Hot Air

Something to keep in mind…
Temps in the Arctic have been more than 20°C above average creating periodic open water in normally hard-frozen sea ice in the dead of winter: is here. Let's do something about it#ActOnClimate #climate #energy #climatestrike #GreenNewDeal
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) March 6, 2019
The sun cycles through periods of sunspot inactivity and activity. Each solar cycle lasts around 10 to 12 years. Sunspot activity is greatly enhanced during the several years around each cycle’s peak. The magnetic activity that accompanies the active part of the sunspot cycle can produce changes in the Earth's upper atmosphere via solar wind and extreme ultraviolet (EUV). EUV is highly energetic and is absorbed in the upper atmosphere, which not only heats it but also ionizes it, creating the ionosphere.
Global temperatures tend to be about .4 Fahrenheit warmer during a solar maximum and inversely .4 Fahrenheit cooler during the solar minimum. That is less than ½ of a degree Fahrenheit (¼ degree Centigrade).
It is not enough to counterbalance global warming. The global temperature has risen 1.9 F since the 1880 pre-industrial time frame. Additionally, there is yet another 2 degrees “baked into” the atmosphere due to “committed warming” from the CO2 that is currently being put into the atmosphere.
Category Six has a detailed article explaining the solar cycle…
The Weirdly Quiet Sun May Get Even Quieter (and BTW, Earth Is Still Warming)
Category Six 2-28-19
After the most tepid solar cycle in at least a century, several top forecasters are now predicting an even more lackluster cycle in the 2020s. The sun’s prolonged calmness is fascinating as well as mysterious, but here’s something to keep in mind: even if the sun goes into a multi-decade “grand minimum”, any climate effects are likely to be swamped by human-produced climate change.
Figure 5. Sunspot observations over the past 400 years clearly show the Maunder and Dalton minimums. The Gleissberg cycle is reflected in the Dalton minimum, around 1800, as well as the cluster of quiet solar cycles around 1900 (not labeled). Global temperatures have been increasing since the 1980s even though solar activity, as reflected in sunspot activity, has been on the decrease. Image credit: Robert Rhode, Global Warming Art, via Wikimedia Commons.The planet was indeed chilly during the Maunder minimum, with surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere about 0.9°F (0.5°C) below their 1961-1990 average. However, the drop in solar input is unlikely to have been the prime cause of the cooling, since the most prolonged cold period of the Little Ice Age (from 1570 to 1750) got under way more than 70 years before the Maunder minimum. Sun-blocking volcanic eruptions are believed to be one of the main drivers of the Little Ice Age.
Indonesia Reduces Deforestation, Norway to Pay Up
World Resource Institute 2-21-19
Indonesia was one of the few tropical nations to reduce its deforestation rates in 2017, and it’s paying off. Norway announced on February 16 that it will provide the first results-based payment to Indonesia as part of a REDD+ agreement the two nations established in 2010.
Food supply falls as fish flee warmer seas
Climate News Network 3-4-19
In the last 80 years, there has been an estimated drop of more than 4% in sustainable catches for many kinds of fish and shellfish. That is the average. In some regions – the East China Sea, for instance, and Europe’s North Sea – the estimated decline was between 15% and 35%.
Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are quietly helping Big Oil destroy the climate
Think Progress 2-28-19
But the tech giant is working overtime to close deals with the world’s biggest oil companies to help them boost fossil fuel production using the latest information technology, such as cloud computing, which enables companies to capture, store, and analyze vast amounts of data in real time.
Most of the major companies are getting into the fracking business. Lots of details in the article…
Fracking the World: Despite Climate Risks, Fracking Is Going Global
Desmog 3-4-19
The U.S. exported a record 3.6 million barrels per day of oil in February. This oil is the result of the American fracking boom … “Going forward the world is going to be Saudi Aramco’s playground.” But not if other countries frack there first.
Good question…
Climate Weekly: Who will govern geoengineering?
Climate Home News1-3-19
All the same, it is increasingly hard to see the world avoiding dangerous warming without it – and research is proceeding, whether they like it or not. … Switzerland is calling on the UN Environment Programme to consider international governance options, in a draft resolution
Switzerland puts geoengineering governance on UN environment agenda
Climate Home News 2-26-19
But as greenhouse gas emissions remain stubbornly high and geoengineering research gets underway, there is growing concern these technologies could be deployed without protections against their serious risks – and that the prospect of a technofix will be taken as a licence to keep on polluting.
Our Highest Office, My Deepest Obligation
Bloomberg 3-5-19
I’m not running for president, but I am launching a new campaign: Beyond Carbon. ... I will expand my support for the Beyond Coal campaign so that we can retire every single coal-fired power plant over the next 11 years. … I will launch … Beyond Carbon: a grassroots effort to begin moving America as quickly as possible away from oil and gas and toward a 100 percent clean energy economy.
Walz aims for 100 percent clean energy in Minnesota by 2050
Star Tribune 3-4-19
A proposal by Gov. Tim Walz to make Minnesota's electricity providers generate all their energy from clean sources, like solar and wind, by 2050 drew immediate criticism Monday for being too costly and unreliable.
China Bans Imported Recyclables from US, Now Cities Just Burn Them
Green Optimist 2-28-19
“The unfortunate thing in the United States is that when people recycle they think it’s taken care of when it was largely taken care of by China,” Paul Gilman, Covanta’s chief sustainability officer, told The Guardian. “When that stopped, it became clear we just aren’t able to deal with it.”
Report Exposes 'Devastating' Economic, Public Health, and Environmental Impacts of Trump's Industry Giveaways
Common Dreams 2-5-19
Specifically, the report details the extensive consequences of repealing six major regulations to serve four dirty industries:
• The Coal Industry: Clean Power Plan (CO2)
• The Automotive Industry: Clean Car Standards (CO2)
• The Automotive Industry: Glider Truck Pollution (CO2)
• The Oil & Gas Industry: Methane emissions (new and existing sources)
• The Oil & Gas Industry: Methane emissions (public lands)
• The Landfill Industry: Methane emissions
Interviews with the young organizers of the Sunrise Movement…
Adults failed to take climate action. Meet the young activists stepping up
The Guardian 3-4-19
I feel like young people have always played the role of moral clarity and being willing to be idealists about what the world should be like. I see my generation as picking up the baton from young people in the 1960s and in the civil rights movement who engaged in similar efforts. We totally see our struggle as rooted in the past activism of young people.
With a caveat…
Germany’s Angela Merkel backs student ‘Friday for Future’ climate protests
Times of News 3-2-18
In a video podcast released on Saturday, Merkel said she was very supportive of the fact that “students take to the street in the cause of climate protection and fight for it.”
… “I know that the students want many things to go faster, such as the exit from coal,” Merkel said. “But as head of government, I must point out that we have to take a lot of things into consideration: We have to reconcile jobs and economic health with the goals of climate protection.”
Open letter from the young climate leaders…
Youth Climate Movement to World Leaders: We Will 'Change Fate of Humanity, Whether You Like It or Not'
Common Dreams 3-1-19
Student climate strikers issue open letter ahead of global day of action on March 15 that will consist of more than 500 events in over 50 countries. … "Young people make up more than half of the global population. Our generation grew up with the climate crisis and we will have to deal with it for the rest of our lives. Despite that fact, most of us are not included in the local and global decision-making process," reads the letter
Fridays For Future
JOIN FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE: on their website
Youth Climate Strikers: We Are Going to Change the Fate of Humanity
Climate Change News 3-3-19
The letter, published by the Guardian, says: “United we will rise on 15 March and many times after until we see climate justice. We demand the world’s decision makers take responsibility and solve this crisis. You have failed us in the past. [But] the youth of this world has started to move, and we will not rest again.” … The Youth Strikes for Climate movement is not centrally organized, so keeping track of the fast growing number of strikes is difficult, but many are registering on
Greta Thunberg
Good read and a good video too..
The First Time: Climate Activist Greta Thunberg
Rolling Stone 3-5-19
Thunberg, who is featured in Rolling Stone‘s March Women Shaping the Future issue, sat down for our video-franchise “The First Time,” telling the magazine that the first woman to inspire her was Rosa Parks. “I learned she was an introvert, and I’m also an introvert,” says Thunberg.
Extinction Rebellion
JOIN EX USA: on their website
The planet's last stand: Why these climate change activists are ready to break the law
Now, from his neat town house in central Christchurch, the 74-year-old is plotting how to get arrested. … "For years and years now, we've been playing nice. And I think one of the things that has been recognised in the last year or so is that it's not working. We just can't be nice anymore." … Drace is a climate activist, a member of the global movement Extinction Rebellion.
Bristol to host national 'mass rebellion training' event next weekend
Bristol Live 3-6-19
The Extinction Rebellion group has hired out Bristol’s top nightclub venue for an entire weekend later this month for what it describes as ‘mass rebellion training’. … "I'm massively excited to be part of a movement that's about rebellion, about civil disobedience and about seeking practical answers alongside people who've been working on solutions to climate change and community breakdown for years.
New satellite-based maps of mangrove heights
NASA 2-29-19
Mangroves are among the planet’s best carbon scrubbers, moving far more than their fair share of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into long-term storage. … Thriving in brackish water that kills other plants, mangroves drop tons of leaves and branches—more than 9 metric tons per hectare (4 tons per acre) per year. The litter decomposes very slowly because the forests flood regularly at high tide. This translates into a lot of carbon taken out of the atmosphere and stored as peat in mangrove soils. … These useful trees are being squeezed between rising seas and coastal development around the world, and scientists are working to assess what that means to the carbon cycle.
Turkish supreme court blocks coal plant, as wave of new projects stalls
Climate Home News 3-5-19
Turkey’s highest administrative court has blocked a major coal power plant on the Black Sea coast, in a victory for campaigners.
Hydrogen’s Recent Ascension as Fuel for Future Electric Cars
Green Optimist 2-17-19
Fuel cells produce electrical energy directly from the chemical potential energy that is stored in H2 and O2 molecules. Using a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), the unit needs only to be supplied with pressurized H2. Fuel cells are inherently more efficient and reliable than combustion engines, and their only by-product is water.
Support is surging for teens’ climate change lawsuit
National Geographic 3-5-19
The trial, originally scheduled to begin last October, has been delayed while government lawyers have sought to have the case dismissed before trial. … In another amicus brief filed last week, eight Democrats in Congress disagreed and urged the court to hear the case. “[T]he intractability of the debates before Congress and state legislatures and the alleged valuing of short-term economic interest despite the cost to human life
Ruined crops, salty soil: How rising seas are poisoning North Carolina’s farmland
Faster Than Expected 3-1-19
Or maybe the problem goes even deeper. Scientists are increasingly concerned that rising sea levels are shifting the “zone of transition” — the underground gradient where fresh groundwater meets salty seawater. This issue may be compounded by the slow sinking of North Carolina’s coastal plain since the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago.
Reduced salinity of seawater wreaks havoc on coral chemistry
EurekAlert! 2-28-19
The paper, published in Nature Climate Change Monday, found that the number of heat wave days per year had increased by more than 50 percent during the last 29 years (1987 to 2016) when compared to the years between 1925 and 1954. This is bad news for important ocean ecosystems from kelp forests to coral reefs.
Disappearing rice fields threaten more global warming
PHYS ORG 3-5-19
It was always assumed that because rice paddies are already a huge source of atmospheric methane, nothing could happen to make a difficult situation worse.
Climate change puts additional pressure on vulnerable frogs
The Guardian 3-6-19
Australia’s frog species, already threatened by habitat destruction and disease, are being put under extra pressure by shifting rainfall and rising temperatures from climate change.
Good article…
Fire below, ice above: volcanoes, glaciers and sea level rise
NASA 3-5-19
The heat welling up from Earth’s interior beneath ice sheets and glaciers has nothing to do with the relatively rapid change in climate over recent decades, driven mainly by human emissions of greenhouse gases that warm the atmosphere. Heat sources from the deep Earth can remain steady for 50, 90 or 100 million years; human-driven climate change is occurring over mere decades and centuries.
Thousands of tiny quakes shake Antarctic ice at night
Science Daily 3-4-19
Scientists placed seismometers on the McMurdo Ice Shelf and recorded hundreds of thousands of tiny 'ice quakes' that appear to be caused by pools of partially melted ice expanding and freezing at night. The phenomenon may be able to help scientists track glacier melting -- and to help explain the breakup of large ice shelves.
Carbon rise could cause cloud tipping point
Climate News Network 2-27-19
If carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere become high enough, the clouds that shade and cool some of the tropical and subtropical oceans could become unstable and disperse. More radiation would slam into the ocean and the coasts, and surface temperatures could soar as high as 8°C above the levels for most of human history.
Global Warnings
QMS: Time to disconnect greed from the welfare of earth, if survival means anything. I like trees.
Paul Beckwith: "I declare a global climate change emergency to claw back up the rock face to attempt to regain system stability, or face an untenable calamity of biblical proportions."
Kevin Hester: "There is no past analogue for the rapidity of what we are baring witness to. There has been a flood of articles ... 2C is no longer attainable and that we are heading for dangerous climate change"
Guy McPherson: "The recent and near-future rises in temperature are occurring and will occur at least an order of magnitude faster than the worst of all prior Mass Extinctions. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun."
Magi Amma: We need to turn on a dime at mach nine!
• 1 gigatonne equals one billion tons
• 1 gigatonne of carbon equals 3.67 gigatonnes of CO2
• 1 part per million of atmospheric CO2 is equivalent to 7.81 gigatonnes of CO2
• 1 part per million of atmospheric carbon is equivalent to 2.13 gigatonnes of carbon

The Thread Is Open...
it was much harder than I thought it would be...
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Umm Kulthum
grew up as a street performer in Egypt. her father dressed her up as a boy so she could perform. Edith Piaf, above also grew up as a street musician. She grew in a bordello and was blind from 3-7 and the prostitutes pooled money too accompany her to a pilgrimage - where she was cured. cupla tidbits...
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Merkel = old thinking, Greta = new mind
Balancing the future of the planet for short term gain indeed.
Currently reading a novel called New World New Mind
written by Ornstein / Ehrlich just 30 years ago
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
thank you! q...
morning. well said. what were we thinking. they walked in and took it all and now we have to clean up the mess. damn. resource extraction and capitalism are two sides of the same coin.
on my recent trip I went to a shopping mall. om-fucking-g. I went to the shopping mall so you all didn't have to. so huge. so much stuff. so many malls. stop it.
...must be diminished is some way. yes. thanks. have a good one...
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Good morning, magi. Your climate reanalyzer, without
being started, looks like a Dali. It specifically reminds me of some where he sht mud and debris at a canvas from an old blunderbuss and then got out the pens and brushes and brought out whatever his mind's eye saw in the result.
Since you mentioned mangroves, and one aspect of their global importance (they do much more that just that), I thought that I'd take the opportunity to tout MAP - the Mangrove Action Project. They do a lot of work on protecting, preserving and restoring mangroves where and as much as they can.
Mangrove Action Project works with a variety of stakeholders around the globe to conserve and restore planet earth’s vital mangrove forests.
+1 (206) 207-2022
PO Box 1854, Port Angeles, WA 98362
And, yes, they run on donations and one can donate via their site.
Just yet another enviro org, but they do have a unique and important niche.
END of unpaid promotion.
busy day today, have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
morning el...
serious belly laugh...
good analogy. throw a bunch of stuff at a wall and see what it looks like. so much to throw. so I throw, and then this collection goes out into the world in a email message and then gets posted on other sites by a bunch of folks. so I cull for short and to the point. so you can follow the linky. the yellow brick roady. lol.
wow. thanks for the pointer to the mangrove site. save the mangroves. please.
keep thinking - we are here now so maybe we can... then I went to the shopping mall, so you didn't have to. woah. I don't get out much. so much stuff and...oh holy shit. K. have a very good one and get lots otl. I love otl days. always feel better.
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Good morning MA and c99
Thanks for the climate news.
XR is really gearing up. It is amazing to see their efforts all over the world.
Here's a link to their newsletter archive, the most recent of which lists numerous upcoming events....
Caught an interesting discussion about the green new deal from the perspective of a sociologist (video or text)
It made me feel better about the proposal (which doesn't take on domestic production for exports- which you describe above:
A growing issue as TPTB try to make as much money as possible from the destructive fracking practices.)
The freeze is letting up here. Temps back to the 60's next week. As we ride the climate see-saw.
(40 sec of the midnight sun)
All the best to all of you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
morning lo...
thanks for the XR newsletter link. I will add it to my blog. blog? is that what this is? who knows. good link to have for folks.
excellent critique of the green new deal... thank you. posting it here again. watch it if you can.
"the fossil fuel industry is the number one barrier to climate change. politically, they have bought off most of the republican part, they have bought off many member of the democratic party. They are a huge industry that stands to loose absolutely everything and they are going to fight to the death. I you don't take them on and if you think you can cut a deal with them, while wiping them out kinda slowly. I think that's a naive view of how politics works in this country." edit to add vid
'THEY" are in a rush to make as much money as they can in case it gets shut down or even, goddess forbid, restricted. just saw a great video on the Keystone XL pipeline, the Koch (German for a form of coal) brothers and them having access to the heavy oil from Venezuela. maybe it was in the eb. jimmy dore w greg palast I think...
glad to hear the weather is warmer. were you affected by the tornadoes? have a good one...
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I can't understand why she did me so wrong
Symbolic earworm, good one. Love your mother, earth. Thanks a lot magiamma. rock on
Bob Seger - Sunspot Baby
--- down below
I had to go look up what "melted ice expanding and freezing at night" meant exactly in the article about McMurdo quakes. The study says "6–12 hour period during the evening" and I'm all like "what evening?". This handy online calendar says "Midnight sun" for the 3 months, so now I get it. 24 hours of twilight, some hours colder than others. Thanks, I remember my gf saying they had to plow some runways more often to keep 'em smooth, nine years ago.
--- don't say it
Santa Rosa proclaims flood emergency after 250 million gallons of treated sewage released into streams
humans being human
have something
or other
go on
hi eyo...
rockin' ice. heh. thanks for reading. I don't get to until after the post. I skim and vet and cull and search for the nugget. so, yay. I will go back and read.
yipes, 250 million tons of sewage? ouch. so many things affected besides hominids. ak. btw, glad your tooth is better. sent a lot of light your way. again one drop of tea tree oil in a 2 teaspoons of h2o. mix w finger and apply to tooth area. keeps the bad stuff out and away. !must! be dilute. rockin' sunspot bitch.
have a good one...
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Saw a pair of GBHs on the path today
Thanks again for the tea tree oil tip, I put it on my shopping list.
Today we saw two great blue herons flying together upriver on the return trip. Looked like pterodactyls that was cool. The sound at the boat ramp was so awesome, we sat and soaked in the trance of the water, the lapping sounds and the rushing sounds, and the birds chirping, singing their little heads off, then swooped by a turkey vulture checking us out. Woo it was great. The hummingbirds are going crazy on the Manzanita flowers bursting out all over. Boing it is spring. have fun
edit: there/their
there were GBH nests in the preserve
when I first moved here. when I first heard them I thought something was dying. The babies make horrisoanant sounds as the parents fly in with food. they have moved now. definitely pterodactyl like. tea tree oil is also good for spider bites. must be put on every hour or more, but it works. also works on cat scratches. but it does not work for all infections, fyi. and not to be taken internally. but it is okay to put a mild dilution on the gums/teeth. have had two toothaches go away with its use. birds chirping here too. lots of flowers out bc rain.
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Bloomberg and Leo Di Caprio, both
environmentalists. Their having someone important in common strikes me funny. No idea why.
Glad neither of them is running for President, though.
"Leonardo di Caprio" is one of the best names I've encountered outside of romance novels. Then again, I don't read romance novels, unless my sister has written or ghostwritten them; and she has not done that for a long time.
FWIW, I think Leo is a better actor than Hollywood acknowledges. I wonder why. Usually, the Oscars reward everyone associated with moneymaking films. What's Eating Gilbert Grape was probably not a big moneymaker, but Titanic? Also, he's extended Scorcese's career, which is a good thing, IMO. His acting in Gilbert Grape, The Aviator, The Departed, Blood Diamond, and Shutter Island, to name just a few, has been excellent. Then again, I'm no acting critic.
Good on Indonesia! Imagine, Indonesia can manage to improve for the sake of the environment, but not the "exceptional" US. Well, at least we can thank California for insisting on reduced vehicle emissions all these years. Actually, we can thank the wealthy people of Los Angeles for flexing their muscles against L.A. smog.
I've been to California only twice--and one of those times was only a brief business trip, but I usually like laws that land them in national media. Maybe it's because my parents could not afford a babysitter, much less a nanny, that I like Cali's "nanny state" laws. The opposite is true when laws passed by Florida, Arizona and Texas make national news.
Well, à propos of nothing, other than an ad that my laptop forced on me while I was trying to get to this website, "Wedding sneakers are a thing." And for a bedazzled, but otherwise very basic, pair of Keds, you can pay almost a C note (to borrow a term from old gangster films).
Who told Keds sneakers with their rubber soles, are good for dancing at a wedding (or anywhere), though? Sneakers are great for basketball, but dance floors are highly waxed for a reason.
My father-in-law on a dance floor is a sight to behold. He seems to glide about an eighth of an inch above the floor. Air Jordan notwithstanding, sneakers are not for gliding.
Does my adult attention deficit disorder look fat in this post? (Aren't you relieved you don't have to live inside my Mexican jumping bean of a brain?)
Enjoy this Thursday, also known TGIF Eve (to no one, ever) and every day.
Wikipedia refused to help me out, but I think this was the original version. Peggy Lee and Bing Crosby soon covered it, though.
WHY was I not invited to this wedding, aside from not knowing the bride or the groom? Other than the males in the wedding party wearing light-ish brown instead of black or navy, I would have loved it. In fact, I just may have forced the guests into a recessional flash mob dance after the wedding party exited.
My wish for everyone: "I hope you often sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching. And if you can't do at least one of those, I hope you do things that give you a similar feeling."
howdy haw...
first things first, thanks for the music. smile.
bloomberg not running, yes, good. I guess. I don't even know what to think about the upcoming elections. actually. the whole political thing is overshadowed, for me by Climate Breakdown. going to that shopping mall was a shocker. now you don't have to ever go to one. the impact of so many people, mindlessly consuming was a giant reality check catapulting at breakneck speed head on into the very essence of my being. loss of breath.
so, there are a lot of folks out there that have no clue. about a lot of stuff. how to reach them. I keep going back to the young ones. people will do for their families things that they will not do for anything else. maybe that can work.
in any case, have a good one and thanks for your thoughts...
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Just check the
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'll take your word for it...
-no doubt about the low probability of anyone changing habits for just about anything. certainly not a sea change. dunno. thanks for the laugh. have a good one...
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Outlet Malls.
When I moved for work and knew no one at the time I could spend hours there, not buying as much as looking. It is no longer the same for me, as you relate so well here. Now I cannot wait to get out of there and I never go voluntarily on my own. I look at American society, what passes for it, and it no longer makes any sense to me. Well, it makes "sense" in that it is brainwashed behavior I guess, well taught behavior. I've been red pilled, as my one friend tells me and I've never been able to sit through that movie but her point is made.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
hi lizzy...
even knowing the reality of it, it was still overwhelming when I was in the middle of that mall. I was trained to consume and to conform. right? bernays. we have been brainwashed as you say. it's so clear how capitalism and consumerism are linked. and how it is simply unsustainable. I have a hard time not seeing the back story of all the products. mind exploding. so I avoid as much as possible and do stealth runs if there is no other choice - off hours, in the shortest way. fortunately there is little need for me to participate. thanks for your thoughts. have a good one...
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sneak attack
best way to leave with your sanity and identity
about you
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Ayana Pressley wants to give the vote to 16-year olds.
I have very mixed feelings about that.
well, I would agree
with that. 16 yo voting would really change the dynamics. not sure they would make good decisions. probably not going to happen. here we did a major push on campus for our city council campaign and got two new progressives voted in on their vote. developers lost their majority. so changing the voting demographics can have a huuuuuge impact. on the other hand maybe it would be good for the climate issues.
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My feelings really are mixed, though, not pro nor con.
On the one hand, many 16 year olds impress me and give me hope. On the other hand, many scare me. Then again, I could say the same about many forty or fifty year olds. (As Judge Judy has said, "You can't fix stupid," or words to that effect.)
definitely a mixed bag...
(whatever that means). there are a lot of factors that would play into it. kids drive at 16. but can't join the army until ?18? not sure. can they think clearly. that really begs the question of how clearly anyone can think. not sure what criteria you would use to make that decision. not that political decisions are made rationally. ever. I wonder what they do in other countries. no time to check. but, again I don' think it's likely to happen.
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True. And Pressley ousted one of my few Democratic heroes,
Mike Capuano. She portrayed him as an establishment neoliberal. However, I have great reason to suspect she is the establishment neoliberal. For one thing, I have several email accounts, one of which I once zealously restricted to close family and friends. However, when she ran for Boston City Council, I was stunned to see in that account a campaign email from her, asking for a donation. Then, I remembered that I had mistakenly used that address ONCE, when I emailed a quintessential establishment Democrat about some issue or other at He must have shared my email address with her.
Also, the msm endorsed her over Capuano, another tip off. The Boston Globe even claimed that she, who had accomplished almost nothing while a city councillor, was better qualified than former Mayor and incumbent Representative Capuano, citing some trifling crap about some change in liquor licenses, while failing to explain why that trumped Capuano's career. The endorsement just completely ignored Capuano's entire career, as though it had not existed. Same kind of thing the msm did when Bernie began running for the 2016 primary. You would have thought he was just the cranky old ex Mayor of Vermont with the scrambled coif.
Third, Democrats don't support Democrats who attempt to primary incumbent establishment Democrats.
Good morning, magi; "The Last Great Tree:"
Another wonderful "Hotair," thank you for the work and especially the mention of "Beyond Coal,"
Probably mentioned this before, but when i can, i give a shout out to Mary who directs the campaign; having had the pleasure of getting to know her years ago when she began her rather meteoric rise in our environmental cause; gives me pleasure to read of her ongoing work. Thanks to Bloomberg for millions he's committed to the campaign.
And what a treat to begin the day with Brecht, Weill and Piaf:
Have a good one.
Heh, they often do that here, sometimes by USFS command.
If you leave 1 or 2 trees every so many hectares, it isn't technically a "clear cut" so different rules apply and the enviros can't whine.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
morning smiley...
the fatter they get the less they regret... seems like it too often.
So sad that tree. so sad.
here is the video with greg palast talking about oil and Venezuela. Not about coal, but definitely feeds into the whole issue...
thanks for the links, music and good cheer. have a good one.
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The Arctic in the Anthropocene
Human activity has given birth to a new climate regime in the Arctic (another regime change coup?). The combination of increased average global temps and Arctic amplification and reinforcing feedbacks have created a new climate in the Arctic. During the previous geological epoch, the Holocene (only a few decades ago), an Arctic dome of cold air formed along with a contained Arctic gyre. This isolated the Arctic from lower latitudes keeping the Arctic cold and moderating the latitudes south of the Arctic. The jet stream circulated at a fairly constant latitude south of the Arctic. That generated stable Winters for us. Today climate chaos has been amplified, giving us January weather in March in the Northeast.
One under appreciated factor in the Arctic is heat of enthalpy. That's the energy required to heat one gram of ice at 32 degrees F to one gram of water at 32 degrees and is 80 calories. And that's enough energy if then re-applied to heat that same water to 80% of the boiling temperature. In the Autumn the Arctic has large areas of open water. That water surface is closely coupled to the Arctic air. As the air begins to cool a large temperature differential appears. The surface begins to freeze, but as it does it releases a huge amount of heat, essentially slowing down the rate of temperature decrease in the Arctic. The exact opposite occurs in late Winter/Early Spring. Superimposed on this is large storms coming from the South entering the Arctic in the Winter. That's why we are seeing rain in the Arctic during permanent night and open water in February.
It's my opinion that this chaotic effect may be more important in the short run for producing negative impacts due to climate change. Consider that open agriculture has relied on the warm, stable and predictable weather of the last 11,600 years during the Holocene. The combination of increased average temperatures with weather chaos overlaid on that may cause significant drops in open field agriculture, much earlier than predicted. Russia this past year had an all-time world record for grain exports at about 42 million tons, almost twice the US export. But in 2010 Russia had a transient period of heat and drought and they halted wheat export. I think that we will see more of that, on shorter cycles going forward. This will be the most severe near-term effect on human civilization from climate change.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
excellent explanation
...and that whole arctic story playing an amplified feedback loop with ever increasing methane release.
Hold on. What are we doing in this handbasket?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
morning wizard...
thank you for the great explanation. enthalpy, really hit me when I was reading Lovelock. He wrote about how long it takes to melt the ice in a glass of water compared to how fast the water warms after the ice is gone. being visual and all, well, I got it.
here is a video from beckwith that has some supporting data. it starts at his explanation of the changes in temperature of the polar air mass. it's happening so fast now.
have a good one...
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Damn, look at (well, listen to) what I found --
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The trouble is, Merkel is talking out of both sides of her mouth
Merkel claims she supports kids’ climate protests, but . . .
Addressing a NATO-E.U. security conference, Merkel asserted that the young people’s climate protests couldn’t have gotten started without “outside influence” and strongly implied that Russian “hybrid warfare” was responsible.
hi lotlizard...
yes, indeed, and she also said how things could not change 'so very fast' even as she said how she supported the young ones. meh.
no... really, murky waters, -the protests were not started without outside influence? seriously? meme maker! fts!
thanks for the links and have a good one...
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An example....
....of how religion preaches against the working class:
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
hi aspie...
thanks for the video. had to stop when the guy said he was finding so much amazing scientific proof for the fact that there was a god. what evah. you want woo woo, fine. just don't push it on me, and do not, I repeat, do not conflate it with science. right? no strong opinion here. maybe I'll try to watch it by skipping the bs pastor. have a good one...
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Considering I watched the whole thing...
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I thought the Electronic Frontier Foundation had lost its mind
when I first saw the link —
But “EFF” here turns out to stand for a political party in South Africa led by someone called Julius Malema.
EFF urges supporters to boycott all products invented by white males with immediate effect
Seems overbroad. At a minimum, it should be limited to those
upon which royalties are still being paid. I mean, Rudolph Diesel was a white dude, as was Elisha Otis, the inventors of the transistor, radar, radio per se and the super heterodyne radio, the microscope etc. There are many reasons why things worked out that way, but the fact is that white males invented vast gobs of base technology.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
a couple centavos worth...
Go Greta Go, Go!
Mangrove forests are awesome, besides the skeeters. Totally unique habitat with boatloads of specialist endemics in various areas all over the world. They are moving north on the Texas coast, with freezes being the key factor in controlling northward (or southward on
other side of equator) progression. Like coral reefs their importance to protecting what is inland of them cannot be overstated.
They said the Arctic would go first and fastest, fifty years ago. It is going faster than anyone's wildest nightmare. St. Lawrence Is. in the Bering Sea between the Alaska Peninsula (Nome) and Russia was ice free most of this winter! The evidence is obvious, clear and should be indisputable.
What a surprise capitalists, that is, moneyists, created a society of consumaholics.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
evening dystopian...
thought I posted something earlier... heh. protect the mangroves, coral reefs, rain forests... watch the beckwith video upstream if you have not. another study, another week. it's happening so fast. thanks for the mangrove info. they are so precious. have a good one...
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Thanks for the roundup.
I had to dash off this morning and did not get to read. Glad I could get to it tonight. I love to hear/see the young people mobilizing and confronting TPTB. The young people though, have no choice but to mobilize and push for change fast. They have Hobson's choice at all. It is infuriating to see the old people who should be concerned about the young, refuse to try and help.