Black Like Me

Wizardry, it is really not all that difficult.

Mostly—and like most everything else—it requires mostly Will.

And The Mad Bomber, the one thing she surely has, is Will. Will to be the president. "Eight years of Bill, and eight years of Hill." That has been the watchword, for her and The Clenis, since before the mists of time.

No one has ever been able to really determine why they both wanted to be the president. Except that they did. And do. Oh, they so surely do.

And so, in these days immediately following the New Hampshire primary, a primary in which the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man beat The Mad Bomber, and beat her like a gong, a gong so loud it was heard—deafeningly—even in neighboring galaxies; a primary where the Deli Man walked off with the votes of women, where he split with The Mad Bomber the votes of non-white people, where 58% of the people who eight years ago cleaved to The Mad Bomber deserted her this time for the Cranky one . . . The Mad Bomber, in desperate reaction, has turned to dark wizardry, and has attained, and now wielded, the power to transform melanin.

This first became apparent when a Mad Bomber spokesmouth decreed that the state of Nevada, where next The Mad Bomber, on February 20, must meet the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, is "a state that is 80% white voters."

Here, through dark-wizarding magic, The Mad Bomber has magically transformed some 28.5% of the state's brown people, into white people.

Why have the brown people become white? Because the campaign of The Mad Bomber is now a-feared that the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man may in Nevada come somewhere near to cleaning her clock. And so, The Story, it must be maintained, that only the white people, would ever go, for such a bro.

Oh happy day! When Jesus walked! He who but turned loaves into fish! And dead fish to live people! And piss-water to sparkling wine! But never like—blessed be Her name—Mad Bomber Hill, who changes brown skin to white! Oh! happy! day!


But this miracle, it was as nothing, compared to the ceaselessly ejaculating spritz of oh! happy! day! dark wizarding miracles, that The Mad Bomber, she carpet-bombed upon the people, Thursday night, in her nationally televised debate, against the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man.

Where she felt she needed to be black as night. To appeal to The Negroes, of South Carolina. Her vaunted "firewall."

She strode upon the stage, did The Mad Bomber, in some top the color of the dogshit of a dog that is really sick, that looked like it was made of vinyl, and that was buttoned tight at the neck, like she didn't want people to see the Frankenstein scars where her head has been sewn onto her body.

And soon, during the course of the debate, she announced—blushing—that she has secretly always been a black person. Yes, in truth, her melanin content—it is off the charts. She is actually blacker than Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King—even Koko the gorilla.

And the foreign leader she most admires, The Mad Bomber soberly intoned, is Nelson Mandela. She then revealed that, in fact, she spent a couple years as Mandela's cellmate, there in South Africa. After she had bombed some white people. For The Cause.

She meanwhile wrapped herself so tightly around the Kenyan, that eventually she had to break down and confess that she has been fucking him for years. Then, she produced photos. She next admitted that when she disappeared from public view because of that alleged concussion, her absence was actually actuated because she was pregnant with the Kenyan's baby. And then she trotted the little tot out on stage.

To close, The Mad Bomber gave the black power salute, and then tried to do the electric boogaloo.

But it was then that the stitches came undone, there under the vinyl, and her head fell off her body.

Huma Abedin ran out, shrieking, picked up the head, and cradled it to her bosoms, sobbing.

The head, even though disconnected from the body, kept yammering: "Right on! Power to the people! Amandla Awethu!"

But this was shielded from the audience, and from those watching at home, by a phalanx of black establishment Negroes—for yes, they make Negroes, in the establishment variety, just like they make them in the Democratic, or gay, or journalistic, or Marxist, or Israel-first, or Putin-boyfriending, or civil-liberties, or feminist, variety; and though, nothing, or nobody, can take anything, away, from the likes of John Lewis, who, in 1964 had his skull fractured by pigmeat police white racists, that does not prevent him (so sorry) from in 2016 being, establishment, perhaps, yea verily, old in the way, Negro—and thus, the newly melanined Mad Bomber, she was free at last, free at last, thank gol almighty, free at last!

I have been projectile-vomiting to the Clintons since 1992. When The Clenis pulled his dick out of various holes—one of which was his presidential campaign—to fly back to Arkansas, where he was then governor, to avidly oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector. A man so brain-damaged he saved his last-meal piece of pie so he could eat it after he was executed. All part of The Clenis' carefully crafted and absolutely intentional wink-wink-nod-nod signaling system to the good ol' boys among the electorate that he, The Clenis, hated niggers, just as much as they did, and so he would even put to death, a fuckin' dumb-ass retarded black sum'bitch, by gumby, shit howdy, I'll be go to hell.

But I don't know that I have otherwise ever seen anything so bad from these people as that shiveringly obvious pandering from The Mad Bomber Thursday night.

I thought for an encore she might even call up Kanye West to mount her on stage.

I know for a fact that extraterrestrials viewing this debate, after, extended the "no go" zone around this planet an additional 55 parsecs.

And small wonder. The woman is an embarrassment to entire galaxies. She needs to go to a Home. And that is where she is going. She can drag out all the old John Lewis fossils she wants. But it's—as Grace Slick once said, on a morn there at Woodstock—a new dawn. People like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Michelle Alexander are speaking now. The Lewises, they had their day: but this, this is no longer, their day. A person on this blog speaks now and again of "generational soveriegnty." Like a fair quantum of what that person speaks of, now and again, there is good truth in that. It is amusing, quantum, and right, all at once, that the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, so old himself in age, is breaking the crust, allowing to come up from under, people so much younger, people heretofore too silent. But: silent: no more.

The Mad Bomber, she is just over. All that is required now, is to wait for the time to catch up.


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Herr Kissinger, her war criminal bff, who I believe is of the undead. And the mad women, in Frankenstein fashion, now has in her cranium, his transplanted brain. This explains many things.

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hecate's picture

why she tripped and fell, while attempting the electric boogaloo. It's really hard to dance, when Henry is in your head.

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wendy davis's picture

and so well done! you've almost made me care about the election (smile). i wonder what glen ford will do with the fact that the congressional black misleadership caucus just endorsed the Witch of Endor. can't wait to see, cuz he ain't much of a bern fan, either, but it may be too ludicrous to leave alone.

i admit i was gob-smacked that the SEIU has ponied up millions for the 'fight for 15' campaign, hoping for new members, then recently endorsed...the Witch, for whom $12 an hour is...okey dokey. yeah, they want 'a seat at the table'. the assh*le trumka got one, and he got pwned by obomba over what? obamaDontCare. whooosh, were the rank and file members vexed.

i dunno, paul street wrote as essay answering coates' claim of not being 'bougie'; it rang right to me, but i do tend to like deconstructionist iconoclasm of media stars..of any stripe or color.

nice piece; i loved it. but i tend more in this direction, i reckon.


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hecate's picture

Ford? The brown clown who claims the Deli Man is a sheepdog?

Street, confined in "class" prison. Sad.

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wendy davis's picture

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hecate's picture

work in the criminal-justice system, and so I see, every day, first-hand, that "class" hogwash has little to say to black people, or people of any color.

When I speak of Europeans or mental Europeans, I'm not allowing for false distinctions. I'm not saying that on the one hand there are the by-products of a few thousand years of genocidal, reactionary, European intellectual development which is bad; and on the other hand there is some new revolutionary intellectual development which is good. I'm referring here to the so-called theories of Marxism and anarchism and "leftism" in general. I don't believe these theories can be separated from the rest of the European intellectual tradition. It's really just the same old song.

Hegel and Marx were heirs to the thinking of Newton, Descartes, Locke, and Smith. Hegel finished the process of secularizing theology—and that is put in his own terms—he secularized the religious thinking through which Europe understood the universe. Then Marx put Hegel's philosophy in terms of "materialism," which is to say that Marx despiritualized Hegel’s work altogether. Again, this is in Marx' own terms. And this is now seen as the future revolutionary potential of Europe.

Europeans may see this as revolutionary, but American Indians see it simply as still more of that same old European conflict between being and gaining. The intellectual roots of a new Marxist form of European imperialism lie in Marx's—and his followers'—links to the tradition of Newton, Hegel, and the others.

Being is a spiritual proposition. Gaining is a material act. Traditionally, American Indians have always attempted to be the best people they could. Part of that spiritual process was and is to give away wealth, to discard wealth in order not to gain. Material gain is an indicator of false status among traditional people, while it is "proof that the system works" to Europeans. Clearly, there are two completely opposing views at issue here, and Marxism is very far over to the other side from the American Indian view.

Revolutionary Marxism is committed to even further perpetuation and perfection of the very industrial process which is destroying us all. It offers only to "redistribute" the results—the money, maybe—of this industrialization to a wider section of the population. It offers to take wealth from the capitalists and pass it around. But in order to do so, Marxism must maintain the industrial system.

Revolutionary Marxism, like industrial society in other forms, seeks to "rationalize" all people in relation to industry—maximum industry, maximum production. It is a materialist doctrine that despises the American Indian spiritual tradition, our cultures, our lifeways. Marx himself called us "precapitalists" and "primitive." Precapitalist simply means that, in his view, we would eventually discover capitalism and become capitalists: we have always been economically retarded in Marxist terms. The only manner in which American Indian people could participate in a Marxist revolution would be to join the industrial system, to become factory workers, or "proletarians" as Marx called them. The man was very clear about the fact that his revolution could occur only through the struggle of the proletariat, that the existence of a massive industrial system is a precondition of a successful Marxist society.

I think there’s a problem with language here. Christians, capitalists, Marxists. All of them have been revolutionary in their own minds, but none of them really mean revolution. What they really mean is a continuation.

They do what they do in order that European culture can continue to exist and develop according to its needs. So, in order for us to really join forces with Marxism, we American Indians would have to accept the national sacrifice of our homeland; we would have to commit cultural suicide and become industrialized and Europeanized.

All European tradition, Marxism included, has conspired to defy the natural order of all things. Mother Earth has been abused, the powers have been abused, and this cannot go on forever. No theory can alter that simple fact. Mother Earth will retaliate, the whole environment will retaliate, and the abusers will be eliminated. Things come full circle, back to where they started. That's revolution.

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mimi's picture

mind of average Europeans in a way it's written about by US marxists somewhere. It always amazed me how they go back to all that old stuff, nobody today has any inclination to study. There may be remnants of splinter parties that call themselves marxist etc. but they would need to change their language to make the younger generation to understand what they are about. I had hoped we can close the books on Marxism in the late eighties and early nineties. But some still have to cling to it.

Russel Means was right in what he wrote. But I think you need to mention that he wrote this in 1980. And those times are in some aspects bygone. Marxism is a theory that was shelved a long time ago. There are some left-over splinter parties, that use still their theories and wording, but they are like walking skeletons. Some people need to borrow its vocabulary and show off with their knowledge of those political theories of the past, but it certainly doesn't interest any of the generation under the forty to fifty years old in Europe much.

I think there are still classes (the haves), which has all the money and with it all the political power, and another class (the have much less or nothing at all), that have no political power anymore. But all the rest is ... not on my horizon ... and as far as my horizon goes, I don't see many people being interested in it. But I see a lot of people interested in equal rights, human rights, civil rights and liberties and social justice, unrelated to former theories, which came out of Europe. Socialism and democratic socialism, yes, marxism, yawn. (most have no clue other than it has something to do with pink anyway).

May be I just say that because I am too lazy to study those things of the "political science curriculum" and need an excuse and don't want to be impressed by those who are experts in those areas.

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mimi's picture

"class" hogwash was not my own formulation, but quoted from the previous comment. Just saying.

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wendy davis's picture

who'd said your deli man was sheep doggin' for clinton.

now i have no idea in which part of the US criminal Injustice system you work, but you've confused me mightily with your claims. first, your claim that class has nothing to say to blacks or people of any weird, especially as they are not monolithic, and how would you know, really? nor do i begin to grasp why you quote russell means on the issue. even AIM distanced themselves from him here and there. yes, it may have been somewhat due to all the blame-pointing in the murder of anna mae aquash, but certainly not entirely.

but i'd submit that the intersection of race and class (and trans and class and race) is exactly where most of the murders by police, beat-downs, incarcerations, death penalty by judge and jurty, Negro-farming for bucks for multiple nonsense warrants, deaths 'in custody' occur. the other 'class' category of Expendables (those with almost no constituent representation) are the mentally ill. they are murdered by the State even more often than blacks, tragically.

now i dunno what means' net worth was hen he died, but it may not have been his European rant that made him so avidly anti-Marxist. but goodness gracious, one doesn't have to be in thrall to any particular anti-capitalist credo to understand that Capitalism itself requires an underclass to serve it, and blacks and first americans have always been that since the firt days of the 'colonies', and in the Constitution. most of the black and brown underclass feel this, if not formally know it, although in the twittershere, many are seeming to get more educated about their history, pat hereoes, and their philosophies. assatta, malcolm x, and even the radical visionary version of MLK, jr., and incarcerated dissidents.

but whoa, nellie. isn't some of this what the deli man is about? you've lost me, or i am laboring under some delusions about the meaning of headlines. inequality (yes, for social democrats it's that, but wealth equality is more pertinent), access to equal power under a true democracy, access to equal justice under the law? as pascal robert (might have his name wrong) said on trnn today: 'do you think if every black in amerika got a million dollars in reparation...racism and while supremacy would end?'

anyhoo, according to the Guardian’s ‘the counted’, in 2015 1140 USians were killed by police (their count lags ‘killed by police on facebook’ a bit) 7.2 % per million were black, 2.92 white. but of course they don't have any way to dig into class.

but yes, color me baffled, hecate.

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hecate's picture

became a goofball who hung out with the Pauls and other retroverts, but that doesn't to me detract from the truth of what he said in 1980. "Class," all that—it's a white thing.

I rarely talk about this stuff here, because experience has shown that people mostly don't want to hear it, which is fine with me, as everybody, myself included, we like to hear, what it is we like to hear. ; ) All I know is that the black and brown and red defendants I deal with are treated the way they are because of their race. Not their class. I could bore you all year, with stories. : /

And he's not "my" Deli Man. ; ) I think he's fun, and he has a good heart, but as I think maybe I mentioned here previously, I am really for Annabella Piugattuk.

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mimi's picture

All I know is that the black and brown and red defendants I deal with are treated the way they are because of their race.

I think that's true, especially if you are not among the "highly educated and successful" black, brown or red people. And if you are, then they have an "envy" for your excellent skills and you are "not liked", they just they don't show it to your face. But if they can get you, they do get you, and destroy you easily.

Oh well. Nice world out there.

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triv33's picture

Whereas poor, low-rent white defendants are treated as they are because their class marks them as deserving of the same defense and treatment in my neck of the woods. That would be southeastern Pennsylvania. No, I don't work in the system, I have family, both black and white, who've had the sad experience of having dealings there. I would love to tell you that my white family has gotten more time with a public defender, or has gotten any kind of better outcome what-so-ever, but sadly, no. If you need a public defender around here, it's going to be a case of "let's make a deal, " regardless of your guilt or innocence, because if you can't pay? Unless it's a really big case, they don't have time for anything else. But that's just what I've seen from the other side over the past 30 years, the intersection where racism and classism meets, and money walks, if you have enough of it.

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

wendy davis's picture

thank you for seeing what is.

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wendy davis's picture

(and shrug).

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mimi's picture

but I do understand her/him (darn I forgot what hecate is) now, after the second comment s/he made downstairs. I personally can't get exited about Marxists, as I said above. Lived too close to them and kinda was not that impressed, if you understand what I mean. ... And it is history. Socialism is not history.

The Russel Means background you know all about is not that well known to me. The books about him are in my boxes. I knew there were controversies about him, but don't remember anymore which ones they were. So, the evil came all from the white European "tribes" he said more or less. I can't deny that. We Europeans made the poor white folks in Europe flee to America to look for a better life, they got their better life by stealing the land from the American Indians and crushing their culture, and they cooperated nicely in the profits they could make off the slave trade and for the poorer whites they may not have profited from it, but they needed to stick with the profiteers, because they needed to survive just a tiny bit better and freer than the slaves. So, Russel Means is to the point and quite right.

Now for the USian whites today, what else can they do to "make good" than to try to get rid of the wealth and rights inequalities between white people and all rest, brown, red, black, yellow what have you. That's were the "class" comes back, but without the Marxist theoretical foundation it used to have back in the days in Europe. There are class-like wealth inequalities without Marxism today everywhere in the world. So, I wouldn't make a big fuss about it, if they are marxist sort of classes or simply wealth and rights related classes. Oh, ok, of course I mean to say, make a big fuss about it, because it's so unjust and unfair.

My son is working class brown. He worked in a working class rainbow colored environment. Consistently the non-white folks are the ones that get fired first. That's not class related, that is race related. People don't want to hear that, but it's a fact.

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wendy davis's picture

that is a very modern, if not post-modern 'social' concept. opinions vary as to why this construct was so important, and gawd knows i hate bringing a richard dawkins piece, but in haste, i do bring it. remember the 'one drop law', for instance?

"“More than 100 years ago, American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people. He spoke out against the idea of “white” and “black” as discrete groups, claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity.
Science would favor Du Bois. Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning. And yet, you might still open a study on genetics in a major scientific journal and find categories like “white” and “black” being used as biological variables.”

wish i had time to find a pithier explanation, though. but i think of 'jewish', as well. not race, mebbe culture, or something else?

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mimi's picture

social and cultural differences between "black ethnicities". They have all the same "race", but different cultures, languages (dialects) and display different socio-economic status or potentials. I am just not able to express it well. To me "race" is an excuse for blaming one's own failure to cope with social and socio-economic injustices that exist between peoples. The injustice felt based on those inequality between groups of people is then transferred into hate towards the other and as soon as you can find a visible difference between the groups, which mostly is their physical features and visible different languages and religious practices. That's the point where it becomes "racism" and seen as the root cause of the socio-economic injustices. But to me it's not the root cause, but the resulting effect of socio-economic inequalities.

To me it's just a question of what is causes by what. And I believe it's the inequality among peoples with regards to their socio-economic status and their rights not being equal, that causes racism. You can observe different ethnicites or tribes (to outsiders all from the same 'race') living side by side in peace. Introduce a social inequality for whatever unforeseen reasons and you have tribal wars, bloodshed, hate and genocidal wars. Study African tribal wars. How do they come about. Du Bois was right.

That's why I am inclined to believe that socialist and social democratic policies are the preferred way to at least try to minimize the causes for hate and envy between groups of people who are not ethnically and culturally the same.

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mimi's picture

is confusing me and is a bit overwhelming and over my capabilities. So, I don't feel comfortable to get into it any further. I am not quite sure what is even discussed among hecate, wendy and trix. May be something for you to figure out among yourself. In my mind you all are right with your arguments ... Smile

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mimi's picture

"Eight years of Bill, and eight years of Hill."

... is like a perfect kill.

I guess I am "well roasted and toasted" now, ie totally burned (sorry for misspelling).

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