Open Tummler 05/24/16
There is a Science Man notion, that has been around for about a hundred years or so, and that is known as Dollo's law, for the fellow who propounded it—Louis Dollo, a Belgian miner, who liked to build dinosaurs. And Dollo's law, it is this: "evolution is not reversible."
However, and as generally, eventually, occurs, with most all the laws, Dollo's law, it has been found to be Wrong. And so, it is being repealed.
We know that Dollo's law, it it is Wrong, from the dust mites.
Who are furiously sculling, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
A study shows that certain organisms can undergo reverse evolution, that is, go back to the way they were living before evolving new traits. The study challenges the idea that evolution is uni-directional and an organism can't undo changes.
The idea that organisms can't revert back is held by Dollo's law, which states "that evolution is not reversible; i.e., structures or functions discarded during the course of evolution do not reappear in a given line of organisms."
The study was conducted by a research team led by two biologists from University of Michigan who conducted the study on common house mites that live on mattresses, sofas and
carpets. These mites have evolved from parasites that have in turn come from free-living microbes.
"All our analyses conclusively demonstrated that house dust mites have abandoned a parasitic lifestyle, secondarily becoming free-living, and then speciated in several habitats, including human habitations," according to Pavel Klimov and Barry O'Connor of the U-M Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Researchers found that the mites have gone back to the ways of their ancestors by beginning to live independently; a phenomenon which goes against the idea that evolution only goes forward.
I am not at all surprised that the dust mites, they have succeeded in reversing the controls of evolution. Because I have long known them to be creatures who are capable of anything.
This truth was first vouchsafed to me when I returned home one day to discover that I had suddenly spent $1750 on a Kirby vacuum cleaner.
The asphalt, it ended, many miles, before our home. Nonetheless, and in my absence, some demonic vacuum-pusher, he had managed to penetrate the wilds, knock upon our door, gain admittance, and then proceed to terrify my then-wife, then-pregnant, by running his roaring dust-mucker across the nether regions of our bed. Sucking up mass quantities of extremely unsettling detritus, which he identified as dust mites and skin flakes. Convincing her that she must purchase, and At Once, one of his Kirbys, the only instrument extant that could ensure that the whole of our abode would not soon disappear beneath a veritable tsunami of unutterable filth.
I had been aware, that pregnant women, they can be prone to sudden, intense cravings. I had not known, that they could be prone to a sudden, intense craving, to purchase a vacuum cleaner, that cost more than the GDP of some nations.
Learn something new, do we, every day.
The Kirby, I had to admit, was impressive. Though it always seemed to me that it possessed far more power than anyone in the civilian sector might ever want or need. For, if it was not carefully controlled, it would ravenously inhale not only dust mites and skin flakes, but also socks, pencils, newspapers, cassette tapes, and small animals. On full power, it possessed roughly the pull of a black hole. Thus, on occasion, when we grew bored, my then-wife and I, we would lounge around out on the porch, and use it to suck F-16s out of the sky.
When, some years later, we parted, she and I, the Kirby, it went with her. Which was only fair, as she had more of a close, personal relationship with it, than did I. She to this day still has it: I believe a Kirby is warrantied for the lifetime of the planet. And, she has found uses for it, that I do not believe are recommended by the manufacturer.
For instance, once she was on the phone with me, moaning that she was going to need to divorce some husbands. This was maybe the second, and/or third, husband, after me: I don't precisely recall. In any event, he, and/or they, were being dumb husbands, and did not want to go. She said that the prospect of enduring the divorce process with such creatures, it was more than she could bear; she would prefer, she said, to just shoot the husband(s), and bury them in the backyard. I pointed out that most women who bury their husbands in the backyard, they are eventually found out, and have to go into the prison.
"Why not use the Kirby?" I suggested. That machine, at only about half-power, it could suck a husband right up: he would completely vanish. Everyone would think he had just gone out one night for cigarettes, and then never returned. As men, they are wont, to do.
She very much liked this idea. And has since employed the Kirby to wholly disappear at least two obdurate husbands.
When I was first confronted with the specter of Sarah Palin, I was convinced she was not Real. Just a simulacrum, I figured, run up by the jugglers and the clowns steering the Old Man Shouts At Cloud campaign, in a desperate bid to inject some approximation of ghastly would-be life, into a thoroughly comatose endeavor.
But, once illumed by the dust-mite-devolution revelation, I reflected that it was equally possible that she was indeed Real. It's just that she is a human who has, like the dust mites, reversed the evolutionary controls. Passed into ur-humanness. Into a time when humans had not yet mastered language, or sense, or even the ability to walk upright. Which is why her butt is always sticking out, like a freaking baboon. She has de-evolved to the point where humans could not yet straighten their spines.
Dust-mite-style devolution, it also explains both The Mad Bomber, and The Hairball. The people of The Mad Bomber, they have devolved back to wanting to be ruled by family dynastic blood-queens, like a Borgia, or maybe one of those German royals the British imported after the Norman bloodlines played out. While the people of The Hairball, they have devolved back to yearning for the sort of authoritarian strongman that bestrode the globe back in the mid-20th Century, when the planet was plagued with the likes of Franco, Mussolini, Churchill, de Gaulle, Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin, Tito, Mao, et al.
My friend M., he has never had any laws named for him—like that Dollo fellow—but he has certainly hatched some interesting notions.
As an example, and after living for some years in the mountains, he concluded that humans, they did not evolve from other primates, as so twists the britches of the fundies, but instead from trees. Humans, pronounced he, are trees, with feet. And, today, the more the Science Men learn about trees, the more plausible this seems. Like, most recently, it has been determined that trees, at night, sleep, and rest their branches, when they do.
We know from the true-life non-fiction tome Bard that, when the Celts arrived in Ireland, the indigenous Tuatha de Dannan, weary of contending with endless waves of rambunctious interlopers, decided to give up the ghost, and enter into the trees. Going home again, as it were, if the M. theorem, it would be true. (That the Tuatha de Dannan, they went into the trees, this is why, to this day, it is not a real good idea, to cut down a tree, there in Ireland, without first seeking, many, many, arboreal permissions.)
Some of the Tuatha de Dannan, they retreated instead to Tir Na Nog, which is a realm under the sea. This place is not seen, but is touched upon, in Into The West, one of the five essential films of Jim Sheridan (the other four: In The Name Of The Father, Some Mother's Son, The Boxer, In America), which everyone, should watch, and every day.
Because, as it is truly said—as above, so below—there is also in the sky a reflected and refracted Tir Na Nog, which appears on nights of the full moon. It is sometimes known as Tir-na Nog'th, and may be, wispily, apprehended, under that name, in the true-life non-fiction series of Roger Zelazny tomes, rubriced The Chronicles Of Amber.
It is possible—and, in truth, advisable—to walk there. All the way. To Tir Na Nog.
A woman I know, from Middle Earth, she, when a young lass, around about five years of age, she would go out into the woods, and there listen to the trees, talking to one another. But their language, it rang kind of harsh and grating, to her young ears. So she gave it up. Until, she was more ready, to hear.
Humans, we know from the grand-guignol Paint Your Wagon, go out among the trees, and there blither and blabber to them, without listening to what the trees themselves have to say. There is even a song about this: "I Talk To The Trees." In the crime-against-humanity film version of Wagon, this song is emitted by Clint Eastwood. I could embed it here, but then people would have to go into the hospital, and some of them might later sue me. So I shall offer the Smothers Brothers version, instead.
My friend M., he says the trees themselves, they prefer the Chet Baker rendition.
The Smothers Brothers, they had a television show. But the brothers, they disfavored dumbshittery, like the United States warring against the Vietnamese. And they said so. And so, the network, it yanked the brothers, right off the air.
Today, the United States, it shall be selling weapons, to the Vietnamese.
It is utter absurdities like this, which indicate that most of the "news," it is just shit made up. Because no actual Real beings, would, or could, behave, in such ways.
That the "news" is mostly a figment: this can be tracked. Sometimes, for my own amusement, I log some of the more obvious outbursts of nuttery. On those occasions, when, They, let the veil slip. More, than the usual, little, bit.
For instance, on just one day, back in May of 2012, I encountered the following headlines: "Docs Reveal Hitler Farted, Received Sex Injections, Craved Cocaine"; "Man Exposes Himself At Association For The Blind"; "Missing Parakeet Returned Home After Telling Police His Address"; and "Why It Matters That Obama Dated A Composite And Ate A Dog."
I mean: come on. Really.
They were so carried away during this period—spring fever, I reckon—that, just a few days later, They saturated the "news" with something so preposterous that it became clear beyond doubt that we are all simply being mucked with.
For every time I turned on the radio, or looked into a tube, I beheld an alleged high government official, there soberly intoning, that the United States, it is menaced, by underpants.
Massing out there, these underpants, nefariously bent on exploding airplanes, pouring innocent Americans out into the way up in the middle of the air. But, fortunately, these supposed officials further droned, America, it is prepared, to meet, and defeat, the underpants.
Where once America fought to "make the world safe for democracy," today, we were told, America fights like twelve three-fisted bastards, to cleanse all the globe, of the scourge, of terrorist underpants.
No. That America is under assault by underpants—that is something that is simply not Real. That is something out of one of Kurt Vonnegut's more buffoonish Kilgore Trout fantasies.
That the politics is in fact totally not Real, this became glow-in-the-dark manifest, in the person of George I.
First, there was this nutbaggery, after a US Navy warship blew an Iranian civilian airliner out of the sky:
No even remotely Real political figure, would s/he ever emit, such balderdash. It's simply not conceivable.
Then, once he entered the Oval Office, and became George I, there was this famous address, wherein he brandished a big bag of crack cocaine (sound doesn't begin until 0:24):
The exceedingly dark comedy, it then continued with George I's "son," George II.
Except it wasn't his son. For the real son, he had been killed in an unfortunate traffic accident. By his wife, Laura. Who has evinced a lifelong predilection for killing with her car men whom she had invited to place inside her their peni, but who had then greatly offended her. George II, one day he really pissed Laura off. And so she ran over his ass. And then she sucked up the remains, with a Kirby vacuum cleaner.
The Bush crime family, it convened in emergency session, and eventually agreed to call upon Andy Kaufman, who had recently faked his own death, and urge him to step in and replace the dead man. Kaufman, intrigued by the challenge, agreed. And thus, Andy Kaufman, playing the role of George II, was elected to the presidency. It was, by far, his greatest prank.
Occasionally, Kaufman would let the mask slip. As below, where he attempts to exit through a locked door. Note how, after the bonery, he stands with his hands rigidly at his sides, staring woodenly out at the audience. Classic Kaufman.
The Science Men, meanwhile, they are constantly stretching and pulling and tugging at the Real as if it is taffy. Like, on the same day, announcing, first, that one-third of all the dinosaurs who ever existed, never existed at all; they had simply been "juveniles," who had been "misclassified." Then, that they had stumbled upon, there in the Antarctic, some 30,000 new sea creatures, many of whom had heretofore never been classified as Real or Existing at all. But now. They were. Real. Existing.
What is Real? What is not? What Exists? What does not?
Who knows?
The notion of existence: let’s face it: it becomes more malleable, with each day.
We know, for instance, that the sun does not exist. And, therefore, neither do we.
Some years ago arrived a communique from a person said to be conversant with the ways and means of alien beings. This person, while completing post-graduate work in
psychic school, was one night orally apprised of the fact that, some time early on in the Clinton I administration, the sun went nova, and the earth was burnt to a cinder. However, no one on the planet noticed this, because of the efforts of the "good aliens" (the thinnish creatures best known for their attempts to protect the humans from the "bad aliens," those no-good-'uns prone to picking humans up off lonely interstates, playing with their gonads, implanting chips in their brains, and then setting them loose).
In this instance, the good aliens allowed the human brains to believe that the earth was still here—and so were they. They kindly threw up into the sky a Potemkin Sun, so that the humans could go on believing that everything was Normal. They did this, it is said, because during the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987, human beings apparently proved to be "worthy," and almost ready for "the next step," which involves not needing bodies. The good aliens figured it a shame to allow the humans all to burn off like bugs on a grill, and just a few short years before they would no longer be bothered by such things as roaring jets of molten flame. They will take down the Potemkin Sun, so goes the theory, when the humans no longer need it, when, one supposes, they will all sort of join together and swirl away as energy beings, a la the close of Childhood's End.
In the meantime: my advice: try to find the fun and the fine in it. As my deceased companero, the poet Jeffrey Miller, once put it:
were you ever driving at 3 in the morning down some 2 lane road in upstate new york & it was raining & the only thing you can get on the radio is some station out of memphis or someplace which comes in perfectly clear & plays great music like life is but a dream du wop du wop & you just turn it up & say to yourself "what the fuck, what the fuck?" well that's how i feel walking to the post office.
Which is why I really like what The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man said about the messes.
"I think if they make the right choice and open the doors to working-class people and young people and create the kind of dynamism that the Democratic Party needs, it's going to be messy," Sanders said.
Asked if the convention could be problematical, Sanders said: "So what? Democracy is messy. Everyday my life is messy."
Absolutely goddam right. And just so. For there can be no form, without chaos. That's in the Chronicles Of Amber, too. And, if it is possible for dust mites to go "back to the ways of their ancestors by beginning to live independently," why would such not be possible, for the humans, too.
Morning, hecate, great stuff as always. TY for the memory of
Paint Your Wagon :=) Back when Clint talked to trees and not to chairs. Career bookend screw-ups, those.
Enjoy the day, folks, here from a sunny, sunny SE Ontario: forecast for 88F/31C today. Yikes.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
A thought popped up:
Is Brexit A Good Thing for US interests (and whose?) or a Bad thing?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
the US
is not a part of Europe, and therefore its opinion, its "interests," they mean nothing.
The historical fact is, the Europeans, they killed each other, all day, every day, each year, every year, for more a thousand years. Until they nearly succeeded, in committing collective suicide, in the 1940s.
The Euro vision, it is an attempt to forestall that.
It is right and meet, that the Europeans consider themselves all one people, at the same time they know themselves to be indivisible individuals.
Britain, historically, one of the most posionous havoc-players, in the various spasms of continental self-suicide. If it chooses to withdraw from Europe, let Europe withdraw from it. Let Britain go suck, and suck only, on the dry teat, of the USA.
Good Morning, hecate,
and everyone. Thank you for the Open Tummler.
Another lovely day here. Big plans to go to the garden center and get Petunias to fill 3 containers. Pink, white, purple, and yellow. They will be pretty in the flowerbed while we wait for the new flowers to bloom. Petunias usually last until first frost and do great in the full sun garden.
Hope all is well with everyone. Happy Tuesday!
Here is a word for today:
Can we make it stop?
A bad dream, too long. I got a text from my son that they made it back to DFW, two non-revvers, on time with a woman barfing her way into the destination.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
shoved the post time up some, at your suggestion.
The phantasmagorical, these days, is ofttimes more Real, than the allegedly "real."
The term itself was coined to describe magic-lantern shows in late 18th Century London and environs. These most recently appeared, to a largish audience, in Francis Coppola's true-life documentary film Dracula.
Here some magic-lantern slides are. For an invisible girl.
"allegedly" real.
That's a good way to put it, ha.
More people may be reading this afternoon than say between 2 and 4AM, so maybe it will work out well. I also suggested joe might post later. Joe doesn't post on Saturday or Sunday, so you don't need to consider it on those days.
Thank you for the video.
I saw the reference to magic lanterns in the definition and wasn't sure just what that was.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Very cool, Bisbonian.
Thank you!
magic lanterns,
and banjo, and wild geese. In the west.
The apogee.
This is very nice, too.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
TY OLinda! Phantasmagoria: the Clinton Presidential Candidacy
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Perfect! Exactly! :) nt
Clinton. Clinton. Clinton. ClintonClintonClinton. Around here, too many times, it is like Being John Malkovich. Except, it is Being Hillary Clinton.
Clinton. ClintonClintonClinton. Clinton.
Bad. Bad. She is. Bad. Bad.
Except that she is, not even, here. She is, and oh so long ago, so: over.
"Everyday my life is messy."
Give that man a Kirby.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I don't know. Kirbys, they can be weapons, of mass destruction.
Probably he would be, is, content, with a Dust Devil.
Our vacumn is French
Lanterns phantasmagorical
I am also a victim of the Kirby man
The only way to get them to leave is to sign the paperwork to purchase the damn vacuum. Which now sits in a dusty corner of the basement, because running it sounds like running a jet turbine in the house, and traumatizes the cats and the husband.
Now, I just do an army crawl when someone knocks on the door. Won't get fooled again...![Smile](
there should be
a support group.
The Kirby men, they really do, possess demonic powers.
I'm one of the Filter Queen victims
they know your weaknesses, they approach you with kindness and caring...anyway after a number of years I resigned from the program. What a relief. I got something also with hepa, but more well-behaved and suitable for human dwellings.
Love Irish Mythology.
Well done, Hecate.
Small nit to pick. Typical spelling is "Tuatha Dé Danann." But, when it comes to Irish, it often varies. Even the way the Irish itself is spelled differs, not to mention when it's anglicized.
A favorite Irish hero of mine, the Irish Achilles, is spelled a half dozen different ways, though I prefer "Cuchulain" . . . . pronounced, (very) roughly, Cu-hool-in. I have never understood why no filmmaker has taken on that great story -- one of the greatest in all of world mythology. Your Bard author, Morgan Llywelyn, wrote an excellent rendition of his story, with her Red Branch. And Lady Gregory, of course, gave us Cuchulain of Muirthemne, which I read as a young lad.
Thanks for the essay. Lot's of food for thought.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
“The Fake Left”
So, they think Naomi Klein is the fake left?
I don't think that's particularly fair, honestly. She went out and practiced actual journalism, something very rare in the West today. If we the people do nothing about that, its not her fault. I don't know that its fair to blame people who write actual books full of good information for the lack of action among the populace.
Blame the MSM, if you want - they aren't doing their jobs. But single out a few thinkers who are unable to create mass action and say it's their fault, and not our fault, that nothing is done? If Thomas Paine's Common Sense would not kindle a revolution today, by this author's argument, that means Thomas Paine is the fake Left, since he wrote a book and presumably made some income from it (his 47-page pamphlet sold some 500,000 copies, powerfully influencing American opinion.)
I'm not able to "put away and no longer examine" the shock doctrine or capitalism vs the climate. It's in my head on about a daily basis, and is effecting the way I live my life and the choices I am making.
Sometimes the Left just makes me tired. There's always someone who is more Left than everyone else and thus anyone not Left enough sucks.
There's a world of difference between Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein and people like Markos or Rachel Maddow.
Naomi Klein is far from "fake."
I think she's been very brave in her career, and has walked the walk. She could have sold out long ago, but did not.
The only thing I might fault her for is taking as long as she did to realize it's capitalism itself that is sending us over the environmental cliff, and there is no solution while it remains the economic engine. She gets that now.
And, yep. World of difference between the Chomskys, the Kleins and TV personalities like Maddow, whom I liked much more when she went after Dubya as sitting president. Unfortunately, what we've discovered since the Dems took the White House is that all too many "liberal" voices aren't such great critics of really bad stuff, if the Dems do it. Kos is included there, too. And anyone who puts party above people is "fake" in my book, and far too many "liberals" and "progressives" are fake, tragically. This was never more apparent than in the battle between Clinton and Sanders.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
it is useful
to remember that the brittle calcified authoritarian organs of His Master Stalin, they spent many years, foamingly blowing, that Trotsky, he was "fake left."
People who expend their energies screaming that somebody or other is not sufficiently left, they are, at best, diddly-addled public wankers: embarrassing: someone should throw a blanket over them.
At worst, they are agents.
People should get about, what they are about. If, in the end, they are not "left," that will naturally come out, in the wash.
Had you ever heard of Gilbert Mercier or “News Junkie Post”
before posting into this thread? Until today, I hadn’t either.
If it’s any consolation, your audience is probably bigger than theirs!
I think there is no direction
left, right or the mythical center, left. They brand you as they see you. It's all based on some kind scale that declares that if you don't like the authoritarian, endless warrior, disaster cappies your a far leftie ideological purist. Look at Snowden, Chelsea Manning Corbyn or even Bernie, they threaten the new order. Their dangerous radicals enemies of the state and have hung around with 'dirty rotten Dr. commie Rat's'. We're all directionless as the vandals took the handles. I do however know a fascistic cappie killer pig when I see and hear one. Fake left, then fake right and yet still all you get is some technocratic bs. nasty Third Way. Is that the center? Nah. They claim on their website they are 'Radical Centrist's' isn't that a oxymoron?
& it is amusing
that, in the piece cited by ll, Martin Luther King, he is, therein, sanctified, as a doyen of "the real left."
For, in truth, in his time, while he was alive, MLK was routinely and regularly excoriated, as a sell-out, an accommodationist, an Uncle Tom, a shameless fellator of white meat, an old and fucked-out and in the way obstructionist of black power.
I suppose, after all these many decades, it should no longer amaze and astound me. That not even people on the left. Manage. These days. To even once. Open a history book.
back when I marched with Martin Luther King, Jr......
there was a march and rally in New York. Just me, Martin and maybe 100,000 other people. We marched to the United Nations building where he gave a speech against injustice, against the Vietnam war. After about 15 minutes or so I thought "well this is pretty obvious".
it's always
about the obvious.
But then They squirt the squid ink. To try to make it. Not so. Pretty. Obvious.
"the welfare of any man is the welfare of all men"
I read once that we're all related if you go back 100 generations (or was that 50?). Just like "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon", if we could trace ourselves back we'd find we had at least one common ancestor with each other, with anyone! So the concept "all men are brothers" (and all women are sisters) is basically true.
I was going to ask "would you kill your cousin? Your second cousin? Your step-uncle twice removed?" and then I remembered the Civil War, the war that a part of the country calls something else and (as Bernie would say) oh, by the way, we're not supposed to notice which part of the country that is.
So I won't name it but I find it interesting that that section of the country that once thought it wasn't part of the country (and maybe should peacefully re-think it and try again) and Nazi Germany had one fascinating (and terrible) thing in common....well, several things but the one I'm thinking of here is that at the end they ran out of men to fight and started sending out children. Surely any political unit must realize that when they contemplate sending children to war that it's over and they should surrender immediately.
when the
rulers are really stubborn rat bastards, they always send out the old men, and the children, when the cause is way lost, and it is way past the time, there should have been a surrender.
The Nazis in WWII, the traitors in the Civil War; these are just the most, to Americans, publicized expressions, of this obscenity.
And then: they glorify it. This, below, for instance, is, on its own, a great song. Sung by a man, who really feels it. But, what he's really feeling, is the killing of children. To keep other children, if only for a few more days, in bondage.
Good quote.
I think as time goes on, our center-left folks have become more and more like our center-right folks, especially since the ascendancy of that center-right, beginning in the early 1970s. They've influenced each other, moderated each other, but one half of that establishment is generally given to more compromise and acquiescence than the other, primarily in the name of "being reasonable." That gives the center-right and the further right a marked advantage, politically. The center-left is all too willing to give in to demands from the right, again, in order to appear reasonable.
IMO, the only way out of this mess is for those left of liberal to assert themselves, form their own party, from the ground up -- not from the top down -- and get into the thick of things. Refuse to be marginalized any longer. It's an ethical and moral crime that America is governed by woefully bought-and-sold parties, forever doing the bidding of the financial elite. It's not "democracy" in any way beyond the symbolic, and this has to end.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
Good description.
"An important function of the fake left is to diffuse legitimate, spontaneous defense." A big part of that is steering people to the democratic party, like Sanders has been doing with his presidential campaign.
I've told this story about Occupy a few times. I noticed it in the early summer of 2011 and it was billed primarily as an effort against the Afghanistan war. This is what the website said:
“October 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the invasion of the Afghanistan war and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true democratic, nonviolent transition to a world in which people are freed to create just and sustainable solutions.
We call on people of conscience and courage—all who seek peace, economic justice, human rights and a healthy environment—to join together in Washington, D.C., beginning on Oct. 6, 2011, in nonviolent resistance similar to the Arab Spring and the Midwest awakening.
A concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained nonviolent resistance to the corporate criminals that dominate our government."
And the Pledge:
"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that criminal occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine to demand that our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning ."
By the time Occupy actually started in September 2011 there wasn't a word about the Afghanistan war, it became about Wall Street, climate change, every issue under the sum and that webpage had been taken down. I've always suspected the movement was immediately coopted by the fake left, the democratic party, and the Soros and others who do that sort of thing. And the Afghanistan war is still going almost five years later.
Bush Sr. "keeping our eyes wide open"
and never apologizing for shooting down an iranian civil airliner - why he sounded just like Trump! After the two Bush presidents why are people so surprised to see the rise of a Trump? They both paved the way for the new dangerous clown.
To thine own self be true.
Hairball is the natural and logical extension of the Republicans of the past 52 years. This is a known known, to anyone who is not currently cabined in a coma.
Dollo's sorry ass law is cognitively impaired. It is
best rendered when couched in the negative, and, as such, is not subject to empirical proof. This makes it more of a theorem. There is no reason to assume it is true, except as to seriously macro effects, and many to support the likelihood that it is in error.
Sure, a species may lose a tail, and be unlikely to regress after all survival utility for such appendage has vanished, but if the survival utility reappears, who knows. Tiny biota, however, mix and match genetic code with great frequency, and it is almost certainty that over the course of sufficient time will lose and then reacquire not once, but often, the same chunks of code, whether it alters behavior or phenotype of not.
More importantly, evolution has no direction. It is mankind's conceit that it is some sort of apex, some superior thing, and hence mankind assigns direction to evolution, with "upward" or "forward" being that direction which led to the existence of mankind. That simply isn't the case. Evolution is simply the survival of traits which are themselves more appropriate for the environment at a given point in time, or part of a cluster of characteristics, that, as a whole is more appropriate. Not only can such a characteristic become dysfunctional as a result of environmental change, it can be dysfunctional ab initio to some tiny extent but be coupled to traits that greatly enhance survivability and hence survive in spite of its dysfunctional nature.
Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Misunderstanding of the nature of evolution, and, in particular, that directionality crap, is a pet peeve of mine.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
damn, lutris, I'm glad I posted this, if only to get such a fiery rise out of you. ; )
I love what you say, here: "evolution has no direction."
A truth also communicated to us, by the noted Science Man, Dr. Robert Zimmerman.
Of course - becoming more civilized, more cultured
is often referred to as an evolution. I'm referring to our culture not our physical characteristics. How we "evolved" as a civilization. Look what European civilization produced in the 1930's and 1940's. The myth of the upward and onward of evolution of human beings took a deep dive into barbarity. And the Ottoman Empire look what it gave birth to. Evolution is powered by the randomness of our environment.
Who would think that the present destruction of Syria was caused by climate change? Follow the story of the drought caused famine, high food prices that lead to riots that had to be put down by Assad and we can find the link.
Great point, e.l.
To thine own self be true.
i'm putting this up, here,
as a gentle goad, for Shaz, for her Thursdays.
My favorite Lautrec.
That's a beauty thanks hecate
I'm working on Thursday OT. I got distracted in google images today by your imaginative delightful OT. I got stuck on lanterns held high.
I rarely actually LOL at internet postings ...
... but whole concept of president George II being, in truth, Andy Kaufman was just too wonderful. It makes so much sense & explains so much that I found inexplicable during those years!
Me too, please. I want to feel like that wherever I go.
were you ever driving at 3 in the morning down some 2 lane road in upstate new york & it was raining & the only thing you can get on the radio is some station out of memphis or someplace which comes in perfectly clear & plays great music like life is but a dream du wop du wop & you just turn it up & say to yourself "what the fuck, what the fuck?" well that's how i feel walking to the post office