From Down with Tyranny, yesterday, Oct. 4
"During the presidential primary race Schumer threatened Bernie with loss of a committee chair if he endorsed Grayson in Florida, Sestak or Fetterman in Pennsylvania or Sittenfeld in Ohio, where Schumer was desperate to have his conservative handpicked pro-Wall Street candidates-- respectively Patrick Murphy, Katie McGinty and Ted Strickland-- win the primaries."
The entire article is second on the DWT site this morning. You have to scroll down. This is a must read for anyone considering how to vote in the down ballot races.
I think there is more involved here than pro-wall street. After all, the banksters and financiers have always before been able to bribe or intimidate just about anyone the voters elected. Schumer, I think, wants Mideast war to destabilize the ME for generations to come, recruited freshman bloodthirsty ambitious Senator Clinton during the early part of the 2000s. No link, sorry, I forgot where I read that, but it fits the known facts. Schumer is also known as the Senator from Wall Street for good reason. In pursuit of his and Clinton's plans, he was able to shake down unlimited funds, which is why Killary will govern with a proWS agenda, no matter what she might be saying now. Maybe a few tiny mini-programs that some of her bots can be director of will appear, but don't expect a new New Deal.
It is my belief that the DSCC and DCCC have been actively recruiting and financing compliant tools who will rubberstamp the Clinton war program on demand, in return for various favors--in NYCD22, where I live, what has been promised to dumb rich girl Myers is money for rural roads that she can hand out to her friends and allies.
IMHO, if you don't want more wars, regime changes and foreign interventions, don't vote for the conservadems.

Link please
So we can read it in context. Thanks.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Okay, found the link
Scroll down about one third of the way of Down With Tyranny to the post titled Since The Beltway Democratic Establishment Refuses To Back Progressives Candidates, Why Should Grassroots Dems Unite Behind Their Crap Candidates? The part about Bernie being threatened is fairly far down within that article.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Sounds to me like he's picked up on Madsen's bs or vice versa.
It's impossible for Schumer to threaten anyone with loss of a chair.
Bernie Was Threatened With Loss Of ANY Chair
The details are scrambled from story to story, but the threat itself has been reported repeatedly. Was his wife threatened With physical violence? Was Bernie promised an influential position in the Senate in exchange for supporting Hillary? Etc., Etc., Etc.
How and why promises or threats were made is uncertain. What is certain is that Bernie was and is being pressured, leaned on and intimidated to get on the bus or get thrown under the bus.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I'd be real disappointed if that was true. Revolutionaries don't
get intimidated. His story would be so much better if he could prove intimidation.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
I love Bernie, but he's not a revolutionary.
He is a reformer. He was, in his youth, a reformer willing to take some risks to his person and liberty for what he believed in. I think, for the most part, he has conducted himself with integrity in later years even as he moved to the right in order to get, and keep, his position in DC. Some of his actions are extremely admirable, most are admirable, some compromise too much.
But he never was a revolutionary. A revolutionary tries to transform the whole system, not fix it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Let's not get stuck up on semantics.
Green Party is the revolution now.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
The revolution now is Standing Rock
The First Nation People's are not hung up in semantics. Their movement is global and very basic. They cannot leave or give up. They will die for this cause if they have to. Our revolutionary impulses must come into harmony with theirs if we are to survive. They are navigating what the evolution of language, governance, economics,...must look like on this continent. They have a lot of tools and skills around this that we do not, BUT they need our help, our commitment. Socialism, green party, "representative" democracy, all politics that we know, come from a highly western intellectual place. It's up to us now to figure out how we can truly acknowledge and stand side by side with our Indigenous brothers, sisters, and elders. It has to be an American Revolution...and they are the First Americans. Apologies if this sounds all preachy.
Revolution Blues, as always, by Neil Young.
I think you're right. These are the existential battles at the core of what the revolution is about. People over Profits. In the most fundamental way, Capitalism kills. It's a relentless, impersonal, ever-churning grinder, inherently disrespectful of any basic human rights. We must demand a socialist economic system.
Spirited movements of solidarity are always lifted when the Greats help to propel it forward with soul-nourishing art/music.
Beautiful anti-fracking song from two years ago, called "Who's Gonna Stand Up?"
Soundcloud link here:
Apparently there's three versions.
"Indian Givers", about the Dakota Access Pipeline protest.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Also #BlackLivesMatter
There are daily #BLM protests in various different places in the USA... we don't hear about them unless they pop up on twitter or on Facebook groups.
I would like to see anti-war and food activists out on the front lines, but so far, not much. It looks like POC are in the advance front lines and need our support.
From the Light House.
No, the Senate Minority leader does not control chairs and
no one in his caucus holds one. Therefore, claiming Schumer threatened Bernie with loss of a chair is nonesense. Claiming Bernie sold out Americans and every affected by global warming for a freaking committee chair title would be libelous if Bernie and Schumer were not public figures. And pointing in court to "certainty" created by a bunch of speculation on the internet would not be a defense.
You do not seem to have read what was at the link before replying.
2. Nothing about the threat story is certain. It's speculation and opinion based on more speculation and reading tea leaves, like the alleged meaning of Bernie's expressions when he says something. However, as Kennedy said, "Facts are stubborn things." Endless repetition of opinions and speculation of posters about the speculation and opinions of bloggers does not equal facts of which we are certain. It's scary to me that anyone on the left thinks it does. I thought everyone on the left realized the between their personal opinions and the conclusions they draw versus. certainty.
If all this were certain, rather than speculation and opinion, someone would be able post a link to a credible source that proves it. A link to someone purporting to be a political blogger, often anonymously, but who doesn't even know the difference between a Senate Committee Chair and a Senate Ranking Minority Committee Member, and in whom no seasoned politician would ever confide is not proof of anything, other than how little that blogger actually knows about politics. Seeing what that blogger says and thinking having it repeated by another blogger who doesn't know the difference is evidence of certainty.....No words.
On the other side, we have proof of almost Bernie endorsing the Democratic nominee and advocating lesser evil voting throughout Bernie's natioanal political career. That is not certainty of what he is doing now and why, but it is solid evidence of long term consistent behavior. Usually, we wonder about reasons when someone deviates from 20 years of behavior, not when they do the same thing they've always done.
Draw whatever conclusion you personally want from any and all of the above, but claiming certainty is false. By the way, if Bernie is selling out Americans and everyone affected by global warming, rather than merely acting as always, that would speak very poorly of Bernie.
As far as your opinion, I have a different one, but opinions about Bernie's motives are irrelevant at this point anyway. All the oxygen spent on trying to prove something that no one can prove is starting to seem borderline...Never mind. I'll stick with irrelevant.
Still relevant, though: how foolish it is to believe everything someone blogs, without the blogger even citing their sources, especially those who purport to be political bloggers who are clueless about basic political stuff and top lazy or dumb to check.
Also still relevant: A minority Senate leader does not control chairs of committees and no one in his caucus holds one. Facts matter. No one challenges me on that. If they did, I could link them to an authoritative source on the subject, probably even, not some anonymous blogger or a blogger with a reputation for being wrong. And that is the difference between certainty and personal opinion. You know what they say about opinions: everyone has one.You are as welcome to your personal opinions as I am to mine. Your having a different personal opinion than mine doesn't mean yours is correct or that it is wrong. If you find a credible source saying Bernie was threatened and how that source knows that, please ping me. It won't affect much at this point, but I love learning new things.
I see some familiar names
at the Down with Tyranny website. Names from TOP. Is this another exodus website?
No, DWT has been an awesome site, Howie Klein's site I believe
for years--
they've been great on telling the truth about the shitty things powerful Dems do, esp to their own party.
But yes, they started to shift toward supporting Hillary, at least some of them did. I didn't want to be depressed, so I stopped going there.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think it's true that Rahm Emanuel was in charge of recruiting
Democrats to run for the House and his choices were wealthy self financers and Blue Dig Dems. Schumer is merely following Rahm and it's led the party into its sorry state.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
All Democrats followed Al From and Bill Clinton, even Kerry, who
was older than Bill and had been seen as a liberal for years.
Two snake oil salesman ate the Democratic Party, with help from Her Hillaryness in Europe.
Impossible. Democrats have no power over committee chairs.
They are in the minority in the Senate, well, in both houses, but the House is irrelevant as to Bernie.The most with which Schumer could have threatened Bernie is loss of ranking member status. Either way, big deal Shame on anyone who sells out for a committee chair, let alone to be ranking minority member of a committee. Even LIEberman did not sell out for chair. Besides, all Democrats want from Bernie now is that he campaign heartily for Hillary. Schumer, who grinned ear to ear after Bernie's convention speech isn't going to jeopardize that. (A reporter asked Schumer why Bernie's speech made him so happy. Shumer said, "Because now I know we're going to win.")
The House is relevant despite the Democrats being in the minority, not so much to the Democratic party, but to their corporate overlords. The oligarchs need Democrats who are willing to cross party lines in order to ensure that their agenda continues forward. I know this from watching my Representative, Gwen Graham vote time and time again with the Republicans on bills that benefited big banks and big oil. Shumer is the Democratic party point man for the oligarchy in Congress.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I meant Democrats' being in the minority in the House
was not a fact relevant to a claim that Schumer, currently the Senate Minority Leader, threatened a Senator with loss of a Senate Committee Chair. I did not mean that Democrats being in the minority in the House was irrelevant to everything in U.S.politics.
Thanks for info about your Rep. Unfortunately, she is not unique
Is she a member of the New Democrat Coalition? Not that it matters. Voting like a New Democrat stinks, even if she does not wear the label openly.
As for relevance, I, of course, meant Democrats' being in the minority in the House was not relevant to disproving a claim that Senator Schumer, who is currently the Senate Minority Leader, threatened Senator Sanders with loss of a Senate Committee Chair. I did not mean that Democrats' being in the minority in the House was irrelevant to everything in U.S.politics, including the core issue (for me) of New Democrats being corporate and not pushing back against Republicans except on "cultural war" issues and even putting a Constitutional Amendment re: Roe v. Wade on the table.
Gaius Publius was a huge Bernie supporter during his campaign.
Per a reply from Gaius Publius below, I removed the inference that GP is pushing the Lesser Evil argument. That piece was not posted by GP.
From his September 30, 2016 posting on DWT
Opps almost forgot. Fuck you Schumer. There, I feel better.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Fuck you Obama - there, now I feel better. :D
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
With respect, I didn't write that...
That's not my piece. DWT has multiple authors. Just thought I'd pass it on.
Hey Gaius Publius, My apologies.
I updated my comment to reflect that. It was marked "posted by DownWithTyranny" so I just assumed (wrongly obviously).
I'm a fan of your blog so I hope there's no hard feelings. I also did not know you were a member here, so another apology for my dickish use of the word "cowering".
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
No problem
No problem. Just trying to set the record straight.
The writer "DownWithTyranny" is Howie Klein, and he's as tough on Clinton as anyone I know. Not a camp follower.
I'm glad you didn't--and even gladder you're here!
I didn't know you were with us, GP.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well, at least it's a strategic voting position, which is better
than just screaming, vote Hillary. I don't think all of those states are considered swing states, though.
Aside from that, rescuing the country demands never again voting for another Third (read, One) Way/No Labels President. We are rapidly warping into a single right of center Party. Next stop, full blown fascism.
Katie McGinty was running a distant second in the primary in PA, with less than a quarter of the voters showing any interest, right up to the last couple of weeks. Fetterman, who'd endorsed Bernie, was always a very, very, very long shot, polling in the single digits. Sestak had a comfortable but not insurmountable lead. Then the DSCC poured more than a million dollars into the primary race for Katie. Against other Dems. The reasons are numerous. First of all, Schumer hates Sestak with the heat of a thousand suns, because freshman Congressman Sestak did not genuflect enough to Chuck when he was in DC. Chuck may be about Wall Street but above all Chuck is about Chuck.
Add to that the fact that Katie, who'd never really accomplished much in the posts she'd held in her career -- they looked good on a resume but there was no there there -- was warm to the finance sector and particularly warm toward the fracking industry (you'll hear her gently extol "all of the above" whenever anyone mentions climate change), and you can imagine how much the Beltway PTB wanted her to win. So the Dem Machine in Philadelphia (which loves it some Clinton camp and anyone who'll snuggle up to the Clintons) came out on her behalf, and unions. And then the DSCC flooded the state with money and ads and probably quite a few shenanigans, and she won.
Not much mention anywhere about just how this all transpired. The media was happy with Katie's victory, so everyone just smiled quietly at the outcome. There will never be even a modest progressive in a major office again in PA until the revolution comes, a real one. In the meantime, PA is a sea of corporate-friendly corruption as toxic as the slurry they're pumping into the water.
The DSCC did the same thing in Florida
and poured a million dollars in to prop up Patrick Murphy. (As always, Down with Tyranny was on it.) Wow, that just looks like a fantastic investment now, doesn't it?
Just one of the many reasons why I will not give a dime to any party committee. I wonder how many DSCC donors were aware their money was going to run ads against other (better) Democrats. The 83 fundraising emails per day never mention that.
dance you a monster, thank you for that.
We need to be hearing what has been happening from all around the country.
I don't know where DWT got their information as to Bernie not endorsing in FL, OH or OH. What is clear for all to see is that the DSCC and DCCC have been actively working against progressive Democratic candidates. Such as Tim Canova and Donna Edwards.
I also think it is essential, if you want to avoid wars, regime changes and foreign "humanitarian" interventions, that all or at least most, of these DSCC and DCCC endorsed candidates not be elected.
Money is being dumped into the Myers campaign. Mailings from her are showing up in my mailbox daily. Her grinning face is all over my computer screen, not by my choice. I am seeing very few yard signs, however. Not too many folks are interested in telling the neighbors that they support Myers.
Mary Bennett
Henry Wallace, I appreciate the note of caution as to where
DWT is getting its' information.
However, I repeat, it is certain that DSCC and DCCC have been using lots of cash and, I would imagine, influence, to keep progressive democrats out of congress. What I am thinking is why would they go to so much trouble? I continue to believe, and I have not yet seen anyone dispute, that what is at stake is some sort of face saving authorization for Clinton's and Schumer's war plans.
I consider it beyond disingenuous that the Dem. candidate where I live, dumb rich girl Myers, has NOTHING, NADA to say about foreign policy, although she knows she will be called on to vote on matters of war and peace. She also does not take questions from mere voters.
Mary Bennett