AMLO tried to put Mexico's former presidents on trial for the crime of Neoliberalism
Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has become my favorite political leader in the world. He's also one of the most popular politicians in the world, with an astounding 65% approval rating.
His lowest approval rating was in July at 57%, right before he attempted to put Mexico's corrupt former presidents on trial.
in August, López Obrador held a referendum on whether the government should put five previous presidents on trial for alleged crimes such as “neoliberalism” and the “privatization of public goods.”
I think it's absolutely wild that he considers neoliberalism to be a crime - because it is.
Also, this quote was from an op-ed denouncing AMLO.
As for the referendum, well, it was worded extremely vaguely after the Mexican Supreme Court told him "You can't say that!"
This Sunday, August 1, Mexicans will be asked to vote in a referendum on the following question: “Do you agree that pertinent actions should be taken, in adherence with the laws and constitution, to begin a process to clarify political decisions taken in previous years by political actors, with the aim of guaranteeing justice and the rights of possible victims?”Pundits have debated the meaning of this vaguely worded question, written by the Supreme Court after it rejected the original version drafted by lawmakers from Lopez Obrador’s Morena party. But López Obrador, who first proposed this referendum before taking office in 2018, and who has relentlessly pushed for it since then, has made crystal clear what the question means and how he intends to proceed if the outcome is positive.
“It is a question that can be translated simply,” he explained at a news conference last month. “Do you want former presidents Carlos Salinas, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderón, and Enrique Peña Nieto to be investigated and put on trial, in accordance with the law? Yes or no. The text is different, but in essence, that’s it.” He even outlined the specific offenses for which he believes each past president should be put on trial. Campaigners for the referendum have been more direct. “Do you want Salinas, Peña, and Calderón to go to jail?” read their signs.
The president and his supporters have framed this referendum as an exercise in the rule of law and a way to end the impunity that plagues Mexico.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, the referendum didn't pass.
Only seven percent of voters participated. It required 40 percent voter for the referendum result to be legally binding.
Which usually indicates a done deal. Except for two things:
1) 98% of voters that did participate voted "yes". That makes one wonder why more voters didn't participate in what appears to be a popular referendum?
2) Maybe, just maybe, those voters were prevented from voting.
In comparison to June’s legislative, regional, and local elections, for which more than 160,000 ballot boxes were set up across the country, for Sunday’s referendum Mexico’s Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) established only about 57,000 such boxes—provoking the ire of AMLO, who has frequently sparred with the electoral body
I've posted before about AMLO and how much I love how he's pissing off the ruling class. I just hope that he lives a long and healthy life.
I hope AMLO has a food taster (and that food taster deserves to be paid well), and that he's careful about any airplane and helicopter flights.

Time this Bat flew south for the Winter of Our Discontent?
It would be so (comparatively) easy, too....
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It appears that AMLO is not overly intimidated by his ...
northern neighbour.
He recently sent medical and food supplies to Cuba.
It appears that when the CIA got involved
Mexico is the leader of
Mexico is the leader of Spanish speaking America. If you want to go anywhere south of Mexico city you have to go through the Mexico City airport. Mexico has a whole team of people that go to other Spanish speaking countries to certify elections and act as mediators for issues that arise. I have two friends who certify elections they can't come visit us here in the US because they have been to sketchy countries our government doesn't like. Never mind he was there as law, order and making sure people felt free to vote. Counting the vote so people can be assured it's fair.
In reality they are doing better. I really wasn't sure they would ever get a decent fair government after Donaldo Colossio was assassinated. He was their RFK. It sucked the life and hope right out of the people. It pretty much looks like they have a handle on it.
They tend to be smarter than us, or at least way more street wise. The don't see the stupid stuff our government does as the fault of us regular folks. They know all about corrupt.