Just how far right is the Democratic Party?
I'll take an easy example for Americans to get their head around: The British Conservative Party
The Conservative Party of the United Kingdom has hired an unexpected-but-certainly-qualified person to advise its general election team: Jim Messina, architect of the Barack Obama re-election and former Deputy White House Chief of Staff. What gives? How could a self-described lifelong Democrat go work for the Conservatives?
Yes, that's right: Messina can still wear his all-blue outfit when he has to take meetings in London.The final tally from the above? Two Conservative policies similar to the Republican party; six to the Democrats. And in two instances — the death penalty and nationalized healthcare — it runs further to the left.
In other words, Messina doesn't need to change his policy arguments that much, either.
The Conservative Party is fiscally conservative i.e they prefer privatisation of public assets and many quite like Obama's ACA for it private sector insurance scheme. Some refer to this as neolibralism [or just liberalism this side of the pond]
Neoliberalism is a policy model of social studies and economics that transfers control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector. It takes from the basic principles of neoclassical economics, suggesting that governments must limit subsidies, make reforms to tax law in order to expand the tax base, reduce deficit spending, limit protectionism, and open markets up to trade. It also seeks to abolish fixed exchange rates, back deregulation, permit private property, and privatize businesses run by the state.
Liberalism, in economics, refers to a freeing of the economy by eliminating regulations and barriers that restrict what actors can do. Neoliberal policies aim for a laissez-faire approach to economic development.
How "liberals" hate to be compared to neo-liberals, but as can be seen from the past campaign it is a plain as day that they are one and the same. The biggest proponent of TTP and TTIP was the President himself who also happens to be a Democrat, also it was supported by many senior Democrats including their eventual candidate until it was politically expedient not to do so. Without Bernie Sanders campaign I doubt it would have even been an issue for most of them.
Anything slightly to the left of the conservative Democratic Party seems to illicit kneejerk reactions of "socialism" wheras there is a country mile to the left of the Democratic Party before you even get a hint of actual socialism. The only time socialism is used in the US is to bail out the top 1%.
Neither Party has committed to reducing income inequality, no matter which one has been in power it has only got worse
Most talk of income inequality focuses on the problems of the very poor or the broader socioeconomic implications of rising inequality. What is less well-known is that income inequality makes us all less happy with our lives, even if we’re relatively well-off.
We examined data from the Gallup World Poll and the World Top Incomes Database and found that the more income is concentrated in the hands of a few, the more likely individuals are to report lower levels of life satisfaction and more negative daily emotional experiences. That is, the higher the share of national income that is held by the top 1%, the lower the overall well-being of the general population. Specifically, we found that a 1% increase in the share of taxable income held by the top 1% hurts life satisfaction as much as a 1.4% increase in the country-level unemployment rate.
Which hurts even more when we cannot even ensure the proper nutrition for tens of millions of children in the richest country on earth.
The estimated percentage of U.S. households that were food insecure declined significantly in 2015 to 12.7 percent of U.S. households (15.8 million households, approximately one in eight). This is down significantly from 2014, when 14.0 percent of households (17.5 million households, approximately one in seven), were food insecure. It continues a downward trend from 14.9 percent food insecure in 2011, the highest percentage ever recorded. However the 2015 prevalence of food insecurity was still above the 2007 pre-recessionary level of 11.1 percent. (Food-insecure households (those with low and very low food security) had difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources.) In 2015, the percentage of households with food insecurity in the severe range—very low food security—also declined significantly. (Coleman-Jensen 2016b)
It is not as if we don't have the resources to eliminate malnutrition however we decided that increasing the debt through foreign wars was much more fun, and many Democrats applauded them at the time and the to continue upporting funding them
The capitulation of the Democratic Party’s congressional leadership to the Bush administration’s request for nearly $100 billion of unconditional supplementary government spending, primarily to support the war in Iraq, has led to outrage throughout the country. In the Senate, 37 of 49 Democrats voted on May 24 to support the measure. In the House, while only 86 of the 231 Democratic House members voted for the supplemental funding, 216 of them voted in favor of an earlier procedural vote designed to move the funding bill forward even though it would make the funding bill’s passage inevitable (while giving most of them a chance to claim they voted against it).
Many Democrats also claim not to support the wars yet they continue to elect them anyway even if they deliberately lie about their intentions, it is really quite astounding. Couple that with their tacit acceptance of war crimes and torture and a rather ugly picture is painted.
The only lesser evil on show is reduced rate of decent into evil. They wilfully participated in our decent into a full blown oligarchy [another word they scream about] and are unwilling even to attempt to turn it around. How often was "citizens united" really challenged in the legislature? Mention lobbying, all they come up with in defence of doing nothing about it is "freedoms" and if it wasn't above board it would be in the back rooms. Mention campaign finance reform and all they can come up with is we need as much money as "them" to win, hint they raised more and didn't win either.
Some experts had a look and concluded that the US was indeed an oligarchy
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.
The Democrats are quite happy watching people sink under crushing debts, well if they didn't why would they ridicule people proposing ways of trying to ameliorate it. Any policy designed to really help anyone but the elite seems to meet the same fate, single payer anyone? Medicare for all even?
Climate Change, brought out of the bag every now and then to prove they "believe" in science then just as quickly forgotten about when it comes to that "winning" thingy.
Which one is evil, the one that makes no bones about it, or the one that pretends they are not? The way both party faithful look at it, just pick and choose which one is which, the results are both headed the same way.
No need for another party they say, we can change them some "progressives say" well it hasn't even remotely slowed down the politics as usual in anyway shape or form, playing along for scraps will not work, eventually they will take those away as well. One side of the same side of the aisle might just do it a bit more slowly. Hell they even applaud it when their side gets to appoint a supreme court justice who is politically on their "side" and scream like hell when the other side gets the ball, what justice eh?
Perhaps one day the majority will have the courage to say, enough is enough of this game of thrones. I wont hold my breath.
Democrats this time around basically complained about not having a loyalty oath for their primaries due to some states not requiring in the primaries that you must be a "D-registration" to participate. Next time around just draw one up, it will be simpler and avoid someone possibly upsetting the apple-cart.
I'm done with both of the conservative parties. I want a party at least mildly on the actual left, then voting might be a damn sight easier not to feel ill about.

The Logo of the Present-Day Democratic Party
It has worked brilliantly... in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Why abandon a winning strategy?
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Hiya, happy hols thingy and all that.
I never knew I wuz Russian [with a name like Alessandra I had my suspicions]
Well, You Had a Great Run in Russia
Not so sure about your friendship with this guy, though...
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
hmm, all lies, good to dance to though
I love them!!! I had their Boonoonoonoos album when I was a kid. So great!
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
Great song!
What was weird about that was that Boney died in St. Petersburg, Russia, the same city that Rasputin died in, on the actual anniversary of his death. He had just finished a concert there. He died doing what he loved though.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
What's David Brock got to do with this?
Change will only come from the outside.
Six months ago, I still would have been a bit uneasy about deregistering, but I've pretty much had enough. The TPP was it for me. If us commies didn't kick up a fuss, the corporate dems would have fast tracked that betrayal through in no time flat. We really need to another option. Why not the Greens?
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Why not the Greens, I've no major objection
Well, I object!
What the Hell does Jill Stein think she is doing for American prosperity and true liberalism in general when her pseudo-Green party is filing voter recount suits in 3 states: MI. WI, and PA? Is she trying to get us Hillary Goddam Clinton instead of Orange Hairball Trumpenstein? As much as I dislike Trump, I hate Hillary, the Mad Bomber. So WTF, Jill, why this move. You degrade the whole premise of the Green Party and it's alleged platform. No, I won't vote Green again, nor DemocRAT. We need a truly Progressive Third Party--not a sell-out one.
I think I am with you, gator-boy.
If They want consumers, consumers They will get. Shopping for a new Party or making one. I am tired of traitor deals.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Agree and have already #GreenExit'ed
I don't think Stein and the Greens know what they're doing. Or worse still, they do.
I think it serves multiple purposes.
- shines a light on paperless voting machines
- might find evidence to support a deeper examination of the machines and the programming
- gives her (& the Greens) more publicity than during the entire campaign
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
I'm so far left,
I'll trade my time for something you have.
Be it knowledge, wisdom, truth or food.
Let's make a deal.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Us hicks from the sticks still trade like that.
Careerism --
which is so much more important than any genuine party loyalty. Clinton hired Brock, which at the time, I found stunning.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The wars cost us $50 billion/month or $20 million/hour
That's a staggering number don't you think?
Just Imagine how that amount of money could help the people in this country instead of the MICC and every other industry involved with getting the defense weapons, tanks and other equipment to the troops.
Then there is the amount of money spent on the veterans of all the current and previous wars and the cost goes up. Then there are all the veteran hospitals and the staff, medicines and machinery needed in them.
Here is how fast our government is spending money each hour.
It takes less than 10 seconds to spend $100 dollars.
Then there is the money for foreign aid and I have no idea why we give countries like Israel billions each year while their citizens have decent health care and other social programs that our government keep, gutting because they say that there isn't enough money to fund them.
Of course they can't ask the corporations to pay their fair share of taxes because then they wouldn't get their
bribeslobbying money.Yes Virginia, you do live in an oligarchy.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
A big chunk of foreign aid is
in the form of arms purchases from US makers, possibly most of it iirc.
So basically the taxpayers subsidize Boeing et al. Apart from the direct subsidies. The System works.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Non military foreign aid
Was 0.9% if the Federal budget in 2012. Military foreign aid was 0.5%.
I love how whenever they ask people what they want to cut from the budget they always say foreign aid, when it is 1.4% of the budget...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Well said LF!
Which is worse? The wolf or the wolf in sheep's clothing raising hell about how dangerous the wolf is? Dem's have been hoodwinking decent, smart people who I guess just don't have the energy or are actually apathetic about the issues that we face. I have friends and Family that were hung ho for Hillary: women, LGTB, white, non-white- I was just dumb-founded!! These were people who hated all the corruption, war-mongering, crony-capitalism under Bush and other neo-cons (etc etc, we all know the litany), and yet they just dropped the torch and let the flame die on it once BO got elected and they saw a chance for the first female POTUS(I keep saying the one and only positive of a HRC president, albeit BIGLY outweighed by the massive steaming pile of negatives). Please clintons, go away. Forever.
So why did those people not vote for Sanders
in the primary? Oh. I forgot. Voter suppression, scale tipping and general all around machine rigging.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Well said LF!
Which is worse? The wolf or the wolf in sheep's clothing raising hell about how dangerous the wolf is? Dem's have been hoodwinking decent, smart people who I guess just don't have the energy or are actually apathetic about the issues that we face. I have friends and Family that were hung ho for Hillary: women, LGTB, white, non-white- I was just dumb-founded!! These were people who hated all the corruption, war-mongering, crony-capitalism under Bush and other neo-cons (etc etc, we all know the litany), and yet they just dropped the torch and let the flame die on it once BO got elected and they saw a chance for the first female POTUS(I keep saying the one and only positive of a HRC president, albeit BIGLY outweighed by the massive steaming pile of negatives). Please clintons, go away. Forever.
I can't wait for Obama to leave.
“When you lose the White House to the least popular candidate in the history of America, when you lose the Senate, when you lose the House and when two-thirds of governors in this country are Republican, it is time for a new direction for the Democratic Party,” Sanders said.
Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/politics-government/article11674081...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It is a remarkable legacy
of Shame!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
"...the stain. The stains..."
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Dk, everyone, I think you will enjoy this article
It's a great take down of Obama's presidency and the people who still says that he has been a great president.

From his cabinet posts, not charging anyone who committed war crimes or bank fraud to everything else he did, he has been a mediocre president and should be remembered as one.
I hope people read this article. It says what we have been saying, but I'm sure that if I post it on DK a shitstorm will erupt.
Remember that wars are only bad when republicans do them.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Oh well,
There goes Angela Marx's amnesty proposal even before Markos has had a chance to shoot it down.
If you post it early Saturday it may last a while. And I can't think of a group that would benefit more from the information you provide.
I read her diary this morning
That was a nice offer by Angela.
And she is right, a lot of great writers left the site. Many came here.
Now we need to make sure we can keep it going.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Obama Not So Bad???
I know such people exist, for I work with some. But it only shows me that they are indulging in wilful ignorance. In at least one case as I present, he admits that his favorable views of Obama are based on the thought that "he's better than the alternative".
Obama's lies about filibustering FISA cost him my support for 2008, and when Hillary played the race card in a last ditch effort to take away the nomination that year, that cost her. The only Democrat that I could see supporting in that year was Dennis Kucinich, and we've seen since how the Party treated him!
Obama did many things which will be used by the GOP against America, and yet until that happens, many will continue to believe in Mr. Hopey Nopey Changey. They probably still believe in Santa, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and that Elvis Still Lives. One can do nothing with such people except hope they don't breed. It's a shame they vote.
edited to replace "FICA" with "FISA" to maintain factuality
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Dennis? Ethnic urban socialist: Who could say No? I contributed
to his campaigns and he had the outlook and knowledge and experience that I would like to see in a president. He was poorly treated by the Dem establishment for sure.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
That's why they've embraced identity politics
It's the same wedge issue pandering game Republicans play with abortion or marriage equality or bathroom liberation. When you have to try to keep your voters on side voting for you while you're busily screwing them over all day long, a cover story is required. Pull back the curtain on the scam, though, and suddenly you're a RACIST! SEXIST! PURIST! SOCIALIST! FASCIST! TRUMP-LOVER!
Methinks they doth protest too much.
Please help support caucus99percent!
They also have very strong authoritarian traits, executive
power and its never ending expansion worries them but little, just as long as the President has the convenient D-tag.
How often do you hear "but, but the President must do something!". Perhaps the Presidency should have a crown thingy.
Exactly. They are Followers.
Anyone who doesn't Follow whom they do is a heretic, fit only for the stake.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Gosh, if only they could have set up Kangaroo courts
to deal with the rebels.
A heretic or even worse...
a Russian propagandist! As fair warning to all faithful Followers, there is now a "Friendly Neighborhood Propaganda Identification Service" prominently promoted by the Washington Post.
Beware of Fake News, all ye neoliberals! NYT and WaPo shall bravely stand guard, protecting America's thinking from the perils of erroneous foreign influences..
and a Trident
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I have thought this sooo many times!
Dems are the mirror image of the Reps: both use highly emotionally charged "bright shiny objects" (so-called family values on one side, identity politics on the other) to distract everyone from what the wizards behind the curtain are doing (namely, rigging and running the capitalist machinery).
'virtue signaling' is the phrase for that.
A device related to symbolic, thus empty gestures. The babyfication of the left and right is the success of, now, a century of manipulation of there people value system. Feelings define necessity, exclusively, instead of the other way around.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
If, by "babyfication", you mean the stupefaction of Americans
via a horribly lacking educational system (whose demerits are independent of any political party) I would agree. Those without self-awareness, let alone critical thinking skills, allow themselves to put feelings before actual necessities, such as secure, adequate incomes and universal healthcare for all etc. Ignorant individuals are always more susceptible to the charms of the snake oil salespeople. Bread and circuses take the place of meaningful freedom for the unknowing.
Plus a century of propaganda advertising
And programming by mass media. It's been deliberate; Century of the Self was on YouTube and at archive.org for the story on that. The
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
American Exceptionalism!
We get two right-wing parties. The rest of the world is so jealous.
When all else fails the ultimate excuse for horrors that
we have committed, American Exceptionalism.
Quick, can anyone name 3
self-proclamed exceptional nations of the last century?
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Britain's gotta be one of them...
Germany, right?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Nazi Germany, Lenin/Stalin's USSR, Hirohito's Japan
But you could also say Mao's China and Pol Pot's Khmer (Cambodia). Figure together they killed at least 100 million innocents among them. We've only aided 30 million or so to 'the other side' since the Cold War.
I think exceptional Britain killed most of their victims in the 19th C.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Economically, Democrats are as far right as the GOP
They are just a bunch of elitist snobs worried about maintaining their station in life. Democrat Party members are a hodge podge of folks with diverse backgrounds, although it seems they are boiling down to neo-liberals and well educated out of touch idealists.
Unlike many here at C99, I am very concerned Hillary did not win over DJT. As you point out, they are virtually the same on economics but Trump will be a serious danger to civil rights. He will also be as trigger happy as Hillary once he starts getting his ass kicked on international "deal making". For him, it's all about revenge and satisfying his ego, not how he appears to others (ie polling).
Blueside, remember that Obama and the democrats renewed the
Patriot act and Obama signed the NDAA which has a provision in it that states that the president has the authority to lock up anyone without charging them and hold them indefinitely and they won't have access to a lawyer.
He said that he was thinking of using a signing statement to strike that from the bill but he didn't.
It's the other state's governors I'm worried about rolling back worker's rights.
What is the percentage of unions in this country?
Less then 15% or much lower.
Obama ran on that bill about card checks but that was just one more thing he went back on.
But you're right, both parties run on different things but make sure that they don't affect profits.
Both parties are financial whores
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I understand that Obama has been a failure for progs
He certainly has supported the security/state apparatus. Think of what Trump can accomplish with that law, combined with his desire for locking up muslims and immigrants (legal and illegal). I find it extremely difficult to articulate the difference between a professed civil rights abuser, and one who does it secretly. My biggest fear is that we adopt Trump's stance as common practice and acceptance.
Civil rights is another area where they're just differently bad
but bad in about equal measure.
Except instead of belligerent racism Hillary is more subtle, insidious (crime, privacy), and generalized. Her dog whistles are just tunes to a different frequency, not absent.
Trump will not get his ass kicked when deal making
Even though the economies of China and India are growing significantly, ours is still "the greatest". Foreign countries will wish to continue trading with us as they are almost always the beneficiaries of trade imbalance. Higher US tariffs, up to a certain degree will be tolerated by foreign nations as "the price of doing business".
China and India
will lock us out of trade with other countries by signing superior deals in Asia and Africa. Between stricter trade regulations and an expensive dollar, no one will buy our services and copyright theft will go unchallenged.
China has circumvented fair trade by cheapening their currency and giving their workers peanuts for wages. The big deal maker has no cards to play, unless he wants to use force.
You make a good point
However China gains in India and Africa, we still are their greatest trading partner--something in the near term they cannot afford to abandon. Plus we can always buy more from Viet Nam, Malaysia, etc and other countries paying their workers minimal wages. Those countries will be glad to pick up the slack if we downsize trade with China. This may be especially true considering their devalued currency compared to ours.
The great revelation of Wikileaks.
The great revelation was not the corruption. For me, the second are revelations that DNC tipped the scale for Hillary which is actually pretty high up there. No, the leaks revealed that the leader of the democratic party and lead candidate was a total republican. No wonder party officials didn't want anybody reading them. Unfortunately I was at TOP fascinated by some real propaganda by the Washington Post. And I saw these "liberal/lefty" diaries about good policies. And I thought do these front pagers, etc understand that Hillary was against all the stuff they were posting.
Some items I remember: Hillary gave a speech praising Walmart to high heaven. This was done after some activists approached her to convince Walmart to raise wages. She never replied, and her response was the praise Walmart to high heaven--a company which has probably exploited more female workers than any other.
Clinton was oblivious to the $15/hr min. wage movement. When the campaign was alerted, she consoled to oppose $15/hr. I thought actually this showed either stupidity or corruption of unions as the SIEU which lead the fight, but endorsed her.
Ah, she had full throated praise for Simpson-Bowles aka The Cat Food Commission. Which recommended cuts in social security. And Bowles was chief of staff for Bubba when Clinton almost came to propose the partial privatization of social security. I love you Monica!!!!
She supported fracking and accused Putin of sponsoring anti-fracking protests.
She said Wall Street should regulate itself. I think she also pushed for lower corporate taxes in that speech.
She marginalized environmentalists as goofy for demanding the immediate cessation of all fossil fuels. I tried a number of searches to find when she was confronted by such environmentalists (she claimed many such incidents) and found nada.
Let me see. In public she supported Dodd Frank but to quote Lee Fang: "Dodd-Frank, the big financial reform law passed by President Obama, called it a great law that she will defend. She was very proud of it. But, you know, speaking to bankers, she showed a contempt for the law."
More from Lee Fang interview by Amy Goodman: . Also, the emails show that Clinton’s inner circle is filled with wealthy people, Wall Street types, Washington insiders, that are kind of part of a—what you might call a Washington bubble. They are very quick to attack and show a lot of contempt for anyone that they perceive on their political left, whether that’s activists or certain journalists.
Her bankster friends attacked Warren heavily. Clinton did not stand up for Warren. Instead the response was to show what Pelosi said about Warren--that Warren did not speak for the democratic party.
I am sure there is more, but this is all I can remember. People have called her a moderate republican. I don't see much of a moderate in the leaks.
Absolutely correct
All of these things have been a problem since the beginning. Even back in '08 she was proud to be aligned with GOP voters. Remember "Annie Oakley?"
I've been back over at TOP since the election and there is still enough Kool-aid for many over there to be swimming in it.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
there are no Democrats, who fight for
"Einigheit und Recht und Freiheit" (Unity, Justice and Liberty)
or for
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité"(Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood) France has abandoned liberté, égalité and fraternité
or is "United in diversity" (EU)
and there is not
"out of many, one" or "in God we trust". Who trusts? Where are we one?
and who has overcome?
"Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!" (Homeland or Death, We shall overcome)
We need to boycott our own minds, it seems. All we produce is exploitation, wars and inequality and our technological advancements are culpable for it.
I guess I have my "Black Saturday".
Great essay. It was good reading it.
Been concerned with this for a few years
Excellent write up as usual.
I was a 3rd party voter for Perot my very first ballot cast. Since then mostly straight Dem. In CA it doesn't matter much, though.
I remember when he went over there to help their campaign. It was an epiphany for me in many ways. It started me comparing and voting 3rd party again.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
Don't think the Greens are
Don't think the Greens are the party, though. I really don't like how they are spending millions that should be spent on party building to pay for recounts ONLY in the states that might flip to Hillary. i.e. They are trying to get her elected instead of Trump. So they are not for real, either.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.