I Sat Next to One at Walmart (A Satire)
Originally found this narrow minded diary on the blog of KentuckyGoodOleBoy. This is the kind of narrow minded, insular thinking we are up against in Trump’s America! Republished word for word though italics are mine.
I never have any personal interactions with Democrats. I'm sure I encounter them, but its usually just business and politics doesn't come up. Needless to say, I have literally zero interest in having any contact whatsoever. I don't want Democrats over for dinner or marrying my children. Its like that. Since I don't live around, work or play with them, and there are none in my family, this is an easy position for me. I know many of you can't enjoy such luxuries, which is too bad.
Well, just today I was forced to go to Jefferson Mall. I hadn't been inside the Walmart out there in years. There is a floor upstairs where there is a large number of lounge chairs, comfortable couches and beds. People who work in out by the airport go up there to take naps. But this time of year the place is overrun with tourists... another good reason to avoid it. So I'm there, obediently guarding the shopping and watching something or other on my phone.
The guy next to me, young, black, definitely not from here, makes some small talk about us guys holding the shopping ha ha ha burp scratch guy talk. Whatever. Some place I don't know in New York and first time here. He asks what I think about Trump and I reply I just want him to go to Washington and stay there. So he goes on about Trump is a racist and he'll be terrible for the country and so forth. I just listen. I then say I don't know anything about politics, all I care about is money. Anything to change the subject. So he goes on, blah blah blah. I ask him why the fuck is he talking to me about this shit? (I was aggressive because I was sick of it). Then he politely apologizes and says he didn't mean to offend (riiiiight). Finally quiet. So I get up and basically ask before I go what is he going to do if Trump actually delivers and things get better? I quote:
"At least nothing can be as bad as 2016!"
This is a guy who is on a trip to Kentucky with his family, and is out shopping. Bags and bags of shit. Worst year ever?!
Folks, when you are so fucking crazy that you think you have it rough when you're on a trip to one of the nicest places on Earth and on top of it... shopping... you're so detached from reality literally nothing will change your thinking. Nothing.
So then I catch up with my wife and relay. "For him, you being here buying things is about as worse as it can get" she says. Bingo.
I did wish him a Merry Christmas and safe trip back home. Emphasis on back home.
I'm not sure why I posted this here. It's a satire of a rec list diary at Daily Kos. I think I changed fewer than a dozen words. I'm so sickened by the level of discourse in our country right now. DailyKos has been a big part of convincing me that "liberals" are just becoming just as bad at "bubble building" as conservatives have been. There is no way out if this is our reaction. I like this place, but to be honest, it's an even smaller slice of the ideological pie. If we're not engaging in civil, constructive and critical discourse with people with whom we disagree there is no way forward. Feeling a really blue Christmas.

Kentucky? Nicest place on earth?
That guy was drinking 'shine made in an iron kettle.
First prize= one week paid vacation in the nicest places on earth, Kentucky.
Second prize= two weeks paid vacation in the nicest place on earth,.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
He wasn't referring to being in the furniture section
of a Wallmart?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Where the minister of the church on the corner hates everyone but his kin, (He is his own Grandpa) where every holler has a still ( but you can't buy a six pack of beer until the next state), where a dog, or a horse has better healthcare, food, and housing than the white republican high school graduate that cleans the kennels and stables for the boss, where the pontoon rental was cheap, but none of us "yankees" swam because the turds floated by on the river at about the same speed as the boat.
I have never felt so unwelcome in travels around this country, or the few others I've ever had the privilege to travel about, than in the rural south...where the "N" word is freely used, and impoverished whites are those happiest to have neighbors their society tells them they are superior to.
The Church Mission Ladies came to assure my sister that she was safe sending her children to their church as "none of "THEM" have ever been through the doors of their church"... where-upon, my sister assured them that the Spirit of God probably never had entered their church either.
I am positive the rural south is full of incredible, kind, intelligent people. Just that I've only met one or two of those folks...the rest hide as their alternative voices are just as unwelcome as any "yankee"
edited to correct a spelling error
The age of anxiety and complaint.
The blogs thrive on it. I'm going out for a walk along the pacific coast and think about reforming my worthless little pedantic troll self.
I read this and suddenly this popped into my head
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That well dressed man at the airport may have been a Cardinals p
player. DO not mess with basketball in KY unless its U of L vs UK. U of L won this year.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Watched an episode of Moaning of Life
with Carl Plinkington (Idiot Abroad guy) where he was trying to find happiness. One segment was cosmetic surgery where they tried talking him into a scrote tuck. Like he said, " if you're worried about how wrinkled your ballocks are, you have a pretty nice life".
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I was most appalled in that episode (like TV!!, but real!)
by the non-response of the others in line, other than filming or eyerolls. I should hope that if confronted with a similar situation not involving me that I would have the guts to insert. And end that. Think of that situation Y'all (KY roots showing, Jefferson Mall is newish to me and on the wrong side of town). How would YOU have dealt with that?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Say it isn't so!
Was this essay a satire or was it a replication of some benighted DK diarist? If this was satire, it would be funny. If this were truly an actual DK essay, it would be pathetic.