FBI: the damage done, may be irreparable for decades
December 7, July 7, 2016, a day which will live in infamy. No battleships were sunk that day, but the fabric of equality pretenses may have been irreparably torn--allowing the public to clearly see the dual-tiered "justice system" for what it is--a hoax perpetrated upon the people to lull us into believing the now utter bullshit of "equal justice under the law".
Reminder: On July 7, the Weasel Comey announced that no reasonable prosecutor would have granted immunity to so many people, allowed parties to the same investigation (i.e., several of Hillary's many many lawyers--Mills and Samuelson) to listen in on an interview of a third party, target of an investigation (if I may use that term in place of the sham that it was and still remains), allowed evidence to be destroyed so that Congress could not access it, promoted the fiction that a subpoenaed Laptop computer and its contained files were lost in the mail, failed to take take voice-recorded records during said interview, forbade investigators to ask certain questions, and other things of which we know little.
Part two of the charade has recently been unearthed by the Wall Street Journal, courtesy of MsGrin. When I first read about this a few days ago, I was too focused on the front end of this corrupt-enough story to concentrate on the tail-end of same story. Briefly, the story is that Terry McAullife, Clinton finance bundler, governor of Virginia and himself a target of FBI criminal investigation for campaign-financing violations, convinced a Virginia Doctor, Doctor Jill McCabe to run for a seat in Congress and gave upwards of $475,000 to her campaign plus another $200,000 from other sources to that same campaign. Okay, what's wrong with that? Dr. McCabe, then and still remains, married to FBI agent Andrew McCabe who was number 3 in FBI hierarchy and in charge of the Clinton "investigation". Since there is a Hatch Act law against government employees participating in political activity, Agent McCabe did not DIRECTLY participate in a political campaign. But he did engage in a patently political action by overseeing Comey's orchestrated whitewash imitation investigation. So about 6 weeks following Comey's rupturing of the public trust, Agent McCabe becomes promoted to second agent in the FBI, reporting directly to Comey. Coincidence? More likely the back end of a two-for-one bribe.
Part three of this trifecta is the recently unearthed dining habits of John Podesta. John is just an ordinary fellow who likes to feed reporters (propagandists really) to risotto and Champagne dinners. He also has a fondness of eating with Department of Justice officials on multiple occasions during the Clinton email charade.
Since we are on the topic of DOJ cuisine, let us not forget how Lyin' Loretta Lynch invited WJC to board her official government plane to feed him chicken wings and beer, while talking about their favorite golf courses.
And since we're already discussing the Lynch Mob, note that Loretta, having been appointed a Federal Prosecutor for the Southern District of New York by none other than her chicken wing-eating buddy, declined to appoint a Special Prosecutor, allegedly saying: "You mean, I'm not special enough?"
J. Edgar, who was no saint himself, at least developed a cadre of dedicated agents possessing of some integrity even though they were tasked to do some things of unsavory nature. At least while investigating MLK jr., they did not contribute to a web of deception so pervasive as now.

We knew, as Carlin said, it was a big club and we weren’t in it
Still, what a gruesome feeling of being taken for a ride and then coming down to earth hard, hearing how the club members talk about us, over us, and around us Mister and Miz Small Potatoes, when they think we’re out of earshot.
Hell, they trash-talk their
Hell, they trash-talk their donors, too - this is nothing personal. They have no more respect for us than for truth/reality or democracy/civilization and the law.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What little respect I had left for justice in this country...
was smashed to pieces based on this theatrical presentation of a so called investigation by the FBI. As this show unfolded I still held the FBI a level above the Obstruction Department of Injustice which I realized long ago was so politicized that there would never again be to conduct an investigation that would not be politically controlled by whoever was ultimately in charge of that organization.
Sadly the FBI proved, without doubt, that they are just as bought and paid for as the DOJ. I will never again trust anything they say or do and will never again believe that they work in the best interest of the citizens of our country. They have become exactly like all the rest of the law enforcement agencies in our country. The FBI, as well as all the rest of law enforcement should change there motto to "To Protect and Serve the Wealthy and Well Connected". The rest of us are only there to provide for their amusement as they harass, brutalize, sometimes kill, arrest, prosecute and incarcerate the rest of us peons.
We are owned, controlled and abused by the very organizations that were established for our protection as the rich stand on their balconies, looking down at the streets, sipping champagne and snacking on caviar as law enforcement does their bidding below.
Sadly, the only way this will ever change is the same way it's always changed throughout history. It will take a revolution and not a political one. When the time finally comes, it will not be pretty!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Many thanks for this. I am glad to have this sordid affair
clearly stated and in one place.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Excellent job
This essay does an excellent job of tying all the loose ends together into one corrupt knot. Good job!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Peter Comey,
FBI Director Comey's brother, is also of interest.
How these crooks think they can get away with this overt cronyism is breathtaking. Any part of the YouTube coverage of Director Comey's responses in Congressional hearings leaves one literally breathless with shock. What his response basically says is that, this is the FBI, this is total power over the investigation of corruption in this country, and it is in the hands of the corrupt. Accept that you, the American people, have no power over this state of affairs. There is no law enforcement, there is no law, there is just power.
I still believe there is a way to bring these people to justice through the legal process, through criminal complaint, through the hard work of non-violence. But it becomes more difficult when they throw their criminal behavior in your face in an attempt to demonstrate that we may have no legal recourse.
Chicken wings and beer? In 20 minutes?
Is this a metaphor or did I miss that detail?
I have read that there is at least one risotto recipe in the Podesta emails. Haven't found it it yet.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
James Comey
has, from my vantage point, clear conflicts of interest with respect to the Clintons, their foundation, the State Department, and private contractors.
And now we see
that they have decided to reopen the email investigation, with less than 2 weeks to the election? Interesting. Maybe someone over there actually cares about their credibility...
Correct! FBI reopens sham investigation
The news out today is the FBI reopening Clinton email investigation
It has come about because Comey and perhaps Lynch have been getting too much heat for their obstruction of justice. So, now they are reopening the investigation based on "new" emails discovered in relationships to "another ongoing Clinton investigation". Translation: take the heat off us and we'll take a year-plus to look into 4 emails about yoga and John Podesta's risotto recipe.
I'm voting in support of your comment
because you say it so well and I'm laughing. But I wish I could disagree with you. I mean, after you look at this FBI Director's resume, you can only think he's in that position for one purpose and one purpose only, to protect the people he's worked for, not the American people, and to protect the ongoing tradition of government policy formulated by bribery.
Or maybe Comey is just waiting
to see who wins the election, before he puts all his cards on the table.