The Evening Blues - 2-15-18
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Texas blues guitarist and singer James "Thunderbird" Davis. Enjoy!
James Davis - Sing
“Even President Reagan couldn’t understand him. During an early briefing Casey delivered to the national security cabinet, Reagan slipped Vice President Bush a note: “Did you understand a word he said?” Reagan later told William F. Buckley, “My problem with Bill was that I didn’t understand him at meetings. Now, you can ask a person to repeat himself once. You can ask him twice. But you can’t ask him a third time. You start to sound rude. So I’d just nod my head, but I didn’t know what he was actually saying.”
Such was the dialogue for six years between the president and his intelligence chief in a nuclear-armed nation running secret wars on four continents.”
-- Steve Coll
News and Opinion
The Brits just publicly blamed Russia for the “NotPetya” cyberattack
The devastating NotPetya cyberattack that cost billions of dollars worldwide and delayed condom production for several weeks was carried out by the Kremlin, the U.K claimed Wednesday. In making the remarkable accusation, the British government said Russia was “ripping up the rule book” and “undermining democracy” through powerful cyberweapons. “We have entered a new era of warfare, witnessing a destructive and deadly mix of conventional military might and malicious cyberattacks,” Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said in a statement.
For a government to make such an accusation is rare due to the difficulty of attributing cyber attacks. Though the Washington Post reported last month that a classified CIA report concluded with “high confidence” that Russia was behind the attack, the U.S. government has refrained from publicly pointing the finger at Moscow. ...
“We categorically reject such accusations,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists. “We consider them unsubstantiated and groundless. This is nothing but a continuation of a Russophobic campaign that is not based on any evidence.”
Originally designed to target Ukrainian companies in the financial, energy and government sectors, the malware quickly spread, affecting organizations and businesses around the world. It also hit critical infrastructure, including computers controlling the ports of Amsterdam and Mumbai, as well as radiation monitors in Chernobyl.
Congressman Says He Tried to Brief Trump on WikiLeaks and Russia After Meeting With Julian Assange, But John Kelly Blocked Him
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly blocked Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., from briefing President Donald Trump about a meeting he had in London in August with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Rohrabacher told The Intercept.
Rohrabacher claimed Assange had shown him and his traveling companion, Charles Johnson, definitive proof that Russia was not the source of the Democratic Party communications that WikiLeaks published during the 2016 campaign. Assange was willing to share that information with American officials, Rohrabacher said, but he was never able to present the offer to the president.
Rohrabacher, who is considered broadly sympathetic with the Russian government, said he was told by Kelly that meeting with Trump could put the president in unnecessary legal jeopardy. “What is preventing me from talking to Trump about this is the existence of a special prosecutor,” Rohrabacher said. “Not only Kelly, but others are worried if I say one word to Trump about Russia, that it would appear to out-of-control prosecutors that that is where the collusion is.”
Assange did not want to release the evidence publicly, Rohrabacher said, because he didn’t want to expose his sources and methods. (Assange didn’t respond to a request for comment.)
‘Russian trolls’: NBC releases deleted controversial tweets
Nobody wants to talk about the Russians killed by U.S. airstrikes in Syria
Several Russian mercenaries working in Syria were killed by U.S. airstrikes last week, according to reports in Russia and in the West. However, Washington and Moscow have yet to confirm the deaths amid reports the number of Russian casualties could be far higher. Russian media reported that Russian military contractors died in the airstrikes launched on Feb. 7, when pro-regime forces advanced on oil fields in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zour and were targeted by U.S. air and artillery strikes.
Western outlets including the BBC and CNN have also confirmed that Russian contractors were killed, citing their families, friends and associates. Both outlets named two of the dead as Kirill Ananyev, from Moscow, and Vladimir Loginov, a member of a Cossack group of ultranationalists from Kaliningrad. ...
CNN and BBC reported that both men worked for the Russian private military contractor Wagner Group, a Hong Kong-registered company that has sent many ex-servicemen to Syria to fight in support of Russian and regime forces. The group is under U.S. sanctions for its support of separatists in eastern Ukraine.
But the U.S. and Russia have remained coy about the reports, which would mark the first known occasion that U.S. airstrikes have killed Russians in the Syrian conflict. ... The incident could prove embarrassing for both sides, which have maintained a deconfliction line to avoid unintentionally striking each other’s forces in the chaos of the battlefield and accidentally setting off a wider confrontation.
Fifteen Russian security staff killed in Syria explosion
Fifteen Russians employed in Syria by a private security company have been killed after an explosion rocked an arms depot at their base in the country, according to a monitoring group.
The incident happened at the company’s weapons storage facility at Tabiya Jazira in the northeastern province of Deir Ezzor, said the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Observatory directory Rami Abdel Rahman said the company in question was in charge of “protecting the oil and gas fields controlled by the Syrian regime”. ...
The Russian workers were accompanying regime forces as they advanced towards the oil and gas fields on the eastern banks of Euphrates river controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed alliance of Arab and Kurdish fighters.
US wasting billions on nuclear bombs that serve no purpose and are security liability – experts
The US is to spend billions of dollars upgrading 150 nuclear bombs positioned in Europe, although the weapons may be useless as a deterrent and a potentially catastrophic security liability, according to a new report by arms experts.
A third of the B61 bombs in Europe under joint US and Nato control are thought to be kept at Incirlik base in Turkey, 70 miles from the Syrian border, which has been the subject of serious concerns. The threat to the base posed by Islamic State militants was considered serious enough in March 2016 to evacuate the families of military officers.
During a coup attempt four months later, Turkish authorities locked down the base and cut its electricity. The Turkish commanding officer at Incirlik was arrested for his alleged role in the plot. A report on the future of the B61 bombs by arms control advocacy group the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) , and made available to the Guardian, said the 2016 events “shows just how quickly assumptions about the safety and security of US nuclear weapons stored abroad can change.”
Since then US-Turkish relations have soured further, largely over Washington’s support for Kurd forces in Syria. The national security adviser, HR McMaster, and secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, have both made trips to Turkey this week to try to heal the rift. There have been reports that the bombs have been quietly moved out because of safety concerns, but that has not been confirmed.
Heh, what a surprise, South Koreans like the idea of not being vaporized by a bunch of knuckle-dragging American morons.
Korean Olympic Diplomacy Moves Forward Despite U.S. Intransigence
By many accounts, the Koreans – North and South – have prevailed over the disruptive desires of the United States, coming together in a series of very public actions, clearly meant to turn down the political heat generated by President Donald Trump and the U.S. pressure for military action. This pressure can be seen as a continuation of President Barack Obama’s “Asia Pivot,” a policy that called for full U.S. dominance in the region, including by containing China and the new emerging regional powers through a set of expansive, coordinated, and aggressive military alliances with Japan and other Pacific Rim countries.
The high-profile actions taken by the North and the South – both acting independently of Washington – left U.S. Vice President Mike Pence pouting and twiddling his thumbs on the sidelines during some very effective international diplomacy. In this regard, there does indeed seem to be a new and genuine desire on the part of the president of South Korea to forge a more peaceful and cooperative relationship with the North, even though U.S. officials and commentators seem to be dead set against it, portraying the warming relations between North and South as an attempt by the North to subvert the long and close relationship with the South.
In congressional hearings this week, the moves toward North-South de-escalation were dismissed by a leading Republican, Sen. James Risch of Idaho, as a “smile campaign.”
“The South Korean people seem to have been charmed to some degree, some of them seem to have been captivated by it,” Risch fretted.
Max Blumenthal in Gaza: Netanyahu Faces Scandal, Palestinians a Crisis
UN gets report on what Palestinians say is Gaza catastrophe
The U.N. Mideast envoy has briefed the Security Council behind closed doors at the request of Kuwait and Bolivia on what Palestinian U.N. Ambassador Riyad Mansour calls the "catastrophic" humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
Bolivian Ambassador Sacha Llorentty Soliz says U.N. envoy Niko Mladenov told the council Wednesday that drinking water is short, hospitals have been closed and "doctors stopped doing surgeries."
He says Bolivia highlighted Israel's primary responsibility for "the catastrophic situation in Gaza."
Justice Minister: Israel Must Keep Jewish Majority Even at the Expense of Human Rights
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said Monday that if not for the fence erected some years ago on the Egyptian border, “We would be seeing here a kind of creeping conquest from Africa.” The fence effectively stopped asylum-seekers from Sudan and Eritrea from entering the country.
In a speech to the Congress on Judaism and Democracy, Shaked also said, “I think that ‘Judaizing the Galilee’ is not an offensive term. We used to talk like that. In recent years we’ve stopped talking like that. I think it’s legitimate without violating the full rights of the Arab residents of Israel.”
The justice minister made the remarks in a wide-ranging speech on the controversy over the Jewish nation-state bill.
On the coalition’s intent to keep the word “equality” out of the nation-state bill, Shaked said: “Israel is a Jewish state. It isn’t a state of all its nations. That is, equal rights to all citizens but not equal national rights.” Shaked said the word “equality” was very general and the court could take it “very far,” adding, “There are places where the character of the State of Israel as a Jewish state must be maintained and this sometimes comes at the expense of equality.”
South Africa: Cyril Ramaphosa elected president
South Africa has a new president after Zuma finally stands down
Cyril Ramaphosa was voted in as South Africa’s new president Thursday, less than 16 hours after his predecessor was finally pushed out over corruption allegations.
The 65-year-old was the only candidate nominated by his party, the African National Congress, as it elected him leader in the National Assembly in Cape Town. Lawmakers burst into song, singing “Rise up, Ramaphosa,” as the announcement was made, effectively bringing an end to the country’s weekslong political crisis.
“South Africa has just emerged from a historic and challenging time,” said Baleka Mbete, the parliamentary speaker. “Our democracy has matured and remains resilient.”
As deputy president, Ramaphosa, a former anti-apartheid activist, trade union leader, and businessman, had already been named the interim president after his embattled predecessor Jacob Zuma abruptly announced his resignation Wednesday night.
Kept Out: Banks Across U.S. Caught Systematically Rejecting People of Color for Home Loans
Does America believe in public infrastructure anymore?
This week, President Trump released his much-anticipated plan to repair America’s crumbling infrastructure. From providing too little government funding, to resting on unrealistic expectations for private investment, to threatening key environmental protections, the plan is rife with problems. And yet most troubling is the Trump administration’s total disregard for public goods, public voice, and the public interest. Instead of prioritizing our most pressing needs, Trump wants to let wealth dictate who will benefit from infrastructure improvements. According to the rules laid out in his plan, proposed projects will be judged overwhelmingly by the amount of outside funding they can attract.
The amount of non-federal funding supplied for a given project will count for 70% of its score, while “evidence supporting how the project will spur economic and social returns on investment” will be weighted at just 5%. In other words, projects will live or die based on the resources they can attract, rather than the number of people they would serve or how urgently they are needed. This system not only incentivizes projects that profit at the public’s expense, such as toll roads, but also increases the likelihood that federal dollars will flow to wealthy jurisdictions that need them the least. When priorities are determined by wealth and profitability, the disadvantaged are left behind. Under Trump’s plan, communities that most need critical infrastructure investments – low-income communities, often communities of color – will be left out. ...
Communities of color are more likely to lack internet access, to be underserved by public transportation, and to suffer from long commutes. Trump’s infrastructure plan will likely entrench these infrastructure inequities. Examples like the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where emergency managers put cost savings over public health outcomes, highlight the importance of investing with an eye towards social justice.

Democrat in Competitive Texas Primary Compares Mexican Border to Iran-Iraq
Late last year, veteran Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith announced his resignation — setting off a scramble to replace him in Texas’s 21st District. Eighteen Republicans and four Democrats will be vying for their party’s nomination in a primary that takes place on March 6. ... Businessman and Iraq veteran Joseph Kopser, a former Republican who is backed by national Democrats, was asked about his views on border security at the Ranchers and Landowners Association of Texas the second weekend of February. The comments have not been previously reported.
“Border security on our Southern border and our Northern border is something we have to focus on,” he replied. He went on to advocate for fences and greater use of technology in the air and on the ground to detect threats on the border. Curiously, he cited his time in Iraq as justification. “I want to secure our borders because when I spent my time in Iraq, when we were fighting Al Qaeda, the border between Iraq and Iran was not secure, and those fighters came over with Iran and that didn’t do us any good in that fight,” he said. “Nor do I want to allow anyone across our border without us knowing who they are.”
A member of the audience called out, “Are you sure you’re on the right ticket?”
He replied, “I’m on the American ticket.”
Progressive With Unbelievably Powerful Story Set To WIN Congressional Seat- Amy Vilela
Stormy Daniels can now talk about Trump affair, thanks to his lawyer
Stormy Daniels is now free to tell her story (once again) of her reported affair with Donald Trump.
Her manager is saying the hush is off after Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, stated publicly that he’d paid the porn star hush money out of his own pocket to keep quiet, a few weeks before the 2016 election. Cohen’s acknowledgement of the transaction apparently throws off a non-disclosure agreement that had otherwise bound Daniels’ to secrecy, her manager, Gina Rodriguez, told the Associated Press, “Everything is off now, and Stormy is going to tell her story,” Rodriguez said.
Pruitt Admits He Flies First Class to Avoid People Mad At Him for Destroying the Planet
Under intense scrutiny for taking expensive first class flights and staying in luxury hotels on the taxpayer's dime, EPA chief Scott Pruitt informed the public of the real reason he stays away from coach: to avoid uncomfortable interactions with people who are mad at him for trying to destroy the planet.
"We live in a very toxic environment politically," Pruitt explained in an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader this week—an interesting choice of words, given that the EPA chief's policy moves have greatly contributed to the toxicity of the actual geophysical environment.
In separate remarks to New Hampshire's WMUR TV, Pruitt said "there have been instances, unfortunately, during my time as administrator, as I've flown and spent time, of interaction that's not been the best."
"And, so, ingress and egress off the plane...that's all decisions all made by our [security] detail team, by the chief of staff, by the administration," Pruitt added. "I don't make any of those decisions." ...
Critics were quick to ridicule Pruitt's comments on social media and raise serious questions about the claim that "unpleasant interactions" with people who disagree with the EPA's pro-fossil fuel policy agenda constitute a security threat.
Hopi fight use of treated sewage to make snow on holy peaks
To the Hopi tribe, the San Francisco Peaks are sacred. The cluster of mountains rise dramatically from grasslands and ponderosa forests in northern Arizona, and the Hopi say they are home to spiritual beings called kachinas, believed to bring the rain and snow to their reservation. The tribe has been allowed to move forward with a lawsuit against a local ski resort over what the tribe deems to be a desecration of the holy mountains: spraying artificial snow made from treated sewage.
Signs around the Arizona Snowbowl resort, about 15 miles from Flagstaff, warn skiers not to drink the water used in making snow, but state regulations allow for its use in irrigating crops and watering parks. It has been found to contain trace amounts of substances such as Prozac, deet and ibuprofen. They occur on the order of a few dozen to a few hundred parts per trillion, which, for comparison, is far less than a grain of salt in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
In its complaint, the tribe contends that the purity of sacred sites and natural resources will be compromised by artificial snow that gets blown outside the ski resort boundaries or seeps into the surrounding forest as it melts. Even the act of making snow – of turning to manmade technology to replace the natural water cycle – goes against Hopi beliefs, said Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, the recently retired Hopi Cultural Preservation Office director. It is the duty of the spiritual people, the kachina people, to bring that snow, Kuwanwisiwma said.
Ed Kabotie, a Hopi tribal member and artist, said that for a people who have learned to live with the cycles of the sun, the moon, seasons and moisture, “making snow is kind of like shaking your fist at God”. ...
“I don’t ever question tribal beliefs or culture. I don’t question that when they say it’s sacred. But it’s public land with a land use designation for a ski area and it has been designated that way since 1938,” said JR Murray, Snowbowl’s general manager. “There are hundreds of thousands of people per year that enjoy the recreation we provide and the snowmaking sustains that.”
Arizona Snowbowl opened 80 years ago and is one of just four ski resorts in this desert-dominated state. In legal battles that have continued for more than a decade, the Hopi and other tribes, sometimes joined by environmental groups, have sued the federal government and the city of Flagstaff to halt snowmaking at Snowbowl. So far, both county and federal judges have decided against the Hopi and other tribes, and Snowbowl has fired up its snow guns every winter since 2012.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Animosity Toward US Brings Turkey, Russia, and Iran Together for Summit on Syria
News network climate reporting soared in 2017 thanks to Trump
Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand
Laser scanning reveals 'lost' ancient Mexican city had as many buildings as Manhattan
A Little Night Music
James Davis - Your Turn To Cry
James Davis - Ain't it great
James Davis - Blue Monday
James Davis - Bad Dream
James Davis - I'm Gonna Tell It On You
James Davis - Chains Around My Heart
James "Thunderbird" Davis - The Dark End Of The Street
James "Thunderbird" Davis - Further On Up The Road
James 'Thunderbird' Davis & Ron Levy - Checkout Time
James "Thunderbird" Davis - Go Girl

Who Does That?
Making snow out of semi-treated sewage? So some idiot says "Hey! I've got an idea!" And then gets unanimous consent to actually do it? Really? At least a state appeals group has finally allowed the Hopi lawsuit to go forward. I had to check this out and discovered a story from 2014:
"Sometimes ends up yellow in color?".
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
yellow snow
As the master Frank Zappa put it so well: "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow!"
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Phi Zappa Crappa!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Once in China we observed a woman
Of course we here get a little queazy thinking about treated wastewater.
Then back home in Austin, TX the city began selling 'Dillo Dirt.'
Why Dillo Dirt? At the time the Armadillo World Headquarters, a famous music venue, popularized the Armadillo as the informal mascot of the city so the name for the fertilizer was chosen to make the unsavory material seem more fun? (Apologies but hot links left off the quote below, see link for those)
Fck. Lead? Even with that as public knowledge it is still available to this day. For use over the Aquifer....
I would feel better about this snow thing if you could trust the people carrying out the task to honestly test and report. These days, its harder and harder to trust.
Frankly, some people just don't give a sh*t do they.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Dillo DIrt may be the first compost/sludge hybrid, but
one of the original sludge fertilizers was "Milorganite". It would be a perfectly reasonable idea, if we didn't have people flushing all sorts of toxic metals, volatile organics, and pharmaceuticals. Since we do have that, it's not a very reasonable idea at all. I refer you (and all others) to the classic book, Toxic Sludge is Good for You. Follow that link, and you can even download the chapter that specifically relates to the title.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Correcto, amigo!
Exactly what I believe as well. Sorry you didn't get that from my comment.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
i just wanted to get in a plug for the book!
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Lemon Snowcones for everyone.]
[video:Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
When mountian snow melts in the spring
it flows down the mountain into lakes, streams and reservoirs. People likely end up drinking that (treated) shit . Ugh.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
evening mm...
more than that - who in the hell wants to ski through effluent?
It's global warming, desertification.
The reason Northern AZ has ski resorts is because it used to snow there. Now, not so much.
I understand the cultural significance of the San Francisco Peaks to the Hopi, they mark the ancestral homeland.
As for treated sewage, Arizona has a water problem, there are more people here than the natural water supply can sustain. If the ski resorts really need artificial snow, using treated sewage is better than using potable water. Same with golf courses, which don't belong in the desert anyway. Water is life, the Hopi know this too.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Good evening, Bluesters!
Cool but pleasant here in my part of Colorado. Nice until Monday when snow is expected. Hope all is well with everybody.
From the essay:
Congressman Says He Tried to Brief Trump on WikiLeaks and Russia After Meeting With Julian Assange, But John Kelly Blocked Him
This is really old news. Any thoughts on why The Intercept is publishing a story now?
evening olinda...
my guess is that they are running it to keep assange in the news and associate him (tendentiously) with russia.
I do dislike casual comparisons of quantities that are based
on who knows what, but not simple calculation.
I just did a little research, and I find that 100 parts per trillion is not "far less than a grain of salt in an Olympic-sized swimming pool," but to the contrary, is the equivalent of about 10,000 grains of salt in a swimming pool.
Nobody seems able to agree exactly on how many grains of salt there are in anything in particular, so that's a rough estimate, as is this: it's between 1/4 and 1/3 teaspoons of salt per minimal Olympic-sized swimming pool. (Everyone nominally calculates this at 2,500,000 litres of water, but it could easily be 3 to 3.5 million in an actual OSSP.)
Granted that's still not much -- though it would be if we were talking about plutonium -- but the Guardian's statement is grossly inaccurate -- it's off by 4 orders of magnitude.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Assuming Accurate Testing
More info from the 2014 link that I dug up:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
keep in mind also that those are the concentrations in
the water itself. when you spray the snow on the ground, it eventually melts and either percolates into the hillside, or percolates into the ground at the bottom of the hill (plus some will eventually run into rivers). eventually, you will have much higher concentrations of those pollutants in the soil than you ever had in the water.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
evening ur...
i think that it may be the news math. (somewhat different from the "new math.")
Parkland, Florida school shooter
had posted a Twitter tweet in the past saying "I'm going to become a professional school shooter." (in Sept 2017)
His twitter handle matched his real name.
FBI investigated and now says they couldn't identify the person.
Sounds like total BS from the FBI. Your ISP keeps track of IP addresses and who is using them and when.
If Twitter does not log the IP addressed used when a user signs up, that would be hard to believe.
Sounds like the FBI didn't do much to identify him.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
evening coe...
i think that what we are seeing here is that law enforcement collects data in order to identify criminals after the fact of the crime.
if the fbi collects information on targets of interest before the crime, it seems to be because they want to set somebody up for a particularly heinous crime in order to appear to be doing something about it.
after all, it's not like the fbi is going to be trolling through facebook and see something like that and say, "gosh, we ought to find out if that guy has a sick sense of humor or if we really need to send him to counseling."
FBI had no problem finding OWS organizers
Evening all ye merry Bluesters. Hey js
yesterday I commented about California Gold Rush style situation possibly going on in Syria. What I had read was that the gov was inviting businesses in to forcibly take back oil fields for a cut of the profits ahead.
Here's the tweet that gave me the idea....
Who knows....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
evening do...
i've read some articles that suggest that the u.s. is trying to monopolize oil and gas infrastructure in order to keep syria weak and keep them from rewarding russia and iran with lucrative opportunities.
President Shithole Addressed The Nation today
about the Parkland, Florida school shooter. He didn't mention "gun" even once IIRC. Looks like the gumbint officials who live off of NRA $$$ are going with the talking point "Mental Health Issue" caused the deaths of the kids.
Total Moral Bankruptcy throughout the US Govt.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
guns are too profitable to restrict. jobs, jobs, jobs!
besides, how are the 1% going to tidily thin out the surplus population if the means of self-destruction are taken out of the hands of the lower and middle classes?
The Assange fallout from the Intercept hit job
Another comment... "Honestly, this sad mish-mash would embarrass Rachel Maddow."
Greenwald's take
Caitlin's take
Assange's take
ToP covered it too, but the OP said something about how Hillary rigged the primary so the first half of the comments were about re fighting it. Then someone finally addressed the topic of it.
Wasn't there a time when they thought that doing this was a bad idea? Oh yeah, we started doing this when Obama was president. My bad...
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Caitlin Johnstone Has My Vote
I saw an article last week there Glen Greenwald was defending investigative reporting by The NY Times. Looks like a sellout to TPTB. Another one bites the dust.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Heh. Greenwald's caveat
From your Greenwald link above:
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Not funny but had to laugh. Great comment, thanks sd.
Tell you what really had to restrain myself when friends on fb started going googoo over Obama's portrait crap.
Here's what he ought to have painted.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I don't know what to make of the pictures
Michelle's doesn't even look like her and his is just silly. Especially when compared to other presidents more professional looking ones.
Both of them made them look lighter than they are, especially Michelle. Then I saw them on another site and it looked like they may have been darkened (more contrast) by photoshop? I'm not sure, but I know I would get my money back and have them redone.
Someone said that he has 6 fingers on his left hand that wasn't in it. No idea about that. Funny though.. I'm sure that people are having a lot of fun redoing the pictures.
I bet it's the Russian bots that are making and tweeting that.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
evening snoopy...
i think caitlin's commentary is spot on. i am disappointed in glenn greenwald's response. i recognize that greenwald is not the editor-in-chief, hence is not necessarily the person to answer for allowing micah lee's despicable piece of crap into publication. however, i would hope that as the co-founding editor of the intercept and a regular contributor, he might have some interest in the reputation of the publication.
anyway, betsy reed should answer for this abomination. it's not like she doesn't have some experience with calculated deceptions by the intercept's writers.
Good evening, Joe and fellow bluesters. several articles
today about redlining and those banks doing it most. We once imposed strict restrictions and regulations to prevent or at least ameliorate this, and then they were removed as being burdensome. More burdensome than being unable to get financing, or simply an issue of "to whom"?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
oh my, we can't have restrictions on bankers. they're doing god's work!
it must have been the old testament god who took a vacation and left his work to be done by bankers.
Hey joe, jb spotted perezosos! They are quite hard to see way
up in these tall trees with big leaves. The adults especially are hard because they have long stringy gray hair that collects algae like green growth.
We had seen sloths on both sides of Costa Rica but think that this time we saw the type we had not observed before. Note the little red button nose on the blond baby.
If ur interested see if you can make out the mostly obscured mother !
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Fabulous pics, DO & JB!
I logged on just to tell y'all that. They made me smile. Thanks for that!
P.S. Sloths are my favorite animal. Simply lovely creatures (even when they're green lol). Many look exactly like they're smiling.
appearance of a sloth
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Fond memories. We stayed at a place on a river there that had
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Sounds like a peek life experience eh!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Evening, Joe and all
kudos to jb for spotting it. i guess that they are hard to see, but at least they don't move a lot while you're setting up to take a photo.
Beyond belief
Using treated sewage water to make snow is one thing, but to use it on crops is another. They're telling us that it's safe to use, but not safe to drink? Alrighty then. Not!
Oh well, I guess it's not as bad as letting fracking wastewater be dumped in a river that supplies many town's drinking water.
With all the regulations being destroyed, how long until the rivers can be lit on fire again? Wasn't the EPA created by an act of congress? If so, then how can one person be able to do what he's doing?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
some states allow frack water to be applied to roads to control ice and dust.
Interesting week for the First Lady ...
First, at the Olympics, the underdog Slovenian ice hockey team upsets the US 3-2, then, porno actress Stormy Daniels says she's ready to spill the beans. Did the First Lady have conflicting loyalties during the hockey game, will she sue the President for divorce ?
I got another earworm.
[video: width:400 height:240]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Slovenian victory
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
evening azazello...
heh, you know who the classics iv morphed into, right?
I did not know that.
You are an encyclopedia, my friend. I am grateful.
[video: width:400 height:240]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I'd take "Spooky" over anything done by ARS.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Unbelievable to read Trump's infrastructure proposals with plans to privatize as much as possible and of course first repairs to those with the money.
Glad to see that Pruitt is catching such heat and ridicule for his reason for going first class. Of course if he was sitting next to me, I would have some questions.
Last day in Tortuguero and were treated to two lovely rainbows before we set out for our days adventures.
Decided to kayak again and did have a couple of periods of fairly intense rain but some great birding experiences.
Tomorrow boat, bus,bus back to San Jose before heading down the Pacific coast.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
evening jb...
kinda like america is having a going out of business sale, isn't it?
heh, pruitt flying 1c to get away from the little people - it's enough to make you want to book first class on the off chance of being able to give that moron an earful.
wow, two rainbows and cool birds to boot, well, that's worth putting up with a little rain for. have a safe trip to the coast!
Too bad that shooter didn't say something bad about Hillary
when he tipped his hand with a threatening post using his real name. The Feebs were helpless before the actual post, but would certainly have tracked him down immediately (if only as a Putin employee)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
if he'd just used the magic word...
Good evening, joe.
Somewhere on the Great Wide Web, Pruitt, in the interview excerpted above, mentions incivility "in the marketplace" as a reason for flying in First Class.
I thought about economy seats occupied by angry consumers. Then, I thought about the USA being a "marketplace".
He would not be distancing himself from the riff raff, would he? Or characterizing US citizens as consumers in a "marketplace", huh?
Bigger better buyers are better citizens? amirite?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
evening otc...
absolutely. one might assume that he is aware that his actions harm the lower and middle classes and advantage the business and wealthy classes most.
any way you slice it, he's got a guilty conscience.
Good evening, Joe,
Thanks for the news and blues!
Disgusting. Russiagate pimps come out blame Russia for FL.
Saw articles on TOP and a number of tweets where Russia is the cause of the FL shooting.
But more than anything this is not about cynical shit. No, it is really about how utterly pathetic democrats have been in the face of fighting the NRA. Democrats are utterly fucking politically incompetent. Instead of facing up to the NRA and moving shit politically, they revert to a position of powerlessness.
Good Morning from Germany, thx. for the EB articles
I can't help saying that I consider Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté some of the best news hosts and investigative reporting authors these days. I am really impressed by the details one can learn from Max Blumenthal's reports. His gaza visit's images and stories are haunting and precise and detailed. I like both especially because they are not resorting into fancy wording of sarcasm and don't slide into any kind of comedian-style formats. They are professional reporters, authors and interviewers.
I read 70 percent of the original article in the guardian linked to in the "Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand" and oh boy, how that reminded me of some of those IT oligarchs seeking same refuge from the apocalyptic collapse in Hawaii (mainly the island of Kawai for Zuckerberg and the island for Lanai for Larry Ellison (Oracle), who owns the island physically for over 95 percent. Well why not own the whole world, I ask. Well, reading all of it, I just can't help trusting in the unintended consequences of such 'escape solution to survive the apocalypse). I rather shut up now. You knoW there are nukes on Kawaii, so may be something about that would be good to consider.
I really love the progressive fighting spirit of Amy Vilela. Hope she gets lots of support.
Everything else is of a kind I rather not comment.
Thanks for the collection of articles. I am always surprised and appreciative.
Larry Ellison's island ...
Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What?
Now what indeed? Heh? I would know, but don't tell ya in public.
Read for yourself and then make up your mind what would be the "what" in the "now what?" question.
Engineering Ellison
The link
It looks like the nightmares will be returning.
Good morning mimi
Except for its remoteness and natural resources, those bloody billionaires chose the wrong country to assume safe residence in.

Plus, our new government is working toward pulling the plug on their invasion. I guess time will tell.
Let's hope the will pull the plug
unfortunately the image you tried to post didn't make it. TOP apparently does not let you get access to it.
Hi, hope you are doing well.