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If We Even Get That Far

No, it’s no longer a democracy and our country will be in crisis no matter who wins. The wheels of government grind slowly and those with their hands on the levers of power will have their way with us, the ‘useless eaters’.

There will be an election. It will likely be contested because it was unfair or rigged. In any case we will not know the winner on the day of the election. The path to Nov 3, 2020 will be fraught with hyperbole, wings will flap vigorously. Count on it.

Greg Palast: The Myriad Ways Trump Has Already Stolen 2020

Whether you vote or not, this election is going to affect you. And who can even say what our country will look like in just three more short months, with no unemployment checks, evictions, The Royal Covidness Debacle. And who knows what else.

It’s bleak. It’s a new world. None of our traditional GOTV strategies will work given covid-19 restrictions.

But there is hope. Young people are mobilizing to get the vote out. And this is critical because more than half of voters under the age of 35 say they don't have the resources or knowledge they need to vote by mail in November, according to a new poll.

Early voting will be the key in the upcoming election where people will get to decide, not just the presidential race, but who runs their cities, school boards, states and more.

The election will be decided in these swing states. It follows that the major voter suppression and intentionally planned low participation strategies will happen in these states, particularly affecting Black, Brown, and young voters.

The Black Lives Movement and the killing of George Floyd will serve to get more people to vote.

“To the extent that Trump’s reaction to the protest is seen as opposing the valid reasons for the protests, Trump is on the wrong side of public opinion – even here in Wisconsin with our 80-something per cent white population,” he said. “That issue of race and Confederate statues and patriotism, as he sees it, is not playing to a strong suit for him right now.”

Why should we care? I am of two minds. On the one hand, nothing we can do can turn this Titanic around. Clearly the PTB have no intention of even pretending that there is a ‘government for the people’. Moreover there is the always the looming Climate Crisis, the mismanaged pandemic, the intentional creation of societal chaos leaving more and more people out in the cold.

On the other hand, The Election is going to happen and, at least at a local level, there is work to be done.

The thread is open…

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magiamma's picture

“Anniversary” !! Here are just two of them...

ATOMIC BOMBINGS AT 75: How US Spies Secured the Uranium for Hiroshima

25 YEARS OF CN: ‘How Israel Stole the Bomb’

Good morning loti. Thanks for the link. Take good care and have a good one.

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Lookout's picture

Perhaps we are at a tipping point where collectively we reject the oligarchy and create something new. Max and Stacy suggest we are on the cusp of a renaissance.

In this first episode of Keiser Report’s annual Summer Solutions series, Max and Stacy discuss the latest global economic, monetary, financial and cultural trends and solutions to the problems which may erupt as a result. One of the consequences of the ongoing pandemic will be an escalation of the consolidation already underway in industries across much of the world, but especially in the U.S. Stacy calls it ‘humongification,’ where the rich will not only get richer, but they will also get bigger. At the same time, a new Renaissance could also be emerging out of these Dark Ages of fiat as faith in institutions collapses due to the mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic swapping the world. They look at the new Age of Discovery, exploring outerspace, cyberspace and inner space as the Gutenberg Galaxy challenges the modern papacy of money printing central bankers.

Perhaps there's a new age coming...

In December 2020, Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius and marks the beginning of a new 240-year cycle which will change society and the ruling structures and elite of the world.

We can hope.

Y'all take care and be well!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

You nailed it, LO - the times are a changing and it is written in the planets. Stacey Hebert described the last time Pluto was in Capricorn, so here we go out of the Dark Ages once again.

A new leader will emerge to light the way. Nina Turner is on fire - she would be a great leader for us - but watch this video - all the people, Nomi, Tim, Nina, and Aaron are all spot on. Our world is changing. Let's get on board and make it worth changing!

Enjoy the day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
I can hardly wait. It will likely not be an easy transition but so mode it be. Thanks, as always, for you positive energy. Take good care and have a good one.

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magiamma's picture


I am going to watch it again. They pull so many things together. Had no idea that "tune in. turn on. drop out" was from Marshall McLuhan.

Thanks lo for all you do and for this upbeat message. Take good care and have a good one.


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magi. Yes, there is work to be done.
I like the list started in Cass' essay that you cited. Perhaps we can add to that list and include resources.

Here is an article that discusses mutual aid organizations and some of the issues involved.

The article points to some potentially helpful resources;

Mutual aid efforts are proliferating as people respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. You can track emerging projects , and we recommend checking out this useful guide from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief about how to start COVID-19 mutual aid projects and do the work safely and effectively. We also recommend the Big Door Brigade’s Mutual Aid Toolbox and this shortmutual aid explainer video , for starting conversations about what mutual aid is and why it is a vital tactic to expand right now.

Thanks magi for your work.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@randtntx It's incomplete I'm sure; feel free to add to it.

Moreover, the protests of the present day do not, just yet, encompass the category of "things that need to be done," which is a larger category entirely. (It's fair to assume they are ongoing because the sold-out media do not cover them and we typically learn later that they were going on all the time in the absence of publicity.)

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

@Cassiodorus of things that need to be done. I appreciated your list though.
Here is another view. (R.I.P. Michael Brooks)

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magiamma's picture

and will be needed more so as society breaks down because of the economy, the pandemic, lack of, well, pretty much everything.

Black communities will do this. That's what I think. Whites not so much. (Would love to be wrong.) I just hear a lot of talk but see very little action here, except for Food Not Bombs, and they have been doing their thing for ever.

From the article...

“Support organizations need to think through safety teams for their building, blocks, streets, or even whole neighborhoods without relying on the police or the state.”

In this feature, we ask organizers involved in mutual aid projects to share a little bit about their work. We understand mutual aid work as the part of social movement organizing that meets people's direct needs. Unlike charity work, however, mutual aid is part of a broader strategy to address the root causes of injustice by mobilizing people to dismantle structures of domination and build the world we want.

Mutual aid efforts are proliferating as people respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. You can track emerging projects at , and we recommend checking out this useful guide from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief about how to start COVID-19 mutual aid projects and do the work safely and effectively. We also recommend the Big Door Brigade’s Mutual Aid Toolbox and this short mutual aid explainer video , for starting conversations about what mutual aid is and why it is a vital tactic to expand right now.

Plan ahead. Thanks so much for the link and video, randtntx. Take good care and have a good one.

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usefewersyllables's picture

is a 100% VbM state. My ballot should show up in the mail in early October, sent out 22 days before the election, and I look forward to marking it up and dropping it off directly in one of the county lockboxes the next day. It will feel very good indeed to have my portion of this quadrennial shitshow be *over*. All of the October surprises and ratfucking can then happen without requiring my participation.

We're apparently a swing state, so it will give me great pleasure to be casting votes only for Green candidates, whatever their names are (I forget). The "meh" is very strong this election, and there's no way I'll vote for any of the R or D candidates in major races here. I've never missed voting in an election since I first became eligible to vote in the 70s, so "vote Green, sight unseen" will be the order of the day. I will say that, if I had to go out and stand in line at a precinct for hours to vote in person, I absolutely would not bother this year.

I'm glad that we're VbM. I hope some other states can put together realistic VbM mechanisms in time for this election, and make them work (as well as any election ever works, anyway). This is probably the perfect election to use as a first-time VbM test run. Everybody already expects it to be utterly fucked up. And like many, I can't see that there will be any material difference in the outcome (or the endless claims of fraud) regardless of which party's obscene meat-puppet wins. So give it the good ol' college try, and do something different- something that might not expose as many people to unnecessary biorisks by not requiring them to stand in line to register their "meh", anyway.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

magiamma's picture

So there is that. We are not a swing state. And I am not sure about where the other swing states stand. That will be the real test. Great to hear that CO has VbM.

I have voted by mail for years and deliver my ballot to the county building, pull up to the voter box and drop my ballot in. Very satisfying.

Thanks for your comment, UFS. Take good care and have a good one.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


I'm glad that Colorado is a 100% VbM state.

You and me both..... (El Paso County) Were not for VbM, I'd have no vote at all.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Nobody but enemy scum running. Why bother? Whoever wins is going to cut my income drastically. Trump wants to take away my pension and cut my SS. Biden wants to means test my SS and eliminate the COLA's while prices are going to the stratosphere. #BLM bastards want to take away my heritage because they have none. Bernie Sanders was a staking horse for Goddamn Biden after all, blocking a real populist candidate from emerging. Is this white complaining? Saw a co-worker of my wife's yesterday. Eva is forty now, a Mexican immigrant. She was 19 and newly arrived in the USA and my wife took her under her wing. Her father died since we last saw her last year, heart attack, not COVID. She wasn't allowed to attend the funeral because of COVID restrictions. The young lady next door, a nurse, daughter of Filipino immigrants was not allowed to have bridal attendants except for one. Their lavish reception plans were cancelled but the deposit not refunded. Ditto for their honeymoon. COVID COVID COVID. But everywhere I see people either not wearing masks or wearing them across their mouth only with the nose fully exposed. COVID has been an excuse for government to destroy our way of life and seize power. Doctors are afraid to see patients and hospitals have been warehouses for the dying instead of focusing on healing.
Eva couldn't attend her father's funeral because of COVID restrictions, but it's OK for her to prepare and serve fast food to total strangers 40 hours a week? I wonder if she regrets leaving Mexico? My father's younger brother, WW II veteran and holder of two agricultural patents told me during the first Obama administration that he thought maybe iy was time for the family to move back to Europe. He never voted for anyone that didn't have a (D) after their name, grew up through the Great Depression and WW II and a tear before he died gave up on America. Like a fool I voted for Obama twice and Sanders twice. Now these #BLM bastards are attacking anyone white for being white. Chicago's Italian residents are taking the removal of Columbus's statue in Balboa Park and the one in Little Italy by the black mayor very hard. Maybe I should put on a MAGA armband and strike back.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

lotlizard's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness  
and get tough and militant about their group’s specific interests like anyone else. Even if that group is white, cis, male, or any other identity traditionally denied historical victim status and considered underserving of sympathy.

Everything in America has become a question of politics, and American politics has gotten very weird. And when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro, as Hunter Thompson used to say.

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magiamma's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness
We are forming a study group here to figure out the ballot measures. And we are working to get people back into our city council after Scum Right Wings recalled two of our councilors on bogus charges and ran a smear campaign. Politics at its best. Really jaded but not giving up.

Thanks for the reality check tvitw. So many more stories like that and I fear it is only going to get worse. Take good care and have a good one.

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@The Voice In the Wilderness

Chicago's Italian residents are taking the removal of Columbus's statue in Balboa Park and the one in Little Italy by the black mayor very hard.

Well, Chicago's Italian residents have something in common with racist confederates. One difference is that latter is historically much closer in time and location to their confederate idols than Italian Americans are to Columbus. Both ignore that they take pride in long dead (very long dead in the case of Columbus), bad men. How childish.

The Black Americans who are descendants of slaves have a legitimate gripe. Their ancestors were here long before almost all Italian immigrants and were systematically deprived of all the opportunities that were opened to each wave of later immigrants. And every time AA managed to get a legal or economic concession, the Irish, Italian, German, etc. immigrants fought it. Sooner rather than later would have been better; so, blame the correct culprits and not those that still have to fight for the basic rights white folks have long enjoyed.

(Or go back to whatever imagined wonderful country your ancestors in hunger fled from.)

10 users have voted.

I hate you. You hate me. That's very American of you. Hating people because of their skin color or national origin. Don't you belong at Red state?

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness upset at taking down a statue of Columbus. That's a Red State sort of position. You're resentful of BLM. Another rightwing position.

BTW -- I don't hate you, but don't have much tolerance for white Americans trashing AAs or whining. Nor, with the exception of Native Americans, do I have much tolerance or respect for those attempting to preserve an ethnic or religious tribe in this country and causing strife with those outside their tribe. For better or worse, excepting AAs, we're all the descendants of immigrants and likely wouldn't exist if they hadn't emigrated and chose to become Americans.

8 users have voted.

Being black is automatically being right, especially againsy one of those greasy dagoes.

#BLM is just a black KKK. And for your anti-italianism, don't ever speak to me again!

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness (There are plenty of Italian artists and inventors to laud. Why glom on to an historical figure that pillaged, enslaved, and killed people?)

You know damn well that I don't view anything in black and white terms. Did you see me praising John Lewis last week? BLM isn't one thing. There's always thugs and rotten apples in any public demonstrations, and too often the thugs are covert government and/or corporate agents. Or have you forgotten that little historical fact?

I get how all of us can on occasion let our emotions run wild when they tap into long standing learned biases and bigotry. It's adult to temper that with our cooler and more objective head. Always helps to avoid later looking foolish like the Russiagators. (Somewhat surprised that you didn't fall for that one, but perhaps your loathing of HRC inoculated from that brain virus.)

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snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

#BLM bastards want to take away my heritage because they have none.

Now these #BLM bastards are attacking anyone white for being white.

This is what you get from the protests or are there other issues you have a problem with? They have no heritage even though they have been in this country for more than 4 years? From what I’ve seen from the protests is that they want cops to stop beating, arresting and murdering them.

So some Italians have no problem with Columbus's history of brutality on Natives that he felt superior to? Instead of destroying the statues I think they should go to some type of museum where people can discuss what their history was and why they are a problem for so many people. But then who picks and chooses which one to remove?

8 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

They reflect poorly on the millions of hard working black citizens who do not engage in criminal activity. We are not talking about violating orders to not march or failure to disperse like MLK or John Lewis.
We are talking about grand theft and arson. As a lawyer you should recognize that.

The statues of Columbus were the ONLY indication of any positive contribution of Italians to the USA vs the plethora of Al Capone museums and Mafia movies.
He was a slaver? Yes. TELL ME SOMEBODY IN 1492 WHO WAS NOT! Even the POPE condoned slavery.

Next we will take down the Washington and Jefferson Memorials because they too had slaves.

#BLM already is demanding reparations. What's next? Yellow Armbands?

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

Burning and looting are not protests.

Gee thanks for telling me something I didn't know. How many times do you need to hear that most of the looting and violent crap is being done by outside agitators or mostly white people? 2 white folks burned the police building in Minneapolis not blacks. And BLM is not only made up of black people. There are lots of white people who are just as fed up as blacks are with what cops have been getting away with. Why? Because cops shoot white people too, but rarely the rich white people.

He was a slaver?

Columbus was much more than just a slaver and if you know his history you will see why people object to his history.

#BLM already is demanding reparations. What's next? Yellow Armbands?

This is utter crap and is just your projection of what most of the people protesting under the BLM banner stand for. Again I wonder why you have so much anger towards the movement. There are tons of protests still happening that the media isn't covering and if there was a lot of looting and such going on I'd think they'd be highlighting that. Or you could actually provide links to back up all the claims you made here. Or should those folks that are protesting police brutality just shut up and take it? Sure why not? It's not like cops have killed over a 1,000 people every year for the last 5.

As a lawyer you should recognize that.

Umm have you looked at my profile? I am not a lawyer. I was an ophthalmic photographer once upon a time.

6 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

TheOtherMaven's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

The statues of Columbus were the ONLY indication of any positive contribution of Italians to the USA vs the plethora of Al Capone museums and Mafia movies.

Who put up the statues, who patronized the movies (who MADE the movies, for that matter), who whitewashed the history, who didn't bother to look for any other role models let alone present them as alternatives?

99% of Columbus' legacy is First-Comer Syndrome, and maybe it's about time we admitted it. (The only reason Amerigo Vespucci is remembered at all is that a German mapmaker stuck his name on the newly discovered continents - and who remembers who John Cabot was, let alone that he wasn't English? Yep - Giovanni Caboto, another Italian.)

That's totally leaving aside the Norse claim to discovering the New World, 500 years before Columbus....

5 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture

The order temporarily stayed an injunction issued by Judge Jesus G. Bernal of the Federal District Court for the Central District of California that required officials at the Orange County Jail to allow detainees to maintain social distancing, be tested if they show symptoms and have access to cleaning supplies. (Bernal denied a request to release all medically vulnerable and disabled individuals.)

In an emergency application asking the Supreme Court to lift the injunction while appeals moved forward, the officials said Bernal had engaged in unwarranted judicial meddling in the internal affairs of the jail, which currently houses about 3,000 detainees. The officials said they had already released more than half of the jail’s population and had taken adequate steps to address the pandemic.

“The district court’s injunction,” the officials told the justices, “seizes the role of administration of the jail, prevents nimble responses to the virus in an ever-changing landscape and puts focus on compliance with the order and avoiding contempt, rather than squarely on combating the contagion.

In her dissent, Sotomayor said the officials had misled Bernal. “The jail claimed that it had already achieved proper social distancing, provided inmates enough soap for frequent hand washing, and isolated and tested all symptomatic individuals,” she wrote, adding that sworn statements from dozens of detainees told a different story.

“Inmates described being transported back and forth to the jail in crammed buses, socializing in day rooms with no space to distance physically, lining up next to each other to wait for the phone, sleeping in bunk beds 2-3 feet apart, and even being ordered to stand closer than 6 feet apart when inmates tried to socially distance,” Sotomayor wrote.”

Utah's death rate is mostly elderly people who reside in nursing homes which has continued after 7 months of the pandemic. We got an early warning that elderly people were vulnerable when there were out breaks in nursing homes in Washington state early in the disaster that was hitting the US and yet we saw that state leaders did not do everything in their power to stop it from happening. But hey it sure will save a lot of money for the PTB to eventually rob the social security trust funds now won't it. This ain't even being cynical. It is looking at what the reality is and lives here are not worth much to those hell bent on grabbing every last penny possible on the way to destroying the US economy.

Nancy, Chucked, Mnuching and Meadows have been discussing what to do about the foreclosure crisis for days now and things are progressing slowly. Sure what's the rush guys? Just families losing every gawd damned thing that they have worked for. But hey. I bet you guys are having a swell time laughing at the misery that you could prevent. Keep laughing. History is full of ..........

14 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

magiamma's picture

Nothing, absolutely nothing, has been done to be proactive. Much continues to confuse, obfuscate, and strategically create chaos.

Thanks snoop. Take good care and have a good one.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@magiamma catching the virus and/or dying from the infection. There are so many simple strategies for temporary immunity from SARS-Cov-2 and an abundance of alternative (peer reviewed) treatments for getting rid of the SARS-Cov-2 viral load — even after symptoms emerge — that I am overwhelmed.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, has been done to be proactive.

The studies I reference have all been completed and published over the past six months. But no journalist or scientist dares to mention them in public and have their reputations immediately destroyed and their expensive educations permanently unlicensed. Doctors on the frontline of Covid-19 treatment in the US are being censored and they are outraged. If your haven't seen their recent White Coat Summit press conference in Washington (it's banned on all media outlets in the US) it really speaks in detail about what the United States has become. See it HERE:

Their press conference is about HCQ, of course, but I can point to 50 science-based alternatives — a handful of which have been erroniously denounced as fake news on Twitter and Facebook. (The stupidity of this censorship is actually quite comedic, but these tech giants have pissed off an army of molecular biologists and virologists in research labs around the world.)

Nothing, absolutely nothing, has been done to be proactive.

Your perspective is actually sort of terrifying. It is your truth and the reality you experience. But what is real is probably that your access to the normal flow of scientific news in the media has been deliberately censored by the US government. The US might be a very dangerous place to live now and a bad citizenship to carry. US citizens are treated as if they were disposable. Maintaining a low profile in the US is probably a wise policy.

7 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

@Pluto's Republic
I mean that Rump has done not only only done nothing...

He And his cronies have worked to purposefully confuse the issue and have caused needless death and suffering.

I do know that there is much science on coronavirus-19 that works to keep people from getting the viral load that cause the body to succumb. And that there are interventions that can turn it around if started early.

I am sure that there is more that I can learn. And, as you, am interested in understanding all that I can. Do appreciate your and others work to keep us informed.

Thanks for pointing this out. It’s important for people to understand that there are solutions. I encourage you to do an essay on what you have found if you have the time and inclination. Take good care pluto, and have a good one.

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Jen's picture

I've been seeing commercials for a few people that are running for Lamar Alexander's seat. The 2 that get the most airtime are Manny Sethi and Bill Haggerty. They are also the 2 that have all the endorsements. The commercials for both make me want to shoot my tv. (If it's true that Elvis shot his tv, I'd bet there was some politician on it when he did.) Sometimes they play back to back. They both try to see which one can sound more "conservative". Haggerty says Sethi is a "fake conservative" and that Sethi is a millionaire that did not donate to the Great Orange Turd. In one of Haggerty's commercials he tries to compare Sethi to Bernie fucking Sanders. Sethi's commercials aren't any better - calling protests "riots" among other things. It seems like I've seen other republicans whose name I can't remember, but maybe they're running for a House seat.

I have seen exactly 0 commercials for any democrat that's running.

My husband watches the local news and a few other things on local channels which is where I've seen the ads. I mostly keep the tv on Netflix or Hulu so I don't have to be subjected to such bullshit all the time.

But it is good news that Lamar Alexander is finally leaving. I remember writing to him in middle school for English class. It's way past time for him to GTFO.

12 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

are probably just as bad here in CO, with bazillions of dollars being wasted in the Gardner v. Frackenlooper senate race. Back to back to back to back.

The only result of this will be more folks ditching broadcast TV. It's been unwatchable here since before Super Tuesday, when Bloombucks bought every second of available ad time to keep any of his rivals from getting any. It's been wall-to-wall ever since. If it weren't for the British Baking Show, I think we'd have sent the TV out the window by now...

11 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

snoopydawg's picture


How many races are uncontested? This is something I started paying attention to during Obama's tenure. Democrats either don't run someone and lets the GOP candidate run unopposed or they put up a weak candidate or one that is no different than the GOP one. McConnell is beating McGrath the pilot who is just so damned proud of her service in the great war of terror on innocents, but she goes out of her way to say that she would vote with Trump more than McConnell would. She was a poor candidate the last time she ran so who's idea was it to run her again? According to Rising it was Chuckles Schumer. Booker could not be allowed to win because he was a Bernie clone and democrats don't like candidates that run on helping people.

I don't understand why anyone who has seen how our elections are farce and manipulated to get the right people into power can even take part in voting. We watched as Bush stole 2 elections and the dems rolled over. Then we saw as the dems stole 2 primaries from Bernie and not only did Bernie roll over, but many people who knew that voted for HerHeinous anyway. And now we saw the most blatant election rigging ever with Obama and dems waiting in the wings to derail Bernie and then springing their trap on Super Tuesday. "Oh but that's what the people wanted and why they vote for Biden." Bullshit.

If what happened here had happened in any other country we'd be hearing from the UN and making plans to overrule the results. Ireland spoke out about what happened during the primary, but if any other country did I am not aware of it. We do not have fair elections just like we do live free with all our freedoms. But how to get people to see that?

17 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

magiamma's picture

Great sig line, though.

The winner of the nominating election will be well positioned on Nov. 3 to replace retiring Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, the 80-year-old former U.S. secretary of education, who is among a dwindling number of moderate Republicans in Congress.

The three nonpartisan U.S. elections-ratings services view the seat as solidly Republican and not in play as Democrats seek a majority in the Senate. The state will also hold a series of House of Representatives primaries that are unlikely to influence control of that chamber.

Bill Hagerty, 60, was endorsed by Trump, who named him ambassador to Japan in 2017. Hagerty left Tokyo in 2019 to run for Alexander's Senate seat.

Strong campaign fundraising, Trump's endorsement and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's backing led many in Tennessee to conclude that Hagerty would easily win the Republican nomination.

But 42-year-old orthopedic trauma surgeon Dr. Manny Sethi has proven to be a tough competitor and has gained some high-profile endorsements from conservative Republican Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

The winner likely will face Democrat James Mackler, a lawyer and Army veteran. Four other Democrats are also vying for their party's nomination.

Glacial speed of change is not the change we need. Thanks for stopping in, Jen. Take good care and have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

least arguably make some difference in things is always a factor in one's approach to electoral politics. OTOH there is also a lot of other stuff to focus on, as you so very well know.

I got horribly busy and somewhat ill to boot, and didn't bring up something I saw on methane seepage a while back, so I looked for something and found something, which may be what I think I saw, since it's recent. Discovery of first active seep in Antarctica provides new understanding of methane cycle

Not a ton of information, but knowing that it (now they) is/are there is significant.

It is looking like any herd immunity to Covid 19 in the US will hae to come by way of those who catch it and survive. Between normal anti-vaxxers, covid specific anti-vaxxers, GOP hardcore and trumpista converts who've bought into the "plandemic" conspiracy, it's looking like over 40% of the population will reject any vaccine that is eventually developed which pretty much takes vaccine based herd immunity right off of the table. At this point it is maybe best to do everything you can to avoid catching it while assuming that you will eventually get it and doing all that you can to stay as healthy as possible.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Just spent some time looking for links with little success.

This is the original article condensed by Science Daily

Discovery of first active seep in Antarctica provides new understanding of methane cycle

The following are links re the Antarctic in general and methane in general.

Beckwith on Arctic methane

More at his link; Some recent post re methane

Item 3 here has some Climate Crisis info

Global methane levels soar to record high

Global MethaneBudget2020

Riddles in the cold: Antarctic endemism and microbial succession impact methane cycling in the Southern Ocean

Thanks el, as always. This should keep you off the streets at night. Take good care and have a good one. Heh.

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lotlizard's picture

Never before has such glory been seen!


We, the people will ceaselessly strive
To keep our great revolution alive!

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magiamma's picture

From wiki

English Socialism, Orwellianism, Oligarchical Collectivism, The All-God.

English Socialism, most known by its abbreviation IngSoc and alternatively Orwellianism, is a doubleplustotalitarian ideology based on George Orwell's classic novel 1984, inhabiting an AuthCenter area outside the Political Compass. IngSoc has instructed the author to remind you that War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. Big Brother is watching you. He is most often described as "the apex of totalitarianism.", in which the state has complete control over the individual.

Crowd control ?

DARPA Pays $1 Million For An AI App That Can Predict An Enemy’s Emotions

The Pentagon's research arm has pumped $1 million into a contract to build an AI tool meant to decode and predict the emotions of allies and enemies. It even wants the AI app to advise generals on major military decisions. DARPA's backing is the starting pistol for a race with the government and startups to use AI to predict emotions but the science behind it is deeply controversial. Some say it’s entirely unproven, making military applications that much riskier. ... The previously-unreported work is being carried out under a DARPA project dubbed PRIDE, short for the Prediction and Recognition of Intent, Decision and Emotion. The aim is to create an AI that can understand and predict reactions of a group, rather than an individual, and then offer guidance on what to do next. Think of a military leader who wants to know how a political faction or a whole country would react should he or she take an aggressive action against their leader. In PRIDE, the emotion detection is not for an individual. It's more as a collective group and even at a national level,” says Dr. Kalyan Gupta, president and founder of Knexus. “To think about, you know, whether a nation state is either angry or agitated.” And it’s no small fry initiative; the plan is for PRIDE to provide recommendations for “international courses of action,” according to a contract description.

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magiamma's picture


So I am thinking Condi as VP cause she is so neoliberal. Part of the old gang.

Thanks MrWebster for the belly laugh. Take good care and have a good one.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


I am a dog faced pony soldier high on cocaine

Casey Jones you better watch your speed.....


sorry, couldn't resist! Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides