A creepy obsession in New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Union Leader attacked Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the entire Obama Administration in an editorial for "creeping into bathrooms."
The Justice Department has filed a ridiculous lawsuit against North Carolina for its law overturning a Charlotte ordinance that told private businesses how to manage their bathrooms.
The eradication of any legal distinction between the sexes, even in terms of basic biological functions, is a creepy obsession on the left. Lynch’s attempt to abuse the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Violence Against Women Act in pursuit of this bit of social engineering undermines those landmark laws.
Sane people see the creepy obsession coming from the right...from the people who want to check everyone's drawers to see if they are using the correct facility. Actually they want to go even further than that and check everyone's chromosomes...since they refuse to believe that transgender people exist because gender is a function of the brain...and we all know that brains aren't biological.
People on the right would seek to define us out of existence. AG Lynch tells the American public that the Administration sees us...they know we are not fictional, but rather functional, contributing members to this society if only we are given a chance to be.
And we have built a society in which one cannot be a contributing member without access to public restrooms.

I really don't like looking like a conspiracy theorist
but the bathroom section in HB-2 is just a smokescreen for anti labor provisions:
http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2015E2/Bills/House/PDF/H2v4.pdf (read section 2)
leading me to wonder if the Obama administration hasn't read the bill or if it's taking part in the scam.
On to Biden since 1973
Thank you for taking transgender equal rights seriously.
Thank you for taking transgender equal rights seriously.
I think you've misunderstood me
The part of HB-2 that assaults transgendered people is evil. That should be an assumption. But so is attacking transgender people so that the media wouldn't report that working people were also being attacked. And the Obama administration should have seen it. The fact that they apparently haven't makes me wonder about their true motives.
On to Biden since 1973
Union Leader is a joke
I had the distinct displeasure of delivering this paper for 2 years while I was living in New Hampshire. The nature of complaints and extremely odd delivery requests, in addition to the fact that we were the designated WSJ distributor tells you a lot about the audience they're catering to. Seriously, the editorials I've read out of that crap rag make the Weekly World News look like top notch journalism.
Drop the knife
leave your arms behind
just for a moment
They are creepy. Next, they endorse Hill