More from Hillary's undead campaign
I couldn't find the actual percent in the country of Democratic registered voters, but my memory says that it's somewhere around 25%. Does anyone have a link for that? So:
This morning a lot of media outlets are citing a new poll conducted by "Public Policy Polling" (PPP) which suggests, among other things, that 40% of registered voters in the U.S. support impeaching President Trump. Of course, about 15 seconds worth of actual critical thought could have saved these media outlets from embarrassingly pumping yet another "rigged poll" courtesy of aggressive "oversamples".To our great 'shock', this particular poll used one of the most aggressive "oversamples" we've seen, with 41% of respondents calling themselves Democrats versus only 30% Republicans. With that kind of spread, the 2016 election should have been a blow out for could this be?
They never never give up. Oddly, even with a 16% (?) Democratic over-sample and 40% saying they want him impeached, 47% in the poll approve of Trump (Bannon only got 19% approval) and 47% approve of his ban on immigrants.

Party Affiliation
Latest Gallup has 25% Democrat, 28% Republican, 44% Independent. Link
Thanks edg
That information must be a little embarrassing to the PTB.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Embarrassment they can tolerate
If only UnDead Hillary had a
If only UnDead Hillary had a heart, we could perhaps drive one of her more annoyed 'stakeholders' through it and that Undead campaign could finally rest in pieces...
But I still suspect that the horror of Trump making pretty much the same appointments and doing pretty much the same things as the Clintons would have done (albeit without the doubtless more immediate nuclear pyrotechnics and without First Help-Husband Bill eagerly 'fixing' the economy for those poors still breathing and therefore not struggling enough) is expected to raise the demand for the Mad Bomber to come to the rescue and put us all out of our suffering.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm sure that's at least part of the motivation!
The neoliberals and warmongers never give up.
I'm still hoping that once Trump has placated the far Right, he'll say, "OK, the GOP hasn't come up with a replacement for Obamacare that meets my requiremrnts, so I've just lowered the eligibility age for Medicare to 0." He likes to be unpredictable, and wants to be reelected, and that would do it. I understand that he could do that unilaterally. Maybe also declassify marijuana. I can hear the screaming now.