This is downright creepy
It should be no surprise that Facebook is a hindrance to privacy, but I doubt most people are aware of just how invasive Facebook really is.
A few months back, a Facebook user took their concerns over the microphone settings to Reddit. The post quickly went viral, prompting Facebook to issue a statement on the matter. According to the social media network, the company does not “record your conversations.” Instead, the statement claimed, if the user chooses to turn the microphone feature on, Facebook will “use your microphone to identify the things you’re listening to or watching based on the music and TV matches we’re able to identify. If this feature is turned on, it’s only active when you’re writing a status update.”But According to ABC’s WFLA, Burns might have been able to prove Facebook isn’t telling the whole story behind this technology.
From the publication:“We tested the theory with Kelli, and even we were surprised by what we found and saw.
“Kelli enabled the microphone feature and talked about her desire to go on safari, right down to her mode of transportation. ‘I’m really interested in going on an African safari. I think it’d be wonderful to ride in one of those jeeps,’ she said aloud, phone in hand.
“Less than 60 seconds later, the first post on her Facebook feed was a safari story that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. Turns out, it was a story that had been posted three hours earlier. And, after mentioning a jeep, a car ad also appeared on her page.”
That's voyeuristic to say the least. Especially since Facebook worked hand-in-glove with the NSA's Prism program.
Amazingly, Facebook isn't the first one to go here.
A Reddit thread on r/technology Feb. 5 drew attention to the policy, which has actually been in place since Samsung's smart TVs have had voice-recognition commands. The policy on Samsung's U.K. website states that "[If] your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition."
In other words, Samsung's Voice Recognition feature is always listening, unless you deactivate it.
Well, at least the government isn't tracking your every movement. Oh, wait.
(Reuters) - Police do not need a warrant to obtain a person's cellphone location data held by wireless carriers, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Tuesday, dealing a setback to privacy advocates.
The full 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, voted 12-3 that the government can get the information under a decades-old legal theory that it had already been disclosed to a third party, in this case a telephone company.

The phones have ears
and eyes too.
Orwell's telescreens.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
24/7 constant monitoring, for sure on your puter, even in your home (your TV), while you are traveling (your phone, maybe your car, for sure on public transit-I won't even mention flying and those violations), on the streets (CCTV and traffic cameras), video monitors installed in and on private homes covering indoor spaces and facing public thoroughfares, in stores, in schools, at work (video AND badge chips, GPS). ( Also-never forget the ubiquitous private cellphone cameras, and FBI secret listening posts). I'm sure I've left out a few more. The level of oppressive, relentless, invasion is exactly what Orwell described. I weep for my children, and especially my grandchildren, if we can't stop this shit soon.
And people think I'm crazy for taping over the camera lens
I'm sorry, but you'd have to be crazy not to.
Of course, the microphone is still there, and I always carry my iphone tracking device with me, so I'm not sure it really matters. But I still don't like the idea of that camera being turned on on my laptop...
Luckily, I have no smart TV or other smart devices, beyond the phone and laptop, to worry about.
just another reason to avoid falsebook
What a perfect scam. For years, even decades, companies and advertisers worked to gather data about what was trending and what people did and what they liked, until someone got the idea of just getting people to give it all up for free, then selling it for billion$$$ to anybody who wanted it. The great datamine in the sky.
I am there, but I only stop in maybe . . .
Three, four times a year. I ignore all emails from them and I don't friend anyone. Any such movement always comes from others.
That is why...
I generally only talk about things I am upset about or dislike on FB. Part of the ads for FB, for me, is "pursue your Master's in Divinity from Liberty University." I am an atheist on top of being a "radical" leftist.
I value my privacy and I avoid them totally:
facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.
I know that makes me a Luddite and "not in touch".
Too bad.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Yeah, I hear you, tapu dali!
I'm on Twitter; but I almost never use it, and I'm grandfathered in there on a very old sign-up. I don't think I'd be willing to provide the info you have to provide to get on with them now.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Luddites rule
and I don't care what anyone had for lunch. I'm afraid I don't understand the need to be constantly in touch with everyone else I've ever met. It's not enough to know that they are a good person. They need people telling them that daily.
not in touch
Not a luddite
unless you're actually opposed to technology, which is quite different from not wanting technology to be used inappropriately.
Maybe you're more like me...a nonconformist, perhaps an iconoclast, too, if you like going your own way.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
I had a creepy moment as well.
Years ago my friends were finally able to convince me to sign up on facebook. After completing the registration I was greeted with a screen reading "We've looked and here are some people you might want to add as friends" with twelve pictures on the screen. Nine of them were ex-boyfriends. I had been on for a merely a few seconds and facebook already knew too much about me.
I disabled my account (I don't think it's deletable.) I haven't been back on since. My closest friend is contemplating cutting the facebook cord. He knows he has my full support.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I joined Facebook when I left the country
keeping in touch with those far-flung friends would have been impossible otherwise.
I still sometimes use it, but I'm careful about what information I give it.
I noticed the same thing
I only joined it to try to sell my photos because I was told that I would get more eyes on them.
After all the family members I haven't talked to in over 30 years sent me friends requests, I got two that bothered me.
One was 'do you know this person? It was my junior high school teacher and another one was a couple who I was friends with in another state that I hadn't spoken with in over 15 years. How the hell would they know about them?
I just don't see the attraction to posting what people do every 30 seconds.
Some people complain about the spying on us then turn around and give out information or are buying those smart devices for their homes which are also being used to spy on people's conversations.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Incredibly Dangerous Internet of Things (I.D.I.O.T.), Cat deliver us all!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
How the hell?
My guess is that these people who show up on your "possible friends" list have in the past done searches that match your "profile" (name, location, high school, etc.)
facebook remembers everything and will use it later if it can.
I'm a software developer and I think facebook is pure evil.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
that's another thing...
I don't want assholes from my past finding me. I ditched them for a reason. I keep in touch with people IRL if they're worthwhile.
That happened to me on Linked In
I got an email from them saying: We found the following people in your address book that you could invite to join LinkedIn. My address book, on my computer.
And when they "update" the rules they reset your privacy settings back to their default. I closed my account and won't have anything to do with any organization that wants too much information up front.
Yeah - I remember when facebook started sharing phone numbers
So, it would pull phone numbers from contacts... and you had to manually turn that off. All of the sudden, you'd have people's cell phone numbers that you never received or never shared yours with. Creepy.
I still have my account, more fool me - but rarely ever log onto it.
I do have a lot of friends there from all around the country, and its nice to keep in touch with them. It's just a shame Facebook went so incredibly intrusive.
Never felt the need for Facebook - the more I learn
like this, the better my decision looks to me
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Facebook delendum est.
I have a friend (IRL) who keeps nagging me to sign up for Facebook.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits." And what "fruits" have I seen of Facebook? Families, churches, clubs, and other groups wiped clean out which would have prospered for years had Facebook not been.
Ceterem censeo, Facebook delendum est.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I don't worry about facebook for myself.
I'm old, I have no reputation to speak of, my credit rating is minus 13, and I have no money.
The only things I own are my own thoughts and my own actions. And nobody can take those away for me.
So I use fb to advertise for Bernie. Same with twitter.
Besides, at my age, a jail term would be a secure retirement plan.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I hear you :-)
I read and post to groups, mostly Palestine,Climate Change, Bernie, Anarchist/Atheist, Latino. And follow the antics of my family. I don't get out much and its fun. I don't worry about a SWAT team busting down my door because we still have plenty plenty freedom in Dominica and Bolivia. Both my countries respect privacy and freedom of expression, and its rare to even see a police officer.
On the other hand I don't have TV or a telephone.
Oh... I have ads turned off with a plug-in.
From the Light House.
I understand completely
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose "
Janis Joplin
The PTB fear you most.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I refuse many of their dangling carrots
And sometimes get creative at that. But I am sure there is an algorithm for that. I am actually in touch with elementary school friends, most of whom I probably would be done with after a lunch. Whatever. Creepy that elementary school remembered faces are recognizable in 60 y/o's.
I don't use a mic, don't use facetime or Skype. I am sure that my handle can be linked to my name.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Never did Facebook
Never will. Ew.
