The Chinese dragon is kicking America's ass
and I doubt it can be slowed let alone reversed.
The greatest waste of America's wealth is now it's massive military expenditure, as much as the next 7 countries combined. Oxymoronically, this massive military might was once also the historical source for the country's wealth as it allowed US corporations to take undue advantage of both domestic and foreign governments.
By the end of WWII, corporate America effectively managed to gain control of the US government and have now extended their tentacles into the main stream media as well as in many universities. America has now become a full blown corporatocracy - a democracy in name only. Ordinary Americans have little control over their government and zero over foreign policy.
Re-purposing the massive military budget for US infrastructure would be one way of improving the deteriorating lives of many Americans. But, this will not be effective as long as private corporations remain in control of the levers of power. They will continue to pillage the country for that is their basic nature - control and profit seeking.
In China (in contrast to the US) all public infrastructure - health/welfare services, education (basic and advanced), public roads, rail, airports, sewer, water, electricity - is owned, operated and controlled by the government, not as profit centers for rapacious capitalism. In addition, essential manufacturing required as inputs for infrastructure development such as steel, cement, coal, rolling stock as well as media are state owned. Many government owned corporations have been spun off or turned into joint ventures since 2000.
Demographically, China is like a huge extended family with 57 different family branches developed over centuries. The closest the US came to this was when it was a "melting pot" where citizens strove to join together as one nation which gave the nation strength and purpose. Take note that this period was also when American citizens concurrently experienced the greatest increase in wealth and life satisfaction (The American Dream). But now, instead of celebrating these ethnic differences as was done in the past, this once respected zeitgeist has been weaponized by the two political parties in their desire to manipulate, dominate and control.
In China, once basic public services are ensured, private companies can take advantage and do what they do best - manufacture and sell personalized products and services - cars, clothing, food, tools, appliances, entertainment, leisure - the items we want to make our lives better, more meaningful, enjoyable and satisfying.
This is China's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". It is why China has developed so rapidly in the last three decades. I don't think the majority of Americans realize just how far advanced China is nor do they understand how satisfied the Chinese are with their government. The main reason for this is that the Chinese government, starting with Deng Xiaoping 1992 who declared China as a ‘socialist market economy’ rather than a communist one, has consistently focused on the citizen's well-being.
One very good example is China's investment in rail. Here's what they have accomplished while spending less than the US war machine has spent on it's global conflicts during this same period.
China is now heavily investing in turning China "green" as they have recognized the huge economic advantages of doing so. They are pushing for carbon neutral for 2035 NOT 2050. The US, at it's current rate, will never reach the basic Paris Agreement despite it's relative advantage from the de-industrialization that has occurred due to American corporations offshoring.
* For a fascinating 5 part documentary series which focuses on how the recent developments in China have affected and changed the lives of ordinary people in the last decade:
A Billion Chinese Dreams

They use 10 year plans
we use 10 minute plans.
Don't forget the role of our mafia branch of government.
Thanks for the essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What form of government do we have now?
"Fascism with American Characteristics"
Chris Hedges is a national treasure.
@CB @lookout
Thanks for leading me to Talbot books. I will read them all. Sigh. I am just a know nothing, but I do remember, people telling me how Patrice Lumumba's son lost his mind and roamed the Cameroonian streets (I think it was in Duala) trying to deal with his father's death.
It hurts to remember that. I so much would like to forget the little stuff I picked up during my life.
Heard the Chinese government
is working on their 14 th 5 year plan. That would be 70 years of
projected progress. Doesn't make the US seem so great in
comparison. There is much to be learned from the dragon.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The US is in for a rude awakening - soon.
It's days as world hegemon are numbered. I'm putting my money on the fireworks starting within Kamala's term (no way in hell Bye-Done will survive past the midterms).
In the first part of the following video Paul Frijters talks about how we got in this hand-basket. In the second part Mathew Ehret speaks of the differences between two systems that will be facing off in the near future - The Great Reset zero-sum closed system/finite resources vs The Belt and Road Initiative win-win open system/infinite resources. (Mathew Ehret explains Open vs Closed Systems here )
good-o, and thanks for
the cliffs notes text on 'socialism with chinese characters' video (along w/ three others) you'd left on my recent diary on china. i'd asked for them on that thread, no one helped, even after i'd noted that (non-musical) videos longer than 5 mins. are most seriously bad for me.
but it left me a bit adrift with the other C99 sinophile, pluto's republic. but now i realize you'd been off on a quest to create a whole new diary, and a seemingly excellent one..
thanks for the brief description of ehret's video, as well. strategic-culture often features his columns.
MSNBC knows what is really going on. LOL
Different approaches.
Flying $10,000 toilet seat
Not that I want to throw away taxpayer money (er, debt?), but I hope it never works.
The big picture is that China has a plan, US does not.
Well, the US has a plan and that plan is allowing unfettered greed guide markets and finance. In America there used to be talk of an "industrial policy". No such thing exists, but it exists in China regardless what one might think of it. And it is working and has parts to it like taking people out of massive poverty.
Just last week, China announced its new Five-Year plan.
It takes about three years to write a Five-Year Plan. It's a long process, which also incorporate millions of line-item proposals written by ordinary Chinese. Hundreds of these writers are invited in for interviews. Some are chosen to present their ideas to the Party.
The goals of the 13th Five-Year Plan — Eradicating Poverty — were finally achieved in January 2021. The final stage of the Plan involved eradicating poverty in rural areas, and upgrading services in those areas, internet, water, electricity, and a local health care clinic with digital consultations with a large Internet hospital. It also required teaching rural people new skills that would provide a living. Often this was achieved through using computers to open businesses, and making or growing products to sell. The stories of what the people came up with are really inspiring. Suddenly, these little forest hamlets are attracting tourists, who hike in to meet the new bloggers and merchants. That has resulted in more new businesses, such as restaurants and tea houses.
But now, we have moved on to the 14th Five-Year Plan. The final version of the New Plan was approved just last week. The Plan's theme relates to the West's desire to fully own new businesses in China. This commercial evolution has been part of the longer 25 to 35 year plans, but only now do business conditions in China allow it to emerge — and the timing of what it does is very appropriate.
The 14th Five-Year Plan will raise the GDP of nations that trade with China, which of course, includes the United States. An idea whose time has come! The US has been pushing for something like this for a long time. For the first time, China's economy is now powering the economic growth in the world. It is China who has the opportunity and the wherewithal to pass on some of their good fortune. And, that's the Plan.
The Plan is named 'Opening Up'. It is China's goal is to remove protective regulations and restrictions that have held the West back from over-investing in China's businesses until they had become more financially stable and well-established in a marketplace (China) that could sustain Business profitability. Here's an excerpt from a description of the plan:
This is a very good thing. US businesses have been asking for this type of opportunity. But it is also an especially good thing for the US economy. A higher GDP relieves some pressure from the debt, and from the US financial system as a whole. If the US ever decided to tax high marginal rates of income like other nations do, life would be much less anxious and tragic for the people in the US. Of course, no one can stop US rulers from pouring that revenue surplus into the Pentagon, where it will disappear without a receipt. I would call that 'Freedom with US characteristics.'
China could gear up and develop these things, but the US already produces the best in this class, so China would prefer to integrate these US commercial applications into their own systems for the long term. This is one example of China's 'opening up' that are included in the 14th Five-Year Plan. Opening up to foreign services would significantly expand China's imports, bringing the balance of trade into closer accord. It would also be a major boost to western industries that are creating innovative, good quality products. On a large scale, these open partnerships with China can refresh the global economy, and unleash new possibilities for shared development between Western makers and the expanding Asian economy. China has until January 2025 to achieve these goals.
I doubt that any of this was discussed at the recent Alaska meeting between the top level Chinese Delegation and the fumbling Neocons who were posing as US diplomats. The timing for the Plan is ideal, but to propose it to a State Department that reeks of Neocon ideology would be dangerous — the generosity and openness of China's 14th Five-Year Plan would have been twisted and smeared as a diabolical Chinese plot.
Thus, we have before us yet another defective and unethical Secretary of State. Mr. Blinken's cheap tricks and his complete lack of gravitas has wasted a strategic opportunity. He could have used the diplomatic turds Pompeo dropped with China — which are still stinking up the World Stage — to contrast and compare to the measured dignity that the Biden Admin. would bring to future international proceedings. Instead, Blinken with his juvenile bullying, put the stink on Joe Bidet.
The people who operate Joe must replace Blinken right away if they want to maintain Joe's dignity. Notice how the Neocon advisors that both Presidents, Trump and Biden appointed, undermine their goals. They are agents of chaos. The Biden admin has a bunch of them ready to pop up and bite him in the ass.
I'm not sure how it's good for anyone except the Chinese
elites and the American elites to "open up" China in that way. I'm sure American businessmen have been asking to fully own new businesses in China for some time. That's the way our colonialism works. Now, I don't think we'll actually be able to act like colonialist imperialist shitheads with China, b/c China's too big and powerful for that to work--but what IS more likely to happen is more crappy deals like the one that China made with Sam Walton. Does it (temporarily) benefit the Chinese 99%? Yeah, primarily because they were so poor that almost any infusion of money would have helped. Long-term, I doubt very much whether rich American businessmen being able to wholly own businesses in China is going to help the Chinese worker, and it certainly won't help the American worker. After all, they wholly own businesses here all the time, more every day into those same rich people's hands as consolidation continues, and it hasn't improved our economic standing any.
None of this should be taken as my lack of appreciation for China's mostly sane and intelligent nationalism. I very much appreciate that China wants China to continue, and recognizes that that means more than a handful of the richest Chinese people living in bunkers. In fact, in order for there to *be* a "China," there must be millions of living Chinese people (at least), and China seems to recognize that fact. The reason I appreciate this is that, if you want your nation to continue, it has to have a world to continue in. China seems to recognize that global apocalypse is bad for the persistence of China. Therefore, China, for the most part, opposes global apocalypse and tries to avoid it. This is highly refreshing to an American.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
There will be substantial restrictions
placed on American companies starting operations in China (just as there are on EU/UK companies). It shows the China is VERY serious about ameliorating environmental damage/global warming. The country is pushing hard for environmentally sound production in all domestic manufacturing including food production. Foreign nations will have to comply with these same regulations. The era of cheap and dirty is finally coming to a close in China. They are proving that goods can be manufactured economically without abusing the environment with the use of robots and AI.
China has become Tesla's largest market for their vehicles. The new plant in Shanghai was finished last year despite the pandemic.
FYI Tesla will start producing die-cast bodies in the near future. This will save 200/300 of those robots you see in the video.
Thank you, CB!
And thank you all, each of you great commenters, for showing China has invested in raising its standard of LIVING, while we invest in raising the likelihood of death.
Putin has insisted oligarchs pay wages and taxes, thereby raising the standard of living in Russia, therefore he is popular there. Therefore our horseshit capitalists hate him, while they love Saudi Arabia and its headchoppers, our idea of an ideal economy.
Defense contractors are indeed under scrutiny for criminal malfeasance in the F-35, Zumwalt-class destroyers, and Littoral combat ship disasters. Read the Project on Government Oversight - POGO. Therefore we change the subject, sail into the Black Sea and Chinese waters trying to provoke WWIII.
The reason we hate Assad is that he increased nationalization of his oil resources in order to invest in job creation in response to draught. Hilariously, his oil resources were named CONOCO FIELDS, because they were operated by Conoco, a U.S. corporation! We could not tolerate an increased cut for the people of Syria.
The most infuriating part of the pathetic scolding of China by Blinken is that it objects to China becoming more economically powerful by sharing the wealth of its consumer-goods production with its people! We frigging gave them that manufacturing base, but we wanted them to conduct a slave labor economy. China is spreading the wealth to working people throughout the South Asian region. Therefore they've betrayed us.
I'm sorry this is a disjointed rant, but the insanity of our foreign policy has me shaking. They don't give a damn about human rights, obviously, because they love, arm, train and enbrace the Nazis in Ukraine and the Psychopaths in Saudi Arabia. They're in a constant state of sweat from the passion they bring to arming the sucking scum of the earth.
Clearly what they hate about Putin and the Chinese government is that the standard of living in those countries is improving, which makes the people of those countries more powerful and the nationalization of resources more popular. Clearly our capitalists were counting on those countries being their own playgrounds for abuse of labor, but the leadership of each country has decided to champion the workforce instead of the plunderers, all the while still inviting the plunderers to take part, as long as they share the wealth with working people.
OBVIOUSLY, that's asking too much of our merchants of death. What our leadership wants is Libya, gang war, starvation, slavery, torture, kidnapping, and an arms bazaar. In a word, hell.
Well said, Linda
We hated Gaddafi for the same reason. Libya was once a place to live that people here can only dream about. High standards of living across most issues and we couldn’t let people’s happiness stand.
Thanks, CB for posting this excellent summary and for setting the record stream. Between you, Pluto and others I can see China for what it is instead of what I’ve been told.
As for Blinken’s treatment of the Chinese was horrible and I’m glad that China told him to stick it. Russia pulled its ambassador and Biden bros cheered like Russia left with its tail between its legs when its just the opposite. A warning. Russia has cut most diplomatic ties with Brussels and if they continue minding us with sanctions they will go all the way. Lavlof is saying out loud that Russia is being pushed into deals with China because the rest of the world is f’cking insane.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Amazing to see China's hi speed rail while the US & Canada
are not as far from the steam engine era as most people think.They had steam engines on the west coast of Canada as late as the '50's,and having been a brakeman there in the late seventies all I can say is the speed limit signs everywhere on the island were original speed limit signs.
Looking at the video you see concrete 'ties' on the tracks, and what do we have in Canada and the US? Wood. That says it all, like wooden spokes on automobile tires.
Same thing, you can build a high speed train but you cant have a train going a couple of hundred miles an hour on parallel steel rails held in place by spikes in 'wooden' ties that inevitably crack and rot. So no matter what kind of trains we have running, the speed limit will be the same until we replace the entire system of tracks across North America (at least).
That video gave an example of someone living over a hundred miles from work but getting there in time, unlike over here where people are stuck in traffic jams and crowded subways.So people don't have to crowd together in the City, which reduces pollution and social problems as well which is another benefit.
Also rent is always cheaper,and healthier, away from the core of any big city so with high speed trains you can conveniently live far outside of it while you are saving money on rent.
Thanks for the essay and video links, good work.
I find it hard to care much at this point.
I mean, yeah, it does mean that we're all screwed down here in the American 99%, but we would be anyway. Our own overlords can (and generally do) do all the things to us that they warn us the Chinese would like to do.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver