Album of the Week - 5-13-23
Afternoon folks!
This week there's a compilation album of Chuck Willis' r&b hits and a live recording of John Mayall in the blues category. There's some rockabilly with the Stray Cats, some blues rock with Steppenwolf and Little Feat. There's also a countryish, bluesy Rita Coolidge album. We finish up with Don "Sugar Cane" Harris (formerly of Don & Dewey) playing some proggy bluesy music wherein you might hear an echo or two of his friendship with Frank Zappa. I'm not sure if that last one will play well, because youtube has decided to censor it as adult material because (gasp) the cover art of the album has a naked nipple displayed on it. I guess youtube is taking no chances in this world where Michaelangelo's David is labelled pornography. Yeesh!
Here 'tis:
John Mayall - Jazz Blues Fusion
Rita Coolidge - The Lady's Not For Sale
Little Feat - Waiting For Columbus
Don "Sugar Cane" Harris - Fiddler On The Rock
Rita's fever is sexy good fun
Thanks for fixing our jamming' jones!
question everything
It's a weird old world
People scream blue murder about naked statuary, but nary a peep about the sex, violence, sexualized violence, and increasingly perverse trends in the mass entertainment media.
By "perverse" I don't mean an "anything goes between consenting adults, as long as no one is actually harmed" approach. That's fair game and has been so for a fair amount of time. It's the specific encroachment on sexual exploitation of minors. If a line must be drawn, that's a damn good place to start.
As an EX-comics fan, and a fan of the Original Golden Age Green Lantern, I have been giving DC Comics the stink-eye for the last few years. It wasn't enough that they forcibly grafted the sexuality of their "New Earth-2" version onto him - without, may I emphasize, the "necessity" that provoked that original development (New Earth-2 Alan Scott was too young to have a gay son, so he "had to" be made gay to "maintain a balance"). It wasn't enough that they went totally binary on him and eliminated ANY real interest in ANY female supporting character, EVER, and did it in a crashingly insensitive and tone-deaf manner. Oh no, they went much, much farther than that and so radically distorted his origin story that they stumbled right onto NAMBLA turf.
The ORIGINAL version of his origin was that he was a civil engineer who, with a friend/business partner, designed and built a bridge for a railroad out west, which an unscrupulous rival sabotaged on the first trial run, and Alan was the only survivor. Nice, clean, simple, easy to understand - you would think.
BUT - generation after generation of comics writers, and fans, and reviewers, and database builders, kept confusing "civil engineer" with "railroad engineer" (two completely different professions) and tying his story tighter and tighter to that railroad. Now....
NOW we have several competing versions of what he was doing on that train, who he was with, and why he was with him - none of them having much to do with the original story. By far the most offensive "retelling" had him taking up with a TEEN-AGE RUNAWAY BOY because, forsooth, they were both "running away from themselves".
They hadn't the simple decency to go and re-read the original story and see how they could tweak it to make it what they wanted - who says business partners can't also be lovers? That would have been a relationship between equals, not - what they actually did.
This sort of absolute BULLSHIT is why I am no longer a comics fan and have not been one for many years now - and I see no likelihood that I will ever be one again.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Great Music!
Bouncing around, rocking to the Stray Cats. Thanks!!!
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so