Do we have Schumer to 'thank' for the capitulation?
Sorry, I found the question but not much firm on an answer.
Here's the mention of it I saw on Facebook:
Schumer threatened to take away his Senate committee positions if he didn't concede, etc. He would have been ineffective in the next two years. I also personally believe that his family was threatened but there's nothing except the Clinton body count to justify my position. His Secret Service protection was also yanked.
And here's what Politico provided on the subject on 5/20 - the term 'fix' can be understood in several ways of course:
Democrats turn to Schumer to fix Sanders rift
Here's how Politico outlines Schumer's connections to both candidacies:
The future Democratic Leader has much riding on Clinton’s candidacy. Schumer has had a rocky relationship with the Obama White House, one that became more strained after he refused to back the president’s Iran nuclear deal last August. If Clinton assumes the White House next January, the longtime New York senator would ascend to a party leadership role with an ally to work with in the Oval Office.
But Schumer also has longstanding ties to Sanders — both senators are sons of Brooklyn, with the accents to prove it, and were fellow students at James Madison High School in Gravesend. Schumer also helped recruit and coach Sanders for his Senate run in 2006 — and it was Schumer who lured the populist Vermonter to the gilded Democratic donor retreat in Martha’s Vineyard for the annual Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser last year, according to insiders.
Schumer has another Sanders connection: a longstanding relationship with Sanders’ senior strategist Tad Devine dating back to 1988, when he was a congressman serving on the convention rules committee and Devine was lead rules committee negotiator for nominee Michael Dukakis.
So, he's got history/cred with Bernie. Got it. (Bernie was ahead of Schumer in high school by a few years.)
The article only suggests but does not take the theory all the way home:
Schumer...has assiduously avoided dropping even one public note of concern or critique about Sanders. “Schumer is going to be leader and he needs Bernie to be helpful and listen to him, not be a bomb-thrower when he gets back to the Senate,” said another Schumer ally of his resistance to publicly criticize his colleague.
At the same time, Sanders needs Schumer: as the likely next Democratic leader, Schumer would have the clout to help determine his future role and power.
“I will play whatever role either campaign wants me to play to be helpful,” Schumer said in a diplomatic statement Friday. “I know Bernie -- he’s a very good, thoughtful person and he will play a constructive role.”
From C-Span
JUNE 9, 2016
Senator Chuck Schumer on Meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke to reporters following a meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.
JUNE 9, 2016
Senate Minority Leader Reid on Meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) spoke to reporters following a meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Senator Sanders had also met with President Obama and Vice President Biden earlier in the day. Senator Reid said that he respected Senator Sanders and the vitality of his campaign. He said that he would not urge Senator Sanders to follow any course of action.
This is MSDNC a year ago - portion about Bernie starts about 4:30 to about 6:00
JUNE 22, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders 2016 Presidential Campaign Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, talked about his life and career. He spoke about his presidential campaign and progressive message, as well as the potential for endorsing Hillary Clinton. He also talked about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying he “is unfit to be president of the United States.”

i believe Bernie was physically threatened.
Up to, and probably including a gun in his face. With somebody saying that they could shoot him right now, and nobody would care. In fact, they probably told him they would blame it on the people he rallied, and ensure that he was remembered as the man who caused thousands of Americans to be arrested as terrorists.
Or, he could be smart, and keep what he has.
I'm probably exaggerating. At least I'd like to think so. But then, I also would never have thought I'd see a major politician cackling about the murder of one of her political enemies.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yup I believe that also
But I also went as far as...them saying "nice set of grandkids you got there Bernie baby, shame if anything should happen to them."
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
I think they're even more mafia-like than that
Nice wife / kids/ grandkids you got there.
Be a real shame if they fell out of the sky like that Wellstone family...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Oh, I hate that fucker
He's my senator. While I don't believe guns were pulled I don't put it past them to threaten violence. Thugs. I am going to take a page from my mother's book. She never said merely Republican. She always, always said republican thugs (something to do with unions,I think). Now it will be those democrat thugs for me.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
That would be Schumer,not Reid. He's a thug too
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I thought Ed Rendell was supposed to be the Bad Cop
who made the threats of revoking every progressive item on the platform? Didn't I read that?
So is this saying that Chuck Schumer was the Good Cop who brought donuts and escorted him to the bathroom?
Too bad Bernie didn't buy buy one of those video recording devices disguised as a pen in his pocket. Or maybe they made him strip down and talk naked except for towels with Rendell and Schumer in some Democratic sauna, a la The Sopranos?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I keep imagining this scene at Chelsea's campaing in the future.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
MsGrin, thanks for posting these videos. I have
several clips to make of a very lengthy 'Schumer' video that I'll be posting, in time.
I've read and heard reported that Bernie has a close relationship with both Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid. And, you've made a good point about Tad Devine's connection to Leadership.
We know that Harry Reid made Bernie's Committee assignments or appointments--he said so on camera not too long ago, when he was complimenting the race that Bernie was running. So, I could be wrong, but I believe that Bernie knows that "Leadership giveth, and taketh away."
Seriously, the sad truth is--this is the way that the Federal government works, sometimes.
Rightly, or wrongly.
And, I could be wrong about this, but I truly don't believe that Bernie is naive, or that he undertook this endeavor--running for President--without understanding how the game is played.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I concur - he is not naive
I think he got farther than he expected. I know he was surprised he took off like he did.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
It’s the way federal level Democrats work in 2016, at any rate.
Look at DNC parceling out plum appointments by spreadsheet to the biggest and/or most influential donors.