Defending Corruption by Defending Wall Street – The Sad State of TOS
I tried not to go there, but "slipped". I can't post over there because I got banned, so I'll rant here. This is supposed to be targeted to the idiots over at TOS who are slamming Senator Sanders, so when ever I say "you or you people", I really mean those fucking idiots over at TOS, so please understand I do not mean to demean my fellow C99er's.
I'm super surprised this morning seeing so many diaries and comments about Senator Sander's supposed lack of specific regulatory knowledge, about how he would break up the TBTF banks, that committed felony crimes looting the American people.
I'm not going to try and explain Senator Sanders position or on just how he might break up the TBTF felony criminal institutions, no I'm going to rant about how these, well, people, are DEFENDING WALL STREET. These are the same banks that destroyed our economy, and much of the worlds economy and you're pissed because Senator Sanders doesn't give the explicit details you “think” you want to hear to convince you he knows what's up with our criminalized financial system.
However, in this so called reality based community, which is a total joke, you people slamming senator Sanders don't really give a shit whether he knows the specific regulatory frame work or not, you just want to do anything in your power to sow doubt. Period. I think most importantly, Senator Sanders is a threat to your world view, that everything is ok and we're not facing the destruction of our planet by neoliberal economic forces, lead by these very same criminals.
Mrs. Clinton has indicated that Dodd Frank legislation is good enough to regulate Wall Street, yet gee, remember that London Whale, that left the tax payers on the hook for that 6 billion derivatives trade, that happened AFTER Dodd Frank was passed, and our regulatory bodies did nothing to stop that kind of illegal trading. Dodd Frank simply does not work. We had tons of regulations in place, but our regulators are FROM Wall Street.
But no, you, well, people, DEFEND WALL STREET. You want to keep them in power. That is Stockholm Syndrome dumb ass! These are the very people that committed felony crimes and no one has gone to jail. I guess those words etched in stone above the supreme court, Equal Justice Under the Law, has ZERO meaning.
Stop and think for a moment, From Wall Street on Parade:
Nothing more clearly demonstrates who has been calling the shots in the Obama administration than the President’s nominees to oversee Wall Street at the U.S. Justice Department, U.S. Treasury Department, Securities and Exchange Commission, and his outrageous refusal for more than five years to even follow his own Dodd-Frank financial reform law and appoint a Vice Chairman for Supervision at the Federal Reserve.
Gee, lets look at of few of these appointments shall we?
US Attorney General, America's top law enforcement officer – Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer to head its Criminal Division. Both of these gentlemen came from the law firm, Covington & Burling, which had deep ties to Wall Street
Treasury Secretary – Jack Lew - a man who had worked for the serially malfeasant Citigroup in the very division which had collapsed the bank, leading to the greatest taxpayer bailout of a banking institution in the history of finance. (Who has received speaking fees and campaign contributions from Citi Group?)
Continued from the same Wall Street on Parade article:
(Lew served as Chief Operating Officer of the division that the SEC charged with hiding $39 billion of subprime debt off its balance sheet in Structured Investment Vehicles.) Citigroup received a taxpayer bailout of over $45 billion in equity infusions; over $300 billion in asset guarantees; and more than $2 trillion in secret, cumulative, below-market-rate loans from the Federal Reserve.
What is fucking wrong with you people? The man our president picked to run the US treasury was one of the very criminals that crashed our economy, and got a bonus for it. What did the treasury Secretary do to help main street, not a goddam thing.
Continued from the same Wall Street on Parade article:
Out of the taxpayer bailout funds that went to a clearly insolvent bank, Jack Lew, as a departing gift from Citigroup, received a bonus (yes, a bonus) of $940,000. Adding to the depravity, during the Senate confirmation hearing for Lew, it was revealed that Citigroup had embedded a criteria in Lew’s employment agreement for him getting that big bonus upon his exit from Citigroup. It would be conditioned upon “your acceptance of a full time high level position with the United States Government or a regulatory body.” In other words, Citigroup needed to add another regulator’s name to its gold-plated Rolodex in Washington.
(emphasis mine)
Oh, well what about the Security Exchange Commission? Who did our president nominate for that crucial position? None of than a Wall Street Attorney who came from one of Wall Street’s go-to law firms, Debevoise & Plimpton, that's who.
Now, Mrs. White's husband, another high priced lawyer from Wall Street, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP , which under the rules of the SEC, conflicts of interest for a spouse become the those of the SEC Chair, which effectively guts the SEC chairs ability to effectively serve. Mrs. White's performance at the SEC has drawn a strong rebuke from Senator Warren in a 13 page letter she sent to the SEC chair, detailing a laundry list of failures.
Senator Warren's Letter can be found here.
During this confirmation hearing and in the period immediately after, you also made promises to members of the Senate in four key areas. In each case, you appear to have broken these promises. First under your leadership, the SEC has failed to finalize important Dodd-Frank rules requiring disclosure of the ratio of CEO pay to the median worker. Second, the SEC has failed to curb the use of waivers for companies found to be in violation of securities law. Third, the agency has settled the vast majority of cases without requiring that companies admit guilt. And fourth, you have been unable to participate in numerous cases because of recusals related to your prior employment at a Wall Street defense firm, and you have been and will continue to be unable to participate in certain cases because of recusals relating to your husband's ongoing employment at a Wall Street defense firm.
Gee, we have an SEC chair that can not participate, that is to do her fucking job, because of her past employment at firms that have defended Wall Street, and that her husband, who is still employed by a Wall Street defense firm.
Gee, the top jobs in our country have gone to Wall Street. Now I see why the president took in so much money from Wall Street, they got a HUGE return on their investment. You can see the contributors to his presidential campaign at OpenSecrets.Org, which include many of the same Wall Street banks that support Mrs. Clinton. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe they can expect the same kind of treatment Mr. Obama has shown to his benefactors, with cushy regulatory jobs that over see the very criminals that crashed our economy.
Gee, who was the head of the New York Federal Reserve at the time of the financial crash? Timothy Geithner, another Wall Street hack, ya know, who never saw the crash coming. How smart is this guy if he supposed to be the head of the NY Federal Reserve?
From Wall Street on Parade: These Are the Wrong Gatekeepers to Clean Up the Culture of Wall Street 2-25-2016
The New York Fed didn’t see a problem for Bill Dudley’s spouse to collect $190,000 a year in deferred compensation from JPMorgan Chase while the New York Fed served as the bank’s main regulator. The New York Fed didn’t see a problem for Citigroup’s CEO, Sandy Weill, or JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon, to sit on its Board of Directors as their banks embarked on a serial reign of abuses against the investing public. In 2013, Carmen Segarra, a lawyer and former Bank Examiner at the New York Fed, filed a lawsuit alleging that Relationship Managers at the New York Fed obstructed her investigation of Goldman Sachs and attempted to bully her into changing her negative findings. When Segarra refused, she was fired by the New York Fed according to the lawsuit. Segarra later produced internal tape recordings backing up the toothless regulation of Goldman by the New York Fed.
You people want to slam Senator Sanders about his supposed lack of regulatory knowledge, yet our fucking regulators did not see the crash coming, but Senator Sanders has been warning about it for YEARS, yet no one seemed to be listening.
The New York Fed epitomizes failing up. Timothy Geithner was the President of the New York Fed from November 17, 2003 right through the buildup of unprecedented leverage and toxic subprime assets on Wall Street. He continued in the position until 2009, despite failing to foresee the impending crash or the systemic corruption. As a reward for his negligence as a regulator, President Obama appointed him to become the U.S. Treasury Secretary in 2009, where he proceeded to oversee an unprecedented taxpayer bailout of Wall Street.
Yep, must be a guberment job, where one fails upward.
Geithner headed a key regulatory body for half a decade. It employed hundreds of bank examiners that were assigned to the biggest Wall Street banks. What exactly did he think his $400,000 salary at the New York Fed was for if he didn’t think he was a regulator?
Stop and think for a moment people, back during the Reagan administration, we had what became known as the Savings and Loan Crisis.
(Below is a quote from Professor William Black, one of the regulators during the Saving and Loan Crisis. now a professor of law at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, is a former bank regulator who played an integral role in throwing a number of high-level executives in jail for white-collar crimes during the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s
The savings and loan debacle was one-seventieth the size of the current crisis, both in terms of losses and the amount of fraud. In that crisis, the savings and loan regulators made over 30,000 criminal referrals, and this produced over 1,000 felony convictions in cases designated as “major” by the Department of Justice. But even that understates the degree of prioritization, because we, the regulators, worked very closely with the FBI and the Justice Department to create a list of the top 100 — the 100 worst fraud schemes. They involved roughly 300 savings and loans and 600 individuals, and virtually all of those people were prosecuted.We had a 90 percent conviction rate, which is the greatest success against elite white-collar crime (in terms of prosecution) in history.
In the current crisis, that same agency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, which was supposed to regulate, among others, Countrywide, Washington Mutual and IndyMac — which collectively made hundreds of thousands of fraudulent mortgage loans — made zero criminal referrals. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which is supposed to regulate the largest national banks, made zero criminal referrals. The Federal Reserve appears to have made zero criminal referrals; it made three about discrimination. And the FDIC was smart enough to refuse to answer the question, but nobody thinks they made any material number of criminal referrals [either].
And what people don’t understand about the criminal justice system is there are roughly a million people employed in it — and of course, millions incarcerated in it. But of the million employees, 2,300 do elite white-collar investigations. And of those 2,300, you have to contrast that to the number of industries in the United States, which is over 1,300. Notice I didn’t say ‘corporations,’ I said ‘industries.’
The FACT that not one top CEO has even been indited should be all you need to know about how much of our government has been “captured” by industry, especially our financial regulatory agencies, all being staffed with ex-Wall Street exec's. Our Federal reserved is stacked with Wall Street execs.
By slamming Senator Sanders for his so called extreme lack of regulatory knowledge, is nothing but defending Wall Street and regulatory capture by industry of our most important regulatory agencies. Mrs. Clinton WILL NOT CHANGE THE SYSTEM. She is defending it, which is beyond despicable. She is defending these FELONY CRIMINALS.
Stop and think for a moment about why many people are so disillusioned with democrats?
Again, from Wall Street on Parade:
The Obama administration pushed through the full Senate vote on the nomination of Jack Lew for Secretary of the Treasury late yesterday afternoon, just one day after the Senate Finance Committee voted to confirm the nomination. One suspects the rush was to prevent further details of Lew’s lavish pay packages, loans and other perks at his previous employers, New York University and bailed out bank, Citigroup, from gaining traction in the press.
But rest assured, this is no win for the President’s legacy or his party. The Democrats’ progressive base was just as adamant against Lew for U.S. Treasury Secretary as were most Republicans who took a careful look at Lew’s history.
Gee, nominating another Wall Street executive to run one of our most important financial agencies. Why would that bother anyone, I mean come on, it's not like our regulatory agencies have been captured by Wall Street executives already, is it?
From the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, to the National Review, to liberal media like Democracy Now! and Rolling Stone, and this web site’s exhaustive reporting, Lew was ruled unfit to serve as U.S. Treasury Secretary by anyone who took a serious look at his mountain of specious deals.
A last valiant attempt was made on the Senate Floor yesterday by Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa to stop this national disgrace. The sincerity of the due diligence each conducted on this nominee and the courage and patriotism of their remarks on the Senate floor warrant their full statements being reprinted here. If you are a Democrat, you owe it to yourself to read these statements to comprehend how all of your hard work in electing this President and holding on to a majority in the Senate is now being repaid with a slap in your face. If you are just an average citizen from a different party who loves your country and fears for its future, you also owe it to yourself and your children and grandchildren to read these statements and understand the arrogance and unaccountability of this administration.
You can read his full comments here
Mr. President, we need a Treasury secretary who will stand with the working families of this country and is prepared to take on an oligarchy which now controls the economic and political life of this great nation.
Is Jack Lew that person? No, he is not.
I remain extremely concerned that virtually all of his key economic advisers have come from Wall Street. And let me be clear. It’s not just because Mr. Lew served as a Chief Operating Officer at Citigroup during the financial crisis. It’s not just because Citigroup awarded Mr. Lew a $940,000 bonus as he was leaving to join the State Department in 2009. It’s not just because Citigroup received a total of $2.5 trillion in virtually zero interest loans from the Federal Reserve or that the Treasury Department provided Citigroup with a bailout of more than $45 billion, during Mr. Lew’s tenure at Citigroup. I am opposed to Mr. Lew’s nomination because of the views he now holds about Wall Street and the financial system.
On September 22, 2010, when I asked Mr. Lew at a Budget Committee hearing if he believed that the deregulation of Wall Street significantly caused the financial crisis, here is what he said: “I don’t believe that deregulation was the proximate cause. I would defer to others who are more expert about the industry to parse it better than that.” At his confirmation hearing earlier this month, Mr. Lew called the Glass-Steagall Act “anachronistic” and said that the Dodd-Frank Act had “effectively” dealt with the issue of banks that are too big to fail. I strongly disagree.
Yep, and he was correct too. The London Whale fiasco, was after Dodd Frank was implemented and didn't do shit to "regulate it".
Senator Sanders rightly refused to go along with the president and opposed Jack Lew's nomination.
Where was Mrs. Clinton? Where was her outrage over the financial crimes committed by Wall Street? Oh, I remember she went to Wall Street and ya know, basically told them to cut it out and threaten them with regulation. It's just down right sad, because when one realizes that regulation that gets ignored and then no prosecution results, as has happened with the financial crisis we have been experiencing since 2007-08, means absolutely NOTHING!
Mrs. Clinton's speech where she get's tough on wall Street exec's. (eye roll, facepalm)
“It wasn't Wall Streets fault, not by a long shot”
Who the fuck doesn't understand the financial regulations of our own country? Certainly not someone that doesn't recognize the FELONY crimes that were committed? Oh, gee don't go there about how her husband help de-regulate Wall Street in the first place.
You people slamming Senator Sanders, are DEFENDING WALL STREET'S CRIMES and want them to continue to plunge our country into deeper and deeper financial malaise, and for what? So we can have a woman for president who doesn't understand the financial crimes that have been committed against the American people by these same Wall Street Banks, that have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to her senate and presidential campaigns, not to mentioned paid both her and her husband millions in speaking fees.
Stop and think for a moment, she got paid by FELONY CRIMINALS, I wonder what job positions in her administration these very same criminals are salivating over, and can't wait to get their grubby little criminal hands on to enrich themselves and their crony buddies?.
Gee, our president got tons and tons of campaign contributions from Wall Street, and their defense law firms, but who got appointed to the top financial regulatory and law enforcement agencies in our government? Wall Street executives, that is who. Is it no wonder our economy was crashed and no one was prosecuted?
We are facing the apocalypse. In my view, Senator Sanders seems to be one of the very, very few that understand what is really happening in our world and is actually trying to do something about it. This documentary is a must see. If one goes back, as I have, and reviewed the videos on youtube, especially from Youtube Channel, Chatolics4Bernie, which has hundreds and hundreds of videos of Bernie, going all the way back to the 80's when he was Mayor of Burlington, but that clearly show, he is not only on top of what is going on in our country today, he was on top of the issues facing our country even back then.
He has been speaking out his entire life against these criminals forces, the "Oligarchy" which are taking out planet, and all of humanity, down the toilet. This video, The Four Horsemen goes to the heart of what we are facing as a WORLD. I believe Senator Sanders, gets it.
PS: I do apologize about writing about TOS, I'm just super pissed today and needed a place to vent before my head exploded. Thanks for your understanding.
PSS: It was good to see OPOL blast a number of diaries, which all seamed to make the rec list. LOL! Poke 'em in the eye OPOL!

Youn roll around in the muck
and you're bound to come covered in shit.
TOS = That Obtuse Shit
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I'm sick I tell ya
I need help. LOL
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Actually your
not sick at all. Your positively sane and healthy. Nice rant.
hi Shaz
i'm so ramped up i didn't ever realize this was a rant, but a rather reasoned piece attacking the insanity all around us!
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Righteous Rant, RR!
They are really so afraid of him getting the nomination and then elected. I don't get it. Then again, I'm so against HRC, perhaps THEY don't get it, either. In any event, all I can do is put my thoughts out there, give them some motion and energy, and hope the universe takes it from there.
Have a beautiful day, RR. I hope you are feeling better!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good information in this post - even if it is a rant :)
Tapping Wall Street bigwigs to "police" Wall St is one of the most infuriating things our President has done... Its unconscionable.
Of course Bernie gets it.
And he doesn't need to know exactly how to break up the banks because he knows someone who does. Bill Black is an advisor to the Sanders campaign. Kansas City Star
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Sabir (over at TOP), rebuts "the circle of jerks"
that that place has become, totally taking apart that idiotic diary that set RR off...Brilliantly. Superbly. Resoundingly.
"Diary slamming Sanders betrays deep ignorance of financial crises and remedies for them."
From the comments:
and this gem:
And yes, I am just small enough to get a total kick out of someone taking the time to 'share' the idiocy that is Kos at work, at his job in the financial sector, to hoots of laughter at the idiots that grace the great orange satan.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Corruption is the disease. Bernie is the cure.
Total the mainstream people, conservative even, like Jimmy Carter, who have said we've either lost or are losing our democracy and then look at those who tout Clinton for president. Plutocracy is what we've got and that's what we want to put an end to.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Carter might be old
but he would make a great advisor about how to fix our screwed up election system.
Your avatar is a hoot
Dodd-Frank protects TBTF banks
Section 121 of the Dodd-Frank financial reform act in 2010 makes it almost impossible to break up TBTF banks. I hate to admit it, but Bernie's idea of doing it in a single year isn't likely to work. We'll have to elect a progressive Congress to pass much stronger laws, as well as a progressive Executive Branch to administer the new laws.
Matt Yglesias: Bernie Sanders's plan to break up the banks, explained
What's needed is a political revolution. I heard that somewhere...
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The funny part is...
I try to avoid giving them web traffic these days but I dislike the idea of issues being flaunted unchallenged.
So a Hillary supporter sent me to her page as proof that Hillary is a wonk (as if she crafted the information herself but I digress). Amusingly it basically says what Bernie has already done, she would attempt to put forth legislation that would enhance the authority in Dodd-Frank. Huh go figure, that sounds like what Bernie has already done with his Too Big to Fail Act (in addition to him supporting Glass-Steagall 2.0) and what he was trying to say in the interview!
The criticism seems to come by the way Bernie does not speak in absolutes. But the reality is, Dodd-Frank is 2300 pages and could face legal challenges, so speaking in absolutes about untested provisions in Dodd-Frank would be irresponsible.
The interview kind of reminded me of the Chris Matthews interview where he was basically like "TELL ME NOW HOW YOU WILL DO EVERYTHING" and then proceeds to nitpick and argue to the contrary every point he tries to make to the point of being obnoxious.
Matt Yglesias is an ignorant hack
Just follow Naked capitalism and see what a true shill he is. Here's just a search for his last name:
Not to mention Vox Media has a serious credibility problem
FAIR says:
"It appears Ezra Klein’s new media startup Vox is taking on many of the habits of old media—like blurring the lines between business and editorial by running a thinly disguised commercial for Comcast, the cable giant that not only seeded Vox‘s initial run, but recently invested $200 million more in its parent, Vox Media, Inc."
I think Kos
is either a part owner or investor in Vox media, so they are not to be trusted either, imho.
From WikiPedia:
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
What I see happening - It's Rovian
There's a ton of professional shills there. Within hours of the Panama Papers hitting they were cranking out attack pieces meant to discredit Bernie on all things banking. They were desperate and coordinated in taking him down over his signature issue knowing it was about to get a HUGE boost from the Panama Papers release if they didn't change the narrative RIGHT FUCKING NOW. The idea is to not let Sanders get on the offensive on the issue, so now if anyone points to how prescient Sanders was on the Panama Trade Deal the ground has been laid to say he doesn't know what he's talking about.
This latest wave didn't happen when it did by accident, just as the demands to see his taxes two weeks before he would file have all sprung up at the same time. New York is coming up, and they can't afford to let Bernie own his signature issue.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
It won't do them any good
they are bringing old style Atwater/rove type campaigning to a new medium and it is not a good fit. TV users couldn't just open up another TV channel and do a 30 second factcheck.
Markos, the PUMAs and the paid operatives are taking their lead from the Clintons - and they are still think that it's 1999
I would be surprised if all the libraries worth of hot air from Team Clinton at TOP has swung more than a dozen votes.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Given the resignation of the Icelandic PM today
and the shaky position of David Cameron in the UK, if there's any dubious material about the Clinton Foundation in these papers, things could get very interesting (and DailyKult's toxicity level will achieve record readings).
from a reasonably stable genius.
i can't believe your essay title: perfect . . .
i just about lost my mind over at TOS (went there via links from open thread here) and ///hangs head in shame\\\ went into another diary there, one with over 300 recs (and i'm still in a rage):
This is exactly the same as telling us, after Obama was elected the 1st time, that sure Bush and Cheney okayed torture and lied us into war, but c'mon you know we have turn the page . . .
Can't you see it now? So Wall Street isn't the problem, Bernie is the problem.
Well, in that respect, they're right.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Another point to join the universe of data
That long ago proved the Democratic party is a conservative party. The root problem isn't actually the political reward Democratic politicians get from serving capital, it's the psychological weakness of the current Democratic base, unable to bear the emotional and political load of recognizing what has become of the party.
That, and asking people to get over having teams and being willingly stupid because it feels so good.
Sorry, not in a very generous mood tonight. The Dems are dominated by monsters and empowered by monsters, mentally lazy fools, and willful idiots.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I think that this passage just hit the George Carlin Trifecta:
[video: width:560 height:315]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It would be intersting
to see what the family income of those who support the "Kos" style of leadership. They support the continuation of policies that have eroded the middle class. They talk about more and better dems, while they have lost over nine hundred positions nationally since Obama became president.
Only those who are happy with the status quo, are happy with todays political parties.
I, for one, am not satisfied with the course of this nation. We need big ideas. We need less strife and war. We need to be rid of the thought that america is exceptional.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I believe supplies various metrics
about users of sites.
The membership of the Great Orange Hillary is quite 'interesting', if the numbers are accurate.
from a reasonably stable genius.
How embarrassing for them...
NY Daily News is owned by Mortimer Zuckerman who backed Rick Perry's presidential run. Here is a decent counter-argument from the NY Times...
Yes, Bernie Sanders Knows Something About Breaking Up Banks
I needed some sanity.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I remember pooh-poohing it when
I first read that in 2008 Obama took more from Wall Street than any other candidate. When one is in that bubble, like I was, and they still are at TOS, its so easy to pass that off as "racism" or "Obama Derangement Syndrome" until you just can't get away with that anymore. And yeah, it feels like shit to find out your hero's aren't, but damn, how can they just ignore that?
Where can I access this Wall Street On Parade? Is that a book? The link only comes back here?
Great rant. Righteous Rant. And you're so right to point out the hypocrisy over there that wants to ignore it. Just like Repugnants over there now, I rarely go there at all.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Wall Street on Parade
is a great place for econ and political analysis, quoted frequently by many other left blogs, check out their website:
Thank you!
appreciate it.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
There is an excellent
diary over there that goes a bit deep into the weeds but demonstrates that Sanders did indeed know what he was talking about.
The Hilbots/Shillary Posse just can't seem to get out of the mud bog long enough to have coherent, rational discussions.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon