Black Lives Matter Occupys New York City Hall

Breaking news!

Anti-police violence organization Millions March NYC this morning began occupying City Hall Park in Downtown Manhattan, demanding NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton's immediate resignation and an end to his signature Broken Windows policing.
"We're not targets," Millions March organizer Cleo Jeffryes told us last month, when the occupation was announced. "We're human beings. Bill Bratton is a racist and a bigot who's done so much to harm the black and brown community."

That's right! Bratton is a piece of racist crap that initiated The Safer Cities Initiative in L.A. under the auspices of "Broken Windows." Bratton and Giuliani are a matched set of racist turds that every single American should despise.

How these pathetic excuses for human beings climbed to power is a sick commentary on American politics and culture.

BLM is in their third week of occupying L.A. Shitty Hall:

They say "Get back!" We say "Fight back!"

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Good for them! The American People begin to fight for the democracy they're entitled to, according to a Constitution where rights guaranteed all citizens throughout America are not respected by those supposedly protecting them.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

oppression of the Palestinian people and making the connection with the unacceptable police actions here. Black Lives Matter is effective in defining the issues important to the group, and citizens en masse, and calling attention to them while keeping the pressure on the offending officials.

Bratton is gone - Will his policies be rescinded?

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

a Dem Party-approved pocket Constitution.

If not, no need to buy a copy from Amazon (where it has shot to an overnight best-seller), 'cause lots of folks - like the ACLU - give them away for free.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

and a little plastic flag Made in China?

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Meteor Man's picture

Bush - Constitution
'Just A Goddamned
Piece Of Paper'

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

riverlover's picture

Typical. Blind to issues affecting the 99%. But Trump! Zika!!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alex Ocana's picture

...has it covered

Protesters Say They Will Occupy City Hall Park Until the NYPD Is No MoreMONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2016 AT 10:44 A.M.

"I’m not going to deny, I’m nervous about the day," Hassein said. "I can’t control what the violent racist police are going to do to us, but that’s not going to stop us from coming into the streets and letting our message be heard."

NY Post: Radicals ‘occupy’ City Hall Park calling for Bill Bratton’s Head

Ok, there is an urgent need for #BLM and everyone else with a conscious to occupy every city hall in the damn country. The whole stinking swamp of these racist, totalitarian asshole corporate-state officials need to accountable and face serious jail time. Be sure to bring lots of water to share, we don't want any protesters getting dehydrated.

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From the Light House.

riverlover's picture

Ithaca NY, verdant country, city by a Lake, is running short of water. Unheard of in the NE US, but here we are. I have interests in the Great Lakes watershed, Ithaca is part of that. 5 miles from me is the watershed between St Lawrence and Chesapeake outflows. I have a private well.

I have also bought bottled (stolen) water once in my life. I refuse to pay Nestle, Coca-cola or Pepsico for plastic bottles of stolen water. I like my well water. Practicing small by not flushing, not watering my outside investments in plantae, not washing the car, etc.

Supporting demonstrators is now a Big Deal. And I have two very local energy, not-for-us operations going on that deserve my attention. I can NIMBY righteously. We will all have to take to the streets. Sad times. Peace and love to you.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alex Ocana's picture

The small island nation of Dominica is very rich in water, with a 5000 elevation catching the clouds, and 365 rivers reaching the sea. So... when I do get bottled water, its local "Trois Patons" bottled by Josephine Gabriel & Co. based in Roseau. I refill the bottles from the spring water in the tap and freeze it to assure ice cold water throughout the day, even though it rarely gets above or below 75-85 F. around here. Can't freeze water in glass so I have to put up with whatever chemical stew in the plastic bottles.

Because of hurricanes we do need to keep a case of water in the house.

I had forgotten that water is being stolen by Nestle, Pepsico etc. in the USA. And that is one more thing to shut down the political system for.

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From the Light House.

I live in the Mohawk Valley, where the water flows into the Hudson River and from there into the North Atlantic Ocean.

If you collect water, you have three days to either use it or pour a few drops of any convenient salad oil. The oil spreads out on top of the water to make a film that mosquitoes cannot penetrate.

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Mary Bennett

blazinAZ's picture

There are many news reports, so I'm thinking this is true. Bratton is going to resign today.

I don't have high expectations of his replacement (whoever he is) because the whole policing system is rotten to the core, but this is a wonderful example of effective community pressure.

At this rate, the NYPD will be defunded by the weekend!

Hashtags to follow: #ShutDownCityHallNYC #FreedomSquare

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There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka

Meteor Man's picture

One small step for justice, one giant leap for BLM.

One Chief of Police steps down in San Francisco:

Now Bratton bites the dust? Never surrender! Never turn back!

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

I saw this earlier, via Buzzflash: NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton resigning, Chief of Department James O'Neill to take over; abrupt departure comes amid reports of private sector job offer
But of course, the protest had zip to do with the decision.

Both Bratton and de Blasio said an ongoing NYPD corruption scandal and demands for his resignation by Black Lives Matter protesters had zero impact on the commissioner’s departure.

The mayor said flatly that the controversy “110% has nothing to do with this,” and heaped praise on Bratton for the work done during his second go-round.

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You keep using that word...

Meteor Man's picture

(From the link above)

But of course, the protest had zip to do with the decision.

On the other hand:

Ex-cop and CUNY professor Eugene O’Donnell put a different spin on the departure, insisting Bratton was abandoning s sinking ship.

“The department is in sorry shambles, but because crime is down and the city is safe its not noticeable,” said O’Donnell. “It's a shattered department and a job that's unwanted and undoable.”

BLM don't give a fart about the reason. Bratton is toast!

Anti-Bratton protesters outside City Hall celebrated at word of the commissioner’s decision.

“This proves that people have power,” said Ruben Mendez, 25. “This proves that people can stand together against a form of injustice. I'm very surprised it happened so soon. Looks like we're getting our wish.”

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

I don't have much respect for BLM. They too often fight the wrong way and for the wrong causes, IMO. But the one thing I do respect them for is that at least they fight. They don't worry about appearing acceptable to the police or the general public the way white progressives often do.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Wrong way? What is the wrong way, and what do you think would be the right way?

Wrong causes? What wrong causes and what causes should they be fighting?

Smile Sincere questions.

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From the Light House.

we all want THAT answer?

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Police violence kills hundreds of blacks a year, some of whom are actually violent criminals. Starvation and lack of access to medical care kill tens of thousands of blacks a year and all of them are innocent.

So BLM interrupts Bernie when he's talking about policies that will help save thousands of lives to demand he save hundreds instead? That's bad math... or do none of those lives matter?

That's only one example, but it's probably the best one.

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should be taken into account-who hasn't heard of, or given "The Talk"??? Read this and see how one woman experiences the effect of police violence:

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And poverty doesn't affect most of them?

Spare me your virtue signaling.

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lotlizard's picture

but (small-l) libertarians’ push to end it never gets any traction among African Americans. Libertarians are tagged as privileged white racists, end of story.

Signalling beats substance every time — that seems to be the nature of American political culture.

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Spare me YOUR condescension. "Virtue signalling'? Really?

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