11 Reasons Hillary's Legal Issues Could Be Very Real Problems Ending Her Nomination
The following has been cross-posted from Kossacks for Sanders. In light of a couple recent heavily read essays here on the lack of probability of an FBI recommendation to indict, I thought this might offer a glimmer of hope for some of us. ~ Thumb
In real life and online, there is one thing I hate above all else; Defeatism. There can be a fine line between being a pessimist and being a realist. One is playing the odds in the hope that being right will lessen the blow of an undesirable outcome (it doesn't), the other is ignoring the odds because the world is filled with completed Hail Marys, miracle come-from-behind and out-of-nowhere stories, and until the buzzer it's not over unless you think it is. Reality is only what HAS happened, not what the odds predict should happen.
And I would like to remind everyone, it's not over yet!
Right now the biggest game-changer yet to make its play is of course the FBI investigation results. But both here and at c99 I'm dismayed to see how many people have convinced themselves that either recommendations to indict, or actual indictments, won't happen. Sure, nobody was indicted for war crimes, and that was a target rich environment, and no one was indicted for Wall Street fraud, and you couldn't walk down Wall Street swinging a dead bundled derivative swap and not hit someone involved in fraud, but what makes those more difficult was that there were just too many people involved.
I can be as cynical as the next person, but the Clintons' case is different.
What they did wasn't systemic (in the sense that every pol doesn't have a billion dollar family slush fund foundation) and it wasn't to "ensure national security in the face of Death by Terrorist" (as misguided and obviously illegal as BushCo's war crimes were).
So, as a glimmer of hope to help walk back my friends standing on the Defeatist Edge of But The Clintons Are Too Big To Indict, I offer 11 reasons (plus one bonus reason) why the current FBI probe may in fact lead to very real and very tangible damage, ultimately leading to the end of Hillary's quest for the nomination.
Never happen? The following 11 politicians have been indicted, found guilty, and served jail terms:
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich
Former Illinois U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin
Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick
Former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana
Former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards
Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry
Former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland
Former Rep. James Traficant
Former California Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Now this is just those who have been jailed, the majority for "corruption." The list of politicians convicted of crimes, even just since 2000, is MUCH longer. "Powerful" politicians being indicted for corruption is as common as dirt!
The FBI takes the issue of corruption very seriously, and there's more than enough recent precedent that NO ONE should be thinking the Clintons will be immune to indictment, or prosecution, or conviction, just because they're powerful politicians, or because no one was convicted of war crimes, or because Wall Street paid billions in fines to avoid prosecution.
And now, that promised Bonus Reason why Hillary's Legal Issues Could Be Very Real Problems Ending Her Nomination: If there wasn't a serious possibility that the FBI investigation would derail her quest for the nomination TPTB wouldn't have been talking about Biden as a Plan B.

It's not the non-secure hacked server that will sink her. It not her complete disregard for rules and laws. It the fact that she disregarded them to avoid FOIA in order to hide corruption. Pay for play. Donations to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for State Department favors. That and obstruction of justice is what will sink her. My sense is that the odds of an indictment are higher than most think. The odds that Trump will use this to crush her in the biggest landslide since Reagan-Modale if she is the candidate are close to 100%. We'll see if the superdelegates wake up in time and avoid this catastrophe. Even if she somehow avoids indictment and somehow beats Trump, the impeachment investigations will start as soon as she's sworn in. Are there really that many superdelegates who would inflict that upon the country so that they can keep the lobbyist gravy train rolling? I fear that the answer is yes. I hope they prove me wrong.
Bingo #2 - Hillary email less likely to cause grief than Fund
If the FBI decides that the email scandal will let too much dirt out on "collateral" players, they will dig further into the Clinton Foundation Fund - read that as "slush fund". this will go directly to the heart of the Clinton's without dragging the semi-innocent into the fray. They've dug far enough into Clinton's dirt to reveal that the Foundation Fund was used as a money laundering and foreign campaign money ruse = indictment other than the email scandal...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
I think a very real problem is that if the superdelegates
decide to override the pledged delegates, African Americans, especially in the south, are going to be sorely pissed. Even more pissed than I am at them for voting for that mendacious i-me-miner in such overwhelming majorities.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
They made a choice to back a corrupt warhawk and racist.
They showed how much they appreciated the smears by the Clinton campaign that Bernie didn't care about their issues, which are in fact our issues. There are plenty of non-whites who didn't buy Hillary's bullshit. There was no reason they had to vote the way they did. So screw their feelings on this.
Now that we know more about both candidates, I think if the
first primaries were done over the outcomes would be very different. There is probably a lot of buyers' remorse. And if legal issues are hanging over Clinton's head, that's a good reason to vote for the other candidate. So I think AA's in the south will not be as upset as the Hillbots would like you to believe.
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Seeing red?
I'll predict they'll be so ticked off that these southern states will go red in 2016; I'll also predict that those same states will go red if folks are happy as clams.
LoL! Exactly! You beat me to it.
A large number of her wins were in states that we wouldn't win anyway.
Of course, it does make sense that a DINO would do better than a progressive in states that traditionally support conservatives, I don't think she could do well enough to flip them.
I think too many in the Clinton bubble have no idea how much she is despised by the rank and file voter down here in the south.
My "Hillary Hate®" is but a candle to their bonfire....
I don't like her for legitimate, political reasons.
They don't like her because she is a Clinton. Period.
She could come down here and start passing out confederate flags, beer and top shelf BBQ and copies of the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard to every voter and they would still hate her.
I guess the south can get something right every once in a while, even if they don't know the reasons why, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
In my mind, Hillary=Martha
In my mind, Hillary=Martha Stewart. No one thought they'd put Martha in jail.
And guess what... they put Martha Stewart in jail!
I don't know why I connect Hill and Martha as two peas in a pod. Maybe it's the haughty attitude both display as their natural demeanor.
If you've already pissed off a lot of people, you mean?
I don't remember how many people Martha Stewart pissed off then--I remember stories of her being an insufferable employer in general, but I also seem to remember thinking of her actual prosecution as kind of a smokescreen for something even more obnoxious, to sort of act as a lightning rod away from it in the "news". But I can imagine, in any number of conceivable situations, "likability" being a big problem for Mrs. Clinton. I've read those alleged Secret Service tell-all stories/rumors where she would go all Leona Helmsley on anyone in eyesight or earshot at the drop of a hat, just because she could/said so/wanted something Just So/pitched a tantrum in order to get it. Nobody likes that--nobody likes being in the crosshairs of it or the target of it, and even when one is not directly affected, nobody likes even being around someone like that. They're insufferable.
Can you imagine how many departments worth of "support staff" in Official Washington that Hillary Clinton crossed paths with, during her time as SoS and First Lady, and how many of them can't stand her because she was so obnoxious to deal with as a matter of everyday business? This is the kind of stuff that gives me hope that Karma is gonna be a bigger bitch than Hills, when it finally catches up with her. And that it'll happen in time for Sanders to be the candidate for POTUS that we all so desperately need.
And we need to remind people who put Martha in jail...
-NYT June 5, 2003
Note the Jame B. Comey, for US Atty for S. District of NY. Current Director of FBI
Just for good measure, in case any one reading forgot this.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Did not know that! The irony would just be so damned rich.
Rich in irony
... and 11 other essential vitamins (sorry, I couldn't help it ...)
So rich in irony that it would stick to a magnety!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I love your witty comments GreyWolf.
Maybe it's because it just happened to be on my mind from a post I made in an earlier thread but your comment made me think of Douglas Adams mixed with a touch of Twain. (Quite a complement at least IMO, lol)
Thanks for giving me the occasional chuckle, FSM knows I need it right now.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Go Comey!!
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Exactly Slightkc!!
Not for anything that they could absolutely nail her (both em') but for LYING about it... GOOD CALL!
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
Clintons too big to jail?
All good points. But I do believe that like the interconnectedness of the big banks in global markets that are too big to fail, the Clinton Corruption Cabal has "helped" what appears to be most Democratic party bigwigs who have too much to lose if she goes down and names names. So they're propping her up, and have propped the Clintons up through their unending scandals through the decades. Get it, they're trying to save their own careers so Clinton gets a get out of jail card, yet again. From Obama, to governors, to senators, to congresspeople, to labor union presidents, to Dem party bosses, Hollywood celebrities, corporate honchos, hedge fund managers, media CEOs and pundits, all have been corrupted by the Clintons. That is their game and is what's behind Hill's "I will be the Democratic nominee" statement. Cackle, cackle.
The Clinton's Are Like a Virus
Once you come in contact with the Clinton's and their influence you become corrupted. Honestly I have very limited trust for any politicians who support her because you always have to wonder what favor they did for them
TravelGate - Illustrates Clinton's contempt for decency
This would only be true if they needed something that you had control over. Look at that poor travel gate guy Billy Dale, he had the business that Hillary wanted and he got railroaded into jail. Most people now are aware to just "stay away" from the Clintons - and right now that probably suits them just fine... The Clintons are scum - just plain old Arkansas scum.
Travel Gate video: Billy Dale got ruined by the Clintons
Travel Gate - Billy Dale
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
It has been a long time
and my memory of that particular scandal was that it was more of the Benghazi type (fabricated) than the email and Clinton Foundation type which are gravely serious.
However, based on the Clinton behavior, if they were looking to make changes in the Travel office and had to do something underhanded it would not be to get anyone a job but rather to put their own people in to cover the Clinton Asses 24/7. Remember in Clinton world it is always about the Clintons.
TravelGate - Revelations to Clinton's Decency Response
I guess what mostly gets my goat is that this guy Billy Dale had been the travel coordinator since the days of John F. Kennedy and served through both Democrat and Republican administrations - PLUS + at his court case he had as character witnesses both Brit Hume (Fox) and Sam Donaldson (ABC) plus other journalists.
Well yes capforfun - maybe it served two purposes, to get a crony a major travel account AND as a cover for things like Ron Brown's death - who know's. nevertheless it was a really, really low blow to try to convict someone for fraud when you could have just fired him and continue on with your hand picked Arkansas travel organization...
Please watch the video in my link above...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
You are just a little to much in the imaginary world for my taste. Your right but just not my cup of tea.
With so many legitimate things to go after the Clintons on you are doing your cause a disservice by focusing on loony tunes stuff.
Only one hypothetical mentioned is Ron Brown all the rest
is provable beyond a doubt. And I won't take exception to your remarks because that is difference between TOS and 99%...
Okay, I see you haven't taken the red pill so let's just separate on good terms.
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
House Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski (IL) (1994)
The biggest fish of all of them.
I'm not optimistic about an indictment from this President, but the drip, drip, drip from investigations into the Clintons and their stooges (like McAuliffe) is sure to continue through November.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Lynch won't indict but Comey has been after the Clintons for
a long time now. Those "personal" emails will turn out to be obstruction of justice. The same crap the Clintons pulled in the Whitewater days. Comey gave a very damning interview with Time magazine the last time.
If Lynch sits on the case, the leaks will start.
But probably not in time for the Convention.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
So what are they waiting for?? /nt
This shit is bananas.
Look For The Tells This Week
It was not by chance that just 10 days before the huge California primary that HRC was missing in action, hiding under her bed. She knows her days are numbered as I believe the DNC does. The weekend was likely spent trying to figure out with Hillary imploding how do they stop Bernie.
Look for the Canary in the coal mine this week, i.e.
Whispers from institutional Dems and their talking heads on TV about Biden swooping in
Trial balloons about Biden from all sides
If you see these this week then the cat is out of the bag and the insiders know that Hillary is toast
Strip off the headings
Here we have H.Rod ordering her subordinate (or aide or whatever) to strip the headings off of something, scan it and then send it through an insecure channel.
I would like to see the before and after emails, but have a hard time sorting and digging through the emails. Maybe it was an order for a baby socks. Whatever. What a lot of idiots don't understand is that even reading Bluementhal's mail, some of which was sent marked "Classified" and intercepted by our good freind Guccifer, foreign service personnel could easily see what the talking points, accusations etc. would be in meetings, negotiations and possible troop movements in advance. That allows them to have strong responses ready to go.
I have previously posted how Bolivia was able to obtain unsecured documents from the State Dept. in 2008 (Bush administration), resulting in the expulsion of the US Ambassador Phillip Goldberg. This would be one reason why the State Department would, in 2009, have established new rules.
Note: Those unsecured documents saved Bolivia from months or years of civil war being promulgated by the USA in our country. So from my point of view, I am very happy they were on an unsecure system, and would hope that the Secretary of States of the future will continue H. Rod's illegal open season policy.
On this video the USA talking point that there was "no specific evidence" is repeated. That is bullshit. That were funds being supplied by the US State Department to the extreme right wing separatists documented direct from the US Embassy server. I can also tell you that immediately after Goldberg, USAID and DEA were tossed out of our country that the separatist movement fell apart. Do watch the short video please.
You may want to google "documentation Phillip Goldberg expelled USAID" for more background.
From the Light House.
A thought
Hmm, maybe the Trumpzis and Pee Party bureaucrats prefer to run against the drip drip drip, than they do a real FDR Democrat.
From the Light House.
New Law -- Looks like a Response to Clintonian security breeches
... "unanimous committee passage of the Fiscal Year 2016 Department of State Operations Authorization and Embassy Security Act. The SFRC statement says that it has been five years since the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a State Department Authorization bill and 13 years since one was enacted into law."
I would like to have said in response to "Hot Rod not keeping security from getting out of Billy Bob's breeches."
From the Light House.