Save Encryption - Stop the EARN IT Act.
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 4:20pmThis is a communique I received from the EFF - it is Important
Stop the EARN IT Act to Save Encryption
This is a communique I received from the EFF - it is Important
Stop the EARN IT Act to Save Encryption
There's a new app out that promises to provide secure, privacy oriented, covid-19 tracing warnings to users who opt in. If you get close to another user who has tested positive and agreed to anonymously tip people off that they have been exposed, you will get an alert, but only that you were recently near somebody who tested positive.
The man who implemented the first ever successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the internet in 1989 has decided to destroy Facebook and Twitter and all the other data collecting Deep State programs overnight. He's launching a new platform called Inrupt.
Seems like eons ago when we first learned of the Equifax security breach and all the fail that followed. You know, like, the mgmt sold their stock before reporting the breach?
Here, happy Saturday, have a laugh and refresh your memory about how screwed so many people were and still are .
I gotta admit that I'm stumped.
I had already assumed that Facebook was selling our data to people with unethical intentions. In fact, I think it's only a matter of time before "unethical" turns into "illegal".
So why is everyone surprised? Were they simply not paying attention?
It's hard to believe some stories these days.
Simply stated at "Net Neutrality is the principle that the company that connects you to the internet does not get to control what you do on the internet."
That principle protects one's freedom to communicate and to choose information sources, without being throttled or blocked by one's internet service provider (ISP). In this information age, that freedom becomes more-and-more widely recognized as a right. And it becomes more-and-more crucial for citizens of a constitutional democracy in keeping informed and active.
As you are probably aware, your internet privacy is about to be destroyed in the name of a quick buck.
It should be no surprise that Facebook is a hindrance to privacy, but I doubt most people are aware of just how invasive Facebook really is.
Last week, California passed a digital privacy law that prevents the government from accessing the digital records of citizens without a warrant.