Mimi is on a rant - or a break down - whatever !

How to survive in Maui, HI, on 2200/month income?
You tell me.
The rent for my son's apartment is 1,400 dollars a month. He makes 2,200. He tells me he is lucky to have a place 'that cheap'. He used to share it with a lady, but she found better deals (richer men or richer friends)
Are you all kidding me? You ask how he can make it? Ahhh, he is a magician.
Have a good day.
(I don't understand the lyrics of this song, so if it is completely off what I thought it says, forgive me)
You guide to German rental laws and tenant rights:
The German rental laws seem to be a jungle full of rules and exemptions. And to be honest, It's not the wildest story you'll find yourself digging into when going to Germany as an expat.
However, as dull as it might sound, the topic of tenant rights in Germany is pretty important. It’ll surely make your search for a new home in Germany easier and make you more confident when signing a rental contract.
Kaltmiete, Warmmiete, deposit: What’s it all about?
Kaltmiete (cold rent) is the rent for the bare flat, i.e. without heating, electricity, or the internet. So, should you rent a flat with Kaltmiete, then this must be stated in the rental contract.
You’ll come across two major types of rental agreements in Germany; indefinite (unbefristet) and fixed-term (befristet).
Hell, I just copy from this link:
You guide to German rental laws and tenant rights
Not funny. Read it, if you have such wild dreams to live as an expat in Germany. But beware: Uncle Joe-Sam might not be so amused when you do it.
Well the real reason I write this Quatsch, is, because there is some Quatsch more quatschier than ordinary quatsch.
So take this case: For over 40 Years you haven't lived in Germany, although tnis is the country you were born and lived in through your highschool years and as a student in University. You had no clue about rental laws and regulations. Because in highschool you lived in your parents house for free and as a student you lived in a student housing facility. You had your room, bath and if lucky your own kitchenette, You paid the rent and all was included, hot water, electricity or gas etc. Straight forward. Very tiny rooms, but your own room. We (my mother in law, my then husband, me and my baby) for a while.
In my times of studies (in the seventies) they were very generous, as long as you paid your rent, nobody bothered to check if you really were studying. So you had people who "studied" 10 years or more, just to keep the student appartments as tenants. (I don't know if it is still like that, I doubt it.)
So, I was never an owner or a landlord or a real tenant in Germany. What a surprise awaited me 40 years later, coming back to Germany from the US.
The parent's house I grew up in, had two units in it, separate utilities for everything. It was the part, my parents lived in and died in. It was the only house I could ever sleep in when I visited from the US. In two tiny rooms under the roof.
When both my parents had died, my sister had to rent out the part, in which my partents lived in. As she was a widow meanwhile too and could not keep up the whole house and garden, without that rental income. (Actually she can't keep it even with that rental income. She is incapacitäted regarding money management But nobody knew it.)
I had sold my osn rowhouse in the US hoping to buy a small house in HI, where my son has run away to, to forget his military time in the Iraq war and his stay in Korea.
As it turned out, I sold my US rowhouse (modest one for US Veterans of WWII built by Roosevelt) and thought I could use the money to buy another small in HI, but at that time I just had retired. So those HI-ians told me I can't get a mortgage. Boom. I also couldn't live in the modest apartement my son rented there. So I needed to return to Germany to have a place to live. I thought, my brother as well, that I could live in the part, my parents lived and died in. I couldn't imagine that this turned out to be a nightmare.
The tenants lived there since 2006. My sister gave me ownership of that part of the house with a completely non-sensical contract. I was not allowed to rent it out and I was not allowed to sell it. In some weirdo contract he tenants were supposed to have a life-long right to stay in there
So through this contract, I became owner and a landlord, with no rights to the property.
After I had understood under which conditions I became an owner and landlord with ho rights at all, I tried to get the tenant (meanwhile a 60 year old widow in a five bedroom rowhouse) out by claiming a termination for personal use. This is ongoing and my lawyer said that he could terminate the rental contract by the end of Septermber, that is more than 16 moths after attempting to move into that property. Great, isn't it. I wonder what my mother would have said, if she were alive.
Oh well, I know where I will live and sleep in. In a hammock.
So be it. I am tired and stop now. Have all a good place to sleep.
PS. It sucks to write an OT. So much wasted time on writing nothig but Quatsch. Note to myself: Don't do that again.
I love you all. So be it. ( can't format this better. The center tag is just mean to me and centers stuff, I won't have centered.
I guess this is my last good-bye.
With all thet is happening in Ukraine, I have no strength co continue. I pray for peace and no war for all of us.

Good morning from this side of the pond
which is good afternoon on your side. Thank you for posting this open thread. The formatting
is not as important as the content anyway.
Your rental agreements sound very complicated. I hope your lawyer can sort it all out in
your favor. In other news ..
Are any agreements legally binding anymore?
viel Glück
Alles Gute
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
some Quatsch more quatschier than ordinary quatsch
Gimme gimme! LOL Give me some more quatsch it is just what the doctor ordered.
What about the sixty year old widow? That's what I want to know. Why is she living where she is not wanted? That seems crazy, unless she has no family or friends of her own, nowhere else to go. Still crazy. She has a good lawyer it seems, situation sounds similar to nation-state California. crazy nation
File this WaPo headline in to the Bill Gates REBOOT folder and be happy for the bla people living all up in metro USA:
Investors bought up a record share of homes last year
The link goes to 600+ HackerNews comments. I never saw so many topical off-topic comments, it made my inner spock say "interesting", but that's just me. ykmv your kilometers may vary. Also, I guess Cloverdale is metro now. lucky me! lol
Speaking of crazy, you wrote
Last good-byes are verboten, I forget how to spell forbidden but you know what I mean. Nein danke.
Germany shelves Nord Stream 2 pipeline – POLITICO
Wouldn't it be great if investors didn't rule the world? If they stopped their wars of mass distraction, then more people would notice them raping and pillaging everything else on earth, that's what I think. I don't know.
Speaking of last-goodbyes, here's an article from psyche co I filed in the "dont tell me how to think" folder. I used to be rich middle-class, and now I am in the poor white trash class. It has split my personality, smashed it in to tiny bits of multiple disorders, according to some doctors. Nothing pHarma can fix.
Why we shouldn’t push a positive mindset on those in poverty
Blah blah blah, academics. Take what you want and leave the rest, said every twelve stepper.
--Stephen Stills
Speaking of cold worlds,
Brrr! I am because we are.
Peace and Love
It was a balmy
-6degF here on the north slope of the Palmer Divide this morning, after hitting 60degF on Sunday. Gonna be January weather all week. And our landlord has a plumber coming to do some repairs on the gas supply this morning, of course, so it'll get chilly in here. We're right there with you on the downward-mobility transition: we joined the ranks of the asset-free in 2015, and have been trying to pay off the damages since.
In partial answer to Mimi's final question above: agreements only matter if you have the cash and legal staff to enforce them. Which is why contract law is regarded as more important than one's purported right to keep breathing, here in the good ol' US of A: the golden rule writ large. Insert quarter to play...
But hey- we all woke up "not dead" again, so I can only think of this as bonus time. Hang in there, Mimi!
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
thank you, eyo, for your kind and funny words
I will give you more quatsch in a while via pm. My son told me to shut down the TV and laptop for 2 weeks. And I will do so. I will come back. Ask JtC, he mocked me over me always coming back a long time ago, I was mad at him bac then, but knew he was right.
Be well and have a good one.
Good morning mimi, et. al. In my
youth it was somewhat widely accepted that English had its roots in Old Low German. It would seem, then, that one could fabricate hybrid words, part German and part English, perhaps hyphenated, that would be meaningful to speakers of both tongues. This leads me to wonder whether, if I were to write some argumentive, rubbishy, backtalk to the author of this piece, we might call it sass-quatsch, but we probably shouldn't go there, except for the fact that I already did.
I cannot, however, help but wonder if Brits of a certain age might not translate Quatsch as "dust" and enjoy some beer and skittles while firing up a skiffle band, to wit:
Of course, it might be debated as to whether or not that is really English anyway, wo whatever.
Rents and rentierism is a form of perpuating a one time theft of and from the commons. I side with Caitlin somewhat on this, some property owner gets an occupant-caretaker to look after, protect, maintain and tend the property on his or her behalf and then has the gall to charge said caretaker instead of paying them the wages to which they should be entitled.
When NATO moves against Russia in support of the UKraine, I propose that Britain be assigned the Crimea, specifically somewhere around Balaclava.
OK, that's almost making sense, so I'd best toddle off and talk some nonsense into my typing bot.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Quatsch = nonsense or bullshit you can smile over /nt
So, was my product ok?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
it sure was, but honestly, most of what you write
I can't understand. I am a bad liar. So, forgive my honest answer that often you are beyond my lower Saxony comprehension.
I need to stop reading and writing. Forgive me.
no, you need to write more and read too.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
600 Marin cyclists mourn woman slain by drunken driver
Speaking of breakdowns...
STARDATE 1999-09-12 04:00:00 PDT MARIN COUNTY
That "woman" was my sister-in-law, and there used to be a page on openarchitecture dot org devoted to Cecy Krone. I think the monument to her is still there at the top of the grade, but haven't been in years. The page has finally disappeared down a memory hole, I can't even find it in the wayback machine. good grief
That was over twenty years ago, time fades pain. Until one morning ya wake up your guts get kicked to the moon, swiftly, with deep passion.
Sonoma County health officer charged with DUI last year and pleaded to lesser charge, records show
Nothing says healthy like a DUI with past priors eh? BAM!
Stopping is for little people, but eventually it does work because:
"This is America" --Joseph Robinette Biden
a bunch of drunks and jab addicts
Peace and Love
comfortably numb
... time, time fades pain ... ? Really ? /nt
A late good morning
got held up with errands in town.
Wishing everyone the best in these challenging times.
Stay warm. Be well.
Thanks for the OT mimi!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
JackPine Radicals’ site admin So Far From Heaven has passed away