"... asking us for World Peace! No more wars!"
My tweet, which has pretty much gone viral with at least 3 retweets! Try not to be too jealous of my fame, thanks:
When's the last time a politician said, with conviction, "World Peace! No More War!" #BirdieSanders https://t.co/5MSemO99M6
— Nightprowlkitty (@Nightprowlkitty) March 26, 2016
My first posted tweet, so apologies in advance if I did it wrong.
I'm sure most people reading here at the Caucus have heard about the now top trending hashtag #BirdieSanders. Here's the video showing a little bird landing on stage and then flying up to Bernie's podium:
When Bernie sees the bird, his attention is immediate, recognizing a fellow sentient being, as it were. When the bird flies up to the podium it almost looks like Bernie is having a conversation with the bird, at one point actually shrugging his shoulders at it.
Then after a beat he goes into this amazing riff:
I think there may be some symbolism here (giant applause). I know it doesn't look like it but that bird is really a dove asking us for world peace! No more wars!
Is this also being too unrealistic? Are we here in America allowed to appreciate a symbolic aspiration for world peace? Can we even be allowed to think about world peace?
What we are told by our conditioned and crumbling society is that we should fear everything and give up all our rights and liberties in order to be safe. That's just the way the world is, we are told.
Look at the faces in the audience as they turn their heads up to watch that bird fly. Listen to the roar of acceptance at hearing someone in power actually say "World Peace! No more wars!"
These are the people who are at present locked out of our political process. We've seen all the obstacles, from big money to giant media monsters to PACs run by people like Spinny McSpinnerson, all the jive, all that jive. Jivealicious, I'd say. Every bit of that jive is designed to keep us from even aspiring to peace in any realistic way. Not even to think about it.
A lot of symbolism in this big Bernie gig in Portland, OR. Good Friday, rebirth, all that. There's more than a few metaphors to be had as well, not to mention the simile of #BirdieSanders on top of my trend list, immediately followed by #TrumpLovesPecker. Har. (I did just find that #TrumpLovesPecker has gone down a notch while #BirdieSanders is still at the top).
When Bernie says "think big," that frightens the powers that be. It's silly to be frightened of thinking big, but for too long so many in this country have been conditioned to believe thinking big is actually a bad thing.
Enough is enough. It's time. What more do we need, Gabriel and his Trumpet??

Oh, I might even get a reply to this vapid comment
by someone famous! lol!
I have not had a particularly good day, but that bird thing with Bernie, how he reacted, will go with me to my grave.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I can't help being famous, I'm that good!
Thank you for such a human comment, no jivey cynicism. I feel the same way, it will "go with me to my grave."
Beat in the USA.
You are right...
We can't let them beat out of us the hope that we can put an end to war. So many have accepted perpetual war, embraced it, become enthralled by it almost like it's a sporting event with "them" and "us".
just finished watching it for the umpteenth time and that was my comment to the dog. "I will remember this forever." It's not just the cool interaction with nature, though that would have been plenty, and it's not just his response throughout the entire interaction, which was also just genuinely delightful, but what will always stick with me are the faces in the crowd.
To be at a Bernie event is exciting, it seems, but so many people in that crowd were enraptured by a little bird on a stage. A little bird. To me, that says everything about the kind of people who support Bernie. We aren't saints but damnit most of us are good people who have been smeared because our candidate is unsmearable. But look at those faces! They immediately understand how cool it us for nature to have shown up like that. Even before Bernie sees the bird. And they get it throughout the entire connection between Bernie and the bird. And then, they get the symbolism and freaking lose it that Bernie also immediately gets the symbolism. Jesus H. Christ. All sorts of amazing shit just happened in a minute and a half and now we'll have gifs and memes of it forever and I am so freaking ok with that.
I was also struck by the faces in the crowd.
Just so open and beautiful.
Beat in the USA.
And the Angels Sing ...
never heard the prelude to this one before. applicable.
Beat in the USA.
The world thinks the USA is the principal threat
The rest of the world regards the USA as the principal threat to peace. Let's pull back a bunch of our 1000 overseas bases, bring home our troops, and stop the drone wars.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
If I were to chose what most
If I were to chose what most simply and clearly represented Sanders gift, it might very well be this 1 minute in time.
Thank you NPK for the smile.
Gorgeous! n/t
Beat in the USA.
This looks like a good place
to pop in Sanders latest ad with Tulsi Gabbard.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I think I've watched that clip
at least a dozen times already and it makes me smile and tear up every time. Such a revealing moment, and I love it when Bernie smiles!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
That's very, very cool.
Charming birds out of the sky. Doesn't get much better than that.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
The Spirit of The Earth has made It's endorsement.
And I really believe it.
#BirdieSanders for sure.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I don't ignore stuff like this
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Celtic Woman...
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Saw them live in Pittsburgh a few years back...
Amazing talent and very unique and enjoyable show.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I just love this whole little
I just love this whole little 'event' on so many levels!
Its the very epitome of serendipidty! Completely utterly spontaneous, unscripted, astonishing and remarkable. It happened. I mean, it just ...happened! And of course, Bernie totally ran with it! ha!
I love how it's (among other things) so totally open to interpretation, ya know? If you believe this way or that, you can spin it to this or that, heh. Personally, I love the totem symbolism... I dont even care if it's really a 'sparrow' or what kind of specific bird it is, it's still, well, it's a frikkin BIRD! That it behaved the way it did, in the midst of a massive and noisy crowd of people, it just blows my mind. So responsive and it just zeroed in on Bernie at that podium.
In this place. In this time. At that moment.
Blows. my. mind.
I mean... whether you 'believe in' God/Gods/Goddesses or dog or gaia or FSM or nothingess, I just don't see how anyone can discount this little moment! It was so precise, so perfect... {sigh}
I saw a little bit of Rachel Maddow talkin' about it last night on her show, not to harp on this but SHEESH. In her intro, she went to great lengths to 'splain how a wild bird in a stadium really is not at all "weird" or odd or uncommon or anything particularly spectacular. Random birds flutter around inside large indoor manmade spaces like that ALL the TIME. Really, she said that. D'oh.
As many others have said already, this is something I won't forget for a long long time. Joy.
Thank you!
I feel like I could write pages on what we got to witness with Bernie, the bird, and the people. Great to see so many people are so similarly moved (curmudgeons excluded). That makes the whole thing even more incredible. The sharing of it and in it.
And Bernie's face when he first sees the bird. A quick smile. Hides it. Smile busts out again. He hides it. Then that great Bernie laugh! WTH, he seems to say, let's just roll with the little birdie. I agree with so many of his policies but this is why I say that I love this man. Love him and what he's brought to this country for so long. Oh, what a moment we have been given.
Loved it too
Poor Rachel may have drunk the Koolaid. She used to be curious. Open.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Never been a fan of hers.
She doesn't know how to cover Bernie. Not unusual, since very few of the corporate media understand the phenomenon.
Beat in the USA.
Pretty sure
that, when the bird flies off, Bernie mouths "that was unbelievable." Anyone else attempt to lip read that?
For too long
For too long war has been a massive business venture and game for the upper 1% of the world. It is time they stopped selling those over-priced toys all the time and the upper crusty folks stopped using people for toy soldiers.
Would that bird have trusted Hillary like that? I don't think so, her energy is not positive.
So long, and thanks for all the fish