Monday Open Thread: June 10 is Ballpoint Pen Day, Portugal Day & La Rioja Day

June 10 is the 161st day of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Sweetmorn, Confusion 15, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count

Image taken from page 73 of '[Bill Nye's History of the United States. Illustrated by F. Opper.]'



Bridget Bishop was hanged as a witch on this day in 1892, which was good and proper. Many testified that she was a witch, and the great Cotton Mather declared that she clearly was such. What more evidence could one ask, are not multiple like assertions proof?

Also on this day, but in 1916, Hussein bin Ali declared the "Arab Revolt". This action against Turkey and in support of British forces bedeviled the Turks and greatly assisted Britain in WW I, but is little known, except as a footnote, background, or sideshow to the antics of one Airman T.E.Shaw, aka "Lawrence of Arabia".

The "Arabs" in question were rewarded by being deprived of self rule and forced into the pseudo-"Mandate" known as the British Mandate of Palestine and Transjordan. The non-Transjordanian portion of this pseudo-Mandate was not in fact administered for the benefit of the subject population until such time as they were ready for self rule as a real Mandate was supposed to be. From the start it was instead ruled as a quasi-colony in something of a holding pattern until such time as Britain could contrive to bring the Balfour Declaration to fruition.

Pursuant to said declaration, a small fraction of the populace was granted rule and suzerainty over about half of the country and populace as a free and independent state. The rest was denied statehood in seeming perpetuity, with no control over its borders, coasts, airspace, entry and exit, immigration, trade, or much of anything else and subject to an onerous embargo. This was done regardless of representations made in 1915 - 1916 to Hussein bin Ali who was seemingly unaware of the phrase "Perfidious Albion" (and most of English History).



Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...


On this day in history:


1692 – Bridget Bishop was hanged for being a witch. Cotton Mather heartily approved.
1793 – The Jardin des Plantes opened in Paris to become the worlds first public zoo a year later.
1898 – U.S. Marines landed on Cuba as part of the war on Spain
1916 – The Arab Revolt was declared by Hussein bin Ali. The Arabs were rewarded by being placed under the British Mandate
1963 – JFK signed The Equal Pay Act of 1963 which contained more loophole than law and therefore failed to meet its goal.
1964 – The 75-day Senate filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended, permitting its passage.
1980 – The African National Congress published Nelson Mandela's call to fight.



Born this day in:

1819 – Gustave Courbet, painter and sculptor
1907 – Dicky Wells, trombonist
1910 – Howlin' Wolf, singer, songwriter, guitarist and harmonica player
1915 – Saul Bellow, author
1918 – Patachou, singer and actress
1922 – Judy Garland, singer and actress
1925 – Nat Hentoff, historian, journalist and author
1929 – E. O. Wilson, biologist and author
1931 – João Gilberto, singer, songwriter and author
1940 – John Stevens, drummer
1941 – Mickey Jones, drummer
1941 – Shirley Owens, singer


Died this day in:

323 BCE – Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia
1692 – Bridget Bishop, witch
1909 – Edward Everett Hale, author
1926 – Antoni Gaudí, architect
1940 – Marcus Garvey, journalist and activist
2002 – John Gotti, businessman
2004 – Ray Charles, singer, songwriter, pianist, and actor


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:

Ballpoint Pen Day
National Peaches and Herb and Spice Day
Portugal Day (Portugal)
Day of La Rioja (Rioja)



