to the computer and noticed that many people who you think are just wrong are pained and anxious. I flirted with a baby, talked sane humane non partisan politics with some 'strangers' at the deli counter and talked to my son about love, creating art, Beck's musical layers and the anxiety of living in these times. Thanks for the meta OT hecate. It was not dreaded or dreadful. I did not feel the urge to curse or shout.

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hecate's picture

is deep wisdom:

many people who you think are just wrong are pained and anxious

And this, is why, Real Life, will, always, surmount, each and every tube:

I flirted with a baby, talked sane humane non partisan politics with some 'strangers' at the deli counter and talked to my son about love, creating art, Beck's musical layers and the anxiety of living in these times.

In. These. Days.


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enhydra lutris's picture

construct, but that does not necessarily mean that astrology is reality. OTOH maybe astrology needs an upgrade, with more and better signs and mo bettah signs, like da kine Kane & Pele, and maybe Raven or Coyote. I'm pretty sure that I'm Bacchus on the cusp of uisce beatha with a moon in Raven.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

Humans, they are all about, trying to devise tools, with which they can glimpse, the Real. The Real, that they left behind. When they became. Humans.

"Astrology," that was once such a tool. Replaced, today, more or less, by "astronomy."

Kafka. He had an interesting. Tip.

You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy, at your feet.

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shaharazade's picture

That Twyla Tharp talked about in 'The Creative Habit: Learn it and use it for life. ' I'm currently rereading this great book and using it for life as well as arting. Chasing it does not work and it does come to you in the still from somewhere. I do like a mystery.

The Doo Wops are like some classical music they soothe the savage beast and get right to the still point. The crazy cat who lives here prefers these two genre's of music to any other. Although she did in her youth like to rip it up with Little Richard. Silence really is golden.

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used to live in LA, and believe me, I learned those lessons well: I never sign anything when the moon is void, and surgery? forget it! We may as well grasp at stars coz what's happening is simply astounding. Democracy has ended. I'm buying into the Dakota's Big Black Snake prophecy and stockpiling necessities. Like gin.

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that Hillary is a double Scorpio, and That Trump is a double Gemini. Is this correct, Hecate?

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hecate's picture

But, just off the top of my beer, I would say, that such persons, they should be, in a Home, rather than, in the White House.

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Ajaradom's picture

I've noticed lately that there are lots of people who don't laugh. Sometimes I wonder if I have a sick sense of humor because, many times, I'm the only one laughing at a corney joke or a wise crack. I really believe we take ourselves much too seriously. There are many brilliant people at c99 --- some mighty intellectual beings--- some quite gracious and elegant with their power brains --- some quite arrogant and snotty --- such is the human any where.

Some folks here think their shit don't stink --- some folks here don't get my humor through their mighty pixel filters --- I just gotta laugh cause it's all a farce cause everybody's shit smells like something (shit or flowers --- lol it's all in the air and thankfully it dissipates real fast like).

Just like every group I've ever been involved with --- we've got our assholes and our angels! I've/I always love most the ones who make me laugh --- especially laughter through tears!

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janis b's picture

both bright and clear. It gives life to mere pixels that open and close, like leaves and like hearts.

Are you sure your prayer plant wasn't just blocking its ears in case you decided to sing to it again ; )

I wonder what your plant would do listening to this white guy, who apes and absorbs ...


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