A Grim Fairytale....

Once upon a time....

In a Land Far, Far Away...

It was election time...

And there were two very crooked wizards, a husband and wife team, who were trying to get back the power of their kingdom, which they had lost in shame. Too many people knew about their evil ways and so these dark wizards knew they had to fool as many of the people as they could, so that they could steal the power back.... they had to weave a very special spell.

One day they picked up a copy of "The Shock Doctrine" and that gave them a brilliant idea. Find another candidate who would terrify the populace, and then buy/cheat/steal all supporters to back them becoming the monarch and threaten anyone who dared not support them, by putting them on a very, very bad list. People knew that their careers came to a standstill if they were on that list and they could, never, ever, get off that list. All of this would guarantee that she got her coronation.

In addition, through their global corporation they had the opportunity to buy/cheat/steal the surrounding country's support of them, and viola, the woman could become THE queen. As she had long imagined that she was already.

Without these spells, the Lintons knew it would be very, very hard for her to be elected as queen with her high unfavorability ratings, not to mention that she lied all the time and people knew it and were tired of it. On top of it, their big secret was that they BOTH wanted to be back in the White Castle as COREGENTS. And that way they could continue their racket of the Linton Foundation Bribery Scheme.

But a problem remained. Just how could they cast a dark enough spell to confuse people and make them forget all that they knew about these two evil wizards? They cackled, asking each other who would be such a repulsive candidate that it would force people to vote for both of them?

They landed on the idea to get Crump, a Big Mouthed Entertainer in the Kingdom, who was very rich and loved to lord it over everyone, to run. Surely he would be declared a 'national catastrophe' if he ever won!

And then they knew that if Crump ran, and was as obnoxious as he could be counted upon to be, that people would be so, so afraid and upset by the spectre of a Crump kingship, that they would be forced to vote for the Lintons! The Lesser of the Two Evils, indeed!

In other words, they would fan chaos in the election by fanning Crump's ego to run, and like releasing a wild beast, he would terrify the citizens and other countries alike, and the Linton's would in one massive electoral coup, take over the White Castle, and proceed to sell the People's Government and all it stands for, to the highest bidder.

To get this 'brilliant plan' going, they stationed their paid operatives all over the kingdom to shout loud and clear what an evil man Crump was, and to make sure that they were constantly talking about what an evil it would be to have him as the King. And they talked to all the foreign governments, and made sure that they knew how bad Crump would be, and got those foreign governments begging for the Lintons to take over and become King and Queen.

And so, to set this "Shock Doctrine" plan into effect, the former King called Crump before the election, suggesting that he try to run.... massaging Crump's ego to the point that Crump would now be a puppet on the Linton's String.

Not to mention that the populace would be so scared that they would blindly coronate her. And him.


In another part of the kingdom...

a thoughtful good wizard, sent out the following message to the citizens, trying to break the magic spell, and get them all a'twitterin':

Will they listen? Will it work?

.... to be continued....

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mjsmeme's picture

I read and comment on both sites, as do many here, and find it curious how the same posts are picked up and responded to at each site.

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thanks for the comment..

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Sea Turtle

mjsmeme's picture

either of them long enough to understand it, plus there've been a lot of new readers/writers at both sites since TOP became an overt arm of the Clinton Propaganda Machine. Maybe it has something to do with the time you post?

Just for the record, I thought your tale was extremely clever, very charming, and well told. Hope you don't take the lack of comments as an indication that it wasn't well received as a number of folks apparently stopped by and gave it a positive rating.

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Sea Turtle