Foreigners Rigging Our Elections: A Modest Proposal

Russians opened Twitter and Facebook accounts, and used them to say bad things about Hillary Clinton and good things about Trump. They took out Facebook ads that did the same, and organized political events along similar lines.

That's what they're being accused of, anyway.

Just one problem: none of that is election fraud.

In order to evade this point, the media don't use the term "fraud" when discussing why these actions on the part of Russians invalidate Trump's election, and, thus, his presidency. They use terms like "election rigging," or "election interference," or "undue influence."

Just one problem: the acts the Russians* are being accused of are neither "election rigging" nor "election interference."

What the Russians did, assuming the accusations are true, is electoral campaigning. Electoral campaigning is the attempt, through the expression of opinions and information, to persuade voters to vote for one candidate or another. In the history of electoral campaigning, people have used both true information and lies in their attempts at persuasion. There are ethical and practical reasons to punish people for using lies to discredit a candidate. Regrettably, in the history of American politics, such punishment is as rare as hen's teeth.

But no one is discussing whether or not the information conveyed through the Russians' putative Twitter and Facebook accounts was true, or false. That point seems inconsequential to the current furor. The only points that are relevant are: information unfavorable to Hillary Clinton was presented online, to attempt to get people not to vote for her--and Russians did it.

So it is not the veracity of the information that is at stake here: it is that any information unfavorable to Hillary Clinton was presented at all. It is the act of persuasion that is decried. It is, in fact, the act of campaigning itself. The media, the FBI, the CIA, Robert Mueller, most of the Democratic party and some Bush Republicans have decided that electoral campaigning is tantamount to "election interference"--if campaigning is being done on behalf of the wrong candidate.

When it becomes clear exactly what the media, the FBI, Robert Mueller and the others are asserting, it becomes clear why candidates like Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders have also been accused, along with, of course, Donald Trump, of conspiring with Russians to create a fake election result. All these candidates have one thing in common: they all campaigned, at one point or another, against Hillary Clinton. It is the act of campaigning against the establishment candidate which is being decried and potentially criminalized.

It's worth asking, then, what constitutes a clean, genuine election, because by the current logic, every election since the election of George Washington has suffered from "election interference." It's also worth noting that none of the Twitter and Facebook accounts created by David Brock's consulting firm constitute undue influence over the results of the election, nor is that consulting firm being accused of "interference."

Russiagate is a fog of McCarthyism, xenophobia, and, frankly, undemocratic authoritarianism. Think for a minute what it means if it becomes a criminal or treasonable act for a person to express support or opposition to a political candidate. The most logical argument one can extract from this fog is that it's fine for Americans to campaign in American elections, but interference if foreigners do it. The idea would be that foreigners, and foreign states, have too much power over American elections.

Actually, I agree. Foreigners and foreign states do have too much power over American elections. Certain people within America also have too much power over American elections, but that's a topic for another time.

How should we deal with this problem?

If we don't like foreigners campaigning in American elections (a reasonable position), because we're afraid foreigners will have undue influence over our politicians (also a reasonable position) then I'd think we might want to look into foreigners dumping millions of dollars into political candidates' campaigns.

That's my proposal. Let's look at how much money foreigners and foreign interests give to our politicians, especially when on campaign.

Because a few Facebook ads and Twitter accounts amount to jack shit in a world where this happens:

and this happens:

and even this happens:

You'd think, if we were so worried about undue foreign influence on our leaders, perhaps we'd be concerned about Chinese nationals dumping millions of dollars into Jeb Bush's campaign. Or that a Saudi prince claimed that Saudi Arabia had funded 20% of Hillary Clinton's campaign. Or that Saudis put millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation. Similar occurrences among federal politicians are likely legion.

So let's make it illegal for politicians to take large sums of money from foreigners, whether directly or through intermediary organizations like PACs, SuperPACs, and personal or family foundations.

Since we have no interest in doing so, and, apparently, only The Intercept and Zerohedge and similar organizations seem interested in even discussing these donations, the only rational conclusion is that this brouhaha over foreign influence is just so much hypocritical cant.

*A tangential, but important point here is that individual Russian citizens are automatically conflated with the Russian state, much as if someone suggested that every American who expresses a point of view about foreign politics is automatically a CIA agent. I suppose that, from now on, we will all assume that anyone saying bad things about Venezuela's government online is a CIA agent.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@randtntx You're welcome!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

CB's picture

Our puppet masters have learned their tradecraft extremely well.

Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays



THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons—a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million—who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
It is the purpose of this book to explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the same time to find the due place in the modern democratic scheme for this new propaganda and to suggest its gradually evolving code of ethics and practice.

As an interesting aside, it was Hitler who recognized how effective American propaganda was and instructed his own propagandists to follow their lead. He wrote about this in Mein Kampf. Goebbels originally learned his dark art from the masters. To hide this fact, the US propagandists simply changed the name of their propaganda efforts to "Public Relations".

Here's an excellent documentary that should be required watching for anyone going up against TPTB, especially in the US. It shows exactly how people are readily manipulated:

The Century of the Self (Full Documentary)

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Mark from Queens's picture

Just found this great rant over at JPR. Fitting for this discussion:

This is a personal journal. I do not seek judgment, praise, or advice. It’s a stream-of-consciousness post, a place to release my fears. I just have no where else to turn.

This morning, a person I am close to who works with top military brass was telling me a humorous story as I was giving him a ride in my car. While talking and smiling, he happened to mention, sort of off-the-cuff, that the US is turning it’s military focus toward war-readiness with China and/or Russia. Now, this comment is certainly not any kind of direct statement from the Pentagon. Anyone with half a brain cell knows that all forms of war games are prepared for in our military. However, the statement was made with such ease and confidence that it shook me deeply. I heard nothing more about the intended funny story being told. My head was reeling with images of another world war, of nuclear weapons and famine and destruction. The words kept ringing in my head: war with Russia and/or China. Somewhere I heard my friend say, “You can pull up over there. I’ll just hop out.” My friend exited the vehicle with a “Thanks! See ya!” and a grin, and I replied with something about having a good day. Then I wanted to throw up.

My friend is a good person. Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder, is my friend, unwittingly, “a good American”? Have we, as a nation, gotten there yet? Is that where we’re going?

I went home and called my Mama, an 89-year old going on 30, a liberal, a Bernie supporter, and a watcher of MSNBC and CNN. She still reads the newspaper daily. She begins to speak of the Russians, and I remind her to question everything. I remind her of the media conglomeration that is spoon feeding her the info. She asks me if I believe, like Trump, that the investigation is a witch hunt. Of course it is, I say, but that in no way makes me a Trump supporter. She listens intently to my words and praises my critical thinking. I tell her of my conversation that morning with my friend and of the images that came to mind, and she says with some irritation, “Honey, my breakfast is getting cold. I need to go.”

One of my teenagers has a disorder that makes reading and writing harder than for most kids, so this weekend, I helped him prepare for his social studies unit exam covering WWI-WWII. I re-learned all the horrors of that time in world history, complete with trench warfare, militarism, fascism, Nazism, starving Russians, Final Solutions, the ugly difference between a concentration camp and a death camp, lying leaders and propaganda. Propaganda. Propaganda.

Controlling the media, the message, the vote. If Russia hacked our elections, why isn’t anyone talking about paper ballots? Because that’s not what they really want to change, is it. So what is the goal here?

After hanging up from talking to my Mama, I grab my phone to catch up on email, messages, etc. I peruse my twitter account and see that another alternative journalist, the editor of disobedient news has been deemed a political bot by twitter. Numerous claims have been made in the last few days of accounts or posts being deleted by YouTube, twitter, facebook, deemed “fake news”. Quite a few of those sites and sources being deleted I actually find despicable, but some think like I do. Voltaire whispers in my ear, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The uptick of censorship toward anyone who disagrees with the establishment narrative is happening so fast in the last few days, that I wonder why now? Why so many? Why so fast? What’s happening here? My head is spinning....

It goes on. Sorry I can't link from my iPad.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut
