The Evening Blues - 1-10-22


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Bobby "Blue" Bland

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues singer Bobby "Blue" Bland. Enjoy!

Bobby "Blue" Bland - Bobby's Blues

“No no you don’t understand, the US needs to keep bombing and starving civilians and engaging in nuclear brinkmanship and arming extremist militias and supporting dictators and destroying any nation who disobeys it. Otherwise the world might be taken over by a tyrannical regime!”

-- Caitlin Johnstone

News and Opinion

Click the link and read this. Matt Taibbi has written an excellent piece. Here are some excerpts to give you an idea of what it's about:

A Tale of Two Authoritarians

No one from a country where these things actually happen could mistake 1/6 for “a coup .” In the real version, the mob doesn’t take selfies and blaze doobies after seizing the palace, and the would-be dictator doesn’t spend 187 minutes snacking and watching Fox before tweeting “go home.” Instead, he works the phones nonstop to rally precinct chiefs, generals, and airport officials to the cause, because a coup is a real attempt to seize power. Britannica says the “chief prerequisite for a coup is control of all or part of the armed forces, the police, and other military elements.” We saw none of that on January 6th, but it’s become journalistic requirement to use either “coup” or “insurrection” in describing it. ...

It was no heroic storming of the Bastille. January 6th was a massive LARP that got out of hand. Trump has been around long enough for us to know his pattern as a serial line-crosser. Like a comedian, he’s always trying out new material, and if he gets the right reaction, he comes back with a bigger delivery next time. January 6th was Trump dipping a toe in the lake of strongman politics. The reason it wasn’t worse is because Trump has also been constantly mislabeled as a Hitler, Stalin, or Pinochet. The man has no attention span, no interest in planning or strategy, and most importantly, no ability to maintain relationships with the type of people who do have those qualities (like Steve Bannon). Even if he wanted to overturn “democracy itself” — I don’t believe he does, but let’s say — Trump has proven over and over he lacks the qualities a politician would need to make that happen.

Which brings us back to Cheney. All those things Trump is rumored to be, Dick Cheney actually is. That’s why it’s so significant that he appeared on the floor of the House yesterday to be slobbered over by the Adam Schiffs and Nancy Pelosis of the world. Dick Cheney did more to destroy democracy in ten minutes of his Vice Presidency than Donald Trump did in four years. Seeing leading Democrats nuzzling the man George W. Bush called “Iron Ass” summed up the essential problem of the ordinary person trying to find a political home in this landscape. Even if you find the Trump phenomenon troubling, his opposition is not only authoritarian, but organized and armed with the intellectual tools to understand and appreciate how the technological elimination of democracy might be achieved in the 21st century.

We’re living through a period where an unpleasantly likely outcome for the ordinary American is the invocation of emergency powers to eliminate basic rights. From which side is that threat most likely to come? The pattern during Trump’s presidency was hyping the Russian menace to justify increased surveillance and censorship. Russia has since been switched out in favor of two new emergency bugbears. The first is the rise of “domestic terrorism,” and if you don’t think Cheney-style democracy-canceling is on the minds of officials heading into the next presidential election, you haven’t been reading the growing pile of articles quoting military types advertising their preparations for counter-coup in 2024.

It was under Cheney’s watch that we turned into a country that snatched people off the streets all over the world, put them in indefinite detention in an archipelago of secret hell-holes, threatened to rape their family members, and resorted to techniques like “rectal feeding” so often that one Guantanamo Bay prisoner had to bring a special pillow to sit in court. ... It’s no accident this person is now receiving a “warm welcome” from Democrats because that party has for years now been openly worshipful of his secret-hammer model of executive rule, which expanded to a conspicuous degree after he left office. ...

Cheney’s reappearance and the outpouring of loony commentary describing 1/6 as a “coup” or an “insurrection” (instead of something closer to the American version of a soccer riot) are related. The types of policies that Cheney instituted relied upon the idea that government was capable of making unassailable decisions about, say, who was a real terrorist and who was just a taxi driver or a small-town cop in Yemen. He was successful in taking the courts out of the business of reviewing the detention of human beings because he argued that when it came to terrorism, our “professionals” didn’t make those errors. Cheney’s idea of justice was the same kind of insane authoritarian whack-off fantasy as the “surgical strike,” only even more dangerous because it had wider potential applications. “Professionals” do make errors, about everything from terrorists to viruses. In fact, a fair number of the people seeking this enhanced authority are dumber than average. You don’t have to like Donald Trump to recognize the dire threat represented by a clique of mediocrities with just enough brains to use their offices to organize the criminalization of their opposition.

Putin Unlikely to Invade Ukraine Despite Overheated U.S. Rhetoric, Says Nina Khrushcheva

US tells Putin to choose confrontation or dialogue over Ukraine

The US has told Vladimir Putin to choose between dialogue and confrontation on the eve of a critical week of diplomacy over Ukraine as Russian troops remained massed along its borders.

Senior diplomats from the US and Russia held a working dinner in Geneva on Sunday evening before Monday’s formal negotiations to discuss Moscow’s demands. Those were set out last month in two draft treaties, one with the US and one with Nato. Much of their content is unacceptable to Washington and the alliance, most importantly a pledge that Ukraine will never be a Nato member.

Russia has 100,000 troops positioned near Ukraine and a similar number are primed to be mobilised at short notice, according to the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, who said on Sunday that the week’s diplomacy was a moment of truth for the Russian president.

“There are two paths before us,” he told CNN. “There’s a path of dialogue and diplomacy to try to resolve some of these differences and avoid a confrontation. The other path is confrontation and massive consequences for Russia if it renews its aggression on Ukraine. We’re about to test the proposition about which path President Putin’s prepared to take.”

The Biden administration insists that sovereign states’ right to apply for Nato membership is not negotiable. Nor are US troop deployments in Europe, administration officials have stressed. They said, however, that Washington would discuss other security guarantees, such as mutual limits on missile deployments and military exercises on the continent. That would fall far short of the comprehensive changes Moscow is demanding.

Russia, US start 'difficult' talks on Ukraine

Kazakhstan says 164 people were killed in week of unrest

Authorities in Kazakhstan have said 164 people were killed in the unrest that rocked the country in the past week, including three children. The health ministry said 103 of the deaths were in Almaty, the country’s largest city and the centre of the violence.

After the worst violence in independent Kazakhstan’s 30-year history, the situation in Almaty and other cities was largely calm on Sunday. Authorities said they had recovered control and life would slowly get back to normal in the coming days. In Almaty, authorities announced that some public transport would resume on Monday.

However, the deputy defence minister, Sultan Gamaletdinov, said on Sunday that a “counterterrorist operation” was still under way and would continue “until the terrorists are completely eliminated and the constitutional order is restored in the republic of Kazakhstan”.

The number of people detained by police continues to rise, with the office of Kazakhstan’s president giving an updated figure of 5,800.

Kazakhstan: Tokayev denounces 'attempted coup d'etat'

Polish leader admits country bought powerful Israeli spyware

Poland’s most powerful politician has acknowledged that the country bought advanced spyware from the Israeli surveillance software maker NSO Group, but denied that it was being used to target his political opponents.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Poland’s ruling conservative party, Law and Justice, said in an interview that the secret services in many countries are using the Pegasus software to combat crime and corruption. Kaczynski said the use of such spyware arose in response to the growing use of encryption to mask data in transit, which defeated earlier monitoring technologies. By hacking phones, it lets authorities monitor communications, as well as real-time conversations where they are not encrypted. ...

On Thursday, Amnesty International independently verified Citizen Lab’s finding that Sen. Krzysztof Brejza was hacked multiple times in 2019 when he was running the opposition’s parliamentary election campaign. Text messages stolen from Brejza’s phone were doctored and aired by state-controlled TV in Poland as part of a smear campaign in the heat of the race, which the populist ruling party went on to narrowly win.

Brejza now maintains that the election was unfair since the ruling party would have had access to his campaign’s tactical thinking and plans. The hacking revelations have rocked Poland, drawing comparisons to the 1970s Watergate scandal in the United States and eliciting calls for an investigative commission in parliament.

Kaczynski said he saw no reason to set up such a commission, and he denied that the surveillance played any role in the outcome of the 2019 election.

Exclusive: many resettled Guantánamo detainees in legal limbo, analysis shows

About 30% of former Guantánamo detainees who were resettled in third countries have not been granted legal status, according to new analysis shared exclusively with the Guardian, leaving them vulnerable to deportation and restricting their ability to rebuild their lives.

Of the hundreds of men released from Guantánamo since the prison first opened 20 years ago, about 150 were sent to third countries in bilateral agreements brokered by the US, because their home countries were considered dangerous to return to.

Publicly, the US committed to transferring them in a humane way that would ensure rehabilitation after years of incarceration – and, in many cases, torture – without charge. But many remain in legal limbo, unable to work or reunite with their families, and have been subject to years of detention. Others have been forcibly returned to dangerous conditions.

The new data was produced by the human rights organization Reprieve, which assists former detainees, and illustrates how the lawlessness that has marked the prison from the beginning can follow men years after their release. The analysis indicates that approximately 45 men have not been given residency documents upon resettlement.

The Semi-Inside Story of Why Trump Refused to Pardon Snowden and Assange

Transcript here.

'20 Years of US Torture and Counting': Report Details Post-9/11 Abuse at Gitmo and Beyond

A report released Sunday, nearly 20 years after the first prisoners arrived at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay, details "systematic abuses carried out by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. military" since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Entitled Legacy of the "Dark Side": The Costs of Unlawful U.S. Detentions and Interrogations Post-9/11, the new paper was published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.

"This report lays out a comprehensive assessment of the many unconscionable costs of U.S. torture and illegal detentions and renditions of Muslims over the past 20 years since 9/11," said Stephanie Savell, co-director of the Costs of War Project, in a statement. "This is a moral failure of epic proportions, a stain on the nation's human rights record, a strategic blunder, and an abhorrent perpetuation of Islamophobia and racism."

The authors assess the "massive costs of U.S. extraordinary renditions, unlawful detentions, and torture after September 11—including to the victims and suspects, to U.S. taxpayers, and to U.S. moral authority and counterterrorism efforts worldwide, ultimately jeopardizing universal human rights protections for everyone."

They argue that "significant counterterrorism reforms, including closing the prison at Guantánamo, strengthening measures to protect civilians from death and harm, increasing transparency and accountability for the crimes the U.S. has committed, and addressing religious and racial biases, are critical steps toward mitigating the damage."

The assessment comes ahead of Tuesday, which will mark two decades since "the first 20 men to be imprisoned at Guantánamo were flown to the base aboard a U.S. military plane." There are now 39 men detained there; 27 of them have not been charged with a crime.

"Many lack adequate medical care and even access to their medical records, making the prison a living legacy of the rights violations spawned by 9/11," the report explains. "The military commission system created to prosecute suspects at Guantánamo is fundamentally flawed. As a result, the five prisoners accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks have yet to be brought to trial, depriving them of due process and the survivors and the families of the nearly 3,000 people who died in the attacks of their right to justice."

As Common Dreams reported late last month, the Pentagon is supposedly building a new $4 million courtroom, to be assembled at Guantánamo by next year, that will enable prosecutors to hold two simultaneous trials. 

At least 780 men and boys have been held at the prison since it opened in 2002, after then-President George W. Bush declared a "war on terrorism," and at least 119 people were subjected to the CIA's rendition, detention, and interrogation (RDI) program, the HRW and Costs of War report notes. No U.S. officials have been held accountable for that torture.

The military prison has remained open—costing U.S. taxpayers $540 million per year—under former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and now President Joe Biden, who has signaled that he intends to close Guantánamo.

"Around the world, Guantánamo remains one of the most enduring symbols of the injustice, abuse, and disregard for the rule of law that the U.S. unleashed in response to the 9/11 attacks," report co-author Letta Tayler, an associate director in HRW's Crisis and Conflict Division, said in a statement.

Tayler and co-author Elisa Epstein, a University of Chicago Law School student who was previously an advocacy officer HRW, pressure Biden to finally shut down the prison, and more.

"Biden should take bold steps to repair the damage from abusive U.S. interrogations and detentions, starting with the closure of the U.S. prison at Guantánamo," Tayler and Epstein write. They also urge him to release the 2014 "torture report" from the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, noting all but a heavily redacted summary remains classified.

The authors point out that Biden, like Obama and Trump, "has shown no appetite for releasing the torture report, much less criminally investigating the architects" of the RDI program, and that the president "also opposes allowing the International Criminal Court to include abuses by U.S. nationals in its investigation on grave human rights crimes in Afghanistan."

As the paper details:

The Taliban's return to power and the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 will test the U.S. government's legal rationale for indefinite law-of-war detentions at Guantánamo, as well as the Biden administration's commitment to adopting a more rights-respecting approach to counterterrorism. Thus far, Biden administration actions raise sobering questions about its commitment to ending the so-called "War on Terror." Measures of concern… include the Justice Department's willingness to side-step critical legal questions on habeas rights for the men held at Guantánamo and to block certain testimony related to CIA torture, and Biden's apparent intent to continue using lethal force outside recognized war zones with drone strikes and special forces raids euphemistically rebranded as "over the horizon" operations.

They authors highlight that "abroad, the U.S. has continued abusive practices against terrorism suspects including transferring them to countries that torture, and, in at least some cases, unlawfully detaining them at U.S.-run sites abroad or at sea."

"Although such U.S. detention-related counterterrorism violations have dramatically decreased, Washington has replaced capture with kill, conducting airstrikes—often with armed drones that have killed thousands of civilians, including outside recognized battlefields," they note. "Its counterterrorism campaign has spread to 85 countries with scant transparency or oversight."

Tayler and Epstein recommend that Biden "increase transparency and accountability for other crimes and violations perpetrated in the name of countering terrorism, including unlawful airstrikes and raids that kill and injure civilians both in and out of recognized war zones."

The president "should officially apologize and provide redress to victims," they add, asserting that "anything less not only inadequately addresses the suffering and death wrought by the U.S., but also risks perpetuating cycles of violence by fueling the narrative of groups like the Islamic State and al-Qaeda that the West is at war with Islam."

Biden GASLIGHTS On Failing Economy With Ridiculous Charts

Joe Manchin appears to have withdrawn offer to back $1.8tn bill on Biden agenda

A $1.8tn spending offer proposed to the White House in late 2021 by Senator Joe Manchin appears to be off the table, following another breakdown in talks between the moderate Democrat from West Virginia and the Biden White House, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

Manchin told reporters this week he is no longer involved in discussions with the White House and has signaled privately that he is not interested in approving any legislation like Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Package, the newspaper said, citing three people with knowledge of the matter.

#ForceTheVote 1 Year Anniversary Special

Father and Son Who Murdered Ahmaud Arbery Given Life in Prison Without Parole

Three white men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery last year in Georgia were sentenced Friday to life in prison, and the judge denied parole to the father and son who armed themselves and hunted down the 25-year-old Black man.

According to the Associated Press:

Murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison under Georgia law unless prosecutors seek the death penalty, which they opted against for Arbery's killing. For Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley, the main decision was whether to grant Greg and Travis McMichael and their neighbor, William "Roddie" Bryan, an eventual chance to earn parole.

"The judge ordered both McMichaels to serve life without parole," the news outlet noted, while Bryan, who filmed the deadly pursuit of Arbery, "was granted a chance of parole, but must first serve at least 30 years in prison."

During the sentencing hearing, Arbery's mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones, said that the three men who killed her son "chose to target [him] because they didn't want him in their community. They chose to treat him differently than other people who frequently visited their community."

"And when they couldn't sufficiently scare or intimidate him, they killed him," she said. "They have no remorse and do not deserve any leniency."

Wajahat Ali, a columnist at The Daily Beast, said Friday after the sentencing that the three convicted murderers "lynched Ahmaud Arbery and almost got away with it if it wasn't for the video that was leaked."

the horse race

Ryan Grim: Progressive SHOWDOWN? Shock Money Haul Has Dem Incumbent On Defense In Minnesota

the evening greens

Greenland Ice Sheet Shrunk for 25th Year Straight in 2021, Report Shows

"2021 is the 25th year in a row in which Greenland's ice sheet lost more mass during the course of the melting season than it gained during the winter."

That's according to the latest report from Polar Portal, a website featuring observations from Danish research institutions that monitor the Greenland Ice Sheet and the sea ice in the Arctic.

The report explains that while "the early part of the summer was cold and wet with unusually heavy and late snowfall in June, which delayed the onset of the melting season," July saw a heatwave that "led to a considerable loss of ice."

The Greenland Ice Sheet lost about 166 billion tonnes of ice during the 12-month period that ended in August, which is near the annual average since the mid-1980s, the report notes. From September 1986 to August 2021, it has lost about 5,500 billion tonnes, contributing 1.5 centimeters to the average global rise in sea levels of about 12 centimeters.

The ice sheet ended this season with a net surface mass balance of about 396 billion tonnes. Although that "makes the current season the 28th lowest in the 41-year time series," or a "somewhat average year," the report highlights "how our perspective changes in line with climate change," explaining that in the late 1990s, "the same figure would have been regarded as a year with a very low surface mass balance in the climate picture at that time."

The report explains various observations in detail, including unusual weather during the 2021 Arctic summer, extreme melting periods despite average temperatures, and sea ice dropping to its second-lowest level last July.

Last year was also "notable," the report says, because "precipitation at Summit Station, which is located at the 'top' of the ice sheet at an altitude of 3,200 meters above sea level, was registered in the form of rain."

When the rain was recorded in August, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center noted that "there is no previous report of rainfall at this location (72.58°N 38.46°W), which reaches 3,216 meters (10,551 feet) in elevation."

EPA's First New Air Pollutant Addition in 30 Years Reveals Agency Failings

The Environmental Protection Agency announced this week the addition—for the first time in over three decades—of a new substance to its list of hazardous air pollutants.

The chemical compound called 1-Bromopropane or 1-BP—used in dry cleaning and automobile care products and linked to cancer and other adverse human health impacts—is now among 188 pollutants including benzene, formaldehyde, and methanol on the list established in 1990 under the Clean Air Act.

The final rule was published Wednesday at the Federal Register and is set to take effect next month.

Earthjustice attorney Tosh Sagar welcomed the development as "a historic first: the first new HAP in over 30 years, ensuring that communities across the country will be protected from the widespread use of this toxic chemical."

“But EPA can't let this first be the last," Sagar said in his statement in which he pointed to "a number of obvious toxic air pollutants that need to be regulated—such as PFAS—and EPA should move swiftly to protect the public from the full range of air toxics."

In its 2020 final risk evaluation on 1-BP, the EPA found that the compound posed unreasonable risks to human health. Also that year, Earthjustice, on behalf of groups including Sierra Club, sued the Trump administration to compel inclusion of 1-BP to the HAP list.

That filing that came three years after Earthjustice told former President Donald Trump's EPA that the compound's "scientific record" makes clear 1-BP "is a reproductive toxicant, carcinogen, and a cause of neurological harm and related chronic health problems including depression," and that any of those effects alone requires the EPA to add the chemical to the list.

Adam Finkel, a former director of health standards programs at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), wrote in a Twitter thread Wednesday that the update reflected "the wheels of 'progress'" and referenced his owns efforts beginning over 20 years ago to protect public health from the compound.

"In 1999," wrote Finkel, "I petitioned on behalf of OSHA that the National Toxicology Program should test a newly-marketed solvent called 1-bromopropane, to see if (as expected by its structure) it would cause cancer in lab animals."

"In 2007, tests were complete, showing 1-BP is a potent carcinogen and causes neurological damage," he continued, pointing to the Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance and state of New York's 2011 petition to the EPA to add the solvent to the HAP list.

