Contagious Abortion

I've always claimed to be a part time raving lunatic (emotional), right? Say's so in my god damn bio, does it not? Some people just don't care to read...

Maybe we should have Rick Perry as the head of the CDC, at least he had a C+ (I think) in animal husbandry, and certainly would be more suited to proposing such quack pot ideas like “Herd Immunity”, without a proven vaccine. Crazy

According to the Lancet:

How did herd immunity enter the language of public health? The phrase seems to have first appeared in the work of American livestock veterinarians concerned about “contagious abortion”—epidemics of spontaneous miscarriage—in cattle and sheep.

By the 1910s, it had become the leading contagious threat to cattle in the USA. Farmers destroyed or sold affected cows. Kansas veterinarian George Potter realised that this was the wrong approach. Writing with Adolph Eichhorn in 1916 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, he envisioned “herd immunity”. As he wrote in 1918, “Abortion disease may be likened to a fire, which, if new fuel is not constantly added, soon dies down. Herd immunity is developed, therefore, by retaining the immune cows, raising the calves, and avoiding the introduction of foreign cattle.”

It's a pipe dream at this point. The number of people that would die as a result would be astronomical to achieve a 70% infection rate, which a vaccine is REQUIRED to achieve “herd immunity”. (That's what the “science says!”)

Currently, if you look at case mortality by country, from the John Hopkins Corona Virus Resource Center, there are 7.6 million cases in the US with a 2.8% mortality rate. If we apply that rate to the nation of 320 million people, we wind up with almost 7 million dead. (6.8 million)

My Math (w/o a vaccine)
Population of US = 320 mil
70% of US pop = 244 mil
2.8% of 244 mil = 6.8 mil

Gee, 6.8 million that's more than the Jews that Hitler killed in gas chambers during WWII.

Herd Immunity is a bad joke and bad science too, especially from a cost benefit analysis. How can you calculate the lost productivity from almost 7 million people? It's absurd!

We're only at 212 thousand dead now. Are you really ok with killing off an estimated 6.8 million of our fellow Americans to reach “herd immunity”, which we will never reach without a viable vaccine as required to even achieve “herd immunity!

And these fucking quacks are advocating for herd immunity without a proven vaccine!

WTF Seriously?

Now imagine the shear scale of infections, and then the hospitalization rates. It would explode exponentially, and completely and utterly overwhelm our existing healthcare system to the point of a complete break down. If not a complete societal breakdown altogether.

Which, we're damn near on the brink of a societal collapse right now! Imagine what it will be like when we reach 1 million dead, then 2, then 3 etc...

The "science says", that to achieve "Contagious Abortion" immunity (herd immunity), about 70% of the population need to get infected and you have to have a vaccine to go with it!

Here's some Science on "herd immunity"...
From MDAnderson
From The MayoClinic
From John Hopkins
From LiveScience

Is achieving herd immunity possible with out a vaccine? I sure it is, but the amount of death we would have to accept would make Hitler proud and it would bring our healthcare system to a complete stand still, and our society to collapse. Which, if you think about it, would be FUCKING NUTZ!

So, anyone advocating for herd immunity without a vaccine, is just crazy, period, end of story, full stop! Got it? Advocating for herd immunity without a vaccine is like asking 6.8 million American to just die so we can get on with our lives because we're tired of the isolation, the change this pandemic has caused and we just want to get back to normal.

Sorry but that ain't gonna happen, THIS IS the new normal. Get used to it.

I don't know about the rest of you here at C99, but I'm in the bottom 20% income bracket, have no health insurance, no real income what so ever, in a very high risk group. So please excuse me if I get a bit emotional when people advocate for me to die, needlessly, because, ya know, saving the economy is more important. That really ruffles my fathers!

Of course that's just my raving lunatic opinion.


28 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

But it’s more like culling the herd in my opinion. Or survival of the fittest. Hospital workers still don’t have proper PPE after 10 months? How can that be possible if the PTB wants this epidemic licked ASAP? Outbreaks are still happening in nursing homes across the country because workers there don’t have proper PPE. Look into every industry and see how many people have died because they weren’t protected.

I read an article on how OSHA has been letting corporations get away with their workers being infected. No company has been fined more than piddles for their dereliction. It used to be that companies had to notify it when one of their infected workers was admitted to hospital. Now they only have to do it when they are admitted within 24 hours. Businesses know that for every worker who dies from COVID there will be 10 more to take their place. So 7 million die from COVID? Our government has never had a problem with the number of people who die every year from lack of health care or preventable diseases. Look at how they are turning a blind eye to rising insulin costs or other life saving meds. Survival of the fittest. I can’t wrap my mind around the evilness of people in government.

23 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Had 50% deaths. It turns out that they knowingly put residents with covid-19 in with patients that didn't. The DuPage County Sates attorney has issued felony indictments for "reckless endangerment". Murder one would be appropriate by me. Murder by virus. It's just like the British selling infected blankets to the Native Americans".

AFAIK the nursing home is still in business. There must be an end to for-profit corporate medicine.

13 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

It turns out that they knowingly put residents with covid-19 in with patients that didn't.

Washington state warned how vulnerable people in nursing homes were to the virus and from what I remember they locked them down and not many died. I may be misremembering some cuz that was a long time ago. But it was just last month that I read that Pritzker was doing the same thing that Cuomo and Newsom did. Put infected people in nursing homes. Now most of them have gotten immunity for killing grannie. Cuomo's immunity deal is so solid that McConnell is using it to give immunity to corporations that haven't done jack to stop the spread. This will gut worker's compensation and OSHA and people will not be able to sue or do anything to stop this. It's criminal. Period. Trump not telling us it was airborne in Feb and today we learn that Pence killed mandatory masks on planes, trains, buses....... They want it to spread. Look at who is being taken out with this epidemic. It sure ain't many rich people.

13 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

effectively. We can't see him at all. He's withering away with no family visits.

7 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Lily O Lady's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

1 user has voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady
We don't have covid. Don't know about the staff at the nursing home. Or the pizza delivery guy (YES). I want to visit him with masks on.

6 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Lily O Lady's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

They have built plastic barriers or made other accommodations. In the meantime, could you send in a tablet or phone to Skype or some other cyber-visit.? That is something you could do every day if the facility would accommodate him.

1 user has voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

TheOtherMaven's picture


9 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

The virus mutates. How does that immunity work effectively on the next, and the next variant?
Not to mention, it causes long-term health problems. The next time you get it, you are in the category of people with pre-existing health issues.
Stay well, RR.

21 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

travelerxxx's picture

@on the cusp

Not to mention, it causes long-term health problems. The next time you get it, you are in the category of people with pre-existing health issues.

There you go, thinking like a lawyer again...

But, yeah, you're right. I hadn't considered that. In fact, this is the first I've seen it brought up. But, it's big. The insurance underwriters aren't going to miss that one.

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if it hasn't already been put into the language of new policies. And now we're now in the "insurance choosing season." Even if they don't get the policy language changed in time, I would expect Congress to come to bat on the side of the insurance companies and declare previous exposure to COVID 19 (such as showing antibodies in a blood test) to be a pre-existing condition. Anything to deny coverage – especially considering the cost of treating a COVID 19 case. After all, we don't want to risk bankrupting our [Trump's voice here] Great American insurance companies!

What a wonderful healthcare system racket we have!

15 users have voted.
polkageist's picture

The elites control the wealth and, therefore, the press, TV, national and some state and local politicians, the police and just about all the levers of power. Like you, Rooster, I'm a poster child for death by covid because of my age and co-morbidities. Now our evil politicians have looted the Treasury for the corporate freebooters and will give us nothing to relieve our suffering. Biden will probably win and may even win by a landslide because Trump has become completely unhinged. McConnell will push his judicial packing with the Dem's help. Biden will just push austerity and let more of us die. Regular people, as always in the last days of a failed state, will be left destitute with no hope. People with no hope left can become dangerous. I don't expect the myopic elites to understand their danger. I may even live to see the beginning of their end but I won't survive to see the final act. The elites are consumed by greed and all I can say is that I hope they get everything they deserve.

21 users have voted.

-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

mimi's picture

for getting you the care you need. Rant on. Rant more, but please try to survive. You could do fine videos here for

14 users have voted.

I was in a hospital OB/GYN waiting room. A older German man started talking with me. He waiting for his daughter, I was waiting for my wife. He was angry about the American system i.e. "come with the cash". He said it was obscene that people could be turned away because they couldn't afford treatment and told me of the German system. He apologized for criticizing America, but I assured him that I took no offense and thought he was absolutely right. I told him that was why I was a Howard Dean supporter.

Very simple. Everyone has insurance. Government sets prices. If you have a job, your employer pays the insurance. If you don't the government pays it. Drug prices negotiated at the beginning of the year and that's that, fixed price for all, paid for by insurance. The insurance is government insurance like Medicare. You can purchase private insurance for extras like a private room. He said hospitals were still wards. Sounds okay to me, as long as they have privacy curtains so that germs don't migrate.

Sensible. Germans are sensible people. IIRC, public medical services started with BISMARCK!

EDIT: And yes, you can pick your own doctor. Unlike England, German doctors are independent practitioners, not government employees, but the government fixes their prices, like Medicare Part B.

Did he describe it correctly, Mimi?

10 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

TheOtherMaven's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

He knew that giving the rabble a few perks would keep them quiet and allow him to get on with building his Mighty Nation-State.

8 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

mimi's picture

@TheOtherMaven @TheOtherMaven
looked at his statue in Hamburg Germany as a child.
Bismarck monument in Hamburg

Of course he was God. Wink

3 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness @The Voice In the Wilderness @The Voice In the Wilderness
to explain. I think this site Health Insurance in Germany describes it very well.
The important part is that everybody who resides in Germany, independent of you being a German, an asylant, an immigrant, a student, a job-less person, unemployed personit or a foreigner, who resides in Germany or just visit Germany at all, is mandated and must be insured at least in the Statutory health insurance (GKV/SHI) which is based on the solidarity principle. It is not a government health insurance.

Statutory health insurance contributions are dependent on income. The basis is the total gross income, from which a uniform contribution rate of 14.6 percent (as of 2020) is levied. This is divided equally between the insured party and the employer, i.e. 7.3 percent each. Each health insurance company also levies a different amount of additional contribution, which is paid in half by the employee and the employer. Students, self-employed and insured persons without income pay the full additional contribution. If the contribution assessment ceiling (2020: € 4,687.50 per month) is exceeded, income above it plays no role in calculating the contribution. Statutory health insurance allows children and spouses to also be insured free of charge with a family insurance policy.

You can buy a private health insurance from various providers instead, as long as you are insured at all, it doesn't matter what you choose.

I make my own example. When I was a student in Germany, I choose the insurance company TKK (Technker Krankenkasse), because I studied in a technical, science field. I think back then I paid around 47 German Marks per month. My income as a student was always below 800 gGerman Marks (back in the late sicties and early seventies. The insurance companies pay for all medical procedures and doctors visits and hospital stays, as long as a doctor says those visits and procedures are necessary. No out of pocket expenses for the one who needs treatment. When I started to work as a professional in my field and my income increased three fold or more, I stood with the same health insurance company and paid (shared half of it with the other part being paid by the employer. The health insurance companies do not cover you necessarily outside the German territory, but today they cover you in most EU countries. They do not cover you, if you are living in the US though.

So, when I left Germany to Italy and then to United states, I was dependent on my husbands health insurance provider of his employer. Arriving in the US I felt quite insecure about the coverage. Luckily I and my child never were sick and never needed a doctor. When I separated from my husband in the US, I needed to buy a private health insurance provider in Germany to get covered by them in the United States. My previous German health insurance company I used for over then years in Germany as a student or professional could not cover me in the US. My employer in the US didn't offer a health insurance for their employees. So I had to make some acrobatic balancing acts to get what was needed.

Well, it's very late here in Germany and I am tired. I also do not know much, but the basics you can get from the article I linked to. If you travel to Germany you can buy health insurance for your travel and the duration of your stay in Germany as long as you are not covered under another status (like student or freelance journalist etc)

So, yes, if Ranting Rooster could travel to Germany (provided he can cover travel costs and had someone to host him for his stay), he would have health insurance. So, tell him to try it... Smile
Good Night.

Edit: My descriptiong relates to the time of the seventies. It is possible that the system has changed a bit, but not the basics.

Edit: Since I am back in Germany as a retired person my income is lower than ever, but I am back with the same health insurance provider I had as a student. I was lucky they took me i again, but that is too complicated to explain.

3 users have voted.


but that is too complicated to explain.

Your description sounds like Obamacare.

1 user has voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

and rant more often.

IMHO, you've got this issue entirely right.

There can be NO such thing as herd immunity if an individual can be infected and then re-infected.

A million deaths will not bring protection if re-infection is possible.

Talking about a vaccine doesn't make an effective vaccine a reality.

17 users have voted.


With Gates, anything is possible.

10 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness who knows how many long lasting side effects that end up either directly killing people or making them even sicker and requiring lots of continuous and expensive medical care - after all, even Goldman Sachs admits a cure for any disease is not really in their wheel house since it would surely damage a nice, continuous revenue stream... A vaccine concocted by a bunch of start up companies because even the big guys know there might be some problems with it, so they'll manufacture it, but not invent it. A vaccine that will be hugely profitable to Pharma because it will indeed require multiple iterations since a virus by its very nature will mutate. A vaccine with proprietary ingredients that we, the little people, not only do not need to know about but have no damned right to even ask.

I'm sorry, the very idea of putting our lives even more in the hands of FOR PROFIT corporations doesn't sound like a real great idea to me, but then again, I am probably just a psychopath or better yet a full blown murderer because I refuse to put my faith behind a vaccine pushed relentlessly by less than honest corporate entities. Why, isn't it the American way to trust Corporate America? All good Americans trust Corporate America completely! And never any of us mind about the real deaths that will be caused by another lockdown, how dare anyone bring up economics when there's a killer disease afoot. How dare we look at real numbers and find that while 200k died from this disease, another 500k either suicided out, or simply died due to despair, poverty, starvation, or perhaps all those other causes of death that are now simply ignored while we argue on about "herd immunity" and how we get it.

8 users have voted.

Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture


I refuse to put my faith behind a vaccine pushed relentlessly by less than honest corporate entities.

Especially since vaccine makers are asking for no liability if theirs kills or maims us. Remember what happened when the rushed the vax for swine flu in 1976? 1996? Think it's the 1st one. But hell no. I will not take a rushed vaccine with no liability. Why are they pushing for it? Exactly.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


Exactly. For profit.

the pusher men

4 users have voted.

question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

be well and have a good one.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

developed over a long period of exposure to a broad range of diseases which often killed off varying percentages of the population - sometimes a very large percentage, up to 100%.

So, we don't typically die these days from the 'common' cold, which can be deadly in a population without previous exposure to it - which all humans were, at some point. And we are descended from those whom it didn't kill - at least before they produced offspring.
Factor in exposure to an ever-evolving universe of potential pathogens over thousands of
generations (with plenty of casualties along the way) and you end up with bad ass immune systems.

So what happens when we try to circumvent the process that got us robust immune systems in the first place? Is that not going to render them progressively weaker? Looks like a downward spiral to me - to the extent that humans will literally not be able to exist without the 'assistance' of Big Pharma and 'health' bureaucracy.

Just one more front in the struggle (as it moves toward end game) to ensure universal dependence on the corporate masters.

"The reason so many people misunderstand so many issues is not that these issues are so complex, but that people do not want a factual or analytical explanation that leaves them emotionally unsatisfied. They want villains to hate and heroes to cheer - and they don't want explanations that do not give them that."

~ Thomas Sowell

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