Friday Rant, FWIW
Just a rant. The essay list needs to move along. That's why JtC hired me (kidding).
Trump. I agree with this guy:
"The Right has the money, control of the corporate mass media, institutional support and vast means of decisively influencing opinion-making. Mr. Trump received more than a year of favorable publicity by the corporate media, but nonetheless his ability to bamboozle so many is a monument to the lack of education and anti-intellectualism that is so prevalent in the United States. Given his own ignorance and lack of any program beyond enriching himself, coupled with his open racism, appalling misogyny, virulent nationalism, shallowness, lack of maturity, thin skin, inability to empathize with other people, encouragement of violence against opponents, eagerness to give carte blanche to the police, encouragement of nuclear-weapons proliferation and outright denial of global warming, it is no stretch to declare Donald Trump the biggest danger we’ve ever faced in the White House."
"We better not wait to defend ourselves from Trump." I'm seeing a lot of "progressives/lefties" who detested Clinton seemingly willing to give Trump some time, see what he does. I don't see it. I mentioned before what we'll see is Reaganesque transfer of wealth to the upper class and a tightening police state, i.e., increased fascism. The people he is enlisting into his administration, combined with a republican controlled Congress and Senate, remind me of Obama's first month or so when it became clear he was continuing the Bush administration.
I'm not buying it for a second. And I've got a pretty good track record on what not to buy. So let's lay our bets on the table.
This two party system has got to go. It's so obvious that it's the primary method to keep the people divided. Absolutely. Some of the so called founding fathers bemoaned the two party system, we've been warned and warned. Here we are and people are saying, "hey, this might be a good opportunity to rebuild the Democratic party from the ground up".
Hey, it ain't gonna work!
So where does that leave us? Or me as it might be. And my kids and grandkids. They agree with me. I advocated for a boycott of the 2016 presidential election as early as June 2015. At the time I thought it would be Clinton vs. Bush, but it turned into Clinton vs. Trump. My rationale was that it was a farce and it was time to change this political system that divides the country, delivers us two presidential candidates like this, and IS NOT democracy which has been scientifically proven.
But of course that didn't happen and here we are. Probably wouldn't have worked anyway but I was met with some derision for proposing such an unworkable and stupid idea. I still can't get a grip on that. Boycotting this farce of an election was ridiculed as a stupid idea. I guess that's the way it goes.
Well, my opinion hasn't changed. I believe we need to change the political system. We need to greatly expand the representative system, institute term limits and citizen participation programs, get rid of the think tanks and institutes and professional lobbyists, abolish the duopoly, create a national referendum system, i.e., direct democracy, among other things. We need to try to prevent what just happened from happening again and try to establish some form of real democracy in this country. If not now, when? That won't be done, in my opinion, through working within this political system, i.e., third parties, reforming the democratic party, electing more and better politicians, etc.
How can it be done? I don't know, don't ask me.
A Revolution. Ridicule that and get ready for the next election. I heard there's a new up and comer. Might change everything, save Amerika.

The 'Republic' was designed to be a swindle. Nothing but.
Plutocracy is what it really is. Always has been. That's why anyone who had tried to change it was either incarcerated or assassinated. Hell, Washington himself had a fortune that, in today's money, would rival some of the greediest assholes currently in charge. That probably goes for the rest of the fuckers who were glorified as gods in flesh.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Right you are. Welcome to the Grand Illusion.
Is the two party system the
Is the two party system the problem? Or is the problem the power and corruption in politics?
For example-we could have a choice among five parties, that are in it for the power and not to serve the citizen, and how will that be more democratic? When corporate profits have a stronger "vote" than dirt poor farmers, how will that be more democratic? Is there such a financial hurdle to getting elected, that only very wealthy ever make it to DC? When propaganda overtakes news, how is that more democratic?
IMHO, it is the process that needs overhauling rather than the parties.
Good questions.
I would think both, two parties are a problem and the corruption. We can see in other countries that have multiple party systems where they have the same problems. How to develop a "human proof" system is one of life's biggest challenges.
I think inherently this system is not democracy, it is an oligarchy. A small group of people making the decisions for everyone else. Some people, most people, appear to want to live with that. I don't. I don't even want a president. Screw it.
For me, I'm about taking these criminals in power down, stopping them from stealing and killing their way across the planet. I think they use this system to maintain power.
It's a feedback loop: the two-party system is second only
to a one-party system in its effectiveness at amplifying, entrenching, and propagating systemic corruption.
And we actually have a one-party system anyway in practice, in my view. Democrats and Republicans (at least in the official "leadership" class) are on the same side. They present a dog-and-pony show of opposing one another on issues considered "safe" by their elite, wealthy owners, but otherwise basically fight for the same thing: their own access to wealth and privilege.
Nice essay, Al. I almost boycotted this election,
but Family members laid a severe guilt trip on me, so I voted. Heck, Trump was going to win in a near landslide (here), regardless of our votes. Anymore, voting has become an almost meaningless gesture, considering that both our voting system and/or our system of governance seems to be rigged against the average guy. *Sigh*
OTOH, I'm thrilled that the election season is finally behind us. And, ready to move on--hopefully, to advocate against what I expect will be legislation to enact deep entitlement cuts, with Speaker Ryan heading the show.
A totally agree that 'the system' needs to be demolished, but I don't kid myself that it will likely happen in my lifetime.
So, I'm hopeful that 'the Left' will take advantage of out current circumstance, which presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to form a new third party (IMO). (since the Dem Party has been so drastically weakened by recent events)
Also, if I had my druthers, I would hope that nonpoliticians would be drafted as the Presidential/Vice Presidential contenders for 2020.
Have a good weekend, All . . .
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I feel so old...
I remember when we used to work towards making all campaigns run on public-money only. No private money. No individual contributions. No bundling and no rich oligarchs underwriting their personal presidential savior. That seems like a lifetime ago. (sigh)
I still back that idea, tho. The amount of money it takes to run for president these days is sickening and immoral. Public financing only for running campaigns. Furthermore, the campaign should only last 1 or 2 months, as most civilized countries have already instituted. No more of this campaigning for the next election as soon as a person is elected in the present one.
I also agree we should do away with the "party" system. All it's good for is dividing the public into two or more camps... where, as we see today, ideology wins out over a country's needs, security, and people.
I'm leaning towards letting anyone and everyone run for the office, as themselves. Let them campaign on public money for a month and have a "primary" vote after that. The top 3-5 candidates then run in a run-off a month later. Eventually you'll have cliques form around interests, much as in Britain - with the Labor Party, etc. But by allowing so many to run at the "primary" I think any ideological movement would be naturally diluted using that format. (I may be wrong on that, I admit.)
And I'm another voice in getting rid of the Electoral College - have been for decades now. They're suppose to be a natural backstop to situations like we're in presently. We'll see. If they validate the election by voting for Trump (via: as their "state" voted), then they've just proved their obsolescence.
I'll also go one further than anyone else I've seen discuss. If an ideology DOES take hold, and is proven via the states (as "labs") or nationally to be against the natural interests of the public, and especially if it's shown time and again to work AGAINST the public by bankrupting the states or the People, then that ideology DIES. Period. Any attempt to bring that ideology back into the public square is automatic dismissal with prejudice from any electoral office or campaign.
We've got so much "big data" that it's easy to prove what works and what doesn't work. Of course, most people don't need big data to see what's right in front of their eyes; but for those, for example, who say ultra-conservatism can't fail, it can only BE failed... well, there has to be some mechanism to shut them down before they bring the state or country to the brink of destruction. At some point, Government-for-Dummies has to be retired.
My final rant on this subject is voting, itself. In addition to the points listed above - campaign financing, and time spent campaigning - there has to be other major changes before anyone will trust voting again.
First, NO electronic voting. We are not technologically savvy enough yet to ensure the machines are incapable of being hacked, toyed-with, or (as with any machine) just plain breaking down.
Voting should be by paper ballot, and the form should be standardized for all states. No punch-outs with their "hanging chads." Fill in the ovals and make allowances for those that color outside the lines. Assign aides for those who are physically unable to mark their ballots.
Have a publicly verifiable chain of custody on all ballots or boxes of ballots. These are to be treated, security-wise, like they were the Brinks bank truck moving money. Anyone associated with any campaigns are never to come close to a ballot (other than voting, themselves). Assign individuals to be responsible for the ballots in their region, and make them accountable in some form - on pain of contempt or jail time. We don't absolutely HAVE to know hours before the West Coast has voted who's won the election!
Further, if ID is demanded, then we go back to ID of domicile. Further, no birth certificates, etc., shall be demanded to obtain a Gov't ID card for those who don't drive; only validation of where they currently live.
And give the vote back to everyone. If the country must disenfranchise those serving time, then it should be a national rule that as soon as one's time behind bars is over, voting rights are restored. There should never be lifetime disenfranchisement for anyone!
Flip things opposite from the way they are now. Proving someone is not qualified to vote in this country comes first. NOT making an ordinary citizen prove he IS a citizen! For anyone accused of interfering with or denying voting rights, that individual is held as disqualified from anything to do with the election until proven innocent. If he's proven guilty, he goes back to citizen voter only. All rights and privileges associated with running or helping in an election are null and void for the individual (at the very least).
And lastly... and one of the most important... Election Day is a day off WITH pay for absolutely everyone - no exceptions, except for public health and safety. Exercising your right to vote is one of the most important things a citizen can do. Government and corporate/business should treat it as such!
One more thing I forgot in that verbose comment/essay above...
For every office on a ballot, there should be an automatic line which states:
If "none of the above" wins any office, those running will be disqualified and others will be chosen to run in a special election.
Preface: I love your posts. That is not blowing even a
little smoke. To the extent that I understand your posts, I also agree with them (which probably has a great deal to do with my loving them, but I am capable of appreciating a good post with which I disagree). However, I don't always understand everything in your posts. My mind can work only in certain ways and I seem to stink at grokking abstractions. Of course, not knowing how to accomplish what you envision is a stumbling block. (I know: Thanks, Capt. Obvious.) However, the first step for me is understanding your vision or I cannot begin to try even to discuss it. So, to help me understand:
1. Would the national referendum system you envision include everything on which Congress now is supposed to decide? Going to war, gays in the military, raising or reducing taxes and fees, bills that apply to Washington, D.C. (I think the internet makes this feasible, but is it wise?) If not, what would it include?
2. Please give two specific examples of what the representative system would include if it were "expanded." And, if we had a national referendum system and a state referendum system, would expanding the representative system be necessary? if we had a national referendum system and a state referendum system, wouldn't we be able to dismantle much costly central government? (exactly why it may never get done.)
3. Please give two specific example of citizen participation programs that do not exist now.
Thanks. All the details would have to be worked out
if we went toward a national referendum system. I live in WA state which has an active program but we certainly don't vote on everything, the politicians handle most of it. Many studies have been conducted on referendum systems, there are different opinions, pro's and con's, etc. In my opinion, citizens could vote on issues as wide ranging as raising or lowering taxes, instituting a new health care system (single payer), legalizing marijuana nationally, going to WAR, whether to build a WALL, etc. I don't buy all the excuses that it takes "knowledgeable" and "experienced" politicians to make these decisions. Most of the politicians just listen to who has their ear and vote accordingly, or vote party lines.
As far as expanding the representative system, right now we have 537 elected representatives for 330 million people. That number was capped, by Congress, in 1912 (or so?) and never changed. To me, we can start with that, it's far too inadequate. But you're right, if we instituted a substantial referendum system, we might not need to expand it. That would have to be analyzed. But anyway we go, we have to end this two party monopoly, it is divisive easily corrupted. We need to reduce the power these two organizations (Republican and democratic parties) hold over the system.
Citizen participation programs, I was thinking in terms of abolishing the professional politicians, instituting term limits and using a lottery system to choose who will be political representatives. There could be variations on that like having rotating citizen panels at town, city, county, state levels that feed into the national system.
I'm no expert on this. I've tooled around looking at studies and alternatives and know there's plenty of analysis conducted and groundwork that's already been laid. I think the first step is convincing enough people that we have to make major changes to the political system for this country to move forward. Then the details can be worked out for the options. I realize that might not cut it, that most people might actually want to see a plan before buying off on major changes. I'm not really prepared to take that on myself.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have no doubt people are desperate for change. However, change
is scary and is, in fact dangerous. That is why creatures, maybe even humans, are internally programmed to seek homeostasis (no change, stability, security). So, yes, letting them know what change will entail, what the risks and rewards are is going to be essential to calming their fears. This was, IMO, one of the problems with Sanders's run. Then again, I am not sure Sanders set out to win. He may have set out to inspire, to change the zeitgeist. There was a story to that effect in the NYT. I posted about it and got some people angry, but it seemed plausible to me. But, I digress...Point is, I think people want change, but have no idea how to achieve it or what change to seek. So, think at least a tentative template is necessary.
The specific I personally worry most is that people will also veto tax increases, no matter what costly programs they vote for. Pay Go cuts back at that, but the numbers always get fudged anyway. So, it's La La Land in mathematical drag.
I worry, too, about war votes. Some 60 year-olds with 40 year old kids who will never having to serve proving their toughness by voting for war is one nightmare scenario. Especially since everyone fear mongers disgracefully.
Thanks for answering my questions so carefully. As I said, my brain seems capable of working only in certain ways, so I can understand only certain things.
You nailed it, HW. Until risk aversion is overcome
(in the progressive community), there will be no meaningful change--in the direction that we would like to see. After all, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained.' It's just that simple.
MSM pieces very early in the campaign made it clear that Bernie was running a race to push the Dem Party to the left, on issues. More than one was penned by (then) NYT reporter, Jeff Zeleny--now with CNN.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
When Bernie decided to run, I thought he had an outside
chance of winning, but a very high chance of educating, not the Party, but Americans about what they should expect from government. It's hard to know people's motivations.
This was my second essay on the subject. I don't want to argue about it again, but if you are interested....
Vietnam was such a
disaster for the MIC that they vowed never again would dirty hippie libruls nor the Librul Media be the voice of the (latest) war. So, they ended the draft, and ended any media reporting from the battle ground. Volunteer warriors would come from the lower half of the socio-economic metrics, where the average Joe Blow in the upper half wouldn't know - or care - who they were. And, no news on the teevee is good news. We're winning! No, really, we're winning! Silencing both the hippies and the Media kept their wars off the teevee and out of the newspapers. With their wars now inisible, out of sight, out of mind, they - the MIC - can now run them the way they want. And do. Eisenhauer's biggest fear realized. Now with the Trumpster as CiC the world truly is their oyster. Should be interesting.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Trump Proved That Elections Are NOT A FARCE
The Trump win was a huge Fuck You to the washington establishment. People wanted Trump because the govt no longer serves them. And they got off their couches and went down to the polling place to tell washington to Fuck Off. And they won. So elections are not a rigged farce as you claim.
Boycotting elections achieves NOTHING. NOTHING!
Too bad for all those Trump voters that they got played by a Conman.
There was a person of value they could have voted for, Jill. I don't know if she would have been a great president. But at least she'd be an honest one and would have worked for the people rather than the oligarchs.
I agree with all the things you list as things that need to be changed. But if Boycotting elections is your solution. Count me out.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Depends on how you look at it I guess. To me,
Trump ending up as the President of the United States proves the political system is a farce ("voters got played by a conman"). The choice between Clinton and Trump was a farce. Maybe the "establishment" didn't want him, maybe they decided at the end they did because they couldn't keep Clinton.
As far as a boycott, your choice. I'm sure it won't catch on anyway so no worries.
How about abolishing the primary system,
at least as it currently exists, particularly on the DimoRatic side? No more superdelegates, no more orchestrated scheduling, no closed primaries, no dragged-out months-long campaigning. Divvy the states up into 5 groups of approximately equal electoral vote value, and then each electoral season determine the order of voting by random draw.
Never happen, I know.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Definitely options to consider.
Hard to see these things happening, yes. But damn, I was watching something a few days ago and they talked about a system they had that wasn't working. It was a company/corporation thing, can't remember. So their solution was to change the system.
I thought, how rational. Change a system that isn't working.
If we could only get out of our boxes regarding this political system which isn't working.
Colorado's made a decent down payment on this.
Colorado's made a decent down payment on this. We voted to restore the Presidential primary and abolish the worker-hostile caucus system. We voted to permit unaffiliated voters to vote in that state-sponsored primary. These changes, when adopted by other States, will set the table for superdelegate abolition and form a base to enforce sane scheduling.
And once adopted nationwide, these reforms would make the campaigning make at least some sense......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Actually, staying away from the polls is popular.
Whether the reasons is boycott, apathy, inertia, loss of hope, no one knows. I'm sure politicians either ignore it or spin it as confidence in both sides or some other nonsense.
Millions of people did boycott the election
Thousands more boycotted the president part of their ballots.
I like your ideas for where we would like to be. But I think we have choose several issues and focus on them. They need to be key issues, things that get the most change for the effort.
I would like to see doing something about media as a focus for all the true left, and since most of the country saw the media as biased for Hillary prior to the election, now might be a great time to gain support for that.
Breaking into the media makes it possible to get some truth out to the wide, general public. And I think that has to happen for any good, real change to take place. And when I say media, I don't mean just the internet. We need some TV. If the goofball Repubs cut any more of the National Public Broadcast budget, that will be an opportunity for the left, I think.
All of the fine authors above with brilliant, well . . .
. . . thought out ideas and suggestions. Wow. My head is spinning with awe.
Unfortunately probably the only way any of these changes will occur comes out of the pages of Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine.
We need a giant motherfucker of a clearly climate change raped planet greed generated superstorm so the right people will finally say . . . "shit . . . this is really happening . . . "
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
It seems nothing
ever gets done about anything in this country until it gets to a catastrophic point, Imo you are probably right. I am not sure if any of the ideas in the above comments could or would work but I am glad there are still people thinking of other options. The Winston Churchill quote seems to fit, ( Count on Americans to do the right thing - after they have tried everything else.) However the try everything else part scares me a little.
I'm not sure that if a majority of people voted for Jill Stein,
that she wouldn't be President. I think we do need to think about elections. Particularly local elections, of which, I'm sure, many are coming up in the next year. There's 10s of thousands of elections in our decentralized system. You can't rig every one of them. We have the numbers, we have the technology (the internet) to take over these elections one by one. I feel like boycotting elections is like abdicating the Country to the lizard people.
Beware the bullshit factories.
You're right, boycotts won't work. I've decided to become a
Democrat. After introspection, I think it's a good time to get in now that it's going to be remade. Since third parties don't have a chance I think the democratic party is the best way to go now. Which fits in good with most of the people on this blog. I think most were disgusted with the Democratic party, particularly with the nomination of Clinton instead of Sanders, and now that the Clintons are gone, many will want to get back on board.
Duverger's Law says Two Party Systems
I know not everyone agrees with Duverger's Law - but it basically says that winner-take-all elections tend to become two party systems. This becomes especially true if the districts are huge (and require a lot of money to get a majority)
If America really wanted multiple parties (and be sure the Dems & Reps hate 3rd parties far more than each other) then changing the apportionment of seats of the house of representatives back to 30 or 40 thousand per rep would offer far, far more opportunities for third & fourth party candidates to get elected and rise to prominence.
Alternatively, we could get a multi-party system if house seats were elected by county with the number of seats per county dependent on the population - say, one seat per 500,000 people - and the top N candidates all go to DC.
But 'America' doesn't want multiple parties, it would be a nightmare for The Powers That Be.
Not Sure I Can Take Much More
Thanks for that information.
Rambling thoughts:
1)our party system is not democratic. we vote for reps and sens and presnits etc. but we don't vote for party leaders or platforms. What if we started a party that would demand you have the ability to voice what you want to have happen? I.e. everybody who signed up for "membership" could vote for leaders and platforms and the software would belong to all (website and data and calling and canvassing) allowing support for down ballot and locals.
2) Or we could just have a social media that would allow us to do all of number 1 where people were supporting others with the same platform. But with both we would have to have faith that people will come to the "right" conclusions about platforms.
3)we COULD push for a constitutional convention. But people have always worried that the nuts could outflank us flakes.
4)The ONLY thing that would bring the system to its knees is a general strike. But of course that is illegal. BUT we could do all sorts of just sorta. Like rolling, as in a wave through the country or like pinching, like targeting individual industries. Or like Oakland did -block the blood stream (in their case ports).
Some addendums
Lets assume that some people really really did get upset with a platform that was vetted and voted and lets allow them to create yet another group with the same tools. Why not?
And 3 & 4 do in a flash mob fashion again using some new kind of social software tool that will allow people to picket and pinch (boycott, lte, viral rants etc.) certain markets or corporations. In other words we could talk about what area we might hit and come up with slogans, buzz words, and give people time to create songs and rants and then flash the hit for one or two days.