Kapitol Killers, starring A. Occasional-Cortex, aided by N. Pelosi (S.F.)
Statement of Bias: Biden sucks--watch out if he puts his teeth in when he does.
This literature is produced in Amurika. My opinions are currently assisted by Helix Eat Sleep Rock. Headphones, always.
Fellow Swampers,
I am alarmed and horrified, indeed--I, an Alligator--is horrified! Blood is soon to flow in D.C. Oops, already happened January 6 (aka The Insurrection). Now, after whispers abounded for several hours or days at most, about terroristic threats against the Prima della Villa, her opulence Alexandria O-C herself--yes HERSELF--has proclaimed that Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, has been trying to have her murdered or perhaps murders her himself.
Indeed this sudden outburst of violent speech, let alone violent actions has been unknown in Washington D.C. since 1865--until January 6, 2021. The event shall forever be known as "The Insurrection". As I am but a gentle, aquatic creature, such naked violence is scary!
Now that Biden Bids Us Unite (BBUU), such social disruptions can not be permitted. No hostility in our soon to be reunited, fractious fractured battlefield shall be tolerated.
Thus admonished, by AOC et al of Republican assassins lurking, perhaps ensconced in secret sconces, it is readily evident that such a combative attitude, instigated most likely by Republicans, should be investigated by the appropriate agencies involved in criminal investigation.
That's what this system needs. A purge perhaps of those Right Wingers. Let's give the accused a fair trial like kindly Uncle Joe Stalin used to afford the recipients of his tender mercies.
So, with hot blood running through my reptilian veins, I was driven to a flurry of activity (I have no idea idea what a flurry for activity would look like). With the help of modern technology, I spawned seven (7) letters to various recipients. Those will be revealed in the set below.
Letter requesting Official Inquiry into recent accusations of malicious intent against members of the House of Representatives.
January 31, 2021
Senator Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Feinstein
As a California citizen concerned for the welfare of our elected leaders, I write to you requesting a criminal investigation be launched concerning threats of murder being voiced by several members of Congress leveled against several political persons in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
In particular, I refer to statements made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claiming that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is trying to kill her. This is a very serious charge. Is Senator Cruz plotting to kill Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. This is a mater of urgency. Being law enforcement officers, you surely understand that such claims of terroristic threats MUST be investigated promptly.
Secondly, equally disturbing, is a statement by Speaker Nancy Pelosi that: “I do believe, and I have said this all along, that we will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives, a threat members are concerned about in audition to what is happening outside”.
The Speaker’s remarks clearly imply members of the House of Representatives of the House pose active physical threats to other members. This, combined with Ocasio-Cortez’s claims of life threats paint a very dire picture of unsafe conditions within both Houses of Congress.
I hope you will treat this matter with the urgency and seriousness deserved. A thorough investigation of those charged with threats to other Representatives must be mounted. The evidence obtained therefrom should be made public. The fate of any Representatives so injured or killed after such terroristic threats is in your hands. Failure of the D.C. Capitol Police will represent an abdication of their duty to Protect and Serve.
With utmost concern,
Your most obedient subservient constituent,
Ed Alligator
The missive was sent to the following list of malefactors (er...elected leaders):
cc: Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA)
Sen Gary Peters (D-MI), Senate Permanent subcommittee on investigation.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Permanent Committee on investigation.
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) House Homeland Security Committee
Rep. John Katko (R-NY) House Homeland Security Committee
Washington D.C. Capitol Police
Those of you who are terrified of further right-wing violence, please send a serious letter expressing your horror to as many as them Congress Critters as you can tolerate.
Maybe we can instigate some action by demanding a serious investigation.
We must alarm the populace. Call the Cops. Summon the FBI.
As you know, violence, fellow swampers, doesn't solve anything (except my hunger).
Here is a musical warning for this imminent insanity.

Sound Track
Head phones of course
Well I certainly
wouldn't lose any sleep, but maybe cry crocodile tears, if someone took out Ted "the grand poobah of the Texas Taliban Tea Party" Cruz. Maybe he will drown in the bath tub Grover Norquist wanted to drown the government in?
Maybe his QAnon buddy House Rep. Greene can hang out together and plan the next insurrection?
Why don't we just let everyone wear a six gun on their hip and pretend this is the old west? Isn't that what republicans want anyway? Carry guns anywhere and shoot anyone they want?
Of course I would prefer a browning 9mm with a 14 round clip to a six gun...
Glad to see ya back on the farm!
Just for you!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Great taste in music, Rooster
Don't forget the John Brown Gun Club. Shows that some Lefties have balls, though not many. Can't let all the RW'ers have all the fun.
how did you lick the stamps?
inquiring minds and all that rot... ; )
Stamp out stamp-licking
Great to see you back!
I do hope you can stay for dinner?
Thank you, my honorable feline friend
This overgrown pussy thought he had me until I flipped on my back and drowned it.
Say, how 'bout coming to my swamp and we can, as they say, chew the
cat, er fat?