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Back in the day, I made the acquaintance of two remarkable women, who told me within a week of each other that they had had a bag packed during the second world war, passport included, for a quick exit. This in case the US decided to collect people like they were doing in Nazi Germany. Both were recipients of the National Women’s Caucus, Lifetime Achievement Awards. One was black and one was Jewish.

At that time, I was the president of the board and the primary organizer for both the Honors Awards and the National WCA Conference, and was in close contact with both women.

They were remarkable, generous of spirit and I felt honored to know them. Over the two years as president, I got to know them better and was able to visit them both in Southern California.

Samella (Sanders Lewis) explained the abject fear she lived in at that time. I remember her expression clearly, as she quietly explained that she had only a few clothes and her passport packed in a small suitcase that she kept by her bed.

June (Wayne) told me her old brown leather suitcase was carefully packed and also next to her bed. Their descriptions stuck in my mind. And the expressions on their faces as they spoke. They were artists, of course they would remember these details. But more importantly they communicated the fear that they each had at that time. It was palpable.

I think about those suitcases sometimes now.

I too have a to-go bag packed. It was packed last year when the fire danger became high. I have added to it now as it has become, well, more than just in case of fire. Funny how I now look around the house at times and note things that would be critical to take. And where?

So how crazy will it get with the upcoming election? Let’s assume that everyone involved will do whatever they deem necessary to win.

The money behind the current administration is awesome. Sheldon Adelson, the effective “owner” of the Republican party spent over $150 million dollars on the midterm election.

That was $150 million out of $5 billion that was spent on the midterm elections. And that’s just the money. The money is just the tip of the iceberg compared to types of subterfuge we can expect from thinktanks, the mainstream media, party officials, not to mention machinations connected to the actual vote.

Then there is The Virus. Unemployment is at an all-time high, as is houselessness. Will that change as things restart? And now it’s official. We are all just expendable ‘human capital stock’. Oh, right and then there is the Climate Crisis. That is still happening. Everywhere. Because it’s Global.

Whether you vote or not, it’s gonna get ugly. The world is changing in a big way. The recent brutal killing of George Floyd makes this excruciatingly clear. Say his name !! I am so fucking tired of this. The time is now. The officer had his knee on his neck for NINE minutes!

George Floyd

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Lookout's picture

Perhaps it is for the best. This global corporate neofuedalistic system needs to be destroyed. The sooner the better... for the planet and people. May the phoenix rise and from the ashes grow a better world (which might not include the human species).

In these times it is difficult to be positive. I find it helpful to speak with younger folks who still have hope. I enjoy our young farmer community whose focus is on the natural world rather than politics. No one I know really thinks we can solve this dilemma is a structural failure. The system serves the elites and gives at most crumbs to the masses. Time for it to topple. That would be a positive. People will of course suffer in the wake of the fall, but plenty of people are suffering now because of this system.

So given that, I think it is best to plan accordingly and try to get yourself somewhere that provides a sanctuary before the looming disaster arrives. I don't have a bag packed. I plan to stay here until whatever end I meet. We each must walk our own path toward any peace we can create and find.

Wishing us all peace in these trying times.


Swimming to the other Side
Pat Humphries

We are living ‘neath the great big dipper
We are washed by the very same rain
We are swimming in this stream together
Some in power and some in pain
We can worship this ground we walk on
Cherishing the beings that we live beside
Loving spirits will live forever
We’re all swimming to the other side

I am alone and I am searching
Hungering for answers in my time
I am balanced at the brink of wisdom
I’m impatient to receive a sign
I move forward with my senses open
Imperfection, it be my crime
In humility I will listen
We’re all swimming to the other side

We are living ‘neath the great big dipper
We are washed by the very same rain
We are swimming in this stream together
Some in power and some in pain
We can worship this ground we walk on
Cherishing the beings that we live beside
Loving spirits will live forever
We’re all swimming to the other side

On this journey through thoughts and feelings
Binding intuition, my head, my heart
I am gathering the tools together
I’m preparing to do my part
All of those who have come before me
Band together and be my guide
Loving lessons that I will follow
We’re all swimming to the other side