“I hate the term no-brainer, but this is a no-brainer,” Finkel told the Washington Post. "It's a toxic air pollutant, so it belongs on the list of toxic air pollutants."

In a Thursday tweet sharing the Post's reporting, Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook also suggested the list addition was long-needed.

"This isn't proof that our environmental laws are working," he said. "It's proof that they aren't."

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

US-Russia Talks May Be the Last Chance

How Far Can Diplomacy Go? Awaiting the US-Russian Talks in Geneva on January 10

Mysteries Of The Failed Rebellion In Kazakhstan

France Says Progress Has Been Made in Iran Nuclear Deal Talks

Undermining US Global Hegemony Is Good, Actually: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

From Iron Dome to supply chains, US Christian group quietly shaping US-Israel ties

These Charts Are the Smoking Guns in the Fed’s 2019-2020 Emergency Repo Loan Bailouts

Federal Action Demanded After Endangered Wolf Illegally Killed in Arizona

MASSIVE Fake News Screwup EXPOSED At Politico

Economist Philip Pilkington: Is Millennial Vs Boomer Violence INEVITABLE?

Ossoff Vs. Pelosi: GA Sen TAKES ON House Speaker, DRAFTS Bill To Keep Lawmakers From Trading Stock

A Little Night Music

Bobby "Blue" Bland - 36 22 36

Bobby "Blue" Bland - You've Got Bad Intentions

Bobby "Blue" Bland - Lovin' Blues

Bobby "Blue" Bland - You Did Me Wrong

Bobby "Blue" Bland - That Did It

Bobby "Blue" Bland - Driftin Blues

Bobby 'Blue' Bland - Don't Want No Woman

Bobby 'Blue' Bland - You Got Me (Where You Want Me)

Bobby 'Blue' Bland - Loan a Helping Hand

Bobby 'Blue' Bland - No Blow, No Show

19 users have voted.


Hunter sure has plenty of shady contacts!

15 users have voted.

As Kazakhstan burns over inequality, the elites wealth is safe and sound in London

... the UK assets of the Kazakhstani ruling class are sitting quietly. The Central Asian state’s elite owns at least £530.4m of luxury property in London and the southeast, according to data released in a recent report by Chatham House. Some £330m of that luxury property is owned by the extended Nazarbayev family.
The property portfolio of the extended Nazarbayev family, which includes the former president’s daughter, Dariga Nazarbayeva, her son Nurali Aliyev, Nazarbayev’s billionaire son-in-law Timur Kulibayev and Kairat Boronbayev, a Kazakhstani businessman whose daughter was married to Nursultan’s Nazarbayev’s grandson, has ranged from £140m of property between 215 and 237 Baker Street to a luxury mansion on London’s Bishops Avenue, known as ‘Billionaires Row’. In 2007, Kulibayev purchased a mansion, Sunninghill Park, from Prince Andrew – for £3m over its asking price.

Prince Andrew was a key player in deals with Kazakh elites. Some of it was revealed in the Cablegate leak. (No UK elite love for Julian Assange.) Tony Blair, however, reaped far more from the Kazakhstan government than PA managed to get.

11 users have voted.

@Marie Assange rots in jail.

Venezuela's gold is heading to Guaido.

11 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


moon of alabama has a good piece that details a bunch of the players here:

Mysteries Of The Failed Rebellion In Kazakhstan

there might appear to be a bunch of people who have an interest in toppling the kazakh government, some of whom seem to have links to the west. it was interesting to see that fellow ablyazov turn up in a video clip posted up above after reading about him the night before at moa. my guess is that if he's getting time in the western press, some western spooks are pushing him forward.

12 users have voted.

Good stuff today, Thank you.

First of all I liked Matt Taibbi's article. I'm not sure I completely agree, but full agreement is not necessary.

What's standing out for me today is what is going on in politics now crystalizes what I was thinking and writing about after the Virginia Governor's race.

The Democratic modus operandi, plan, is to avoid talking, much less doing much, about anything the American people want to hear or care about.

The new Republican Governor of Virginia spoke to his constituents about their kids. Schools. Teacher's Unions. Keeping the schools open and their kids thriving. It worked. The swing voters, surburban voters came out and voted for him. I doubt any member here can tell me what the (D) candidate was doing other than some baffling discordant dancing.

The GOP has always been goal oriented and they have taken over the country with a long range well executed plan.

The Democrats are the designated Losing Team and this year they will be moping in their locker rooms asking themselves what went wrong. They can start with the mind numbing number presentation that kicked off their losing effort. A trillion this a billion that.

Then we had the spectacle of designated villian, now actual villian,--Joe M. He's thrown not only the game but the entire season.

The bright side, if there is one, is that I see some signs everyday that more people are seeing the game as it is. Not as they wish it was.

13 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture


heh, if the democrats lose this year (and likely going forward for a long time to come) it is because they desperately want to. they are just not that into serving the public.

once they destroy the brand and the party, perhaps something better can grow up in its place.

10 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

As has been said many times before, Repubs fear their base — Dems are contemptuous of theirs.

10 users have voted.

13 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


what a shocker. a board made up of bankers is full of corrupt people.

yep, it would be great if nancy would join him, but we couldn't call it early retirement, i guess.

10 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

still, defeating him is the same as defeating the people who would use him as a puppet.

Personally I think Taibbi and Greenwald scoff at the idea that Jan. 6th was an attempted coup is because they look at it after it failed. It reminds me of sports talk. Like saying "Cincinnati didn't deserve to be in the playoffs because they lost". Yeah, but they were trying to win. Additionally, it's a mistake, I believe, to see the event as a physical overthrow. All the while, as I've read (and I don't doubt) there was pressure on Pence to not allow the electoral count. What would have happened if Pence had caved? Don't know. But I *am* saying that the "coup attempt" was not just the weirdos climbing the walls.

7 users have voted.

@Shahryar I agree with you.

Failure doesn't get to describe the entire effort.

7 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture


heh. trump is no cheney, but it's not for lack of desire, it's because trump utterly lacks the skillset required to pull off the sort of things that a cheney would in his place.

trump is the kind of guy who figures that all he has to do is go out and flap his gums and things will fall into place. at best he is a frontman. somebody like cheney schemes in secret and arranges for things to happen, making the correct connections with the people who will execute dirty deeds and working out the sneaky legal details to cover up the tracks.

i guess that one can argue about whether 1/6 was a "real" attempted coup or not, due to its lack of expert direction, however, i don't think that is the key point/argument here.

i think that i am in complete agreement with taibbi and greenwald that there is a group of authoritarians within government (both elected officials and unelected deep staters) that are using events (and radically exaggerating their significance) like 1/6 in order to extend emergency powers in order to more completely surveil and control the american people.

17 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

@joe shikspack @joe shikspack @joe shikspack


and Der Department of Homeland Security

8 users have voted.

@Shahryar @Shahryar This is what Glenn Greenwald said and it's not about judging it on it's failure, but that it's a joke.

"...That the January 6 riot was some sort of serious attempted insurrection or "coup” was laughable from the start, and has become even more preposterous with the passage of time and the emergence of more facts. The United States is the most armed, militarized and powerful regime in the history of humanity. The idea that a thousand or so Trump supporters, largely composed of Gen X and Boomers, who had been locked in their homes during a pandemic — three of whom were so physically infirm that they dropped dead from the stress — posed anything approaching a serious threat to “overthrow” the federal government of the United States of America is such a self-evidently ludicrous assertion that any healthy political culture would instantly expel someone suggesting it with a straight face."... (my emphasis)

I'll add this from the same article.
"...What is really going on here is as tawdry as it is obvious. Democrats have no governing program on which they can run and win. The complete collapse of the party was temporarily obscured by the once-in-a-generation talent in Barack Obama and the very narrow win in 2020 of a banal, empty septuagenarian, thanks to the incumbent-killing double crisis of a devastating pandemic and economic shutdown. But the edifice of this party collapsed under Obama — “the Whole Democratic Party is Now a Smoking Pile of Rubble,” warned supreme Democratic partisan Matt Yglesias at Vox in 2016 — and it is collapsing once again under Biden. Its only ideologies — neoliberalism, corporatism, militarism — are widely despised failures, but they are imprisoned by their donor base from offering anything else.

(all emphasis mine)

8 users have voted.

Click on the link to read.

14 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture



10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture



Sherman could be Blinken’s twin sister. Remember when the duo met with China and both acted like spoiled brats who insist that all the toys in the world belong to them and if they don’t like the way you’re acting they will take their toys and go home. The talks today don’t seem to have lessen the tension between us. Blinken’s saying that we will never stop expanding NATO while Russia is saying that they could start doing military action any time they feel the need to. Apparently Putin once again warned us about his red lines.

Israel doesn’t want to be left out of the warmongering talk so today they said that even if Biden signs a new deal with Iran that they will not honor it and will attack Iran any time they see fit. Also Iran said that they are not done getting revenge for the general. I can never remember how to spell his name.

It’s a great time to be alive isn’t it cuz you don’t know which threat out there has your name on it. Sheesh!

Sam got new treats today and if the speed of her tail wagging is an idea of how much she likes them she likes them a lot. I’m again surrounded by socks and toys she brang me hoping to get another one.

13 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


yeah, i wouldn't credit either blinken or sherman with much intellect, i suspect that the russians are aware that they are just clowns and are biding their time until they can get biden in the room and deliver their message one last time.

it's sad that our fates may be in the hands of such morons.

heh, right on time. some french diplomat said that the jcpoa talks were making progress and israel pipes up to say that it will not be deterred from attacking iran regardless of what sort of agreement the assorted states arrange.

glad sam is enjoying the victuals. give her a scritch for me, please.

14 users have voted.

have an icicle stuck up her rear? (Sorry for being crude, but an inability to display common courtesy and politeness when the cameras are clicking is not the hallmark of a diplomatic pro.)

What a terrible choice for this assignment. She's a Clintonista and old at 72 and none of that gang developed wisdom as they aged.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I was going to ask why the long face, but I didn’t want to insult horses. It seems both of them are not a good pick for their job from our stand point. Blinken makes me think of a skinnier, but meaner Pompeo. I’d love to see someone slap the smirk out of him.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

zed2's picture


Hard to imagine but the drink we enjoy as Hot Chocolate has a strange and rich history.

Chocolate, "Food of the Gods": History, Science, and Human Health

"Chocolate is well known for its fine flavor, and its history began in ancient times, when the Maya considered chocolate (a cocoa drink prepared with hot water) the "Food of the Gods". The food industry produces many different types of chocolate: in recent years, dark chocolate, in particular, has gained great popularity. Interest in chocolate has grown, owing to its physiological and potential health effects, such as regulation of blood pressure, insulin levels, vascular functions, oxidation processes, prebiotic effects, glucose homeostasis, and lipid metabolism. However, further translational and epidemiologic studies are needed to confirm available results and to evaluate other possible effects related to the consumption of cocoa and chocolate, verifying in humans the effects hitherto demonstrated only in vitro, and suggesting how best to consume (in terms of dose, mode, and time) chocolate in the daily diet.

Keywords: Food of the Gods; Theobroma cacao; cardiovascular effects; chocolate; cocoa; nitric oxide."


5 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


interesting history vids. thanks!

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Americans ‘underestimate gravity of situation,’ Russia warns after European security talks

Following discussions on Monday in Switzerland over the future of European security, Russia's chief negotiator has warned that his American counterparts “underestimate the gravity of the situation.”

While the US delegation came to Geneva for “serious” discussions on Moscow’s European security proposals, they failed to show an understanding of how key issues need to be resolved, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov claimed.

Russia laid all of its cards on the table in proposals made public last month, Ryabkov insisted, and those represent “demands that we cannot retreat from.”

“For us, it’s absolutely mandatory to make sure that Ukraine never ever becomes a member of NATO,” Ryabkov said, and Moscow is insisting that the institution amend its policies to reflect this reality.

“We are fed up with loose talk, half-promises, misinterpretations of what happened in different negotiations behind closed doors,” he said, referring to the State Department’s claims in recent days that NATO and the US never promised Moscow that NATO would not expand to the east.

Democrats have been calling Trump and his supporters Nazis for 4 years, but they have turned a blind eye to the real Nazis in Ukraine and call them freedom fighters. I guess Maiden Square was a peaceful protest in their eyes too, but the capital one was…oh never mind.

How US state media rebrands Nazi collaborators as freedom fighters

The Ukrainian language channel of US state-run broadcaster RFERL is making a concerted effort to rehabilitate the life and legacy of WWII-era Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, widely held by historians to have been a war criminal.

A video posted by the broadcaster, registered as a "foreign agent" in Russia, earlier this month argued that Ukrainians are deeply divided about whether the wartime leader was a hero or a villain – while leaning heavily in favour of the hero narrative. RFE/RL is part of the US Agency for Global Media, a government controlled organisation, with an annual budget of over $800 million, which is charter bound to promote the "foreign policy objectives of the United States."

Bandera was the figurehead of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which formed an alliance with Hitler’s Third Reich and played a role in rounding up Jewish people, executing civilians and fighting the advance of the Red Army. Many members of the OUN eventually fought as part of the all-Ukrainian 1st Galician division of the Waffen SS, a locally raised unit under the control of Nazi commanders. The descendants of this virulent nationalist movement continue to hold Bandera aloft as their anti-Russian ideological figurehead. Bandera has been linked with a series of incidents of wartime genocide carried out upon ethnic Poles and Jews in some of the worst crimes Europe has ever witnessed.

When Nazi Germany invaded the USSR in 1941, future US president Harry Truman argued that “if we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia [sic], and if Russia [sic] is winning, we ought to help Germany and in that way let them kill as many as possible”.

Former adversaries became allies. Operation Paperclip, a secret US programme transferred approximately 1,600 German scientists to the US after the war for employment with the US government.

Adolf Heusinger, operations chief within the general staff of the High Command of the Nazi German Army, became the first inspector general of the Bundeswehr in 1957 and then was appointed as chairman of the NATO Military Committee in 1961. Wernher von Braun, a Major in the Nazi SS and a rocket engineer, eventually became the director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre.

Since 2013, the US has, every year, voted against a UN resolution devoted to “combatting glorification of Nazism”. In November 2021, the US and Ukraine were the only two countries in the entire world to vote against the resolution.

Much like US recognised the value of jihadist allies in Syria and Yemen, so have the fascists been a reliable ally against Russia. US support for extreme nationalists and fascists is sold as “democracy promotion”, and the suppression of the political opposition and media is sold as “fighting the Russian hybrid war”. The bold new video from RFERL shows that Washington has no qualms about continuing the long tradition of rebranding fascists as freedom fighters.

Lives are just not important to some people and I don’t understand why Israel doesn’t have a problem with us supporting the same group that was responsible for a lot of deaths. But then people here should have been livid with our teaming up with Al Qaida in Syria and not giving a damn about our good allies the Saudis supporting the ones that killed friends and family in Iraq after 9/11. Americans sure are weird.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


there are no permanent enemies, no permanent allies, only permanent interests, to paraphrase somebody or other.

israel is the same way, they have no problem arming nazis in ukraine, despite past antipathy to antisemitism. makes you wonder about all of the sturm and drang about antisemitism coming from israel is about when they arm nazis.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

I thought I read that Israel was doing that, but I couldn’t back it up if I said it. It’s just so damn mind boggling isn’t it? No problem with the Ukraine Nazis, but speak up for Palestinians or BDS and you’re anti Semitic. Go figure.

Sam says thanks for the scritches. She never thinks she gets enough without your help.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg has become

Here's a snippet, but read the whole article, it nails it!

Notably, what this whole controversy largely misses is Rowling’s connections to the Israeli state and its operatives. Politically a centrist, neoliberal Blairite from the right wing of the British Labour Party, the Scottish author was a key part of the manufactured antisemitism crisis that dominated British politics in the 2010s and helped sink the candidacy of socialist Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn was a vocal supporter of Palestinian liberation and promised to increase taxes on the ultra-wealthy.

When she was a poor, single mother living off government assistance, Rowling appeared to support more left-wing politics, but has since drifted rightwards. In 2018, she even shared an article called “The Old Left and the New Anti-Semitism” from The Spectator, a publication that runs articles such as “In Praise of the Wermacht” and “A Fascist Takeover of Greece? We Should Be So Lucky.”

4 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

zed2's picture

do anything except deregulate more and more. (Thats what progressive liberalization is) in 1994.

Progressive liberalization is a one way street to the total realization of the neoliberal utopia where there are no limits to the power of money and free trade. That means no restrictions on wages, no minimum wages or maximum wages, no limits on who can work or when, of for what. and labor will be freed from minimum wages, and age restrictions. Corporations are free to use any of their employees elsewhere in their empire. Why pay more? Recent National abberations such as the five day week that exceed the lowest common denominator in the most frr nations, where there are no governments or regulations beyond the political ones. Everything else is freed from national controi, are deemed trade barriers and forbidden. Countries compete by lowering wages and irreversible (progressive) liberalization. So any regulatory acts like minimum wages or limits on hours or guest visas will be eliminated and all benefits will plummet and keep plummeting. Total corporate freedom.

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

Thanks for the delicious irony of headlining the authentic BBB and not some hot air.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

glad to hear that you're getting enough irony in your diet.

have a great evening!

7 users have voted.
zed2's picture

He was described as a freedom fighter and his father was an old family friend of the Bush family. GWB was actually business partners with one of his brothers.

The movie Charlie Wilson's War is fairly truthfuldramtization of this one of many foreign interventions in the ancient land of Afghanistan going back to the times of Alexander the Great and the Seleucid Empire

7 users have voted.
zed2's picture


Taita Inty - Virgin of the Sun God
Extracted from The voice of the Xtabay LP (Capitol SM684) 70´s reissue
Side A - The voice of the Xtabay
Side B - Inca Taqui (Chants of the Inca)

Flipper - They demand a Sacrifice

Coup D Etat - Circle Jerks

Hombre Secreto - The Plugz

Circle Jerks - When the Shit Hits the Fan

Fear - Lets have a War!

A Perfect Circle - Lets Have a War (So you can go and die!)

2 users have voted.

Seeing is believing.

8 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


years too late, but better late than never, i guess.

6 users have voted.

@humphrey what patriots they are. \s

5 users have voted.


ANKARA: Nearly 40% of the Yemeni population are facing “inadequate food” problems, a UN body announced on Monday.

Despite continued efforts to mitigate the risk of famine in Yemen, food insecurity continues to remain a key challenge in the country, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Twitter.

“Acute food insecurity is a reality for 16.2 million persons,” the statement added.

Yemen has been engulfed by violence and instability since 2014, when Houthi rebels captured much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


children? But now we are cutting off aid to them causing them to starve? So where are all those people who were so concerned for them? Gah! It’s just like when people were ticked that Trump abandoned the Kurds and yet no one gives a rat’s ass about them now. Hey Jen Rubin, why are you so silent now?

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams will not be attending the voting rights speech by President Biden and Vice President Harris on Tuesday due to a scheduling conflict.

The Times noted that apart from Abrams, key voting rights and civil right groups will not be attending the speech in protest of what the characterize as White House inaction. Protect Democracy and the NAACP will be skipping the event, with James Woodall, former president of the NAACP of Georgia, telling the Times.

"We don’t need any more photo ops. We need action."

5 users have voted.

@humphrey talking to himself these days.

Between the Covid spreading disaster and the dreadful optics from Afghanistan, Biden's presidency lost viability a long time ago.

Civil rights groups not attending a voting rights speech---WOW.

6 users have voted.


lotlizard's picture

labels CGTN as “Chinese state-controlled media” but would never think of labelling DW / Deutsche Welle as “German state-controlled media” even though that’s what it is (along with ARD, ZDF, the regional state broadcasters, Phoenix, 3sat, and Arte).

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