Medical observation: Biden's brain shrinkage painfully obvious
Submitted by Alligator Ed on Fri, 03/06/2020 - 12:01pm
This selection is illustrative.
Question: how many times can you watch JoJo's blunder before you no longer find it amusing? I find this scary. But funny (quite nonprofessional of me).
I can't believe they are continuing to put this forth as a workable solution. How can they think Trump won't chew him up and spit him out? How can they think he will last four years, or that the public thinks he will? He needs to go fishin' now. Before its too late. What they are doing is putting up the VP really. Because at the rate he is going, he can't last. Yet still they plow full speed ahead to disaster. Ukraine is now investigating him and Hunterboy. A criminal foreign investigation. For which we have all seen the evidence on youtube.
7 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Wild's first version of the Fortitude South plan was produced in early January 1943 and aimed to counter the likelihood that the Germans would notice invasion preparations in the South of England.[4] The intention was to create the impression that an invasion was aimed at the Pas de Calais some time in mid-July; once the real invasion had landed, six fictional divisions would keep this threat to Calais alive.[5] The Fortitude South plan would be implemented, at an operational level, by the invasion force—the 21st Army Group under the command of General Bernard Montgomery.[3]
Biden is 2020's Fortitude South, substituting the DNC for the Pas de Calais. The Pas de Calais was never the intended Overlord objective. Biden is not the intended DNC nominee. My belief is that H. Rodent Clinton is the likely true nominee.
This will be outlined in a forthcoming essay: Godzilla and Mothra get married.
I can't believe they are continuing to put this forth as a workable solution. How can they think Trump won't chew him up and spit him out? How can they think he will last four years, or that the public thinks he will? He needs to go fishin' now. Before its too late. What they are doing is putting up the VP really. Because at the rate he is going, he can't last. Yet still they plow full speed ahead to disaster. Ukraine is now investigating him and Hunterboy. A criminal foreign investigation. For which we have all seen the evidence on youtube.
Hey Alligator, been a bit since I've been around but I've always enjoyed your commentary.
On a more serious note, I know you are a medical professional and you've probably discussed this on here before but I haven't been around these parts in a while.
Being an armchair physician (since he isn't in front of you to do assessments), what is your opinion of what Biden actually has? I have my opinions but I come from the psychological community, but I thought I would check in more with the medical community.
@Strife Delivery
There are many types of dementia. Too many for me to list. Dementia means loss of previously obtained cognitive function. This can be from single or multiple causes. Dementia may be hereditary, acquired, or a combination of both.
In the U.S. and Western Europe, the sources from which I derive most of my understanding the primary cause of dementia in elderly patients is Alzheimer's disease. This is a disorder which has clearly genetic origins in 10% or more of cases. However many different genetic abnormalities can result in the same result: dementia. Different chromosomes or combinations thereof are clearly implicated in those cases providing such material.
But the genetics of dementia is complex and varied.
Acquired dementia, such as due to alcoholism, parasitic infections, brain trauma, etc. are more easily identifiable. But some causes of acquired dementia are still debatable. For instance, does subconcussive head trauma, such as is routine in soccer, lead to dementia? Not known.
In the US, Alzheimer's makes up between 30 and 40% of case incidence (i.e., newly diagnosed in a specified time range). But second on the list is atherosclerotic dementia, manifested by multiple, minute micro infarctions of brain tissue. The tissues involved may include cortical and subcortical areas, individually or combined.
Other degenerative dementias also top the list behind the first two causes. For instance Lewy body disease, fronto-temporal dementia (which would include Pick's disease), Parkinson's disease, etc.
The "final common pathway" is behavioral expression, both motoric and semantic. Doing an arm chair diagnosis is fraught with hazard. Partially accounting for this is the limited observation period available, especially when the individual is not your personal patient. Part of the difficulty lies in ignorance of laboratory test results--including both which have been performed and those which should be performed. Also necessary are results of imaging studies and neuropsychological examinations. I can not diagnose Biden's precise dementing illness, but suffice it to say, Joe has lost some of his marbles and more are disappearing steadily.
Conspiracy theorists surmise that Joe's apparent mental failing is an act, designed to fool the people, like the "Sicilian flu". But witnessing the so-called Biden gaffes reveals that they appear spontaneously and not rehearsed or otherwise contrived. Joe years ago manifested "gaffes" which could be labelled as accidental mental misfires, semantically, in a fellow whose language skills were not initially A-rated.
But current, almost daily examples, which we are permitted to observe by the MSM are too frequent. They must be labelled clearly as acquired, involuntary mental errors. These errors include recent memory, orientation, and facial recognition.
Hey Alligator, been a bit since I've been around but I've always enjoyed your commentary.
On a more serious note, I know you are a medical professional and you've probably discussed this on here before but I haven't been around these parts in a while.
Being an armchair physician (since he isn't in front of you to do assessments), what is your opinion of what Biden actually has? I have my opinions but I come from the psychological community, but I thought I would check in more with the medical community.
@Alligator Ed
The main thing I'm taking away from this is while you may not be able to state the exact etiology of the dementia, the reality is you believe it to be dementia.
I say this because sadly, far too many within the Dem circle who support Biden merely wish to hand wave this away by saying he has a stutter/stammer.
I understand stuttering and stammering, which is not at all which Biden is currently exhibiting; however, it seems that people merely wish to bear hug this as hard as they can while dismissing all observations of his behaviors as "CT" or merely bitter leftists.
Without the ability to do an assessment in front of me, combined with more my limited understanding, I would still suggest that from a behavioral perspective he has significant cognitive decline. This can be evident from a baseline of his previous exposure -- take a look at his videos and interviews just 4 years ago.
I don't know what bothers me more -- the establishment who are committing elder abuse in propping up this man or the voters who either are ignorant or refuse to acknowledge the reality of what Biden is right now.
#4 There are many types of dementia. Too many for me to list. Dementia means loss of previously obtained cognitive function. This can be from single or multiple causes. Dementia may be hereditary, acquired, or a combination of both.
In the U.S. and Western Europe, the sources from which I derive most of my understanding the primary cause of dementia in elderly patients is Alzheimer's disease. This is a disorder which has clearly genetic origins in 10% or more of cases. However many different genetic abnormalities can result in the same result: dementia. Different chromosomes or combinations thereof are clearly implicated in those cases providing such material.
But the genetics of dementia is complex and varied.
Acquired dementia, such as due to alcoholism, parasitic infections, brain trauma, etc. are more easily identifiable. But some causes of acquired dementia are still debatable. For instance, does subconcussive head trauma, such as is routine in soccer, lead to dementia? Not known.
In the US, Alzheimer's makes up between 30 and 40% of case incidence (i.e., newly diagnosed in a specified time range). But second on the list is atherosclerotic dementia, manifested by multiple, minute micro infarctions of brain tissue. The tissues involved may include cortical and subcortical areas, individually or combined.
Other degenerative dementias also top the list behind the first two causes. For instance Lewy body disease, fronto-temporal dementia (which would include Pick's disease), Parkinson's disease, etc.
The "final common pathway" is behavioral expression, both motoric and semantic. Doing an arm chair diagnosis is fraught with hazard. Partially accounting for this is the limited observation period available, especially when the individual is not your personal patient. Part of the difficulty lies in ignorance of laboratory test results--including both which have been performed and those which should be performed. Also necessary are results of imaging studies and neuropsychological examinations. I can not diagnose Biden's precise dementing illness, but suffice it to say, Joe has lost some of his marbles and more are disappearing steadily.
Conspiracy theorists surmise that Joe's apparent mental failing is an act, designed to fool the people, like the "Sicilian flu". But witnessing the so-called Biden gaffes reveals that they appear spontaneously and not rehearsed or otherwise contrived. Joe years ago manifested "gaffes" which could be labelled as accidental mental misfires, semantically, in a fellow whose language skills were not initially A-rated.
But current, almost daily examples, which we are permitted to observe by the MSM are too frequent. They must be labelled clearly as acquired, involuntary mental errors. These errors include recent memory, orientation, and facial recognition.
I understand stuttering and stammering, which is not at all which Biden is currently exhibiting; however, it seems that people merely wish to bear hug this as hard as they can while dismissing all observations of his behaviors as "CT" or merely bitter leftists.
Without the ability to do an assessment in front of me, combined with more my limited understanding, I would still suggest that from a behavioral perspective he has significant cognitive decline. This can be evident from a baseline of his previous exposure -- take a look at his videos and interviews just 4 years ago.
I concur with every word quoted. Nothing more be said about diagnosis.
But lots to say about possible clinical course (or denouement, if you prefer less clinical terms). In my experience (38 years extensively dealing with all sorts of dementia) there are basically 3 courses. Now this formulation is mine. I welcome fellow researchers to find more suitable or equally plausible explanations.
Brief observation here before continuing: I regard all substantive comment here as representing the work of co-investigators on a mutual topic.
Dementia course type 1: the most common, steady, smooth decline occurring at a rate particular to that disease process. This commonly occurs in Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
Dementia course type 2: abrupt deterioration, more rapid, often resulting in disease diagnosis.
Dementia course type 3: continuing long slow decline until abruptly accelerating at some future time.
Dementia staging: this is a highly technical area to perform correctly. To correctly stage dementia, quantification using standardized testing is essential. Amongst testing for dementia, the most useful measures may include: EEG, blood tests, imaging, CSF sampling, angiography, and most definitely must include thorough neuropsychological evaluation.
Anecdotally, according to information I've gleaned from several sources (for which I now lack citations) is that by the time a lay person discovers that another individual is when that demented individuals is at the lower end of early phase or early mid-phase dementia, as quantified on a MiniMental State Examination (MMSE).
Speculation: I would not be surprised if Biden has a neurodegenerative dementia involving the cerebral cortex, and relatively sparing the basal ganglia. Sorry, you'll have to research this stuff yourself if you wish.
Thus about JoJo's clinical course I have insufficient background observation.
#4.1 The main thing I'm taking away from this is while you may not be able to state the exact etiology of the dementia, the reality is you believe it to be dementia.
I say this because sadly, far too many within the Dem circle who support Biden merely wish to hand wave this away by saying he has a stutter/stammer.
I understand stuttering and stammering, which is not at all which Biden is currently exhibiting; however, it seems that people merely wish to bear hug this as hard as they can while dismissing all observations of his behaviors as "CT" or merely bitter leftists.
Without the ability to do an assessment in front of me, combined with more my limited understanding, I would still suggest that from a behavioral perspective he has significant cognitive decline. This can be evident from a baseline of his previous exposure -- take a look at his videos and interviews just 4 years ago.
I don't know what bothers me more -- the establishment who are committing elder abuse in propping up this man or the voters who either are ignorant or refuse to acknowledge the reality of what Biden is right now.
One type of which are, as you write "brain bubbles--literally. These are called air emboli. Two of the most common sources are severe craniofacial trauma, causing air to enter brain circulation via torn blood vessels. Air emboli then causes a foam which makes passage of blood through the injured vessels more difficult if not impossible.
The most common source of emboli are cardiac or carotid in nature. These cause damage by temporary or permanent blood flow cessation through the affected areas. Solid emboli, such as colts are by far the most common.
Embolisms may also occur when medical devices fragment upstream to an organ and then also block vessels downstream. An example might be a fragmented vascular stent.
aka embolisms
or brain bubbles
also effect mental pathways
not uncommon in the elderly
sometimes undiagnosed when
only slightly or gradually displayed
Any chance that they are causing some of his problems? 1987 IIRC.
#5 One type of which are, as you write "brain bubbles--literally. These are called air emboli. Two of the most common sources are severe craniofacial trauma, causing air to enter brain circulation via torn blood vessels. Air emboli then causes a foam which makes passage of blood through the injured vessels more difficult if not impossible.
The most common source of emboli are cardiac or carotid in nature. These cause damage by temporary or permanent blood flow cessation through the affected areas. Solid emboli, such as colts are by far the most common.
Embolisms may also occur when medical devices fragment upstream to an organ and then also block vessels downstream. An example might be a fragmented vascular stent.
3 users have voted.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I would have to read pre-operative history, operative notes, pre- and post-op imaging to give a somewhat reliable answer. I have operated on aneurysms. All of my patients walked out of the hospital on their own--no wheel chairs. But I was lucky and so were my patients.
Right now, with more of my attention directed about COVID-19, I am disinclined to pursue the cause of JoJo's failing mentation. But...if you would get some of that information for me (i.e., medical secretary type work) then I will open my interest into exploring JoJo's brain failure.
Can't watch, must maintain professionalism.
Steve Bell nailed it
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I can't believe
I can't believe they are continuing to put this forth as a workable solution. How can they think Trump won't chew him up and spit him out? How can they think he will last four years, or that the public thinks he will? He needs to go fishin' now. Before its too late. What they are doing is putting up the VP really. Because at the rate he is going, he can't last. Yet still they plow full speed ahead to disaster. Ukraine is now investigating him and Hunterboy. A criminal foreign investigation. For which we have all seen the evidence on youtube.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Biden is a massive misdirection
the Fortitude South deception plan, which was highly successful during WW2.
Think of this, if you will toBiden is 2020's Fortitude South, substituting the DNC for the Pas de Calais. The Pas de Calais was never the intended Overlord objective. Biden is not the intended DNC nominee. My belief is that H. Rodent Clinton is the likely true nominee.
This will be outlined in a forthcoming essay: Godzilla and Mothra get married.
Hey Alligator, been a bit
Hey Alligator, been a bit since I've been around but I've always enjoyed your commentary.
On a more serious note, I know you are a medical professional and you've probably discussed this on here before but I haven't been around these parts in a while.
Being an armchair physician (since he isn't in front of you to do assessments), what is your opinion of what Biden actually has? I have my opinions but I come from the psychological community, but I thought I would check in more with the medical community.
Characterizing dementia may not be simple
In the U.S. and Western Europe, the sources from which I derive most of my understanding the primary cause of dementia in elderly patients is Alzheimer's disease. This is a disorder which has clearly genetic origins in 10% or more of cases. However many different genetic abnormalities can result in the same result: dementia. Different chromosomes or combinations thereof are clearly implicated in those cases providing such material.
But the genetics of dementia is complex and varied.
Acquired dementia, such as due to alcoholism, parasitic infections, brain trauma, etc. are more easily identifiable. But some causes of acquired dementia are still debatable. For instance, does subconcussive head trauma, such as is routine in soccer, lead to dementia? Not known.
In the US, Alzheimer's makes up between 30 and 40% of case incidence (i.e., newly diagnosed in a specified time range). But second on the list is atherosclerotic dementia, manifested by multiple, minute micro infarctions of brain tissue. The tissues involved may include cortical and subcortical areas, individually or combined.
Other degenerative dementias also top the list behind the first two causes. For instance Lewy body disease, fronto-temporal dementia (which would include Pick's disease), Parkinson's disease, etc.
The "final common pathway" is behavioral expression, both motoric and semantic. Doing an arm chair diagnosis is fraught with hazard. Partially accounting for this is the limited observation period available, especially when the individual is not your personal patient. Part of the difficulty lies in ignorance of laboratory test results--including both which have been performed and those which should be performed. Also necessary are results of imaging studies and neuropsychological examinations. I can not diagnose Biden's precise dementing illness, but suffice it to say, Joe has lost some of his marbles and more are disappearing steadily.
Conspiracy theorists surmise that Joe's apparent mental failing is an act, designed to fool the people, like the "Sicilian flu". But witnessing the so-called Biden gaffes reveals that they appear spontaneously and not rehearsed or otherwise contrived. Joe years ago manifested "gaffes" which could be labelled as accidental mental misfires, semantically, in a fellow whose language skills were not initially A-rated.
But current, almost daily examples, which we are permitted to observe by the MSM are too frequent. They must be labelled clearly as acquired, involuntary mental errors. These errors include recent memory, orientation, and facial recognition.
@Alligator Ed The main thing I'm
I say this because sadly, far too many within the Dem circle who support Biden merely wish to hand wave this away by saying he has a stutter/stammer.
I understand stuttering and stammering, which is not at all which Biden is currently exhibiting; however, it seems that people merely wish to bear hug this as hard as they can while dismissing all observations of his behaviors as "CT" or merely bitter leftists.
Without the ability to do an assessment in front of me, combined with more my limited understanding, I would still suggest that from a behavioral perspective he has significant cognitive decline. This can be evident from a baseline of his previous exposure -- take a look at his videos and interviews just 4 years ago.
I don't know what bothers me more -- the establishment who are committing elder abuse in propping up this man or the voters who either are ignorant or refuse to acknowledge the reality of what Biden is right now.
I agree with your perceptions of Biden's cognition
I concur with every word quoted. Nothing more be said about diagnosis.
But lots to say about possible clinical course (or denouement, if you prefer less clinical terms). In my experience (38 years extensively dealing with all sorts of dementia) there are basically 3 courses. Now this formulation is mine. I welcome fellow researchers to find more suitable or equally plausible explanations.
Brief observation here before continuing: I regard all substantive comment here as representing the work of co-investigators on a mutual topic.
Dementia course type 1: the most common, steady, smooth decline occurring at a rate particular to that disease process. This commonly occurs in Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
Dementia course type 2: abrupt deterioration, more rapid, often resulting in disease diagnosis.
Dementia course type 3: continuing long slow decline until abruptly accelerating at some future time.
Dementia staging: this is a highly technical area to perform correctly. To correctly stage dementia, quantification using standardized testing is essential. Amongst testing for dementia, the most useful measures may include: EEG, blood tests, imaging, CSF sampling, angiography, and most definitely must include thorough neuropsychological evaluation.
Anecdotally, according to information I've gleaned from several sources (for which I now lack citations) is that by the time a lay person discovers that another individual is when that demented individuals is at the lower end of early phase or early mid-phase dementia, as quantified on a MiniMental State Examination (MMSE).
Speculation: I would not be surprised if Biden has a neurodegenerative dementia involving the cerebral cortex, and relatively sparing the basal ganglia. Sorry, you'll have to research this stuff yourself if you wish.
Thus about JoJo's clinical course I have insufficient background observation.
mini strokes
aka embolisms
or brain bubbles
also effect mental pathways
not uncommon in the elderly
sometimes undiagnosed when
only slightly or gradually displayed
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The are several types of embolisms
The most common source of emboli are cardiac or carotid in nature. These cause damage by temporary or permanent blood flow cessation through the affected areas. Solid emboli, such as colts are by far the most common.
Embolisms may also occur when medical devices fragment upstream to an organ and then also block vessels downstream. An example might be a fragmented vascular stent.
Biden has had two aneurysm repairs
Any chance that they are causing some of his problems? 1987 IIRC.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Yes, a possibility
Right now, with more of my attention directed about COVID-19, I am disinclined to pursue the cause of JoJo's failing mentation. But...if you would get some of that information for me (i.e., medical secretary type work) then I will open my interest into exploring JoJo's brain failure.