News Dump Saturday: Biden Edition
Joe Biden: "I actually like Dick Cheney... I get on with him. I think he's a decent man."
He adds that Cheney was "extremely helpful" about the "legal parameters" of the VP office. Without irony.
Mondale then says his view of Cheney is "a little bit different." The crowd laughs
— Emma Vigeland (@EmmaVigeland) May 2, 2019
Nothing says success like "reboot"
Beto O’Rourke is reportedly planning to relaunch his 2020 presidential bid less than two months after his record-breaking campaign launch.In an acknowledgement that his campaign is stalling, the former Texas congressman is said to be planning a “reintroduction” ahead of next month’s Democratic presidential debate.
However, his top aides have denied a full reinvention is being prepared and maintained the trademarks of his recent Senate campaign against senator Ted Cruz would remain.
A new poll places President Trump ahead of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) in support from likely voters in a hypothetical match-up.In the Rasmussen Reports survey, 47 percent of likely voters polled said they would support Trump and 41 percent said they would support Harris in a 2020 race between the two. Twelve percent were undecided.
Forty-one percent of likely voters said they had a favorable opinion of Harris, 43 percent had an unfavorable opinion, and 16 percent said they did not know enough about her to form an opinion.
A Koch backed advocacy group focused on veterans issues is launching a new effort to pressure President Donald Trump to make good on his campaign commitment to pull US troops out of Afghanistan and Syria.
During his State of the Union speech earlier this year Trump declared "Great nations don't fight endless wars."
That quote will be prominently displayed on a new website and used in a digital advert as part of a campaign from the group, Concerned Veterans for America.
The group is investing six figures in the campaign which will initially focus on pressuring the White House and lawmakers in Washington to withdraw US troops from the frontlines.
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Saturday said he has instructed his political envoy in Washington to immediately open relations with the US military, in an attempt to put more pressure on President Nicolás Maduro to resign.Guiado said he had asked Carlos Vecchio, who the US recognizes as ambassador, to open “direct communications” toward possible military “coordination”...
Noticeably diminished crowds at opposition protests reflect demoralization that has permeated Guaido’s supporters after he led a failed military uprising on 30 April. In previous months, thousands heeded his calls to protest. On Saturday, a modest crowd of several hundred gathered in Caracas.
Trump is the nw king of drone strikes
According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
A former U.S. intelligence analyst was arrested Thursday and charged with violating the Espionage Act for allegedly leaking documents about the secretive U.S. drone program. Daniel Hale, 31, was arrested in Nashville. He faces up to 50 years in prison. Hale is accused of disclosing 11 top secret or secret documents to a reporter. The indictment does not name the reporter but unnamed government sources have told media outlets that the reporter is investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept. In 2015, The Intercept published a special report called the “Drone Papers” exposing the inner workings of the U.S. military’s assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.
As we all learned in 2004, it doesn't matter whether...
...political shit-slinging is true or false, as long as (it sticks to the proverbial wall) the public believes it. I'm referencing the Swiftboating of John Kerry. This statement is pertinent, given Robert Mackey's post, from Friday, over at the Intercept: "A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True." It's the type of story that becomes "fact" to all who support your opposition.
In the 2020 political cycle, the reality is that between the Anita Hill debacle, his f*cked up 90's crime bill, his support for the Iraq War, and his incestuous relationship with MBNA, not to mention various other questionable/wrong-headed positions on issues during his lengthy career, I just don't see Biden winning the 2020 Democratic nomination.
On a brighter note, Bernie's long-underestimated political prowess continues to impress. From Dave Jamieson, over at HuffPo this past Wednesday: "Bernie Sanders Hones A Potential Attack On Joe Biden."
"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson
Reboot democracy, make it fascist again
Biden reminds me of the D-Value unification project sponsored by MicroSoft, because their software is so great! LMAO ten foot pole touch
Protecting democratic elections through secure, verifiable voting
I might have paraphrased that last bit. heh Seeking removal from the election rolls before summer ends, that is my new goal. Apparently I have to take the public/private transportation to the nearest duopoly office to purge their lying kabuki. lol No Party Preferred for real then. thanks california
Bernie is also propping up the Death party running under their banner, that's a bigly clue drop that most people don't understand. He will not rock the duopoly boat, except to harness their "demographics" for them. dumb youth for oligarchy Now I understand why they let the public school system collapse.
edit: the profanity
Speaking of Biden
Who said this in '07, and where did she say it? CLUE
Just went nostalgiac perusing recent uid's on the Member List. huh that is all. Maryscott O'Connor good memories, LOL. tempus fugit
Woe be the centrists in this election cycle
Will they finally have to face up to the fact that the 90s are over?
This week we got a poll that shows Trump's approval among Republican voters to be over 90%. How can you convince them to turn against Trump and vote for a "Democrat"? How ever could you win an election as a Democrat without Republican votes? Woe, I tell you, woe!
Biden started rolling out his climate change agenda. Surprise! It's a "middle of the road" plan to go back to the utterly inadequate Obama platitudes and keep on fracking. They seemed shocked that it didn't go over well. Funny thing, that.
Their plan to find a front (wo)man that you want to have a beer with, but will sell you out to their donors the minute your back is turned may not be working this time. There is no plan B.
If you can't say NO to the donors' money now, how are you going to say NO to them after you're elected. Oh, right, you never planned to. Gropin' Joe only took 2 million in bribes on his first day, so we should celebrate his integrity.
And Gropin' Joe only feels up children's shoulders, the doesn't grab ladies by the pussy, which Makes America Moral Again. Cuz that's the real issue in this campaign.
I wouldn't read too much into some of the candidates doing a relaunch. This is sort of a dry spell. You get a bounce when you announce, then there's not much happening until the debates. Of course, the progressive candidates manage to just campaign on policy without having to relaunch. It's only candidates which are identity politics front (wo)men for the oligarchy who have to relaunch their publicity campaigns. Still, as Gropin' Joe's campaign fizzles, his supporters will drift back to the centrist candidates who are their second or third choices.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. Bernie is still on his first wind.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Nothing says "Retread Blowout" like Joe Biden
dead cats also too
facelifts are good for you
and I shouldn't be mad at Bernie so much, miracles do happen right? every day now Have you seen his farm policies? 123 BAM! down goes trump if they ever let them debate on the brawndo stages. good luck chuck
It's a bigly page over there, here's Bernie on a tractor:
I am in radical agreement with every policy paragraph, almost. Mm hope dope in the morning.
First I wrote "Blowout Retread", but decided the opposite makes "more sense". lol
never forget