We are living ‘neath the great big dipper
We are washed by the very same rain
We are swimming in this stream together
Some in power and some in pain
We can worship this ground we walk on
Cherishing the beings that we live beside
Loving spirits will live forever
We’re all swimming to the other side

When we get there, we’ll discover
All of the gifts we’ve been given to share
Have been with us since life’s beginning
And we never noticed they were there
We can balance at the brink of wisdom
Never recognizing that we’ve arrived
Loving spirits will live together
We’re all swimming to the other side

We are living ‘neath the great big dipper
We are washed by the very same rain
We are swimming in this stream together
Some in power and some in pain
We can worship this ground we walk on
Cherishing the beings that we live beside
Loving spirits will live forever
We’re all swimming to the other side
Loving spirits will live forever
We’re all swimming to the other side

19 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout the empire is merely declaring its independence from the rest of us. Go back to work, assholes -- we don't care if you live or die. Don't like us printing money and handing it to the super-rich? Don't like our racist cops and moneysuck politicians? We've got the body politic divided up into Biden bullies and Trumpers. And hey, we can always have a smaller working class -- just watch.

23 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Don't need those people who were factory workers. Don't even need the sales clerks. they have been replaced by internet software. Don't need the software engineers. That work is done in India now. Don't need hardware engineers. All being designed in China. including military design.

All they really need are personal servants, cops, and soldiers. The rest of us might as well die. As far as they are concerned.

17 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Cassiodorus's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness Even at the supermarket they need someone there to deal with the cashier machines in case said machines give the wrong answers.

8 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Remember Poppy Bush being surprised and awed by an ordinary checkout scanner? He thought it was new and avant-garde. Proles were very familiar with it.

Probably was the first time in his life he stepped into a supermarket.

Just like billionaire Governor JB Pritzker can't understand why people are frantic to get toilet paper and meat. HE never had to worry about that, nor paying his bills. In fact, I'm sure he has "people" to pay his bills, watch his investments, prepare his meals, clean his house(s) et cetera, et cetera. Such a man has no gut feeling for the terror of starvation or homelessness. And I'll cut him slack for having good intentions. He just hasn't been there.

17 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

CB's picture

the machines. But probably less than it took to supervise the people whose jobs have been replaced by the machines.

Unfortunately, the evolution of smart machines is considerably faster than society can come up with alternate forms of employment.

How many in our generation earned some spending money bagging groceries at the supermarket while our moms worked as cashiers while the fathers drove delivery vehicals?


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magiamma's picture

Well that video was scary and awesome at the same time. Regroup the machines to serve the masses for free without extreme resource extraction.

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CB's picture

When I got my first job I had to work 44 hrs/week. Then they changed it to 40 hrs. The difference in pay between a worker and management was a factor of 5 to 10. We got raises every year. Science was creating a good life and reducing dangerous and back breaking labor. Machines were working with and for the workers - not replacing them.

But the 44 hour work week has returned - if you want to support a family, purchase a home and give your children a higher education - and even then it is doubtful you can do it unless you are one of the higher paid hourly workers.

I watched the company I worked for change almost overnight as the boss's sons took over. They destroyed the company with their greed and the company is no more after being stripped bare.


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magiamma's picture

Don't you think there must be a breaking point beyond which the system will fail? Or are the oligarchs so set up that they can live without us. On some level I think that the best thing would be for it to fail. It is so evil. By the way, we called into OR for some of your folks. Not to many of us but we tried. Thanks for all the updates.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma We are what Jason Moore calls "cheap nature" to them.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

magiamma's picture

The empire is collapsing. Bout time. Just wish the owners wold go down first. Pains my heart to see the chaos that people are living through right now and it's only going to get worse. On the other hand, mother Earth could surprise us. I am all for that.

Thanks for the great comment. Take good care and have a good one.

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longtalldrink's picture

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Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin

magiamma's picture

I saw that. Made me really happy to see someone saying the right thing. Looks like he might have pushed the cops to be fired from what I read in Wendy's thread. He looks a bit like Truedeau from this angle. So glad they caught this on video.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Very interesting read and in these times, what is our best option. When Divine Order and I lived on Texas coast, we had our hurricane bag packed with insurance policies, cash, passports and other important papers. We had a truck with slide in camper so felt we could survive.

That being said, still have my Hurricane bag with me as I shelter in place in Austin. My car has a tent, some camping supplies so could be ready to evacuate. Think the big where is a big consideration.

Lookout, your comments are so timely and I would love to manage to have such a self sufficient system in place. Working with small steps on place in Texas. Thanks for swimming to the other side.

And thanks Magiamamma for raising this topic. Very unsettled times we are in.

19 users have voted.

Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

lotlizard's picture

Where were they supposed to flee to in 1942, with an American passport but Japanese facial features?

Where are they (we) supposed to flee to now, with anti-Chinese sentiment headed for highs not seen since the 1950s? I’ve already pre-fled to Europe, though fat lot of good that may do me if war twixt the West and China comes and push comes to shove.

(Sorry — this is more directed to the original post, jakkalbessie, than to your own comment — natural disaster is of course a different story from the threat of pogroms or prison camps.)

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magiamma's picture

So I have heard that Japanese families here in California sent some of their children to Japan and kept some here with hopes at least some of them would survive. Crazy, but I get it.

Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture


The nearly weeklong, widespread rioting killed more than 50 people, injured more than 1,000 people and caused approximately $1 billion in damage, about half of which was sustained by Korean-owned businesses.

“I watched a gas station on fire, and I thought, boy, that place looks familiar,” he said. “Soon, the realization hit me. As I was protecting my parents’ shopping mall, I was watching my own gas station burn down on TV.”

That he ended up on a rooftop with a borrowed gun was never in Lee’s life plan. He had quit his job as an engineer at an aerospace company to pursue what he hoped would be life as an independent businessman, opening up three businesses in Koreatown.

“I truly thought I was a part of mainstream society,” said Lee, who immigrated with his family to the United States as a child. “Nothing in my life indicated I was a secondary citizen until the LA riots. The LAPD powers that be decided to protect the ‘haves’ and the Korean community did not have any political voice or power. They left us to burn.”

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magiamma's picture

is a mirage, right? N'existe pas.

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lotlizard's picture

when Italians, Irish, and Jews finally joined the “mainstream” ranks of white people as full-fledged, privileged and powerful sub-factions of the elite. No more situations such as JFK having to assure people he wouldn’t be a puppet of the Pope. No more automatic associations of prominent Italians with being a Mafia protegé.

Jews and Catholics replaced Episcopalians and other “mainstream” denominations throughout the establishment, to the point where a U.S. Supreme Court could consist of six Catholics, three Jews, and zero Protestants.

Of course, viewed from a higher, “meta” perspective it was clearly a mirage, but it was a nice mirage. As a kid, I really thought that “Hawaii = 50th state“ meant we would now become part of the American mainstream world — that black-and-white TV six weeks later than the “Mainland” world; that Life magazine and Reader’s Digest, Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post cover, “Walt Disney presents Wernher von Braun leading us despite Sputnik to outstrip the Soviets in space” world — in no time.

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magiamma's picture

From the 50s to the 70s people could survive, have a family and build the American dream unless you were black or poor white. We had industry. College was affordable. That went away with RayGun. First day in office he took some great amount from the education budget and the next day he moved the same amount to the military budget. It wasn’t perfect then but it was better if you don’t consider how much we consumed and all.

When I look at the big picture it could have been so much better, so much more environmentally sane. So it was a mirage and it vanished and continues to vanish.

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magiamma's picture

We definitely need to be prepared for fires and hurricanes. But social chaos, I don't know really. Good to have family or friends to share the burden with if possible. Austin is a good place. My daughter lives there. It will get hotter in time but no hurricanes and there is a river that runs through it. Pretty place to land.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Sometimes I get frustrated at the poor humans who cannot see past themselves. The universe is in charge. If everyone would just calm down, feel the vibrations of their body shifting higher, and know that humanity is being changed ON PURPOSE. There's no reason to run and hide. The system will collapse under it's own weight and we will be free to start something new. Let's all look forward to that.

Have a beautiful day and love the virus and the work it is doing for humanity! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
Well... homo sapiens sapiens are frustrating in general. But when they want to, can be amazing. Thanks for your always bright focus. We are the light. Being a pragmatist makes my level of frustration higher but also focuses me to take action.

Hope your garden is booming. Take good care and have a good one.

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GreatLakeSailor's picture

Princeton writer and activist Chris Hedges to challenge U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman in District 12 race
May 27, 2020 by Krystal Knapp

in part

“We must step outside the system, to pit power against power,” Hedges said in a news release about his candidacy. “This will not be easy. It will not happen quickly or in one election cycle. It is a process, but one, especially given the ecocide and corporate serfdom that confronts us, we must embrace as a moral imperative. Voting is a small part of this process, but it sends an important signal to the ruling elites that their time is up, or soon to be up. We must stop fearing them. They must start fearing us."


Hedges said that Donald Trump, “along with the corporate oligarchs, nativists, conspiracy theorists, Christian fascists and racists who support him” is the symptom, not the disease, and is the product of a failed democracy. “Demagogues are always vomited up in societies beset with political and economic decay. I witnessed this in the former Yugoslavia. They manipulate a legitimate rage among a betrayed working class and the working poor to set neighbor against neighbor,” he said. “Trump supporters are not, however, our enemies. Our enemy is the tiny cabal of corporate oligarchs that have seized control of the two ruling parties, the three branches of government, the media, academia, our health services, and the economy. They have usurped our rights to exclusively serve corporate profit. The consent of the governed has become a cruel joke. The politicians and leaders of the two ruling parties are selected and anointed by our corporate masters. They are corporate puppets. Without corporate money and support, they would not be in power. They do not work for us. And they know it. This is especially true in New Jersey, which has one of the most corrupt Democratic Party machines in the nation.”

The Green Party of New Jersey Proudly Endorses Internationally Renowned Writer and Activist Chris Hedges for U.S. Congress in District 12
May 27, 2020, 10:05 pm | in

Our immediate focus is to help Mr. Hedges get on the ballot for November. People that reside in Congressional District 12 and have not signed another candidate’s petition for U.S. Congress in District 12, may sign for him at this link.

You can check to see if you live in District 12 here.

We are proud to make this announcement and ask for your signature while the Hedges team prepares their website and full campaign roll out.

18 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

magiamma's picture

This is something I can definitely get behind. Will send him a few dollars. Dayum, I wish him well. May he win. Thanks for the heads up.

Take good care and have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

us that all one really needed in this world was a good pair of boots, a good knife, and a good coat. Once I was able to essay to do so, I did. In one pocket of the coat was a waterproof plastic cigarette case packed full of compressed cotton balls and a flint stick, so that I would also always have fire, always. I would ditch the knife and tinderbox on my way to actions where a bust was likely, and only then.

Now I have a small travel trailer and a shed full of camping gear, much of which we've outgrown. I'm not at all sure which is the better option overall, though my body is probably very poorly suited to hiking, hitch-hiking and generally roughing it. Short of a banking and credit failure, what you really, truly need, more than even, is a passport, currency, and credit. You can buy clothes and such, after all, but not funds.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Yes, I have a piece of flint that I picked up in Germany from the Black Sea for the same purpose. Not sure it would do me much good at this point. But these times sure make one think. I kept matches when I was hitching but, really, never needed much. In those days we all took care of each other for the most part. Not so much now. Maybe head north. That's what I think. With my passport. Indeed.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Europe is a mess. Australia is well on the way to being a Chinese colony. Africa? South America?

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.

6 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

enhydra lutris's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

be well and have a good one.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness
Yep. That's the truth. Thinking that we need to set up some community networks now. But how. Humans don't seem to think so very far ahead. Good at reacting on the spot. Unfortunately we are expendable items, throw aways, to our owners. Where to start?

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

as we watch to see what Original/Traditional Medicare and Medigap 'reforms' Dems settle on, in case they take power in November.

It's really rather sad--we've settled in an absolutely lovely retirement community which has everything that we could ask for. And more. So, for that reason, we canned our plans (to expatriate) several months ago.

But, in the face of a pandemic, if either Party decides to convert OM/TM to a Medicare Advantage-lite program--we're outta here.

Good luck, Voice! Pleasantry


“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

9 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

magiamma's picture

@Unabashed Liberal
Good to see you. Looks like Uruguay kept the covid at bay, in spite of Brazil. Heh. It's pretty there. I went to the Iguuzu Falls when I was in Argentina. Amazing. When Elenor Roosevelt saw the falls she commented, "Poor Niagara". Too funny. You are way ahead of the rest of us. The disappearing medicare act does not bode well.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


Iguuzu Falls is beautiful. Hope that we can see it, one day.

Heh, must be on the same wavelength--just posted a piece for you, down thread, about Uruguay being "the New Zealand of South America." Biggrin Cool beans, as Smiley would say.


4 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal
Love the dog! Hope he/she is as well-behaved as he/she is cute!
I'd just love to rumple those ears. And i know the secret place behind the ear to rub that causes them top close their eyes in ecstasy.

3 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness @The Voice In the Wilderness

need it!

(luck, that is)

Kaity Rambo 'thanks you' for the kind compliment, and, happily accepts all virtual ear scritches. Pleasantry

Mr M gave her the nickname 'Rambo,' because of her tremendous strength and willful nature. As to whether or not she's well-behaved--well, in spite of obedience instruction, her trainer still recommended that (for better control) we use a head halter, and a short traffic lead, when we walk her.

She's a real sweet and good dog, but, she's also very clever, determined, and exuberant, as heck. IOW, quite a handful for two ol' coots, now that she's 18 months old, and weighs just under 65 lbs. (relatively small for her breed, actually)

Regarding expatriating, we luv everything about Uruguay, but one thing--the VAT tax. I realize some folks don't mind them, but, having lived in a state with an almost 10% (.0975) sales tax, we are loathe to have to pay twice as much for most items and/or services. So, we're waiting to see what happens with/to Original Medicare, before we make a final decision.

Be well; stay safe.


“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

4 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

smiley7's picture

Cool to learn you led the caucus.

"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" plays in the recesses of my mind for weeks. For those who may not be familiar with the movie or book:

They Shoot Horses, Don't They? is a masterful re-creation of the [dance] marathon era for audiences that are mostly unfamiliar with it. In addition to everything else it does, "Horses" holds our attention because it tells us something we didn't know about human nature and American society. It tells us a lot more than that, of course, but because it works on this fundamental level as well it is one of the best American movies of the 1970s ~ Roger Ebert

"It was a germinal moment [for me] ... This was the first time in my life as an actor that I was working on a film about larger societal issues, and instead of my professional work feeling peripheral to life, it felt relevant." ~ Jane Fonda

Being a college community, our town council behaves more logically than most and last week voted to prevent any visitor from outside our mountain town from entering any recently opened businesses; the rule is in addition to extending for two more weeks the mandatory quarantine on second home owners in place since March 17. Well, within forty-eight hours the chairwoman of the County republican party got a republican judge to stay the council's rules. This has been the rolling conversations on main street, folks taking sides, The Chamber of Commerce raising hell, the usual political war, now it's the masked vs the unmasked ... the washed and the unwashed.

And the virus marches on, cases increasing in NC and the percentage of hospital beds shrinking into very dangerous territory; but who needs a mask? right?

Told a friend last evening that i want to sit in a theatre, rehearsal space as director, again, and say what i always said to a newly employed cast and crew, "take flight,"and consider me your mother-hen." Dreamer i've always been, then i said "i want a puppy."

Began a search for a dog yesterday. Breaking the comfort level and not allowing the usual excuses like, it's brutal walking a dog early morning in winter get in my way. Somewhere a dog waits in a kennel in need and the need is mutual.

Thanks magi and be safe out there.

10 users have voted.
Unabashed Liberal's picture

@smiley7 @smiley7

keep us posted on how your search progresses.

Four of our eight furbabies came from a shelter, and three were 'special hybrids.' Smile The exception was Mister B, who was probably abandoned due to his severe separation anxiety and animal-aggression problems.

Good luck! Pleasantry


“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

5 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

magiamma's picture

A puppy! That makes complete sense.It will rule your life - in a good way. A new best friend.

The Repubs have way too much money and they live to rip up the community we build. Really a bit like sci fi. Happened here with two city councilors being recalled by Apartment Assoc. and Realtor money. Sigh. Takes the wind out of me. Just want to hang in my garden these days. The Virus came at a good time in that respect. Thanks for yesterday's link.

Take good care, have a good one and happy hunting. heh

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RantingRooster's picture

What must it say about our society where our citizens feel the "need" to have bug out bags in case things go badly, or shall I say worse than "normal".

All the "threats" to our citizens come not from some far off "enemy" of our country", but from the very people we supposedly elected to run our government, who collude with corporations to corrupt our government, and to a great extent, corrupt our societies.

Almost everything in our society today is but a facade to cover up the corruption. When corrupt politicians legalize their corruption, what is a society to do to end that corruption?

But most importantly, what can we do for the "general population" which is still fast "asleep" to this corruption and continue to engage in the only activity they have ever known, voting every 2-4-6 yrs for whoever the "corrupt" system vomits up?

What can we do as "citizens", when our nation is held hostage by corrupt people who have enormous amounts of money, power and influence, who keeps the fucking "herd", stupid? Crazy

It may be true that we have a demented pack of inbred maniacs running the world right now, but they aren't the ones that I fear.

I fear the conditioned masses which will put me to death at the drop of a hat if the right order is given. I fear the herd of well meaning idiots which believe that written law and authority is to be followed at all cost... even at the expense of self-evident morality.

The death squads and concentration camps of history were never staffed by rebels and dissidents. They were were run by those who followed the rules.


I think we (at least me) are at the point where some serious reflection needs to take place and determine where the "line" is, and what to do when that line in crossed. Our (my) very lives depend on that internal reflection and ultimate "choice".

Does survival out weight legality, or morality? This is not a question the ruling elite ask themselves, it is a given, and it is from that perspective, they wage their class war on all of us, with just a facade of legal or moral "authority".


11 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

QMS's picture


killing unarmed citizens for 'suspected forgery'
by a shithead white boy cop
because the suspect was big, black and resistant
then shoot, taze, gas and grenade protestors
the line is crossed
time to fight back

8 users have voted.

question everything

RantingRooster's picture

@QMS but thought I would express myself with a bit of music... Preved

The one time Nickleback got it right, and reflects my sediments at this point. This is fucking war mother fuckers! Bomb Bomb Bomb


I'm beyond just wanting to break stuff... Crazy


I'm totally down with Revolution Drinks


And Raging against the Machine! Aggressive


But I think we need to be strategic in how we #DissentDisobeyDisrupt Secret


The general public should be grateful for social distancing because I'm like Diablo keep away from me!


Our anthem for taking over Wall Street Dirol


If I get into trouble, just remember, I was Framed! Blush



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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

magiamma's picture

indeed, the motherfucking motherfuckers...

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RantingRooster's picture

@magiamma this

the motherfucking motherfuckers...


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

magiamma's picture

agree but we would be fighting a police force that has been supplied with military weapons. And we don't know how to do that. We need do have a way to stick a monkey wrench into the works using our smarts. How? Cause protests are not working, are not enough. We need to take care of the people that have fallen through the safety net and coordinate them. This is a big order. Not just

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QMS's picture


the holes in the nets are getting bigger
as the oligarchs take more than their share
organizing the oppressed, downtrodden, homeless, poor
and evicted may not require a bullseye for our slings
see more of a generalized rebellion coagulating around some
stupid authoritarian misstep
gaining energy as various angers express distrust and
disgust against the rulers

the spirit of the people is our hope in this

q mess

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question everything

NEVER resist! Let your lawyer do the resisting.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

mimi's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness
to say 'fuck' in a morning conference (when discussing his documentary about Obama) we knew he would never have used the equivalent German expression (though that was more than nine years ago). Meanwhile in our 'beloved' German TV that 'never-use-that word' unwritten regulation has also vanished, independent in which language you choose to curse.

The lead porducer just said to the correspondet: "You want to feed the lawyers to make your point?

Feeding the lawyers ... they have to eat too ... jst don't overfeed them ...otherwise they get voer their head and start to behave like the overlords. ... Wink

Nothing for Ungood.

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magiamma's picture

You use the word 'elected' loosely. heh. It is a facade to cover corruption but also a well oiled machine to support the oligarchs. Planet be damned.

Does survival out weight legality, or morality?

Generally yes, I think it's an integral part of our species and all species for the most part though there are exceptions.

We however can choose. But in the face of abject usurpation and violation of our basic human rights, I think it way crosses the line. Way too far. They are shooting rubber bullets at children. Not okay.

How to wake people up. Nothing I know works. I think they may just wake up because things are so out of hand. Will that be soon enough and will it be strong enough. Certainly not unless new tactics are developed. What those are I have no idea. It could happen. It happened during the French Revolution. Can people stand up together against the ptb now?

Yes, serious reflection and then planning and then coordinated action. Stop the flow of money? Work strike? Stop the machine somehow.

Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture

All of us “can’t even come up with $400 for an unexpected expense” types seem to have about as much power to decide the direction of things as a denizen of Gaza or some West Bank bantustan.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

I mentioned to Voice, our plans were temporarily canned, but, can easily see them changing.

I could be wrong, but, fully expect Dems might move to 'reform' TM/OM very early on in a Biden Administration--as they did with the ACA--in order for some of the backlash to subside before they face midterms in 2022. Time will tell, I suppose. Of course, they could make it better, by expanding services, eliminating OOP, and opening it up to Everyone.

But, from all I'm reading, they'll likely convert it to another MA-like program, or, a 'managed care' system. Needless to say, Mr M and I want no part of that.

So, our choice of an out-of-the country retirement destination is still Uruguay. Partly, because this country is far more advanced than most in SA, we weren't particularly surprised that they're considered by some to be "the New Zealand of South America." (which would definitely ease our minds) BTW, I've priced supplemental international health insurance policies, although it was some time back, and the ones which require that the insured also carry US Medicare coverage, are really very reasonable, cost-wise. I'd offer links, but, they're on my recently retired laptop (with no virus protection).

Here's a piece about the status of COVID-19 in Uruguay--not that I wouldn't take a deeper look than just a Reuters article,

In Brazil's shadow, laid-back Uruguay curbs COVID-19
Fabian Werner, Marina Lammertyn

MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) - Leonardo Silveira, a bookstore owner in Montevideo, is hopeful about the future as Uruguay begins a gradual reopening. The small country has kept rates of COVID-19 at one of the lowest levels in Latin America, even as the region becomes a coronavirus epicenter.

The South American nation of 3.5 million people, known for its beef, laid-back lifestyle and legalized cannabis, has recorded 789 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus and 22 deaths. . .

Uruguay moved fast in March when the first cases were detected. . . .

With no deaths since May 23, . . . described the situation last week as being under “relative control.”

. . . Some are calling it the New Zealand of Latin America, given its similar population size and number of deaths.

Hey, what's not to like? Smile

Hope you and yours are doing well in CA--at least, your Governor is taking the pandemic seriously.

Thanks for today's OT. And, stay safe.


“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

magiamma's picture

@Unabashed Liberal
Uruguay sounds great. Pretty civilized part of the planet. I have spend time in Buenos Aires and liked it a lot. Yes, I don't have much hope for MA and worry how the changes that will affect so many. Keep on keepin' on. That's about it. But we can plan ahead. Good luck.

Be well.

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