An inspiring anti-war movement
I'd like to say that a group of Americans got motivated enough to demand peace, but liberals don't do that anymore.
Instead, the anti-war movement I'm speaking of is coming from a place where gathering in groups of 10 or more makes you a target for being blown up. So just protesting for peace requires an incredible amount of courage, and that's what makes it so inspiring.
Hundreds of Afghan men and women are participating in an unprecedented protest to push the warring sides in Afghanistan to cease hostilities and conclude peace.
Under the banner of the previously unknown People’s Movement, scores of demonstrators took part in the fifth day of a sit-in protest in Lashkar Gah.
Dozens of people have set up a tent city and are on a hunger strike for peace. Most of the protesters are widows or mothers who had lost their husbands or children in the war.
These people are serious.
At least six people were hospitalised as the hunger strike continued into its second day.
Two people were taken to the emergency hospital on Friday night after they were found unconscious in the sit-in tent set up by protesters. Four were hospitalised early on Saturday.
And yet this isn't even the most impressive part of the story.
“We first want to know if the government is ready to conclude peace. We want their written guarantees before setting off on a protest march,” Azami said, alluding to their plan to hold a “long march” to the Taliban stronghold of Musa Qala to compel the insurgents to announce a ceasefire.
The northern Helmand town of Musa Qala, nearly 100 kilometers from Lashkar Gah, is a major bastion of the Taliban and is considered a key hub for the drug trade that partly bankrolls their insurgency.
Wow. Just wow.
Marching into the den of a Taleban drug lord is not something for the meek. That requires more courage than I'd ever hope to have.
What's more, this peace movement is inspiring others.
Protests demanding peace in Afghanistan's southern province of Helmand that began in the provincial capital several days ago are spreading to other locations across the country, protesters and officials say.
According to one of the protesters, Husnia Ehsas, people also started organising sit-in demonstrations in Helmand's Gereshk and Nawa districts, as well as the southern provinces of Kandahar and Zabul and the capital Kabul.
I'm praying for their safety.

Yes . . . bless them!
I too sincerely wish them well.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
God knows they deserve peace
The US sure isn't doing anything to help them.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Obama served his masters well.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner left a legacy of extra judicial killings, death and destruction, ten times greater than Bush.
He also left the traditional liberal left anti-war movement in tatters. None of that was accidental. It was exactly what the war mongering bamboozler-in-chief was hired to accomplish.
The Obama legacy
He also left the traditional liberal left anti-war movement in tatters. None of that was accidental. It was exactly what the war mongering bamboozler-in-chief was hired to accomplish.
It was simply amazing how the anti war movement died when he became president, isn't it? Anyone who called him out on his use of drones was called a racist and other names on ToP and I got flagged a few times for it. He murdered an American citizen without a trial and people were okay with it. WTF? No due process, no evidence shown to the American people, just wham and then bug splat. He dropped close to 27,000 bombs in 2016, deported more immigrants than any other president combined and of course protected the financial institutions from prosecution while the American economy continued to get worse. There is lots of talk about how the Iraq war was a war crime and crime against humanity, but not many people say the same thing about Obama's regime change in Libya.
After everything he did during his tenure people insist that he left office scandal free. Sure he didn't abase the office of the presidency, but he certainly did not leave office scandal free in my opinion. Now he is off getting his reward for screwing us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not to forget
that murdered American citizen also had his 16 yo son and 8 yo daughter targeted without trial or even an accusation of some offense.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The Quest For Eternal Peace
May God, Allah and Buddah all bless their efforts and sacrifice. Thanks for the breaking news gjohnsit. Waiting to see how this is covered in American Media.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Don't hold your breath
I don't expect them to give it one microsecond's coverage.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Ah come on, don't be so hard on liberals and progressives.
They're trying to elect progressive politicians that don't and won't oppose imperialism to the democratic war party. That takes guts.
Liberals are just one side of the right-wing coin.
So why do you expect them to do anything different?
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Thanks for shining a light on this.
It literally gave me goosebumps. These people are saints. Ghandi-like in their courage and strength.
They have very little if anything
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur