are difficult to witness
as I am sure you are
well aware of
we do our best to protect the innocent
the complicit do not deserve the same degree
of forgiveness.
thanks o t c
# The DNC cheated him out of the nomination and thus breached their contract. He absolutely knew it. He still went along.
He set the example. Take it up the ass for Team Blue. I do not find that honorable, and that is why I didn't contribute a red cent to him this time. The DNC did it again, he will take it up the ass again.
Not a life lesson I intend to implement into mine To accept a cheat, an outright theft, and BRAG about the spectacular cheats and thieves is NOT RATIONAL ADULT BEHAVIOR.
Tulsi just did the same damn thing.
Cooperating victims.
He disappointed me.
I never particularly liked Tulsi.
Glad they are both getting out of office soon.
4 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
that emanate from sm.relationships This is some local fad right now.
Both damn felony cases are consensual BRUTAL sex, then the woman gets pissed off at the guy for going on a date with someone else.
Opportunistic victimhood.
Anybody that allows themselves to be sacrificial lambs gets no respect, no fucking quarter from me.
@on the cusp
popular vote win in 2016 by five million phantom Clinton voters. He can't prove the existence of even one phantom HRC voter, but like a child he whined about this for a very long time.
Clinton and her supporters believe that Russia/Putin interfered in the US election to cause her to lose. IOW she was cheated out of the win. Can't prove a damn thing and never has such an assertion been studied so exhaustively, but like children they haven't stopped whining since 11/16.
I'm sure Trump and Clinton would be insulted by my comments.
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know. Where? Iowa caucus, NV caucus, Boston in the MA primary, and Brooklyn in the NY primary. Chicago likely because the cheating there is built in. Can't prove any of my suspicions and have no ability to correct such cheating in the future. Plus, I don't know if any of the cheating was enough to give Sanders a win among pledged delegates. Not that it mattered in 2016 because the Super Delegates would have given HRC what she needed.
For all the crabbing about Sanders, he did get an important concession from the DNC. Super Delegates can't participate on the first ballot at the convention,. Forced TPTB to come up with a different way to put their thumbs on the scale. (It's their full-time job; so, it's no wonder that they were able to pull it off.) Plus whatever the level of cheating in 2016, Clinton was rewarded with a loss to Donald f**in Trump.
Gore most definitely was cheated in 2000, but within the time constraints his team flubbed and then was rescued by the FL SC before the US SC shut down the count. Much of the FL 2000 cheating couldn't be proven, but in that case, a full recount of all the ballots would have been sufficient to prove that he won that state. IOW, Gore beat the cheating spread.
# The DNC cheated him out of the nomination and thus breached their contract. He absolutely knew it. He still went along.
He set the example. Take it up the ass for Team Blue. I do not find that honorable, and that is why I didn't contribute a red cent to him this time. The DNC did it again, he will take it up the ass again.
Not a life lesson I intend to implement into mine To accept a cheat, an outright theft, and BRAG about the spectacular cheats and thieves is NOT RATIONAL ADULT BEHAVIOR.
Tulsi just did the same damn thing.
Cooperating victims.
He disappointed me.
I never particularly liked Tulsi.
Glad they are both getting out of office soon.
Did he get Hillary to offer single payer?
Review the disastrous trade policies? The abhorrent crime bill? The bankruptcy bill to allow people who have crushing student debt to get relief?
Did he get her to stop the wars in the Middle East?
Stop supporting the genocidal war on Yemen?
Not create a no fly zone over Syria which would have risked war with Russia?
And no
Even if he had do you think Hillary would have kept her word?
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know.
We covered the emails Wikileaks exposed on how the primary was rigged against Bernie and yes indeed there was lots of cheating. Just the fact that Hillary owned the DNC and had total control over what they could do should be enough evidence of cheating. Plus the fact that donations that went to the DNC were funneled to Hillary's campaign.
How much. Much bigger than we can possibly know.
# popular vote win in 2016 by five million phantom Clinton voters. He can't prove the existence of even one phantom HRC voter, but like a child he whined about this for a very long time.
Clinton and her supporters believe that Russia/Putin interfered in the US election to cause her to lose. IOW she was cheated out of the win. Can't prove a damn thing and never has such an assertion been studied so exhaustively, but like children they haven't stopped whining since 11/16.
I'm sure Trump and Clinton would be insulted by my comments.
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know. Where? Iowa caucus, NV caucus, Boston in the MA primary, and Brooklyn in the NY primary. Chicago likely because the cheating there is built in. Can't prove any of my suspicions and have no ability to correct such cheating in the future. Plus, I don't know if any of the cheating was enough to give Sanders a win among pledged delegates. Not that it mattered in 2016 because the Super Delegates would have given HRC what she needed.
For all the crabbing about Sanders, he did get an important concession from the DNC. Super Delegates can't participate on the first ballot at the convention,. Forced TPTB to come up with a different way to put their thumbs on the scale. (It's their full-time job; so, it's no wonder that they were able to pull it off.) Plus whatever the level of cheating in 2016, Clinton was rewarded with a loss to Donald f**in Trump.
Gore most definitely was cheated in 2000, but within the time constraints his team flubbed and then was rescued by the FL SC before the US SC shut down the count. Much of the FL 2000 cheating couldn't be proven, but in that case, a full recount of all the ballots would have been sufficient to prove that he won that state. IOW, Gore beat the cheating spread.
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Did he get Hillary to offer single payer?
Review the disastrous trade policies? The abhorrent crime bill? The bankruptcy bill to allow people who have crushing student debt to get relief?
Did he get her to stop the wars in the Middle East?
Stop supporting the genocidal war on Yemen?
Not create a no fly zone over Syria which would have risked war with Russia?
And no
Even if he had do you think Hillary would have kept her word?
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know.
We covered the emails Wikileaks exposed on how the primary was rigged against Bernie and yes indeed there was lots of cheating. Just the fact that Hillary owned the DNC and had total control over what they could do should be enough evidence of cheating. Plus the fact that donations that went to the DNC were funneled to Hillary's campaign.
How much. Much bigger than we can possibly know.
3 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Did he get Hillary to offer single payer?
Review the disastrous trade policies? The abhorrent crime bill? The bankruptcy bill to allow people who have crushing student debt to get relief?
Did he get her to stop the wars in the Middle East?
Stop supporting the genocidal war on Yemen?
Not create a no fly zone over Syria which would have risked war with Russia?
And no
Even if he had do you think Hillary would have kept her word?
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know.
We covered the emails Wikileaks exposed on how the primary was rigged against Bernie and yes indeed there was lots of cheating. Just the fact that Hillary owned the DNC and had total control over what they could do should be enough evidence of cheating. Plus the fact that donations that went to the DNC were funneled to Hillary's campaign.
How much. Much bigger than we can possibly know.
3 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
at least he waited till the piece of shit had been handed her prize. WTF, Tulsi.
# The DNC cheated him out of the nomination and thus breached their contract. He absolutely knew it. He still went along.
He set the example. Take it up the ass for Team Blue. I do not find that honorable, and that is why I didn't contribute a red cent to him this time. The DNC did it again, he will take it up the ass again.
Not a life lesson I intend to implement into mine To accept a cheat, an outright theft, and BRAG about the spectacular cheats and thieves is NOT RATIONAL ADULT BEHAVIOR.
Tulsi just did the same damn thing.
Cooperating victims.
He disappointed me.
I never particularly liked Tulsi.
Glad they are both getting out of office soon.
11 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
It took me almost forever to transition from investment in individual pols to just interest in politics.
People say they do not want to talk politics. I hear that all the time.
Well, politics is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, our roof over our heads.
We must stay interested and informed so as to be as prepared for what comes as we can be.
I have given up on my influence in it.
I have resigned myself to just living with the conditions set, and it is important to understand those conditions, their consequences, and be prepared.
I know I have no power.
Except on my turf.
it would have done to have a paltry voice with paltry power at the convention. Her dropping out + endorsement now was her leverage, the height of her power in this cycle, and she has used it, to any slight advantage yet to be disclosed. Maybe for a slot on his FP advisory team a/o transition team a/o cabinet/agency head.
If she was willing to meet f-to-f with Assad, I'm sure she was willing to have a video chat with Uncle Joe.
There is no campaign currently to speak of anyway. No actual physical campaigning. No advantage for anyone to campaign -- few would be listening, still fewer to be persuaded. And the news cycles dominated by C19 and the economy, probably for months to come.
stabbed them in the back in 2016 isn't an adult. He was always honest about that condition for his run as a Democrat. Same holds true this time. If he ran out of campaign funds, suspending his campaign was also acceptable. What's not acceptable is to drop out or suspend and endorse during the primary cycle the candidate that stands for everything his/her supporters rejected. To go into the convention with whatever paltry amount of power that one has earned and be a voice. Bernie did that in '16.
OTOH Biden and his gang aren't going to change; they are neoliberalcons and warhawks. And now Tulsi is one of them by demonstrating that her stated principles were for sale. Who will remember forty years from now? Probably as many as remember all the horrendous decisions Biden has made in his career.
# it would have done to have a paltry voice with paltry power at the convention. Her dropping out + endorsement now was her leverage, the height of her power in this cycle, and she has used it, to any slight advantage yet to be disclosed. Maybe for a slot on his FP advisory team a/o transition team a/o cabinet/agency head.
If she was willing to meet f-to-f with Assad, I'm sure she was willing to have a video chat with Uncle Joe.
There is no campaign currently to speak of anyway. No actual physical campaigning. No advantage for anyone to campaign -- few would be listening, still fewer to be persuaded. And the news cycles dominated by C19 and the economy, probably for months to come.
she (and Bernie) pledged to support the ultimate Dem nominee. Would she not also have sold out her principles by honoring her pledge in July? The principles would stay the same 4 months from now.
This is about both honoring her pledge and doing it at a politically advantageous time now, as well as acknowledging the grim reality of what's going on in the world.
OTOH Biden and his gang aren't going to change; they are neoliberalcons and warhawks. And now Tulsi is one of them by demonstrating that her stated principles were for sale. Who will remember forty years from now? Probably as many as remember all the horrendous decisions Biden has made in his career.
Eventually they'll get someone who believes promises are made to be broken...just like Dirty Joe.
but what is the point of endorsing Biden? She is not running for re-election, and the Democratic party wouldn't piss in her face if she was dying of thirst. I can't see any current or prospective reason for endorsing Biden and she can't be stupid enough to think Biden would actually be a decent President. Can she? She campaigned against regime-change wars and Biden has to be in the top 10 cheerleaders for invading someone, anyone. With McCain gone he may be in the top 5 war cheerleaders. She should have just announced the suspension of her campaign, thanked everyone for their support, and gone surfing.
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
He's already outflanking the Dems to the left, just as he did in 2016. He'll keep that up just long enough to eke out another win - or maybe it won't be an eke.
Especially not if Biden craters from dementia, as he could do at any time.
There will be no Biden Administration.
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
screw over 1 section of the 1%. I doubt he'll do it, but he could.
It's not like Medicare for All is actually bad for ALL of the 1%. In fact, it could economically help some of them. Fuck the insurance guys; get all the other big businessmen who never have to worry about health benefits again on your side.
Oh, wait, I'm talking like there's anybody rational up there. My mistake.
Still, if Trump kept a commitment to Medicare for All, he would kill the Democratic party forever.
He's already outflanking the Dems to the left, just as he did in 2016. He'll keep that up just long enough to eke out another win - or maybe it won't be an eke.
Especially not if Biden craters from dementia, as he could do at any time.
There will be no Biden Administration.
9 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
she is delusional (actually doubly delusional since Biden will likely not win and if he does win she will get nothing). That is why I find her throwing her support to Biden so odd. Maybe she thinks she needs to get along with house Dems for the next few months, but as long as Pelosi is in charge the house will do little of value so why bother. Bernie will probably suspend his campaign soon as well and throw his support behind Biden. If he is the last one opposing Biden and he sees no way to the nomination, that is about his only option. He could just suspend his campaign and thank everyone, but he really thinks Biden is better than Trump so he will not do that. Bernie will get less than nothing from the Democratic party.
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
throws away a promising role high in the DNC hierarchy in 2015 to support the campaign of a renegade "socialist" who was challenging the darling of the Democratic Party? What kind of "opportunist" goes on to alienate the entire cast of party insiders? If she'd just gone along with the corrupt party brass, she'd have been their hands-down favorite for 2020. That's how opportunists play.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
another version of Warren perhaps? Splitting the vote?
Or somebody sat down and had a talk with her. One of those talks.
Either way, the bridge is burned. I have no interest in anything further she has to say.
#7.3 throws away a promising role high in the DNC hierarchy in 2015 to support the campaign of a renegade "socialist" who was challenging the darling of the Democratic Party? What kind of "opportunist" goes on to alienate the entire cast of party insiders? If she'd just gone along with the corrupt party brass, she'd have been their hands-down favorite for 2020. That's how opportunists play.
7 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table.
Why on earth would the DNC think they need to make any concessions to Sanders who is clearly on the losing end of this primary campaign? And remind me of how much power Sanders supporters had in the DNC after the 2016 convention. That's the kind of concession you can expect.
That is all beside the point that it seems pretty obvious that you can't trust the Dems to honor any agreement unless you are holding the upper hand, which Sanders isn't.
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table.
Why on earth would the DNC think they need to make any concessions to Sanders who is clearly on the losing end of this primary campaign? And remind me of how much power Sanders supporters had in the DNC after the 2016 convention. That's the kind of concession you can expect.
That is all beside the point that it seems pretty obvious that you can't trust the Dems to honor any agreement unless you are holding the upper hand, which Sanders isn't.
8 users have voted.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Many of us voted for Jill, some wrote in Bernie's name, a few voted Libertarian, etc. Point being, the DNC is nuts if it thinks we have to vote for the candidate they forced on us -- and in a close election, our numbers can make a difference.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table.
Why on earth would the DNC think they need to make any concessions to Sanders who is clearly on the losing end of this primary campaign? And remind me of how much power Sanders supporters had in the DNC after the 2016 convention. That's the kind of concession you can expect.
That is all beside the point that it seems pretty obvious that you can't trust the Dems to honor any agreement unless you are holding the upper hand, which Sanders isn't.
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
@Not Henry Kissinger@Not Henry Kissinger
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) on Thursday endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden, becoming the latest former Democratic presidential candidate to throw their support behind the Democratic frontrunner.
She is the only candidate who has not endorsed ByeDone and it's very noticeable. Stick to your weaseling ways, Liz. We see you for the cowardly sycophantic PoS you are!
#8#8 Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) on Thursday endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden, becoming the latest former Democratic presidential candidate to throw their support behind the Democratic frontrunner.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She is the only candidate who has not endorsed ByeDone and it's very noticeable. Stick to your weaseling ways, Liz. We see you for the cowardly sycophantic PoS you are!
The fact that winning means killing most of humanity and bringing down human civilization, with an initial course of tyranny and poverty, apparently does not diminish their sense of superiority. They are full of win.
“Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself."
to be on the wrong side of History?
Crass opportunists every one.
6 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The fact that winning means killing most of humanity and bringing down human civilization, with an initial course of tyranny and poverty, apparently does not diminish their sense of superiority. They are full of win.
“Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself."
1 user has voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
She had her issues and could have gone to the convention floor as a candidate. So who is she? I have no idea.
As far as I know Trump is closer to Tulsi on the issues that she cares about, no more regime change wars, bring the troops home, and get along with China and Russia. If she is encouraging me to vote on her issues then I will vote for Trump.
She had to add that Hunter Biden is a friend of hers and that he was also in the National Guard. But failed to mention that his service was anything but honorable as he was dishonorably discharged for using hard drugs.
I thought that she was reality based, not fantasy debased. Damn, do they all suck?
17 users have voted.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
She had her issues and could have gone to the convention floor as a candidate. So who is she? I have no idea.
As far as I know Trump is closer to Tulsi on the issues that she cares about, no more regime change wars, bring the troops home, and get along with China and Russia. If she is encouraging me to vote on her issues then I will vote for Trump.
She had to add that Hunter Biden is a friend of hers and that he was also in the National Guard. But failed to mention that his service was anything but honorable as he was dishonorably discharged for using hard drugs.
I thought that she was reality based, not fantasy debased. Damn, do they all suck?
@The Wizard
… The Biden son she was talking about Beau, the one who died from cancer, not Hunter.
She had her issues and could have gone to the convention floor as a candidate. So who is she? I have no idea.
As far as I know Trump is closer to Tulsi on the issues that she cares about, no more regime change wars, bring the troops home, and get along with China and Russia. If she is encouraging me to vote on her issues then I will vote for Trump.
She had to add that Hunter Biden is a friend of hers and that he was also in the National Guard. But failed to mention that his service was anything but honorable as he was dishonorably discharged for using hard drugs.
I thought that she was reality based, not fantasy debased. Damn, do they all suck?
from day one. First, she is a religious FUNDIE, and always has been. She played a card in Bernie's first campaign which she blew in this one. Screw her. Rec'd!!
All this talk of Joementia, the Tuls, Bern, not happening. Herr Drumpf's national emergency declaration will carry over and we'll have no election. This pandemic is going to change our world, folks. Let's start a pool!
10 users have voted.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
if the people are too 'restless' to participate
JtC can hold my money.
All this talk of Joementia, the Tuls, Bern, not happening. Herr Drumpf's national emergency declaration will carry over and we'll have no election. This pandemic is going to change our world, folks. Let's start a pool!
7 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
@Raggedy Ann
By then the pandemic will be brutalizing our population. We will be in serious lockdown. We will realize that this is going to be a slow burn over 18 months. Social distancing will not be strong enough and we will have lockdown laws by then. The evidence will be obvious and no one will doubt the extreme nature of this crisis. I don't see any alternative to cancelling all elections and election activities for one year, maybe two. Trump will continue to be president and the Congressional session will be extended. By the next election cycle our values will be so different that Bernie will seem middle of the road, and that, of course, we need all of his social programs and more. And we will have a do-over of this shit-storm, so desperately needed for the Democratic primary.
All this talk of Joementia, the Tuls, Bern, not happening. Herr Drumpf's national emergency declaration will carry over and we'll have no election. This pandemic is going to change our world, folks. Let's start a pool!
5 users have voted.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I am disappointed in Tulsi's decision, as I supported her campaign in many ways. I had high hopes, and she let me down. The warrior in her gave out, for some reason.
I sent a message to her campaign, that I would not be voting for Biden, but third party once again. I also questioned how she could support a man who's been wrong on so many things, and has no empathy, especially for young people. I can only assume he offered her an position in his administration, but Trump will eat Biden for lunch. I am Demexiting again and for good. Good riddance establishment Dems.
They peddled them out one by one, two by two, three by three all at the most opportune time.
Just never in a million years thought Tulsi could/would allow herself to be peddled out to support Joe Fucking Biden; to thrust an ultimate death blow to both Bernie's and her own supporters both at the same time.
lots to go around
think bernie hasn't eaten corn
at this slough before
she signed a contract to run
the problem is bigger than
tulsi and bernie running
independently sourced
campaigns (small donors)
just an indication of the need
to focus on the future
without the duopoly
They peddled them out one by one, two by two, three by three all at the most opportune time.
Just never in a million years thought Tulsi could/would allow herself to be peddled out to support Joe Fucking Biden; to thrust an ultimate death blow to both Bernie's and her own supporters both at the same time.
That’s truly wicked.
Shame on her.
5 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
the joke's on me.
Bernie collected almost $400 million this run.
to do what, exactly?
actually I refused to pay him any more after 2016.
gave my money to Tulsi.
I feel pretty! (stupid)
3 users have voted.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
you judge Tulsi and Sanders like there is no tomorrow.
No one gives a convincing reason what both candidates' motivation might have been to be that 'coward", 'weak" and 'obedient'.
How about that Bernie in 2016 was threatened to his life and Tulsi was threatened the same way now? You expect all the worst stuff from the DNC and MIC and NSA etc, why don't you think they simply threaten them with taking their lives or their families' lives?
soldiers rely on their leaders not to get "turned" by the enemy in the middle of the battle.
Progressives have poured their heart, soul, time, energy and money into people who act as "leaders". One after the other, those "leaders" have deserted the movement.
We can see what is going on with Washington D.C., the corporate oligarchy, the political parties, and the corporate media. Those asking to be our leaders say they see it, too. Yet they keep knuckling under.
No matter what the reason, there is a failure on their part. The establishment is trying to demoralize us by converting our "leaders". People like Tulsi must know that, and yet they do it anyway, while offering a pretty statement to cover it up.
you judge Tulsi and Sanders like there is no tomorrow.
No one gives a convincing reason what both candidates' motivation might have been to be that 'coward", 'weak" and 'obedient'.
How about that Bernie in 2016 was threatened to his life and Tulsi was threatened the same way now? You expect all the worst stuff from the DNC and MIC and NSA etc, why don't you think they simply threaten them with taking their lives or their families' lives?
9 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
about Bernie, and I'm willing to make it about Tulsi, too.
But, don't you see, in that case neither of them is any help to any of us as a leader.
They weren't trying to make friends with us. They were auditioning for the role of leader.
My boyfriend puts it thus: if I were a fry cook, and one day I started urinating in the fries, I would be fired. Why? Because I wasn't doing the job right. Nobody would feel sorry for how mean people were being to me.
Suppose somebody beat me up behind the restaurant and told me "You'd better piss in the fries or I'll break your skull." Should the boss keep me on and let me piss in the fries? Does it change the fact that the customers are paying for fries that come to them soaked in urine, and then (understandably) are leaving and never coming back, and the restaurant may soon go out of business?
The real bastard is the one who's beating people up behind the restaurant and sabotaging people. But as long as I'm in his power, it's useless for either the restaurant owner or the customers to put any faith in me. In fact, my being in the bastard's power is another reason to fire me.
It doesn't matter whether Tulsi is a nice person or not. What matters is that she asked people to give her authority, which means giving her their trust in a very serious way. Now she's lost their trust. If somebody twisted her arm and made her do things which lost their trust, that's too bad, but it doesn't mean anybody should trust her. It means just the opposite.
you judge Tulsi and Sanders like there is no tomorrow.
No one gives a convincing reason what both candidates' motivation might have been to be that 'coward", 'weak" and 'obedient'.
How about that Bernie in 2016 was threatened to his life and Tulsi was threatened the same way now? You expect all the worst stuff from the DNC and MIC and NSA etc, why don't you think they simply threaten them with taking their lives or their families' lives?
8 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
1. "support" does not mean "endorse" and she signed the pledge which requires her support to nominee. She gave nothing except to concede Biden will win.
2. There is story out that she went to Sanders first and was rebuffed. From her brother,fwiw. Certainly true Bernie did nothing to help her when DNC kept her out of last debate. She begged him (and Biden) to speak up. She owed Bernie nothing.
Still it's tough to take. Biden is wrong on everything. The loyalty oath is diabolical,making progressive candidates eat sh*t after they lose.
about Bernie, and I'm willing to make it about Tulsi, too.
But, don't you see, in that case neither of them is any help to any of us as a leader.
They weren't trying to make friends with us. They were auditioning for the role of leader.
My boyfriend puts it thus: if I were a fry cook, and one day I started urinating in the fries, I would be fired. Why? Because I wasn't doing the job right. Nobody would feel sorry for how mean people were being to me.
Suppose somebody beat me up behind the restaurant and told me "You'd better piss in the fries or I'll break your skull." Should the boss keep me on and let me piss in the fries? Does it change the fact that the customers are paying for fries that come to them soaked in urine, and then (understandably) are leaving and never coming back, and the restaurant may soon go out of business?
The real bastard is the one who's beating people up behind the restaurant and sabotaging people. But as long as I'm in his power, it's useless for either the restaurant owner or the customers to put any faith in me. In fact, my being in the bastard's power is another reason to fire me.
It doesn't matter whether Tulsi is a nice person or not. What matters is that she asked people to give her authority, which means giving her their trust in a very serious way. Now she's lost their trust. If somebody twisted her arm and made her do things which lost their trust, that's too bad, but it doesn't mean anybody should trust her. It means just the opposite.
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
16 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
with you there
without the politics
may be mentally refreshing
something more constructive
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
7 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I too suddenly welled up and felt tears nipping at my eyes, and I initially couldn’t quite understand why, as I knew she wasn’t going to be the nominee.
It was just such of a betrayal from someone I thought was at least standing up and fighting the good fight.
I feel the same.
None of these politicians are ever who they pretend to be so why even bother wasting one’s time on them?
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
The first, Niko House, gives a long (1 hr. 45 min) heartfelt reaction. Niko was a Tulsi surrogate and knows her pretty well. Edit -- (The video doesn't actually start until ~ 9 minutes in, and the first few minutes are a repeat of Tulsi's announcement, so Niko's message begins at about 00:14:00. The latter part of the video is chitchat with commenters. Niko is not a concise person. )
The second, Michael Tracey, is a strong, vociferous defense based on the fact that Tulsi has stated several times that she would endorse the Dem nominee. 20 min.
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
6 users have voted.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
The first, Niko House, gives a long (1 hr. 45 min) heartfelt reaction. Niko was a Tulsi surrogate and knows her pretty well. Edit -- (The video doesn't actually start until ~ 9 minutes in, and the first few minutes are a repeat of Tulsi's announcement, so Niko's message begins at about 00:14:00. The latter part of the video is chitchat with commenters. Niko is not a concise person. )
The second, Michael Tracey, is a strong, vociferous defense based on the fact that Tulsi has stated several times that she would endorse the Dem nominee. 20 min.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
The first, Niko House, gives a long (1 hr. 45 min) heartfelt reaction. Niko was a Tulsi surrogate and knows her pretty well. Edit -- (The video doesn't actually start until ~ 9 minutes in, and the first few minutes are a repeat of Tulsi's announcement, so Niko's message begins at about 00:14:00. The latter part of the video is chitchat with commenters. Niko is not a concise person. )
The second, Michael Tracey, is a strong, vociferous defense based on the fact that Tulsi has stated several times that she would endorse the Dem nominee. 20 min.
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
because she only said she is supporting him. And all the knowledgeable commentators are saying that Bernie will be doing the same in a week. That's what they do, and that's why we need a new party. asap.
And "supporting" the nominee does not have to mean an outright endorsement.
6 users have voted.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
For me the most horrendous issue of being an American in 2020 is the terrible violence that we have unleashed on the world. Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice. Even before that we committed war crimes in fire bombing large urban populations in Germany and Japan. We dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese cities as field tests of the new weapons, our last chance to do this. We refrained from bombing these cities before that so that it would not interfere with our assessing damage due just to the bombs themselves. This was collective punishment of a civilian population and is a war crime. Yet we will never be held account.
There are very few Americans that ever think about this. The reaction ranges from elation that we can pummel the "enemy", to no reaction at all. I had hoped that Tulsi was different. Now I really don't know where she was coming from. Her philosophy on war is actually closer to the one espoused by Trump in the 2016 election. Was she offered the job of Secretary of State in the next Trump administration, and in return agreed to forever screw the Democratic party by throwing her support to the weakest candidate? I'm so flummoxed that all I can do is come up with the wildest of ideas.
Anyway, Gulfgal stay strong in your commitment to oppose war. It's the only way that I can achieve internal peace. And let anyone who will listen know how you feel.
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
7 users have voted.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
but also the soft violence from our murderous sanctions. Look at how countries we are sanctioning and especially the ones on Iran during this pandemic. Trump just put even more sanctions on them this week.
A year ago over 40,000 people in Venezuela had died from them. I can't even imagine how many more have died since the pandemic started. People in those countries can't get access to life saving drugs for cancer and other illnesses. This is considered a crime against humanity and not to be inflicted and yet here we are.
Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice.
Double or triple that number. Maybe this epidemic will put us out of the world's misery?
I commented in the EBs saying that if the government has to skip town I hope one person is a carrier of the CV and we get a happy ending to what the government has become. Didn't the founders flee a sociopathic king once to escape his actions? But just like Israel has become the oppressor they once experienced we have become the same.
For me the most horrendous issue of being an American in 2020 is the terrible violence that we have unleashed on the world. Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice. Even before that we committed war crimes in fire bombing large urban populations in Germany and Japan. We dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese cities as field tests of the new weapons, our last chance to do this. We refrained from bombing these cities before that so that it would not interfere with our assessing damage due just to the bombs themselves. This was collective punishment of a civilian population and is a war crime. Yet we will never be held account.
There are very few Americans that ever think about this. The reaction ranges from elation that we can pummel the "enemy", to no reaction at all. I had hoped that Tulsi was different. Now I really don't know where she was coming from. Her philosophy on war is actually closer to the one espoused by Trump in the 2016 election. Was she offered the job of Secretary of State in the next Trump administration, and in return agreed to forever screw the Democratic party by throwing her support to the weakest candidate? I'm so flummoxed that all I can do is come up with the wildest of ideas.
Anyway, Gulfgal stay strong in your commitment to oppose war. It's the only way that I can achieve internal peace. And let anyone who will listen know how you feel.
4 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
just stubborn, clueless, and too dependent on ministers who may have been sociopathic (or just greedy). His mental problems really began after the Revolution, and were not symptomatic of sociopathy (possibly schizophrenia, possibly bipolar disorder). He eventually became incapable of functioning at all, hence the need for a Regency (and why we have "Regency novels" instead of Georgian novels).
but also the soft violence from our murderous sanctions. Look at how countries we are sanctioning and especially the ones on Iran during this pandemic. Trump just put even more sanctions on them this week.
A year ago over 40,000 people in Venezuela had died from them. I can't even imagine how many more have died since the pandemic started. People in those countries can't get access to life saving drugs for cancer and other illnesses. This is considered a crime against humanity and not to be inflicted and yet here we are.
Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice.
Double or triple that number. Maybe this epidemic will put us out of the world's misery?
I commented in the EBs saying that if the government has to skip town I hope one person is a carrier of the CV and we get a happy ending to what the government has become. Didn't the founders flee a sociopathic king once to escape his actions? But just like Israel has become the oppressor they once experienced we have become the same.
but also the soft violence from our murderous sanctions. Look at how countries we are sanctioning and especially the ones on Iran during this pandemic. Trump just put even more sanctions on them this week.
A year ago over 40,000 people in Venezuela had died from them. I can't even imagine how many more have died since the pandemic started. People in those countries can't get access to life saving drugs for cancer and other illnesses. This is considered a crime against humanity and not to be inflicted and yet here we are.
Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice.
Double or triple that number. Maybe this epidemic will put us out of the world's misery?
I commented in the EBs saying that if the government has to skip town I hope one person is a carrier of the CV and we get a happy ending to what the government has become. Didn't the founders flee a sociopathic king once to escape his actions? But just like Israel has become the oppressor they once experienced we have become the same.
But don't let that interfere with your continue crabbing about Sanders being weak and accomplishes nothing.
I moved here to escape that. If you have a problem with my comments then feel free to skip them. There was nothing in that comment that said anything about Bernie so I have no idea where you got that. Please stop telling me and others that we need to change what we say or become adults. I will not. The one big rule here is do not attack others.
At least stay in private conversation with me. I don't want to lose your words.
I'm not happy about this at all. I'm not being contemptuous.
I was not a Tulsi supporter in that I thought Bernie was a better choice (mostly), but I *was* a Tulsi supporter in that I defended her everywhere I spoke. Including having actual fights with my boyfriend. This is a blow to me as well.
I believe there is room for a resilience movement, as QMS says below. even if you don't want to participate, I would miss you very much if you fell silent.
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
10 users have voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
A friend and I were talking about the state of political affairs yesterday. He asks, "Who will Bernie pass the torch to?"
I guess I had hopes that Tulsi might someday lead a third party effort. But my thought was that it's not any of the people you'd first think of. The Democratic party machine "mafia" is just too vicious and brutal. They've essentially "captured" the politicians who've built their career with the Dems.
Going against "the Godfather" is deadly, at least to their careers as a Dem. None of them has successfully been able to break away. As the Dem establishment is so fond of saying about progressives "Where else are they gonna go?"
So the answer is "us", and the new young generation who haven't bought into becoming a cog in the Dem machine.
I immediately thought of all the young co-founders of the New Rose Caucus, for instance.
10 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
to the fact that print media has already begun to run stories about Biden negotiating a so-called 'public option' with the progressive wing of the DP.
Oh, BTW, regarding Tulsi dropping out--disappointed, but, not particularly surprised. She was a member of the corporatist/fiscal austerian organization--No Labels. Led by Manchin, Lieberman, and Huntsman. (A while back, posted a video of her addressing some of her fellow "No Labelers.") I'm wondering if it had anything to do with Bernie not helping her [with the DNC] in her effort to participate in the DP Debate, last Sunday. Guess we'll never know. (unless he did, and I didn't see it on Twitter) If that's the case, I stand corrected.
Back to the "Public Option"--if Uncle Joe became President (a truly scary thought), it'd be a ripe opportunity to transition FFS/Original/Traditional Medicare to a 'managed care' program like MA (Medicare Advantage).
Can't let that happen!
Plan to advocate for the dismantling of the OAP (Congressional Office of Attending Physician) that provides 550 lawmakers, and Supreme Court Justices, with the best healthcare on the planet. For peanuts.
The Attending Physician of the United States Congress is the physician responsible for the medical welfare of the members of the United States Congress--the 435 Representatives, five delegates, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and 100 Senators, and the nine justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Cost - $600 plus change, annually--no deductible, no co-pay, no co-insurance, no claims to file!
It is a "concierge" medical system, obviously, for the very privileged. A 'perk' that both Sanders and Jayapal protect in their UMFA/MFA proposals. Obviously, if they planned to keep this program intact, figure Uncle Joe will, too.
Here's a brief synopsis of the services offered them by the OAP - Office of Attending Physician.
Routine care
OAP provides members of Congress with physicals and routine examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists from military hospitals and private medical practices.
When specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.[4]
Members of Congress do not pay for the individual services they receive at the OAP, nor do they submit claims through their federal employee health insurance policies. Instead, as of 2009, members pay a flat, annual fee of $503 for all the care they receive. The rest of the cost of their care is paid for by federal funding, from the U.S. Navy budget. The annual fee has not changed significantly since 1992.
[Note: $503 is a little outdated, although the bookmark is on my now outdated--Windows 7--laptop. It was several dollars over $600. That, I remember. Disgusting!]
Funny how lawmakers never speak of opening up this program to the general public. Phew!
Gotta take the Pup out--have a good one!
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”
~~Author Unknown, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Website
“In a world where you can be anything–be kind.”
~~Author Unknown
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
7 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Excellent, Tulsi. You managed to trick me, a feat I thought impossible after Obama.
to the fact that print media has already begun to run stories about Biden negotiating a so-called 'public option' with the progressive wing of the DP.
Oh, BTW, regarding Tulsi dropping out--disappointed, but, not particularly surprised. She was a member of the corporatist/fiscal austerian organization--No Labels. Led by Manchin, Lieberman, and Huntsman. (A while back, posted a video of her addressing some of her fellow "No Labelers.") I'm wondering if it had anything to do with Bernie not helping her [with the DNC] in her effort to participate in the DP Debate, last Sunday. Guess we'll never know. (unless he did, and I didn't see it on Twitter) If that's the case, I stand corrected.
Back to the "Public Option"--if Uncle Joe became President (a truly scary thought), it'd be a ripe opportunity to transition FFS/Original/Traditional Medicare to a 'managed care' program like MA (Medicare Advantage).
Can't let that happen!
Plan to advocate for the dismantling of the OAP (Congressional Office of Attending Physician) that provides 550 lawmakers, and Supreme Court Justices, with the best healthcare on the planet. For peanuts.
The Attending Physician of the United States Congress is the physician responsible for the medical welfare of the members of the United States Congress--the 435 Representatives, five delegates, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and 100 Senators, and the nine justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Cost - $600 plus change, annually--no deductible, no co-pay, no co-insurance, no claims to file!
It is a "concierge" medical system, obviously, for the very privileged. A 'perk' that both Sanders and Jayapal protect in their UMFA/MFA proposals. Obviously, if they planned to keep this program intact, figure Uncle Joe will, too.
Here's a brief synopsis of the services offered them by the OAP - Office of Attending Physician.
Routine care
OAP provides members of Congress with physicals and routine examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists from military hospitals and private medical practices.
When specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.[4]
Members of Congress do not pay for the individual services they receive at the OAP, nor do they submit claims through their federal employee health insurance policies. Instead, as of 2009, members pay a flat, annual fee of $503 for all the care they receive. The rest of the cost of their care is paid for by federal funding, from the U.S. Navy budget. The annual fee has not changed significantly since 1992.
[Note: $503 is a little outdated, although the bookmark is on my now outdated--Windows 7--laptop. It was several dollars over $600. That, I remember. Disgusting!]
Funny how lawmakers never speak of opening up this program to the general public. Phew!
Gotta take the Pup out--have a good one!
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”
~~Author Unknown, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Website
“In a world where you can be anything–be kind.”
~~Author Unknown
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
saw my best wishes to you and Kate. Hope she's bumped up to the top of the list (but, only if it's safe for her to be hospitalized). Glad you weathered your puny spell, too.
saw my best wishes to you and Kate. Hope she's bumped up to the top of the list (but, only if it's safe for her to be hospitalized). Glad you weathered your puny spell, too.
You Guys take good care.
1 user has voted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
So, you call for the dismantling of the OAP if Medicare is dismantled by forcing Medicare Advantage? I'd like to think that someone, somewhere is working on this right now.
If the People are to be betrayed, I would much prefer that they were betrayed by the Republicans than the Democrats. It would be more noble, somehow. Perhaps that's the only real choice we have in November: Picking our oppressor. At least, there's that.
to the fact that print media has already begun to run stories about Biden negotiating a so-called 'public option' with the progressive wing of the DP.
Oh, BTW, regarding Tulsi dropping out--disappointed, but, not particularly surprised. She was a member of the corporatist/fiscal austerian organization--No Labels. Led by Manchin, Lieberman, and Huntsman. (A while back, posted a video of her addressing some of her fellow "No Labelers.") I'm wondering if it had anything to do with Bernie not helping her [with the DNC] in her effort to participate in the DP Debate, last Sunday. Guess we'll never know. (unless he did, and I didn't see it on Twitter) If that's the case, I stand corrected.
Back to the "Public Option"--if Uncle Joe became President (a truly scary thought), it'd be a ripe opportunity to transition FFS/Original/Traditional Medicare to a 'managed care' program like MA (Medicare Advantage).
Can't let that happen!
Plan to advocate for the dismantling of the OAP (Congressional Office of Attending Physician) that provides 550 lawmakers, and Supreme Court Justices, with the best healthcare on the planet. For peanuts.
The Attending Physician of the United States Congress is the physician responsible for the medical welfare of the members of the United States Congress--the 435 Representatives, five delegates, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and 100 Senators, and the nine justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Cost - $600 plus change, annually--no deductible, no co-pay, no co-insurance, no claims to file!
It is a "concierge" medical system, obviously, for the very privileged. A 'perk' that both Sanders and Jayapal protect in their UMFA/MFA proposals. Obviously, if they planned to keep this program intact, figure Uncle Joe will, too.
Here's a brief synopsis of the services offered them by the OAP - Office of Attending Physician.
Routine care
OAP provides members of Congress with physicals and routine examinations, on-site X-rays and lab work, physical therapy and referrals to medical specialists from military hospitals and private medical practices.
When specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.[4]
Members of Congress do not pay for the individual services they receive at the OAP, nor do they submit claims through their federal employee health insurance policies. Instead, as of 2009, members pay a flat, annual fee of $503 for all the care they receive. The rest of the cost of their care is paid for by federal funding, from the U.S. Navy budget. The annual fee has not changed significantly since 1992.
[Note: $503 is a little outdated, although the bookmark is on my now outdated--Windows 7--laptop. It was several dollars over $600. That, I remember. Disgusting!]
Funny how lawmakers never speak of opening up this program to the general public. Phew!
Gotta take the Pup out--have a good one!
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”
~~Author Unknown, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Website
“In a world where you can be anything–be kind.”
~~Author Unknown
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
IMO, whether we were to go to a single-payer system (UMFA/MFA) as Bernie and Jayapal have proposed, or, we're eventually saddled with a much less desirable so-called 'Public Option' plan--replacing Orig/Trad/FFS Medicare--I've long felt that it would be wise, on our part, collectively, to insist that our lawmakers/Bipartisan PtB have absolutely no other medical care options, but the system they're creating for the masses.
Hey, more on this later, after the DP Primary is settled. Actually, I fall into the spectrum of folks who believe, "it's not over, 'til it's over." IOW, haven't written Bernie off yet, since the current situation is so chaotic and fluid.
Sept. 30, 2009— -- This fall while members of Congress toil in the U.S. Capitol, working to decide how or even whether to reform the country's health care system, one floor below them an elaborate Navy medical clinic -- described by those who have seen it as something akin to a modern community hospital -- will be standing by, on-call and ready to provide Congress with some of the country's best and most efficient government-run health care.
Sources said when specialists are needed, they are brought to the Capitol, often at no charge to members of Congress.
"If you had, for example, prostate cancer, you would go to one of the centers of excellence for the country, which would be Johns Hopkins. If you had coronary artery disease, we would engage specialists at the Cleveland Clinic. You would go to the best care in the country. And, for the most part, nobody asked what your insurance was," Balbona said. (Balbona was a former OAP Staff Physician.)
In addition to Balbona, several former staff members and private physicians who have consulted at the OAP as recently as last year agreed to talk to ABC News on background. They described a culture centered on meeting the needs and whims of members of Congress, with almost no concern for cost.
So, you call for the dismantling of the OAP if Medicare is dismantled by forcing Medicare Advantage? I'd like to think that someone, somewhere is working on this right now.
If the People are to be betrayed, I would much prefer that they were betrayed by the Republicans than the Democrats. It would be more noble, somehow. Perhaps that's the only real choice we have in November: Picking our oppressor. At least, there's that.
1 user has voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This is heartbreaking.
This is confusing.
This is shocking.
This is sudden.
Something is UP, here...and we don't know what it is.
Political trauma has been the insatiable incubus draining my mind, body, and soul nonstop since 2004. If there is one thing this living hell has taught me, it is that emotions should be treated as suspect and dispensable, and that any event which would drive you to sudden emotional cataclysm - ESPECIALLY if you see it doing the same to everyone around you - must be reacted to with immediate emergency dissociation.
We DON'T know what's going on here. This doesn't make any sense - so how does it make sense to just jump to any conclusion?
One of the basic principles of scientific reasoning - the principle, I would venture to say, that most makes it clear that science is NOT religion - is to TOLERATE UNCERTAINTY. When you see what you don't understand, don't just plaster it over with truthiness, ACCEPT that you don't understand, and don your Mr. Freeze cryo-armor as you search for what Bush Regime Poet Laureate Rumsfeld famously dubbed "known knowns", "known unknowns", and "unknown unknowns".
4 users have voted.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Thank you for an excellent comment, @The Liberal Moonbat
. Sometimes wisdom seems to disappear into a whisper, but when people calm down/wear out, they might reread it.
This is heartbreaking.
This is confusing.
This is shocking.
This is sudden.
Something is UP, here...and we don't know what it is.
Political trauma has been the insatiable incubus draining my mind, body, and soul nonstop since 2004. If there is one thing this living hell has taught me, it is that emotions should be treated as suspect and dispensable, and that any event which would drive you to sudden emotional cataclysm - ESPECIALLY if you see it doing the same to everyone around you - must be reacted to with immediate emergency dissociation.
We DON'T know what's going on here. This doesn't make any sense - so how does it make sense to just jump to any conclusion?
One of the basic principles of scientific reasoning - the principle, I would venture to say, that most makes it clear that science is NOT religion - is to TOLERATE UNCERTAINTY. When you see what you don't understand, don't just plaster it over with truthiness, ACCEPT that you don't understand, and don your Mr. Freeze cryo-armor as you search for what Bush Regime Poet Laureate Rumsfeld famously dubbed "known knowns", "known unknowns", and "unknown unknowns".
4 users have voted.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
if I say, I don't understand why nobody gives me an answer as to what kind of motive Sanders and Gabbard might have had to 'cave in' and 'not do the right thing', I mean just that.
My question or comment does NOT IMPLY that I don't see, WHAT Sanders and Gabbard did wrong. I am NOT in support of their actions.
I want an answer to what their motives are. I do not need an answer that what they did was wrong. It is pretty clear.
Again, what are/were their motives? Lot's of people have no answer to that question. Jimmy Dore had Tim Canova on. He didn't know the the in answer to the motives either.
If I sound a little irritated and annoyed, then because I always feel I can't express myself in ways you can understand in the way I wanted them to be understood.
Peace. Peace is more needed than ever... among the people.
If you're asking me to tell you what Tulsi's and Bernie's actual motives are, I could speculate, but that's all it would be. The only people who know for sure are Bernie and Tulsi, and probably their respective spouses.
if I say, I don't understand why nobody gives me an answer as to what kind of motive Sanders and Gabbard might have had to 'cave in' and 'not do the right thing', I mean just that.
My question or comment does NOT IMPLY that I don't see, WHAT Sanders and Gabbard did wrong. I am NOT in support of their actions.
I want an answer to what their motives are. I do not need an answer that what they did was wrong. It is pretty clear.
Again, what are/were their motives? Lot's of people have no answer to that question. Jimmy Dore had Tim Canova on. He didn't know the the in answer to the motives either.
If I sound a little irritated and annoyed, then because I always feel I can't express myself in ways you can understand in the way I wanted them to be understood.
Peace. Peace is more needed than ever... among the people.
2 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
reliable statistics, which are based on correct scientific measurements. Listen to folk's speculation is not that bad as it sounds, because it shows you what the questions are in people's mind.
I just watch my own reactions and realize, that the main focus is on
'Who can I trust to not lie and not use sensationalized wording?'
'In how far is a comment fear inducing and why?'
'When do or should I stop reading and why and what would I miss not reading further?'
'How clearly and understandable were the statistics offered and the underlying science that produced the statistics explained to readers that are not used to scientific and mathematical language?'
At the moment I would try to ask all folks to not forget the readership they are writing for. (me included as a commentator and a reader). When I fail on that I apologies.
If you're asking me to tell you what Tulsi's and Bernie's actual motives are, I could speculate, but that's all it would be. The only people who know for sure are Bernie and Tulsi, and probably their respective spouses.
abusive relationships
are difficult to witness
as I am sure you are
well aware of
we do our best to protect the innocent
the complicit do not deserve the same degree
of forgiveness.
thanks o t c
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I have 2 cases going on
Both damn felony cases are consensual BRUTAL sex, then the woman gets pissed off at the guy for going on a date with someone else.
Opportunistic victimhood.
Anybody that allows themselves to be sacrificial lambs gets no respect, no fucking quarter from me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Trump believes he was cheated out of the
Clinton and her supporters believe that Russia/Putin interfered in the US election to cause her to lose. IOW she was cheated out of the win. Can't prove a damn thing and never has such an assertion been studied so exhaustively, but like children they haven't stopped whining since 11/16.
I'm sure Trump and Clinton would be insulted by my comments.
Do I suspect that some cheating took place in the 2016 Democratic primary? Sure. By how much? Don't know. Where? Iowa caucus, NV caucus, Boston in the MA primary, and Brooklyn in the NY primary. Chicago likely because the cheating there is built in. Can't prove any of my suspicions and have no ability to correct such cheating in the future. Plus, I don't know if any of the cheating was enough to give Sanders a win among pledged delegates. Not that it mattered in 2016 because the Super Delegates would have given HRC what she needed.
For all the crabbing about Sanders, he did get an important concession from the DNC. Super Delegates can't participate on the first ballot at the convention,. Forced TPTB to come up with a different way to put their thumbs on the scale. (It's their full-time job; so, it's no wonder that they were able to pull it off.) Plus whatever the level of cheating in 2016, Clinton was rewarded with a loss to Donald f**in Trump.
Gore most definitely was cheated in 2000, but within the time constraints his team flubbed and then was rescued by the FL SC before the US SC shut down the count. Much of the FL 2000 cheating couldn't be proven, but in that case, a full recount of all the ballots would have been sufficient to prove that he won that state. IOW, Gore beat the cheating spread.
Bernie got buckus from Hillary before he dropped out
Did he get Hillary to offer single payer?
Review the disastrous trade policies? The abhorrent crime bill? The bankruptcy bill to allow people who have crushing student debt to get relief?
Did he get her to stop the wars in the Middle East?
Stop supporting the genocidal war on Yemen?
Not create a no fly zone over Syria which would have risked war with Russia?
And no
Even if he had do you think Hillary would have kept her word?
Read this.
We covered the emails Wikileaks exposed on how the primary was rigged against Bernie and yes indeed there was lots of cheating. Just the fact that Hillary owned the DNC and had total control over what they could do should be enough evidence of cheating. Plus the fact that donations that went to the DNC were funneled to Hillary's campaign.
How much. Much bigger than we can possibly know.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Enough cheating that I
often thought the Clinton campaign and the DNC were putting on a clinic on the subject.
They were the Baskin Robbins of fraud.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
amassed a lot of the evidence in one place
By the way, am I in danger of infecting my computer via downloading PDFs? I am hesitant to download them for fear of this.
I would like to download this against the day that it disappears from the Web.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
pdf is generally non invasive
but I am an apple user
with windows, who knows?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I (mostly) agree about Bernie, but I'll say this
at least he waited till the piece of shit had been handed her prize. WTF, Tulsi.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
People say they do not want to talk politics. I hear that all the time.
Well, politics is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, our roof over our heads.
We must stay interested and informed so as to be as prepared for what comes as we can be.
I have given up on my influence in it.
I have resigned myself to just living with the conditions set, and it is important to understand those conditions, their consequences, and be prepared.
I know I have no power.
Except on my turf.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm not sure what good
If she was willing to meet f-to-f with Assad, I'm sure she was willing to have a video chat with Uncle Joe.
There is no campaign currently to speak of anyway. No actual physical campaigning. No advantage for anyone to campaign -- few would be listening, still fewer to be persuaded. And the news cycles dominated by C19 and the economy, probably for months to come.
Maybe no good at all.
OTOH Biden and his gang aren't going to change; they are neoliberalcons and warhawks. And now Tulsi is one of them by demonstrating that her stated principles were for sale. Who will remember forty years from now? Probably as many as remember all the horrendous decisions Biden has made in his career.
From the outset
This is about both honoring her pledge and doing it at a politically advantageous time now, as well as acknowledging the grim reality of what's going on in the world.
Did they make her, too, make that promise
before even allowing her to compete?
Eventually they'll get someone who believes promises are made to be broken...just like Dirty Joe.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I doubt they could do that
what you doubt
you do not know
yes, the dnc ptb can 'make' candidates
dance to their screwy tunes
happens all the time
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Bernie is Next ...
… I predicted this might happen in a post a couple of days ago, given there's a personal relationship there (through his son, Beau) that goes beyond policy positions, and certainly not the outright hatred as has been the case with Hillary. I suspect that, since she's not running for re-election, Tulsi is hoping for a substantive role in the next Administration, and right now it certainly looks like Biden, not Bernie. I'm proud of the way she hung in there (in spite of the DNC/MSM media and the Hillary-led smear campaigns) and, in spite of a few comments from some here to the contrary, I believe she's as honest and genuine a figure I have seen in the political arena for some time. Certainly the best anti-war Presidential candidate since Eugene McCarthy. I am definitely going to continue to follow her career, as she's certainly young enough to play a significant, positive role in our nation going forwards.
Anyway, reading between the lines, I will go even further and predict that Bernie is planning his exit from the race and, like Tulsi, he will refer to the current health emergency along with the need to unite and defeat Trump in the fall. I suspect his people have been in contact with Biden negotiating some concessions, both on policy and personnel, perhaps even the VP pick is on the table. And, if Biden is the nominee, the VP pick is crucial as it needs to bring in those who might otherwise stay home or vote 3rd party in the fall, otherwise it could well be another term for Trump (but stock market collapse and/or higher than acceptable death tolls from this pandemic could be a factor that causes Trump to lose, in spite of the fact that Biden is definitely a flawed candidate).
Having said that, this day has gotten off to a sad start for me, not only the news of Tulsi dropping out, but learning of the first fatality in my State (MD) from the coronavirus pandemic, which I will remind those reading this that Tulsi was posting about this some three weeks ago (on Feb. 27, to be exact), or some two weeks before Biden or Bernie issued a similar statement. That's the kind of leader this country needs.
Trump will not lose to Biden
He's already outflanking the Dems to the left, just as he did in 2016. He'll keep that up just long enough to eke out another win - or maybe it won't be an eke.
Especially not if Biden craters from dementia, as he could do at any time.
There will be no Biden Administration.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hell, all he has to do is keep 1 promise
screw over 1 section of the 1%. I doubt he'll do it, but he could.
It's not like Medicare for All is actually bad for ALL of the 1%. In fact, it could economically help some of them. Fuck the insurance guys; get all the other big businessmen who never have to worry about health benefits again on your side.
Oh, wait, I'm talking like there's anybody rational up there. My mistake.
Still, if Trump kept a commitment to Medicare for All, he would kill the Democratic party forever.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
If Tulsi is hoping for a role in any Biden admin
Man, are you easy to fool. She's an opportunistic ahole.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
What kind of "opportunist"
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Either the whole thing was kabuki, in which case I wonder
another version of Warren perhaps? Splitting the vote?
Or somebody sat down and had a talk with her. One of those talks.
Either way, the bridge is burned. I have no interest in anything further she has to say.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You mean this kind of talk?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Like that, but with less humanity.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Why on earth would the DNC think they need to make any concessions to Sanders who is clearly on the losing end of this primary campaign? And remind me of how much power Sanders supporters had in the DNC after the 2016 convention. That's the kind of concession you can expect.
That is all beside the point that it seems pretty obvious that you can't trust the Dems to honor any agreement unless you are holding the upper hand, which Sanders isn't.
Quite a few Sanders supporters
either sat out the election or voted Trump in 2016.
It could happen again this year if the DNC gets ugly(er) with Bernie.Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Some of us went Green, and could again
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes, obviously,
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Bernie got no concessions last time
Unless he didn't ask for any. See the article I posted in this mornings OT on it. What most progressive platform leaves war with Russia on the table?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How must it feel...
to be on the wrong side of History?
Crass opportunists every one.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Add one more to the list of endorsers.
Boy Warren is standing out like a sore thumb isn't she?
She is the only candidate who has not endorsed ByeDone and it's very noticeable. Stick to your weaseling ways, Liz. We see you for the cowardly sycophantic PoS you are!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Liz Not the Only One ...
They think they're right
because they're winners. They must be right.
The fact that winning means killing most of humanity and bringing down human civilization, with an initial course of tyranny and poverty, apparently does not diminish their sense of superiority. They are full of win.
“Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
long twilight struggle
hasn't just begun
notched up a level or two
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Sorely disappointed
She had her issues and could have gone to the convention floor as a candidate. So who is she? I have no idea.
As far as I know Trump is closer to Tulsi on the issues that she cares about, no more regime change wars, bring the troops home, and get along with China and Russia. If she is encouraging me to vote on her issues then I will vote for Trump.
She had to add that Hunter Biden is a friend of hers and that he was also in the National Guard. But failed to mention that his service was anything but honorable as he was dishonorably discharged for using hard drugs.
I thought that she was reality based, not fantasy debased. Damn, do they all suck?
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Get Your Facts Straight ...
I stand corrected
I heard her say "his son" but didn't catch "Beau".
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Well, well, well, I didn't like her
from day one. First, she is a religious FUNDIE, and always has been. She played a card in Bernie's first campaign which she blew in this one. Screw her. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I'll bet we don't have an election.
All this talk of Joementia, the Tuls, Bern, not happening. Herr Drumpf's national emergency declaration will carry over and we'll have no election. This pandemic is going to change our world, folks. Let's start a pool!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Five bucks says elections are postponed
if the people are too 'restless' to participate
JtC can hold my money.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Elections not even conceivable, not to mention conventions
By then the pandemic will be brutalizing our population. We will be in serious lockdown. We will realize that this is going to be a slow burn over 18 months. Social distancing will not be strong enough and we will have lockdown laws by then. The evidence will be obvious and no one will doubt the extreme nature of this crisis. I don't see any alternative to cancelling all elections and election activities for one year, maybe two. Trump will continue to be president and the Congressional session will be extended. By the next election cycle our values will be so different that Bernie will seem middle of the road, and that, of course, we need all of his social programs and more. And we will have a do-over of this shit-storm, so desperately needed for the Democratic primary.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Bummed out
I am disappointed in Tulsi's decision, as I supported her campaign in many ways. I had high hopes, and she let me down. The warrior in her gave out, for some reason.
I sent a message to her campaign, that I would not be voting for Biden, but third party once again. I also questioned how she could support a man who's been wrong on so many things, and has no empathy, especially for young people. I can only assume he offered her an position in his administration, but Trump will eat Biden for lunch. I am Demexiting again and for good. Good riddance establishment Dems.
Joe found his new Obama
She’s as smooth and had a lot of us fooled.
Sorry dupe
Pls remove.
s'ok many are hurt by this
still putting her sign up
irregardless of others' temperament
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
As you please
They peddled them out one by one, two by two, three by three all at the most opportune time.
Just never in a million years thought Tulsi could/would allow herself to be peddled out to support Joe Fucking Biden; to thrust an ultimate death blow to both Bernie's and her own supporters both at the same time.
That’s truly wicked.
Shame on her.
lots to go around
think bernie hasn't eaten corn
at this slough before
she signed a contract to run
the problem is bigger than
tulsi and bernie running
independently sourced
campaigns (small donors)
just an indication of the need
to focus on the future
without the duopoly
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
YouTube shutoff the comments.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Where have you gone, Susan Sarandon?
The nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Got up this morning, put on my shoes
Went down to breakfast, I read the news
The things I saw made me sick
Knew I had to get to a doctor quick
Cause there's not a lot you can do
Once you've got Deathbed Blues.
Killing Joke
thought it was I'm a walrus
goo goo jee goob
egg man
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
on the Bernie side of the street
I deserve this, I really do.
the joke's on me.
Bernie collected almost $400 million this run.
to do what, exactly?
actually I refused to pay him any more after 2016.
gave my money to Tulsi.
I feel pretty! (stupid)
Me too
I should have not only said “shame on her” but shame on me too, as I still
had not completely learnt my lesson from 2016, obviously.
Now was the time she could have credibly come out in support of Medicare for all, Bernie Sanders, in the midst of a pandemic.
But no...
She could have been a hero, instead of another marching ant.
Two by two.
She fell in line.
made me laugh!
thanks, I needed that.
A little Dave Matthews?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
is there a merchant
in that marching ant?
Military fights for what again
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Poor Tucker...
He's had such a crush on Tulsi all year.
Gonna be a good interview. Bring tissues.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Gosh, I don"t understand this at all ...
you judge Tulsi and Sanders like there is no tomorrow.
No one gives a convincing reason what both candidates' motivation might have been to be that 'coward", 'weak" and 'obedient'.
How about that Bernie in 2016 was threatened to his life and Tulsi was threatened the same way now? You expect all the worst stuff from the DNC and MIC and NSA etc, why don't you think they simply threaten them with taking their lives or their families' lives?
soldiers rely on their leaders not to get "turned" by the enemy in the middle of the battle.
Progressives have poured their heart, soul, time, energy and money into people who act as "leaders". One after the other, those "leaders" have deserted the movement.
We can see what is going on with Washington D.C., the corporate oligarchy, the political parties, and the corporate media. Those asking to be our leaders say they see it, too. Yet they keep knuckling under.
No matter what the reason, there is a failure on their part. The establishment is trying to demoralize us by converting our "leaders". People like Tulsi must know that, and yet they do it anyway, while offering a pretty statement to cover it up.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I've made that argument here many a time
about Bernie, and I'm willing to make it about Tulsi, too.
But, don't you see, in that case neither of them is any help to any of us as a leader.
They weren't trying to make friends with us. They were auditioning for the role of leader.
My boyfriend puts it thus: if I were a fry cook, and one day I started urinating in the fries, I would be fired. Why? Because I wasn't doing the job right. Nobody would feel sorry for how mean people were being to me.
Suppose somebody beat me up behind the restaurant and told me "You'd better piss in the fries or I'll break your skull." Should the boss keep me on and let me piss in the fries? Does it change the fact that the customers are paying for fries that come to them soaked in urine, and then (understandably) are leaving and never coming back, and the restaurant may soon go out of business?
The real bastard is the one who's beating people up behind the restaurant and sabotaging people. But as long as I'm in his power, it's useless for either the restaurant owner or the customers to put any faith in me. In fact, my being in the bastard's power is another reason to fire me.
It doesn't matter whether Tulsi is a nice person or not. What matters is that she asked people to give her authority, which means giving her their trust in a very serious way. Now she's lost their trust. If somebody twisted her arm and made her do things which lost their trust, that's too bad, but it doesn't mean anybody should trust her. It means just the opposite.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I am having a hard time with it myself.
One track for defense-
1. "support" does not mean "endorse" and she signed the pledge which requires her support to nominee. She gave nothing except to concede Biden will win.
2. There is story out that she went to Sanders first and was rebuffed. From her brother,fwiw. Certainly true Bernie did nothing to help her when DNC kept her out of last debate. She begged him (and Biden) to speak up. She owed Bernie nothing.
Still it's tough to take. Biden is wrong on everything. The loyalty oath is diabolical,making progressive candidates eat sh*t after they lose.
I will not be ordering french fries for a while.
Tulsi is the only candidate I have ever donated to. I strongly supported her because of her stance against regime change wars. For those who may not know, I spent four plus years with a weekly local Peace vigil. War is my main issue because until we quit making war on the world, we can never solve our problems at home.
Today's announcement was a kick in the gut for me. I literally cried when I saw that Tulsi was endorsing Biden who stands for everything contrary to what she campaigned on. It took Bernie in 2016 and now Tulsi in 2020 to forever warp me.
Yes, I was one of Tulsi's "tiny minority," but like nearly everyone in that minority, we supported her because we felt she had so much to add to the national conversation. Now she has capitulated to the corrupt Democratic party by announcing her endorsement of corrupt, racist Joe Biden who is not mentally fit to be President. And for those here who delight in her doing so, may you learn how to find a little aloha in your lives for those of us who did support her.
I am no spring chicken and with the COVID-19 virus rampant among us and the prospect of a Biden versus Trump Presidential campaign, I am simply tired of tilting against windmills any more. I need to take time away from politics and spend it on trying to find more positive things in this world that we are seeing crumble around us.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
maybe we could restart a resilience thread
with you there
without the politics
may be mentally refreshing
something more constructive
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Hugs gulfgal
I too suddenly welled up and felt tears nipping at my eyes, and I initially couldn’t quite understand why, as I knew she wasn’t going to be the nominee.
It was just such of a betrayal from someone I thought was at least standing up and fighting the good fight.
I feel the same.
None of these politicians are ever who they pretend to be so why even bother wasting one’s time on them?
Two hardcoreTulsi supporters weigh in --
The first, Niko House, gives a long (1 hr. 45 min) heartfelt reaction. Niko was a Tulsi surrogate and knows her pretty well. Edit -- (The video doesn't actually start until ~ 9 minutes in, and the first few minutes are a repeat of Tulsi's announcement, so Niko's message begins at about 00:14:00. The latter part of the video is chitchat with commenters. Niko is not a concise person. )
The second, Michael Tracey, is a strong, vociferous defense based on the fact that Tulsi has stated several times that she would endorse the Dem nominee. 20 min.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Jimmy Dore is Live Now
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Hope folks are catching Jimmy Dore
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
He is not yet the nominee.
And "supporting" the nominee does not have to mean an outright endorsement.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well that's good,
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
I'm with you on war
For me the most horrendous issue of being an American in 2020 is the terrible violence that we have unleashed on the world. Since 1945 we have killed probably more than 10 million people, in illegal wars of choice. Even before that we committed war crimes in fire bombing large urban populations in Germany and Japan. We dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese cities as field tests of the new weapons, our last chance to do this. We refrained from bombing these cities before that so that it would not interfere with our assessing damage due just to the bombs themselves. This was collective punishment of a civilian population and is a war crime. Yet we will never be held account.
There are very few Americans that ever think about this. The reaction ranges from elation that we can pummel the "enemy", to no reaction at all. I had hoped that Tulsi was different. Now I really don't know where she was coming from. Her philosophy on war is actually closer to the one espoused by Trump in the 2016 election. Was she offered the job of Secretary of State in the next Trump administration, and in return agreed to forever screw the Democratic party by throwing her support to the weakest candidate? I'm so flummoxed that all I can do is come up with the wildest of ideas.
Anyway, Gulfgal stay strong in your commitment to oppose war. It's the only way that I can achieve internal peace. And let anyone who will listen know how you feel.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
And not just the physical violence we are inflicting
but also the soft violence from our murderous sanctions. Look at how countries we are sanctioning and especially the ones on Iran during this pandemic. Trump just put even more sanctions on them this week.
A year ago over 40,000 people in Venezuela had died from them. I can't even imagine how many more have died since the pandemic started. People in those countries can't get access to life saving drugs for cancer and other illnesses. This is considered a crime against humanity and not to be inflicted and yet here we are.
Double or triple that number. Maybe this epidemic will put us out of the world's misery?
I commented in the EBs saying that if the government has to skip town I hope one person is a carrier of the CV and we get a happy ending to what the government has become. Didn't the founders flee a sociopathic king once to escape his actions? But just like Israel has become the oppressor they once experienced we have become the same.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Strictly speaking George III wasn't sociopathic
just stubborn, clueless, and too dependent on ministers who may have been sociopathic (or just greedy). His mental problems really began after the Revolution, and were not symptomatic of sociopathy (possibly schizophrenia, possibly bipolar disorder). He eventually became incapable of functioning at all, hence the need for a Regency (and why we have "Regency novels" instead of Georgian novels).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Overlooked that Sanders has repeatedly called
for lifting sanctions on Iran and was one of the few that voted against a recent bill that increased them.
But don't let that interfere with your continue crabbing about Sanders being weak and accomplishes nothing.
We do not do censorship here
I moved here to escape that. If you have a problem with my comments then feel free to skip them. There was nothing in that comment that said anything about Bernie so I have no idea where you got that. Please stop telling me and others that we need to change what we say or become adults. I will not. The one big rule here is do not attack others.
Tim and Jimmy are spot on and I agree with them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
in your corner on this one
edit- removed the excess.
you have it covered.
Please don't go away.
At least stay in private conversation with me. I don't want to lose your words.
I'm not happy about this at all. I'm not being contemptuous.
I was not a Tulsi supporter in that I thought Bernie was a better choice (mostly), but I *was* a Tulsi supporter in that I defended her everywhere I spoke. Including having actual fights with my boyfriend. This is a blow to me as well.
I believe there is room for a resilience movement, as QMS says below. even if you don't want to participate, I would miss you very much if you fell silent.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Damn it!
A friend and I were talking about the state of political affairs yesterday. He asks, "Who will Bernie pass the torch to?"
I guess I had hopes that Tulsi might someday lead a third party effort. But my thought was that it's not any of the people you'd first think of. The Democratic party machine "mafia" is just too vicious and brutal. They've essentially "captured" the politicians who've built their career with the Dems.
Going against "the Godfather" is deadly, at least to their careers as a Dem. None of them has successfully been able to break away. As the Dem establishment is so fond of saying about progressives "Where else are they gonna go?"
So the answer is "us", and the new young generation who haven't bought into becoming a cog in the Dem machine.
I immediately thought of all the young co-founders of the New Rose Caucus, for instance.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
A bit of schadenfreude?
It is possible that a certain alligator will be having crow on the menu.
IMO, the 'fight' has just begun. I'm referring
to the fact that print media has already begun to run stories about Biden negotiating a so-called 'public option' with the progressive wing of the DP.
Oh, BTW, regarding Tulsi dropping out--disappointed, but, not particularly surprised. She was a member of the corporatist/fiscal austerian organization--No Labels. Led by Manchin, Lieberman, and Huntsman. (A while back, posted a video of her addressing some of her fellow "No Labelers.") I'm wondering if it had anything to do with Bernie not helping her [with the DNC] in her effort to participate in the DP Debate, last Sunday. Guess we'll never know. (unless he did, and I didn't see it on Twitter) If that's the case, I stand corrected.
Back to the "Public Option"--if Uncle Joe became President (a truly scary thought), it'd be a ripe opportunity to transition FFS/Original/Traditional Medicare to a 'managed care' program like MA (Medicare Advantage).
Can't let that happen!
Plan to advocate for the dismantling of the OAP (Congressional Office of Attending Physician) that provides 550 lawmakers, and Supreme Court Justices, with the best healthcare on the planet. For peanuts.
It is a "concierge" medical system, obviously, for the very privileged. A 'perk' that both Sanders and Jayapal protect in their UMFA/MFA proposals. Obviously, if they planned to keep this program intact, figure Uncle Joe will, too.
Here's a brief synopsis of the services offered them by the OAP - Office of Attending Physician.
[Note: $503 is a little outdated, although the bookmark is on my now outdated--Windows 7--laptop. It was several dollars over $600. That, I remember. Disgusting!]
Funny how lawmakers never speak of opening up this program to the general public. Phew!
Gotta take the Pup out--have a good one!
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”
~~Author Unknown, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Website
“In a world where you can be anything–be kind.”
~~Author Unknown
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Oh, shit.
I had no idea she was from No Labels.
Welp, that answers that question.
Excellent, Tulsi. You managed to trick me, a feat I thought impossible after Obama.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hi--great to see you, CStMS! Hope you
saw my best wishes to you and Kate. Hope she's bumped up to the top of the list (but, only if it's safe for her to be hospitalized). Glad you weathered your puny spell, too.
You Guys take good care.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks, Molly. It's good to "see" you too. :-)
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hi Molly. You are a wealth of pithy information tonight.
So, you call for the dismantling of the OAP if Medicare is dismantled by forcing Medicare Advantage? I'd like to think that someone, somewhere is working on this right now.
If the People are to be betrayed, I would much prefer that they were betrayed by the Republicans than the Democrats. It would be more noble, somehow. Perhaps that's the only real choice we have in November: Picking our oppressor. At least, there's that.
Hiya, Pluto--really nice to run into you this evening!
Yes, I would luv to see the OAP dismantled.
IMO, whether we were to go to a single-payer system (UMFA/MFA) as Bernie and Jayapal have proposed, or, we're eventually saddled with a much less desirable so-called 'Public Option' plan--replacing Orig/Trad/FFS Medicare--I've long felt that it would be wise, on our part, collectively, to insist that our lawmakers/Bipartisan PtB have absolutely no other medical care options, but the system they're creating for the masses.
Hey, more on this later, after the DP Primary is settled. Actually, I fall into the spectrum of folks who believe, "it's not over, 'til it's over." IOW, haven't written Bernie off yet, since the current situation is so chaotic and fluid.
Take care of yourself, and, be well.
[Edited: Deleted bracket.]
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
a short case against rushing to judgment
This is heartbreaking.
This is confusing.
This is shocking.
This is sudden.
Something is UP, here...and we don't know what it is.
Political trauma has been the insatiable incubus draining my mind, body, and soul nonstop since 2004. If there is one thing this living hell has taught me, it is that emotions should be treated as suspect and dispensable, and that any event which would drive you to sudden emotional cataclysm - ESPECIALLY if you see it doing the same to everyone around you - must be reacted to with immediate emergency dissociation.
We DON'T know what's going on here. This doesn't make any sense - so how does it make sense to just jump to any conclusion?
One of the basic principles of scientific reasoning - the principle, I would venture to say, that most makes it clear that science is NOT religion - is to TOLERATE UNCERTAINTY. When you see what you don't understand, don't just plaster it over with truthiness, ACCEPT that you don't understand, and don your Mr. Freeze cryo-armor as you search for what Bush Regime Poet Laureate Rumsfeld famously dubbed "known knowns", "known unknowns", and "unknown unknowns".
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
W. B. Yeats had it right
Thank you for an excellent comment,
. Sometimes wisdom seems to disappear into a whisper, but when people calm down/wear out, they might reread it.Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
to Centaurea, Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal -
if I say, I don't understand why nobody gives me an answer as to what kind of motive Sanders and Gabbard might have had to 'cave in' and 'not do the right thing', I mean just that.
My question or comment does NOT IMPLY that I don't see, WHAT Sanders and Gabbard did wrong. I am NOT in support of their actions.
I want an answer to what their motives are. I do not need an answer that what they did was wrong. It is pretty clear.
Again, what are/were their motives? Lot's of people have no answer to that question. Jimmy Dore had Tim Canova on. He didn't know the the in answer to the motives either.
If I sound a little irritated and annoyed, then because I always feel I can't express myself in ways you can understand in the way I wanted them to be understood.
Peace. Peace is more needed than ever... among the people.
I don't know.
If you're asking me to tell you what Tulsi's and Bernie's actual motives are, I could speculate, but that's all it would be. The only people who know for sure are Bernie and Tulsi, and probably their respective spouses.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
All we do here is speculation - as long we do not have
reliable statistics, which are based on correct scientific measurements. Listen to folk's speculation is not that bad as it sounds, because it shows you what the questions are in people's mind.
I just watch my own reactions and realize, that the main focus is on
At the moment I would try to ask all folks to not forget the readership they are writing for. (me included as a commentator and a reader). When I fail on that I apologies.
No offense meant, never. Peace.