I do like instagram though. It's like an art wall.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I do fb
but I use it entertainment and for social purposes, friends from both the net and real life and my family are all wired in. I do belong to a fb group called Stop Demolishing Portland and Over the Hill Bernie DFH supporters. I follow both Jill Stein and Bernie and am a member of a Snowden group . I don't have a cell, I don't tweet, I don''t have a TV and I don't buy stuff on the net if at all possible. I work hard at buying local real space and I care where any thing I buy came from or was made.
I try to use cash as much as possible as plastic, even debit cards, makes money to abstract and I spend more. Banks are a scam too so we use a credit union. I do research products like computers, radios or gardening overhauls online. For weeks after researching a product the fb ads or any ads in my internet travels are all about whatever I was looking at. Last night I had a nightmare about the ugly net ads that pop up. I think I spent too long on you tube yesterday. Big establishment sites are the worst. The network cable sites like MSNBC freak out my computer and me too.
You can control your feed on fb and if any unsolicited magazines or bogus RWNJ articles come in I block them. Trending doesn't interest me in the least. An old artist friend who's now on fb. describes it as a stream of 'drivel'. I like the art, music, jokes and pictures that my friends share. You can also use your settings to see less of whoever is driving you nuts.
I can't believe i am on fb. I held out for years but got an account when I started marketing for our business. Ironically I never have used it for business purposes as I quickly figured out I don't want our clients or potential clients to really know that much about our personal life or political life or be able to track our reading, buying or online history.
I figure that since I've been mouthing off for 12 years on the internet and going to sites like wikileaks, Anons. or OWS live streams etc. if the spooks are going to get me I'll be in good company. 'Paranoia runs deep into your life it will seep' but at this late date it's too late to cover my tracks. I just keep my presence on social media and electronic gadgets at a low level for my own sanity. I don't like being told by my refrigerator what I need to get, nor do I want to view the world through google glasses or adobe clouds.
Here's a great NYT book review from 2013 written by Julian Assange of The book The New Digital Age written by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen of Google infamy
The Banality of 'Do no Evil'
Here's the punch line or paragraph but the entire review is short sweet and to the point..
It might help to turn on "airplane mode"
when you are not using the device? This is supposed to disable all wireless communication, and seems to work that way in practice. Disconnects the bluetooth and Internet, anyway.
Possibly better than turning the device right off...when, as I gather, you can still be tracked geographically and spied upon as long as the battery is functioning. Assume no one would care enough to track this person, but occasionally I use "airplane mode" to try and save battery charge by cutting down on automatic "pings" -- or so I imagine. Some non-Luddite could probably advise on whether this is delusional.
I always turn off
wifi, bluetooth, and location services on my cell.
But if I put it in airplane mode then no one can call me. Sort of defeats the purpose.
I only turn on the mode when calls and emails can wait.
Who needs informants anymore?
One of the big things are letting these sites get a hold of your e-mail. I used to think they were very smart about finding people who I might know (e.g., associates, former co-workers, etc.); then I realized that there was no real way they could make that match (i.e., a soils engineer I had e-mailed once to get a quote for looking at a lot's buildability). Thus, I figured that the site (linkedin in this case) was rifling through other people's email (the e-mail account I gave it is one I don't use for mail). What makes it annoying is that linkedin runs around soliciting endorsements of ones technical skill without asking. FB apparently does all that and more. It's pretty audacious to eavesdrop on users; one wonders whether they're peeping toms as well?
And when those folks access our data, Big Brother is probably looking right over their shoulders (well, if they've got a court order or warrant—ha, ha, ha ;-).
I do FB, mainly
to keep in touch with old HS friends and friends from a racing site I used to go to. Now that all of my husband's family has joined including my MIL, I feel like I cannot be me any more. She (MIL) is clueless about how to post, but she uses FB to spy on me and the rest of the family. She never acknowledges anything I post to me, but tells everyone in the family what I have posted. It was creepy when she told my husband that she saw a picture I had posted of him and me.
If I was younger and still employed, I would not use FB at all. But it has been great to keep up with old friends that I would not see otherwise.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
who knew
Big Brother would end up
being so "user-friendly"?
Who knew We would be big brother and pay for the equipment too!
It's a great move for the state. Spy on your citizens and make them cover the cost of the infrastructure to do so willingly.
Now that is brilliant! (in a Dr. Evil sort of way....)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
So how can I turn off the microphone?
Do you have a link or a quote?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good question. I too would like to know the answer.
Go to settings, privacy,
Go to settings, privacy, microphone.... You can see all the apps that can use your microphone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think a drill would work.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
I can only speak to Android Marshmallow.
You want to go to the phone settings and swipe to the Personal tab, then select "Privacy and Safety", then App Permissions. This will allow you to set functionality-specific device permissions on a per-app basis.
If you don't have Android Marshmallow, you will have to root your phone and install either a stock or custom ROM along with an app that can use the root access to allow or deny those permissions on such a granular level as this.
One thing to be aware of is that this almost certainly will void your warranty, and you should also be aware that it is possible to irrevocably brick your device if you root it incorrectly. In any case, if you do root your device successfully, the process wipes all data, so back up everything before you start and be prepared to do a LOT of reading and version matching, because using the wrong packages is a sure way to be Very Sad.
I stopped using FB before I developed the habit!
About six weeks after I opened my account, I started getting pornospam from people on my Friends and Family list. I'm pretty sure my 14 yo grandniece in Portland Oregon knows nothing about the size of my Arizona cousin's &*%#)*^$@&%$# (private parts). He's 62 and they have never met.
That ended my foray into social media. I have no interest in "befriending" half the world or in spilling my personal life issues for everyone to drool over. Or in reading the sexual fantasies of some creep who doesn't know anything about the people I care about.
I no longer believe in the religion of progress
Samsung are creepy too
We have a flat screen that I picked up when our local video store moved and they were selling all the floor models cheap so they didn't have to move them. It seemed like a good deal at first, but the damn thing had a camera and an Internet connection (which I ironically hooked up so we could stream Ghandi) and it started complaining when I turned the camera off! Cheeky buggers.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
FB does a lot of cutting edge database research
Go look at the proceedings of any of the top tier conferences like VLDB, SIGMOD or ICDE and you will see plenty of stuff on data mining, network analysis, knowledge extraction and other fun topics.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Yes, I'm a software developer
and the technology that facebook, google, twitter, etc. have developed is incredible.
Is it good or bad technology? That's not the question. Technology has the power to be both good and bad. That decision is in the hands of the person who controls the technology.
I don't trust that decision.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Jaron Lanier asks about ownership
His book Who Owns The Future points out that all those companies make their money essentially by stealing data from their users. He suggests that if we monetized all the data we give these companies, it could solve a lot of income inequality problems. It would also greatly reduce their power because they would no longer have all this stolen wealth.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
The official Facebook privacy policy
They call it, "IN YOUR FACE!"
But seriously, folks. Who expect a site where people post, "Hey look at the consistency of little Johnny's diapers!" to have any privacy at all? As George Takei said, "When I was young, I wanted to read minds. Then I got on Facebook, and changed my mand."
On Facebook, you can change things about yourself
like your name or your gender, pretty big things. But you cannot change your "primary email address." The one they have for me is now closed (it's an old hotmail address) but that doesn't matter, Facebook is keeping it forever.
To thine own self be true.
I was on a chat with Microsoft "help"
When I didn't accept the terms my chat-mate was giving me, a paragraph appeared, with more clear grammar, and corporate things like, "we will review this dialogue and our engineers will blah, blah." I could tell it was a cut/paste robot paragraph because the font was a little heavier and the language was different. So I wrote back, "your last paragraph was from a robot." He responded with another robot paragraph thanking me and telling me how much Microsoft appreciates my feedback, blah, blah blah."
To thine own self be true.
savelog marilynw; quit marilynw
Microsoft thanks all of those who participated in testing our customer simulation program.
Yikes it followed me here, is there no where I can go
to escape Microsoft?
To thine own self be true.
Like in the movie “Elysium” where you deal with the government
by pleading with a beat-up mannequin inside of whose head are a microphone and camera connected to a call center.
It's a good time
to be a nonconformist. I have a computer that I use for internet browsing and email. It has no camera or microphone. I have a camera for, well, camera stuff like taking photos or video. I can move the camera card to the computer....if I want. I have a cell phone, worth $12.88 at Walmart, no contract, voice/text only, for travel only, otherwise it stays off. My GPS has no cell capability.
The ACLU once posted a privacy survey that I took, and they rated me "Harder to find than Waldo", a badge I wear proudly.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh