'The Illegal CIA Operation That Brought Us 9/11'
oh, I just wanted you to listen to this. Isn't that something you would be interested in?
The Illegal CIA Operation That Brought Us 9/11
I can't load and post the actual soundfile of the interview Robert Sheer conducted with John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. But you also can read the transcript.(I love transcripts).
From the article:
Jan 25, 2019
TD originals
The Illegal CIA Operation That Brought Us 9/11
Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Va. (Carolyn Kaster / AP)
Was it conspiracy or idiocy that led to the failure of U.S. intelligence agencies to detect and prevent the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon headquarters? That’s one of the questions at the heart of “The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark: The CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror,” by John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski. In their careful and thorough investigation of the events leading up to the attacks, the authors uncover a story about the Central Intelligence Agency’s neglect, possible criminal activities and a cover-up that may have allowed al-Qaida to carry out its plans uninhibited by government officials.
In the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence,” the journalists tell Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer how an interview with Richard Clarke, the counterterror adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, led them to a jaw-dropping revelation regarding two hijackers involved in the infamous attacks. As it turns out, Khalid Muhammad Abdallah al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, two men linked to al-Qaida, were staying at an FBI informant’s home in San Diego in 2000, and they were being tracked by the National Security Agency. Despite knowledge of the men’s ties to the terrorist organization responsible for 9/11, neither was investigated by the FBI. Clarke and others believe that this may have had to do with a CIA attempt to turn the two men into agency informants.
I vaguely remember that Clarke said way back that the only option to come out with the truth would be to write a science fiction novel about it.
So, how is a blonde housewife going to know what the truth is? I hate science fiction novels and never read them, nor do I watch movies made out of them.
Make out of it what you want, just no science fiction commentary. I am too stoopido for those.

You can
point out all the holes in the 'official story' all you want: no follow the money, building seven, explosive traces,molten steel pouring down the side of the building 10 Floors Below the Fire(?), most USians Still just believe the gov't narrative instead of their own lying eyes.
When I disregard reality that my eyes see, I usually break something-on Me.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'm afraid it may be worse....
What a way to start the war OF terror!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thank you for these links,
it's tough reading and worse to understand the WHY.
Thanks, mimi
I too like transcripts, especially when a speaker has a thick accent that I'm unaccustomed to hearing on a regular basis.
Completely off topic: I once translated English to English. One person had a very thick northern Wisconsin or maybe Michigan accent, and the other, a very thick Hispanic accent. Both spoke perfect English, but the northerner thought the Hispanic guy was speaking Spanish, so asked if I spoke Spanish. Being from Texas, I can get by, and most Hispanic people down here speak enough English to get by. We just use our hands and sometimes a drawing or letters/numbers on a napkin or piece of paper to help us out if necessary. None needed that time. Accents got in the way, instead of language.
Sorry to go off topic.
nothing in off topics to be sorry for, it makes me smile and
reminds me of persons from Bavaria, Berlin, Austria, Switzerland and Northern Germany getting into a heated discussion. Sometimes it sounds like it is better that they don't understand each other. I love political satire of comedians, who can imitate a lot of different dialiects.
Thanks mimi
I read the transcript of the interview. Holy crap - but not surprising.
My thoughts when 9/11 occurred -
Key comments from the interview:
And . . .
Also . . .
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
yes, thank you, those paragraphs stuck with me too,
Thank You so much for excerpting those for us. I feel always not doing an adequate job here. And am grateful of all the good people here who help to get a better understanding.
You are one of my favorites
Feisty and fearless . . . always pulling me to think about things in a bigger way.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I also saw that Joe posted the link
to the interview on his Jan 25th EB and wanted to apologize. As I said so often already. I can't keep up with reading all the links.
Odd Lowengard said the same thing
No one would believe it and it's best just to write it as a sci-fi story.