Caution: Bernie Delegate Dem Convention Expenses Money Beg
On 29 July 2015 Bernie Sanders held a nation wide live video stream house party. The idea was to get supporters together and start organizing. I wanted to see the video and maybe get involved so in the days leading up to the 29th I looked on line and the nearest one was almost an hour away. I’m lazy. Too far.
So I sez to myself, “Self, some fool will step forward and organize a house party closer. I’m sure of it.” I was right. Some fool did. And KenoshaForBernie was born in Activities Room A, Norhtside Public Library by 37 people that dared to hope.
Short story long: 9+ months later, nearly 300 activists on our mailing list, we delivered our two counties (Racine & Kenosha, Wisconsin) and our district for Bernie and we swept our district’s Bernie pledged delegates to the National Convention 3 for 3. Throughout this continually surprising journey I have had the privileged of meeting and working with the best people I ever met. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The work I’ve put in to the effort pales in comparison to what I’ve gotten out. I’m a better man than I used to be.
Now we need to get these Bernie National Delegates on the floor in Philly. There is no party funding, no campaign funding and we don’t want big business funding for the $3+k it will cost each to represent Bernie and champion egalitarian reform and return to democracy in the belly of the NeoLib Establishment beast. And thus, I am appealing to those here whose budget allows, to throw a few bucks in the hat for KenoshaForBernie member, Wisconsin District 1 Bernie Pledged Delegate, SuperVolunteer, and all around great gal Cathy B.
Thanks for considering and be forewarned: in the coming weeks I may be pitching this for KenoshaForBernie members and Wisconsin District 1 Bernie Pledged Delegates Angie A & Dave P.
It is absolutely ridiculous that they expect this
as a matter of routine. I am hoping to be a Bernie delegate in MI. I got sick and missed the filing deadline. PeregrineKate assures me there are other ways. I intend to just follow her lead. No wonder our so called democracy sucks.
Let's see. Save the whale. Feed the starving children. Donate to Bernie. Donate down ballot. It would seem that everything worth anything depends on the charity of rich people for survival. There has got to be a better way.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
In Wisconsin...
individuals can run for At-Large delegate and the filing deadline for that is in late May with their selection at the state Dem convention in June. No idea if Michigan is similar.
I hope you make. I would have run for National Delegate, but the $3+k barrier is too high even considering some crowd funding. All six members of our group that ran for National Delegate pledged that if other sources didn't come through, they would somehow pony-up the funds. I was unable to make that commitment, but I am way, way happy with the Delegates we have.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Your last paragraph says a ton
In my region, folks imagine they are self-sufficient, until, of course, they aren't. I work for a charity and the competition for cash is insane. Even more than depending on the wealthy for operating funds, we and others depend on them for survival. Should abused women be able to find safety and shelter? Let's see if the rich say yes. Should drug addicts be able to afford treatment? If the rich agree. Should special needs kids, stray animals, the homeless, those who want access to culture, food banks, parks and rec options, etc....all exist per the demand and support of the rich.
This is what so few understand. The market is not us. The market is the plutocracy and we are just their toys.
Exactly why we need real socilaism.
I saw something recently and since then I've seen it occasionally again, and began to ruminate on it.
At the hospital where my son was born there was one of those typical big plaques filled with the names of known and not-know names of families who had donated money. Amidst them all as I did a quick perfunctory perusal I noticed the entry "Anonymous." It cheered me greatly. I thought to myself, that's how it should be. Just give because you believe in something, without the kind of self-aggrandizement incentive.
It always galls me when some wealthy patron has to pin his/her fucking family name all over everything. In NYC we have to be accosted by the names of insufferable greedheaded goons like Langone, the proprietor of Home Depot, and the asshole Koch Bros, who flaunt Daddy's money like spoiled brats to make our lives more miserable commensurate with their over-inflated but still-not-enough egos, bank accounts and holdings.
Donating "anonymously" is socialism, in a sense. Only narcissistic, insecure, self-important assholes with astronomical amounts of money stashed resort to the odious and unbecoming practice of plastering their name in vainglorious inanity all over everything. Their twisted capitalist brain's assuring themselves it's good for their "branding."
Why do we fall over ourselves to applaud and revere the overlord oligarchs who drop millions and millions into the donation box, when in reality it amounts in relative numbers to them dropping the equivalent of what to us would be a few coins falling out of of our right pockets? Mark Twain wrote a brilliant and scathing essay on this matter called, "Banquet For A Senator."
Here's a few lines from it:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
So the $3K
is that for travel and lodging? Or does the DNC have a toll booth to enter the convention hall with a $3K for entrance fee?
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It might as well be a toll, but no...
The money is for food, travel, lodging and any other incidentals.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
You're a few bux closer to your goal, but more importantly...
I live in Philly, not far from the Convention Center. I've got a spare room (sleeps 2, or 69, or 138 depending on how well y'all know each other), and two couches.
I've no doubt the hotels will jack up the rates sky-high, so you're all welcome to crash here at the Chateau.
But wait! There's more. I could pick you up at the airport and save you another $30.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I'll pass your offer on to our three delegates.
Is there a private communication method on c99p so we could take this offline?
Thank You!!
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
GreatLakeSailor - I Messaged You
At the top of any page you should see a big banner type notice that you have a new message. Alternately, at the top of any page and from the list of pages here, you'll see "Messages" (1 new)
We can take it from there.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I love that spirit, AB. We have to overwhelm these bastards with
our own extensive and magnanimous solidarity.
I'm not sure if you're kidding or not, but it's this type of consideration as a solution to the kind of interference tactic (i.e. cost prohibitive) commonly run by the PTB to ensure there is no democracy. To the oligarchs the entire world is a pay-to-play game.
This is what Occupy was all about. All sorts of kinship and support groups formed. We have one here locally. Nothing official or structured but enough familiarity, respect and camaraderie in the spirit of radical progressivism ("Another World Is Possible" ethos) among a good group of folks post-Occupy to an extent that I know we would assist one another for the right reasons.
In fact a few of us intend to come down for the convention. But I'm leery of the huge corporate Capitalist frenzy of ripoffs it no doubt will inspire as one of many ways to thwart the masses from participating. And I also have a four month old baby, so I don't know how practical it would be. But then again, revolution is never practical.
Anyway, I'm not putting you on the spot Bosch - we'll probably work something out. Your mentality, however, is the way we should all be thinking.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
If delegates do not show up, they do not have a vote, right?
What happens to the delegate count if way more Sanders delegates show up than HRC's? (Need at least 600 more, to also overtake SD count)
Is there a way to nationally coordinate getting ALL Sanders' pledged delegates to the convention? Including housing, feeding and transporting them.
Can someone make an app that changes convention date in the calendars of all HRC delegates? (Hey, using an HRC tactic is not all bad at this point.) = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Those are good questions...
I know nothing definitively, but my guess would be that if HRC delegates don't show, then they do not vote.
In my Wisconsin district we have 6 delegates + 1 alternate. Bernie won the district, but not be enough to split 4/2. Instead we have 3Sanders/3Clinton. However, since Bernie won the district, the alternate delegate is pledged to Bernie. So right there, if one of the HRC delegates can not make it, the Bernie alt is in.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.