So The Portland Chief of Police Went On A Hunting Trip

Portland Police Chief Shoots Friend In Back, Calls It 'Self Inflicted.' Is Placed On Leave

Yep. You heard me right. Another hunting trip gone bad because someone shot themselves in the back. Hey! It could happen to anyone:

Over at Hullabaloo Spocko sez:

Wow. That's some serious hubris. O'Dea thought that the police would back him up when he said the gun shot wound in the guy's back was "self inflicted." Who did he think he was, Dick Cheney?

So the dude sez, "I'm sorry my face got in the way of your buckshot." Stories like this are why I smoke Cali Kush.

Light one up and go read all about it:

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Alison Wunderland's picture

I beat up my Bro's fists with my face.

I hope the Chief's friend had the good graces to apologize, at least.

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