Hillaryland II
I decided that looking for a smoking gun was a waste of time so I started looking for general patterns. See my first generally ignored essay where I demonstrated details of "How It Works" from Clinton emails.
1. Foreign policy (Iran) based on how much profit high level businesses can profit
2. Everyone in "Hillaryland" has a govt. job except poor Wendy.
3. Be sure to have her nasty husband contacts a certain oil magnate who reaps huge profits from buying up dead fracking companies who have sucked up cash and spent it before going bankrupt.
4. Obama trying to switch from small donors to big money donations and joking inside the establishment press about selling ambassadorships.. ha ha ha the Castros die and we get another big donor.
5. A possible cover-up of more nasty sexual scandals in the White House, this time involving Echh Clinton having sex with a woman on the floor... all while Bill (elsewhere) claims she is naturally homophobic.
6. I haven't posted yet, but State Dept. under Echh Clinton running foreign policy right out of the corporation penthouses through PNB, NED, MMC etc. This is more complicated but here is a hint:
From: Hillary Clinton To: Anne-Marie Slaughter Date: 2010-08-18 08:55 Subject: SOME GOOD NEWS
We are now looking for a set of commitments alongside our investments in post-Cairo projects/outreach to the Muslim World that can be rolled out at CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] in an event for PNB [Partners for a New Beginning].
PNB Membership: Madeleine Albright (Chair) Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, Coca-Cola Company (Vice-Chair) Walter Isaacson (Vice-Chair) Paul Ottelini, CEO, Intel John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Ruth Simmons, President, Brown University Stephen Heintz, President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Jean Case, President, The Case Foundation Kenneth Cohen, President, Exxon-Mobile Foundation Helene Gayle, Executive Director, CARE Eboo Patel, Executive Director, Inter-Faith Youth Corps John Mack, Chairman, Morgan Stanley Terry Meguid, Founding Partner, Weinberg Perella UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05776324 Date: 12/31/2015 AM Anne-Marie Slaughter Director of Policy Planning U.S. Department of State (202) 647-2972
Follow this PNB shit up and you end up with the Heritage Foundation, NED and people like Wolfowicz running USA foreign policy for the profit of corporations/war industry. Thats how it works. The political faces are not spreading "democracy" around the world, they are spreading global corporatism around the world. Could that be called world domination from the boardrooms?
Should I be wearing a tinfoil dunce cap? Or is Coca Cola, Exxon-Mobil, Morgan-Stanley, Cicero et al running foreign policy (war and economic policy) via organizations like the PNB through The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) indicative of corporate world domination?
And what the heck is Echh Clinton doing using the State Department to promote (actually violently force) the Clinton Global Initiative's corporate donors program on the world about?

I agree with your gist from the leaked material.
She was using SoS as a front to spread Clinton-ness (with all the "charitable" investors) around the globe. While her husband was making millions as front man. If the woman becomes POTUS, the full strength of the US will be used as a pushy front, and a safe haven for potential investors to buy at discount in countries that are falling apart. Is that about it?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"As a front to push Clinton-ness"
LOL, I love that characterization.
Another way to say it is to extract wealth at gunpoint from poor people.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
A tiny observation
"If the woman becomes POTUS, the full strength of the US will be used as a pushy front, and a safe haven for potential investors to buy at discount in countries that are falling apart." I would edit to say..."No matter who is elected the full strength of the US will continue to be used at an accelerated pace..." Elections are a farce.
I also wanted to link to the only possible response to this sort of megalithic corporate control -- massive general strikes.
From the Light House.
You are on the money. There is at least one giant
conspiracy being run through all these entities. It would make one giant RICO suit, if you could get anyone to prosecute it. Their life expectancy would be zilch if the Clintons et. all found out about it.
If you were to dig deeper, you would find this sort of collusion has been going on at least since the 30's when the rich and corporate plotted to overthrow FDR. The same families, the same corporations all benefited mightily from WWII and when Hitler was "defeated" they moved the whole operation to the US, created the CIA and we have been the hammer for the corporations and the very rich ever since. The Clintons are just another generation of this process. They were recruited and groomed by the Harrimans who worked hand in glove with the Bush family.
Together they have sucked the life out of every country that did business with them and crushed those who didn't. Hillary is a direct manifestation of the worst and greediest people in the world, that's why they are desperate to get her across the finish line. Trump may be the same, but I don't think he is as solidly reliable as Hillary or maybe he is. No way to know until they get elected - like Obama.
importer, you are at a least
a couple of steps ahead of me. I was not aware of the Harriman-Clinton connection, which takes this intra-family corruption project back a generation further to Poppa Bush's father's pre- and during WW II buddies.
Could you please explain it further or provide a link?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
A walk down memory lane......................
Pamela Harriman, widow of Averell Harriman recruited a young Bill Clinton, introduced him to the Bush clan and he was subsequently groomed to run for governor of Arkansas.
Bush and Clinton were not running against each other for the presidency, they were working together, just as they do today. It doesn't matter who wins, the same crime syndicate continues on its merry way, sucking the life out of this country and the rest of the world.
"Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker is a good primer on the Bush family. Suffice it to say, the Bush family goes back a long way and has had plenty of money to work with. They play themselves off as country bumpkins, but they come from the East Coast aristocracy that formed up generations ago. The difference with the Bush Family is their utter ruthlessness. George Bush has been in the middle of everything that has gone wrong in this country since WWII, his father can take credit for what went before, including "the Business Plot" against FDR.
It would take some time to put all the pieces of this puzzle together, but "Family of Secrets" certainly would be an eye-opener.
Thank you, importer, for your reply.
Your tips sent me off to Wikipedia where I looked up not only Harriman, but also the Walker family. I have wondered for some time why the Bush clan keeps carrying that name as in H.W. and W. - what a motherlode!
I spent hours last night following families, companies, and banks all over Wikipedia (which doesn't make it easy). Discovered connections I've been trying to make for years - from the US to Germany all the way back through the 14th-century crash of the global banking system in Italy and finally to the Fourth Crusade and the sacking of Constantinople in 1204 (repeatedly called in various sources - I read footnotes, too - "the most profitable and disgraceful sacking of a city in world history") until I understood the source of all that Venetian wealth ... and so much more. My mind was blown! Not only in America but throughout world history, we serfs have been so played by mind-boggingly wealthy families, bankers, and companies/corporations using us for wars, looting, and all the rest - for their stupendous profits.
There's certainly much, much more to learn, but I do want to thank you so very much for your reply. Without it, I'd be a much less wiser person tonight. And have far fewer additional leads to keep following and researching. Many thanks a final time for your thoughtful reply.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Coca Cola
You can see a microcosm of what the washout is from corporate control of world economies is by looking at just one company listed in the e-mail... Coca Cola. Did you know that in Bolivia and Dominica bottled water cost more than gasoline?
And the layers go deeper... for example the Inter-faith Youth Corps donor list:
Hmmm, Coca Cola again. I don't have a clue what the rest of these donors are. What i do know is that none of them are 100,000s of thousends of protesters in India, or the indigenous anti DAPD protesters.
Then a layer deeper, at random the "Teagle Foundation"
"The Teagle Foundation was established in 1944 by Walter C. Teagle (1878-1962), longtime president and later chairman of the board of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), now Exxon Mobil Corporation."
From the Light House.
Here is a Charles Ortel from last night
Think of the implications of what he says.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Whatever her politics, I like listening to her.
She is clear and direct. Of course it is a scam. How does someone who has been in public service their entire lives become so rich?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And the TPP
would be the jewel in their crown giving corporations dominance over nations.
Here's an old one from my part of the world - Satan's Jeweled Crown -by the Louvin bros
I knew Charlie, but never met Ira - he died before I had the opportunity. They lived one mountain over - Sand Mountain
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Both parties, all big corporations, the problem is capitalism.
First they took advantage of all the countries that were low-hanging fruit. Now, their sites are set on the US and the ME. They are parasites and will not stop until they kill the host. Climate change is rope's end. Most of the Trump voters are all about revolt. Hillary is the establishment, and her voters are either fearful, stupid, or have something to gain from a Clinton Presidency. With the exception of a handful of disjointed reformers, the rest of us are either spitting into the wind or Dancing with the Stars. Since we outsource everything, maybe we could hire a few million in India to protest on our behalf. They could all carry signs that say, "US says, "break up the banks and jail the politicians".
10"45 AM, I am already done with all of the 911 poor us schtick. Condolences to the families, but we've been bombing the ME for 15 years. We have one attack and can't get up off the fainting couch.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I disagree
Capitalism seems like one of the better ways for handling the need for an economy. I think the problem is that as a society we have elevated greed to the #1 social virtue. Capitalism makes a fine tool and a pathetic goal.
If we said "no more capitalism" what would you replace it with?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Regulated social capitalism?
With profit motive demoted to the basement of priorities?
Not practical, I know, but you did ask.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
"Social Capitalism" is indeed a matter under discussion
Your comment inspired me to search the term, and I found that there's an author who's written books on this topic: Robert Corfe.
Looks interesting.
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Thanks for the tip
on the book. Will check it out.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
No matter how you look at these questions
You come up with the same answers. I'm reminded of an important post back in January at the New York Review of Books blog by Simon Head, called The Clinton System. This post outraged me so much I wrote a long, scathing diary over at TOP about it, which I later republished here when I belatedly joined in March. Different angle, at a higher altitude, but basically the same picture. The Clintons run a family business of industrial-scale graft and influence-peddling, I argued in my essay, and it's so big there's no way they can cover it up. They have to buy the silence of the corporate media by working for them as well.
The comprehensive corruption of our government and economy reeks so badly that all the Febreze the media spray on it cannot conceal it. No small amount of the stench comes directly from the Clintons and their little family business.
Please help support caucus99percent!
The title of this essay does a massive disservice to its content
as well as the substance of your own as well as other commenters' contributions below-the-line, given the toxic nature of the torrent of anti-Clinton "essays" that have been flooding this site. I have been skipping all material having anything to do with Clinton for quite some time now, because I'm simply completely disinterested in the tabloid and all-too-often intentionally inflammatory nature of the posts dealing with Clinton being made here.
In response to my push-back against some of these "essayists" and their yucking-it-up fellow-travelling commenters, another commenter suggested that this site has been experiencing intentional well-poisoning. After considerable reflection, I believe that commenter to be correct. C99p has become pretty much of a cess-pit in which well-reasoned and expressed essays and ideas such as yours get completely lost as they quickly scroll off while the mire of well-poisoning floods along - and many, like myself, have been quietly doing our best to ignore the Hours of Juvenile Hillary Hate.
I strongly recommend that you edit or rewrite entirely your title and re-post this essay. Not only has yiur research led you to a realization well worth spreading, you are recommending action - and know the methods of enacting it - that are arising in the world zeitgeist and give the 99% the guidance to use our power to bring down the global corruption enterprise that is the American Empire.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
comes directly from one of the emails where it is said that Wendy was about the last one not to be employed in Hillaryland. In other words, they named themselves "Hillaryland", not me.
From the Light House.
Please explain what you mean by
the phrase "echh Clinton" that you used not only several times in your essay but also as a tag. When I click on the tag, all that comes up is this essay ... in which the term is not explained. Thanks.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
"echh", ecch", "yech", "yuck", "blecch"
all expressions of disgust with implications of upchucking. Somebody never read any Marvel Comics when they were growing up.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Correct. I never read comic books.
I think this may be an age/generational thing, because not only were there no comic books at the kids' stores where I blew my childhood spare change, I don't recall any of my friends or classmates, even those 2-4 years older than I ever having and sharing them.
There were, however, boxes if Dungeons & Dragons games, many-sided dice, and complicated rule books for creating dungeons, monsters, and characters. Then the early computer D&D games, then extremely complex ones where I couldn't level-up even after buying the clue books. All of which I lost interest in before World of Warcraft ever appeared.
But thanks for cluing me in to some of the comic book references I've often missed here at c99p.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
The classic satirical 1960s series "Not Brand Echh" is fondly
remembered, even by those of us that weren't even alive at the time.
H is pronounced ecch.
Just a bit of wordplay...
From the Light House.