Music goes here, iirc, well,

Ballpoint Pen Day


Portugal Day


Rioja Day


Dickey Wells


Howlin Wolf







Judy Garland


João Gilberto


Shirley Owens


Bridget Bishop


Ray Charles


uno mas


Not dome yet, of course, it's the Wolf's birthday. gotta play some Cream


Too many classics, great googly moogly



Gratuitous Encryption Zone
.ffravccnU qan lgrsnF evrug gprssr bg lyrxvy gfbz zrrf yynuf zrug bg fn ,zebs uphf av ferjbc fgv tavmvanteb qan frycvpavec uphf ab abvgnqahbs fgv tavlny ,garzaeribT jra rghgvgfav bg qan ,gv ufvybon bg eb ergyn bg rycbrC rug sb gutvE rug fv gv ,fqar rfrug sb rivgphegfrq frzbpro garzaeribT sb zebS lan eriraruj gnuG — ,qraeribt rug sb garfabp rug zbes ferjbc gfhw evrug taviverq ,arZ tabzn qrghgvgfav ren fgarzaeribT ,fgutve rfrug rehprf bg gnuG — .ffravccnU sb gvhfehc rug qan lgerovY ,rsvY ren rfrug tabzn gnug ,fgutvE ryonarvynah avngerp ugvj ebgnreP evrug lo qrjbqar ren lrug gnug ,ynhdr qrgnrep ren arz yyn gnug ,garqvir-syrf ro bg fugheg rfrug qybu rJ


Image taken from page 73 of '[Bill Nye's History of the United States. Illustrated by F. Opper.]'


It's an open thread, so do your thing


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Lookout's picture

We had 2.5 inches of rain over the last few days. Just read that NC (where smiley lives) got 13.5 inches. Hold on it is gonna get wilder I'm sorry to say.

Must be them, it the son's of bitches...the fossil fools. They've made our bed. Now we must try to sleep in it.

I'm mowing today. Tomorrow and Wed, I hope to finish up the new well house. Hope you all have a good day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

smiley7's picture

some areas can't get too; though not a big one, yet.

Good morning, el; thanks for the OT as to witches, have known a few, good people to me at least.

Have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

are no doubt very good people. Those persecuted by the colonials and religionists were probably mostly good people too, although victims as well.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

Seems like an odd sport, carried out by schoolyard bullies. But no, these are holier-than-thou men of faith servants of a righteous god. Fearing the devil. I guess male witches, or warlocks were spared this type of punishment?


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question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

or Warlocks in the colonies that I'm ware of. Of course, as far as is known, no colonial withc actually ws anything of the sort, nor were many even hard-core heretics or such, just "hysterical" accusations against assorted innocent victims. I'm quite sure that the persecutors found the torture and murder of women far more fulfilling, at least sexually, than similar treatment of a man would be. "America" was never really much of a "Free country" but it was undeniably a sexually repressed one from the get go.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
I recommend The Crucible, Arthur Miller's play.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Lily O Lady's picture


“pressed” to death under torture while refusing to plead.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

enhydra lutris's picture

@Lily O Lady
Have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

Have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

too many examples of opinions assertions that were promoted as undeniable fact and then used to cause great harm. We laugh at those ridiculous examples, but here we are, doing the very same thing. I am totally astonished, dumbstruck, aghast, stupefied, flabbergasted, stunned, and completely blown away with how our society has been behaving. It seems we are living in an era that has unfortunate similarities with the "Dark Ages".

Monty Python was so spot-on.

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@randtntx do we exhibit the same old idiocy, but we exhibit the same old evil.

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mhagle's picture


True . . . so true.

Seems like the only way to counter it is with presence, loving kindness, compassion, empathy.

After hanging out with the prosperity gospel extreme right wing folks for about 7 years in the 80s, I can tell you their delusion is strong. But they all have this nagging feeling deep on the inside that it is fucked up.

On another note, the corn and wheat crops look perfect this year in my area. Not so last year. Yesterday my brother-in-law was telling us about visiting a vineyard in Fredricksburg and then going to a giant peach orchard where they could pick their own peaches. There were strawberries and blackberries to pick there as well. They had a fabulous time. I don't know exactly where you are, but probably not that far away. Could you write a gardening essay sometime about all you are doing? I ordered some malabar spinach seed after reading one of your comments.


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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

thanatokephaloides's picture


A Puritan is a diseased piece of Apocrypha...."
-- Sir Thomas Overbury (1581 - 1613)

After hanging out with the prosperity gospel extreme right wing folks for about 7 years in the 80s, I can tell you their delusion is strong. But they all have this nagging feeling deep on the inside that it is fucked up.

I, too, was a beLIEver in that crap in the middle-to-late 1970s and early 1980s. I can still remember the day I gave up on it. Unfortunately, not everyone in that benighted group of people "have this nagging feeling deep on the inside that it is fucked up". There's definitely a subset of that community who are committed unto death to it. And their political actions are in accord, unfortunately for the rest of us.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mhagle's picture


... is buried pretty deep with some. Particularly the leaders who are making so much money. And for those who go out so far on a limb to defend the lies, it is hard to crawl back.

Very sad.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

@mhagle from Fredericksburg, it's in the hill country (which I like) and we get hill country peaches early summer when they have a harvest. Usually, they are really good peaches, but sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate to make the perfect and rightfully famous hill country peach. I haven't gone picking in many years but it is a fun thing to do, especially with children, they seem to get a kick out of it. I'm glad your friends had a good time.

We haven't been doing our big garden for a couple of years now, but I'll jot down what we are doing and what is, or is not, succeeding. I'm excited that you are going to try the spinach, I'm betting that you have good luck with it. I saw your fabulous cattle panel trellises (and all your other fabulous pictures of your garden) in smiley's equally fabulous garden OT but once again I was late to the party and the conversation was long over.

Thanks for the interest and encouragement Marilyn ...not sure I have enough content to write a column but I will slip in a comment at a good time and let you know what's working for us regarding plants and such. Smile

Oh, and you make a good point about countering the idiocy. I, however, vacillate between what should be the best response. I think my opinion changes with my level of irritability, or perhaps it's just simple indecisiveness. Smile

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enhydra lutris's picture

utterly abandoned any semblance of reliance upon logic and evidence. I know that an ever ore and more sophisticated array of psychological, semantic and other trickery has been being perfected over the decades since WWII, and various propaganda techniques that may not be better otherwise described, but so much of what I see going down is so clearly simple straight-up entry level repetition of crap that isn't close to passing the smell test that it boggles the mind. Beyond that there seems to be a desperate yearning for the miraculous in a major section of the populace that I tend to think that "dark ages" is perhaps the perfect descriptor.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris the mind. Especially when you see perfectly intelligent people being taken in. (And in such large quantities....if you can talk about people as quantities) It makes me wonder what happened. Is there something in the water?

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skod's picture

a month-long bout with bronchitis that turned into medication-resistant pneumonia. My good ol primary care doc made me go back in for 3 copays before finally giving me a fluoroquinolone antibiotic (just love the side effects, but at least I can breathe), by which time I'd coughed hard enough to break some blood vessels in one eye and pull a bunch of muscles in my ribcage. Not a lot of sleep in the last month...

This "gettin' old" thing is getting old.

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enhydra lutris's picture

is not for the weak, as they say. Hope you get past it soon.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

The Aspie Corner's picture


Not that there's a hell of a lot of difference from where I'm standing. Either way, they're still part of the Capitalist Party USA.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

ggersh's picture

@The Aspie Corner

08 JUNE 2019
Physical Holdings of Gold and Silver and Commitments of Traders - A Word From Joe the Angry Hawaiian

This just in from the Big Island. The natives seem restless.

Joe the Angry Hawaiian
"Imagine if you will, in a few short years, that information on current events will only be available from a narrow band of sources sanctioned by the government/corporate media. And this Orwellian future will be embraced by the majority of people because it provides security, both ideological and emotional.

Any dissension, criticism, whistle-blowing, anti-exceptionalism coming from critical voices will be labeled extremist. And this has been embraced by the two monopoly political parties.

I just received a questionnaire from the Democrats posing the question, "What's the most important issue in the upcoming election?"

The very first multiple choice answer to pick from was - "Russian aggression and increasing global influence" Russia, a country with a small population and an economy that is a fraction of the US or Europe is our dire threat? Let's just ignore the expansion of NATO onto Russia's borders, or that the US State Dept. spent 5 billion dollar to change the politics of Ukraine.

Second most important issue asked on the questionnaire, "Protecting America from foreign cyber attacks" Let's ignore the fact that the NSA is spying on all Internet traffic, that the CIA has misinformation programs like, "Operation Mockingbird" and many other covert activities to influence perceptions domestically.

The third Democratic Party priority question is "China's increasing economic and military strength" China's state controlled mercantile success lies directly on the twin shoulders of the US Government and it's multi-national corporations. The US granted China, Most Favored Nation status in 1979, which gave it exposure to US markets with low tariffs. Almost immediately, corporations went to China and invested in factories because of the cheap Chinese labor while abandoning the US worker. And in May 2000 Bill Clinton backed a bipartisan effort to grant China permanent normal trade relations, effectively backing its bid to join the WTO.

We live in a country whereby the US Government has made it possible for corporations to pay little or no taxes, to be deregulated from government laws designed to protect the public, and allow corporate crimes to go unpunished while maintaining vast influence over the political system through campaign contributions and corporate ownership of the mass media.

This US Government/corporate partnership smells a lot like Fascism. Instead of Mussolini we have Trumpolini. And so our time's brand of corporatism has descended over the eroding infrastructure of America."

Joe the Angry Hawaiian

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

enhydra lutris's picture

Thanks and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@The Aspie Corner

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mhagle's picture

I loved her in the movies. My mom's singing voice was nearly identical. And I see they were the same age. She sang to my dad as we went for drives in the country. She studied voice at St. Olaf, but no movie deals. Mostly weddings and funerals.

And the witch thing is creepy because, yes, there are many in the witch-hunt mode in our present social climate.

I had forgotten about the dunking thing. Jeez! Terrible!

Thanks for the OT with dates and music. I-m so happy

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

enhydra lutris's picture

they are somehow endemic to this nation. Dunking == waterboarding == enhanced interrogation. Nothing changes, history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

became the Republicans. That was a pretty good clip and a lot of fun to watch.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@enhydra lutris

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lily O Lady's picture

@enhydra lutris

ran as Democrats only to switch parties after they were elected. The Dems went into a coma until 2016, when apparently a lot of money revived local parties; however Democrats like John Lewis started talking like Republicans. So I stopped going to county party meetings, because I saw how long time party were big Clinton supporters. I could not vote for a candidate with so many bad policies.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

enhydra lutris's picture

@Lily O Lady
odious policies and their promoters.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

ex is a witch. No one is burning her. She even has a witch business.

In other magicians, Bergoglio is out there telling the truth again:

Pope Francis on Sunday lamented what he called a "culture of insults" enabled by social media and warned against nationalism and other "exclusivist ideas."

"The more we use social media, the less social we are becoming."

"In today's world, lack of harmony has led to stark divisions," Francis said. "There are those who have too much and those who have nothing, those who want to live to a hundred and those who cannot even be born."

He warned of the temptation to cling to "our little group, to the things and people we like."

The pope said that "nowadays it is fashionable to hurl adjectives and, sadly, even insults" in what's tantamount to "a culture of insults." He recommended responding "to malice with goodness, to shouting with silence, to defeatism with encouragement."

He also warned against the Catholic church's neglecting its mission to spread joy, instead becoming an organization with propaganda as its mission.

Francis echoed a call a century ago by Pope Benedict XV, right after the devastation of World War I, for "an end to all forms of nationalism and ethnocentrism." He also cited a reminder by that same pope that "the church's universal mission requires setting aside exclusivist ideas of membership in one's own country and ethnic group."

"No one ought to remain closed in self-absorption."

Speaking of social media and bickering, maybe there could be a steel-cage death-match Dueling Realities show pitting Kim Dotcom, Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Caitlin Johnstone, and Michael Tracey, against Laura Poitras, Barrett Brown, Marcy Wheeler, Quinn Norton, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, and Naomi Colvin. A good time could be had by all.

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enhydra lutris's picture

thugh still not in some parts of Africa and, iirc, India. Bergoglio wears 2 hats, being also the Pope of "talk is cheap".

"There are those who have too much and those who have nothing," - and the church is worth what, exactly?

"nowadays it is fashionable to hurl adjectives and, sadly, even insults" - like one of the oldest and most vicious bits of othering out there, "sinner" and its partners "sin" and "sinfulness."

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

thanatokephaloides's picture

@enhydra lutris

Good morning hecate. You can get away with that here,
though still not in some parts of Africa and, iirc, India.

Any such folks in India would be sent straight to fits of apoplexy by the likes of me. I'm a Witch whose patron Deities are Hindu.

The other 1.2 billion Indians would simply consider me a regular Sivite Hindu (worshipper of Lord Shiva and His family) who just scripts and acts his Pujas really weirdly. Wink

On this side of the Pacific (i.e., the USA), Hindus and Witches get along famously! I think it's a combination of the love many American Witches have for Indian food and the respect the Witches show for the Hindu Religion and its Deities. These are phenomena I've experienced personally.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

thanatokephaloides's picture

@enhydra lutris

"nowadays it is fashionable to hurl adjectives and, sadly, even insults" - like one of the oldest and most vicious bits of othering out there, "sinner" and its partners "sin" and "sinfulness."

But we all sin!

Oops, speaking that straight Broad Scottish English again! To sin is to make a mistake. First usage was "to miss the bullseye of a target with an arrow". The most proper use of "sin" as a noun in modern English is as a synonym for "error", not as one for "crime". The latter misuse is the cause of all the grief you've described, of course.

But if you use a computer, you sin -- trust me! Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture


my ex is a witch. No one is burning her. She even has a witch business.

Your humble scribe is one as well.

I never paid much worry about the warnings about religious persecution that every Witch learns as part of her training. I figure that by any re-start of the Burning Times, I'll already be long dead owing to my political beliefs; i.e., as a casualty of the Revolution. For if they take religious freedom away from Americans as things now stand, we won't need to debate about how to start the Revolution and what forms it will appear in; it will start on its own and will be as bloody, nasty and messy as any revolution has ever been. After all, Napoleon and Marx were right: religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich, and it performs that function by acting as the opium of the people, the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. (Emphasis on the part of Marx's message that too many would rather forget, especially over at TOP.) You take today's pain levels, deprive the people of their last source of hope, and "Katie, bar the door!". Moreover, as I discussed with mhagle in my last Comment, "prosperity gospel" Protestant "Christianity", with its near complete lack of trans-tribal compassion, can't perform that function, try as it might. So fucking with most minority religions would be a bad idea indeed for the American Oligarchs; the last thing these want would be for the poor working-class people to not be able to take any more and pick up a gun or a brick or a stone.....


n.b.: I harbor less than no desire for violent revolt. Like Jackson Browne (the author of the music I embedded above), I'm terrified of it. But anyone who doesn't think it can and will happen here needs to extract his head from his nether parts! "Be afraid. Be very afraid!"

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

smiley7's picture

@magiamma @thanatokephaloides @thanatokephaloides

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Bang the touchpad when it doesn't work.

bang the touchpad? ???

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

smiley7's picture

when you helped me with an Apple macbook problem.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

My granddaughter's 6th birthday.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

smiley7's picture

'haunted tyrannies of the past' comment of the other day energized by today's conversation which hecate pins rather well.

Seems social media moves participants in anonymity to stand in dusty streets of gunsmoke, not giving quarter or care to the surrounding garrisons busy, busy annihilating natives; all, apparently, for the calm pleasure of having a battle of individualism.

Cinematic Ford knew this, but that's a long discussion, very American, and and for another day.

Cheers for stirring cells.

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magiamma's picture

Et al...

I am for trees. I am against those who are not for trees. That’s the bottom line, the end all and be all. So may the trees live and prosper and may all beings that support and are a part of their weaving be nurtured. So mode it be.

Have a good one...

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

smiley7's picture


“Some of my kin look just like trees now, and need something great to rouse them; and they speak only in whispers. But some of my trees are limb-lithe, and many can talk to me.”

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magiamma's picture


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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

enhydra lutris's picture

for our own survival.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

thanatokephaloides's picture


I am for trees. I am against those who are not for trees. That’s the bottom line, the end all and be all. So may the trees live and prosper and may all beings that support and are a part of their weaving be nurtured. So mote it be.

spelling corrected


Anyone caught not being for trees will have a tree shoved so far up his ass that it will come out of his mouth!


Vlad Țepeș

Bucharest, Romania


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides