Strange, Ominous, and Unreal
A storm is coming. A political storm, an economic storm, a global storm of catastrophic climate change consequences, an existential storm that will rage from the shores of America to the Pacific Rim, from the steppes of Eurasia to the oil fields of the Middle East, from the vanishing ice cap of the polar north to the vanishing ice cap of the polar south and everywhere in between.
Edith Wharton . . .
Everything seemed strange, ominous and unreal, like the yellow glare that precedes a storm. There were moments when I felt as if I had died, and woken up in an unknown world. And so I had.
The political culture in this country has gone beyond strange, it has gone beyond ominous, it has gone beyond unreal. We can’t just say it’s corrupted, we left corrupted behind 30 years ago, we left it behind when the Gipper hit the right turn signal, took the Oligarch Exit onto the Road of Ruin, and threw away all the maps.
It’s hard to say where America is now, we’ve been hauled through so many bizarre event horizons by Mr. Thousand Points of Light, and the Big Dog, and The Decider, and the Wonderful Wizard of Compromise that even Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't sure what universe we're in anymore.
John Pilger, “The Triumph of Propaganda” . . .
The times we live in are so dangerous and so distorted in public perception that propaganda is no longer, as Edward Bernays called it, an “invisible government.” It is the government. It rules directly without fear of contradiction, and its principal aim is the conquest of us: our sense of the world, our ability to separate truth from lies.
The corporate propaganda has never been so pervasive, so relentless, so effective. It has always been a weapon of the privileged and the powerful, but media consolidation has been a force multiplier, it has made the propaganda orders of magnitude greater in terms of volume and impact. The desecration of journalism is accelerating, network news has become a degrading spectacle, the deceit broadcast every day is polluting the airwaves of America like never before.
There's a solution to all of that . . .

Support Bernie in the rest of the primary states, then go to Philadelphia if you can, because the truth must be told, no matter how many riot police are deployed, no matter how much tear gas fills the air, no matter how many times the sonic weapons scream, no matter how many of our brothers and sisters are arrested and thrown into the jails of this police state that used to be the United States of America.
Hillary has the corrupt establishment behind her, but we have the truth. Unlike profane SuperPACs, the truth is sacred. Unlike dying capitalism, the truth is beautiful and enduring. Unlike the Democratic Party, the truth is beyond all decay and ruin. We are on this earth to live it, and think it, and speak it, and breathe it.
The years have gone by, we're not as young as we used to be, we get discouraged sometimes, but we have kept the faith.
We ARE the faith.
The Corporate Party will be dead and gone someday, the DNC will be dead and gone someday, Daily Kos will be dead and gone someday, but idealism will never die, it will always light this world . . .
[video: width:500 height:333]
There will be equality. There will be justice.

Good to See You Rusty1776...
Been a long time.
Nice piece here. Wish I could disagree.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
It's good to see you too, k9disc.
I remember back when Reagan was president, when I told myself at least it won't get worse than this.
With amazingly accurate insights like that, it's a miracle progressive websites still let me post stuff.
Thanks so much, Rusty,
had me in tears.
We will occupy, for what else is left?
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
You are most welcome, Lisa.
This political revolution is only a year old and look at what we've accomplished already. It's stunning when you think about it. This movement is going to keep growing, the best is yet to come.
If I can find a place to stay I will be there
Despite my health concerns.
The time is too important to sit on the sideline.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
In my humble opinion, you deserve to stay at Independence Hall.
For as long as you like.
Thanks Rusty
But an air mattress at someone's place who doesn't own a cat would work. Had an anaphylactic shock reaction to my aunt's cats last year that required me to go to the hospital. Before that was just highly allergic. So all non-cat owners, if you will have me, I'm available. I will even wash dishes or pay a modest rent ($75 for my times there?). Plus I will buy all my own food. Whatever it takes. I'm in driving distance to Philly but can't really pay for a hotel for the whole time, not at the prices at which I expect hotels and motels to be gouging people.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Brilliant piece of writing here, brother.
Very nicely done, my hat's off to you. That said...holy fuck.
I hope you're feeling better, OPOL.
Creedence sent us the warning many bad moon risings ago . . .
[video: width:500 height:333]
Thank you, Rusty.
I am feeling better.
I'm glad to hear that, OPOL.
The Surgeon General needs to post a warning at Daily Kos . . .
Prolonged exposure to DNC trolls and #I'mWithHer hackery can be hazardous to your health.
That's a good one, Rusty dear!
Unlike Kos and the Hillaryites . . .
We'll never exchange love's bright and fragile glow,
For the glitter and the rouge . . .
[video: width:500 height:333]
When my Mother died...
...I had the funeral home turn off their pre-selected music. The main music we played was "After the Deluge." No wonder we have so much sympatico!
Occupy DNC
Now that has a ring to it.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
They have almost 20,000 members already.
Spread the word, we need to have an historic impact in Philadelphia.
Not Tortuga, but we love d pirates...
I am glad to be living in the Caribbean on a small island nation covered in forest with 72,000 people and with no resources of interest to anyone. We have lot of food and fresh water and everybody a pirate. Just for fun I present:
From the Light House.
If Hillary is elected, she'll find some reason to invade
your island, Alex. Bush had his War on Terror, she'll have her War on Pirates, and "pirates" will be defined very broadly.
Love the video!
well, R8, this should make your day
Along with Cornell West and Keith Ellison, Sanders supporters on the (DNC platform) committee are author Bill McKibben, Arab American Institute head James Zogby and Native American activist Deborah Parker.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
It does!
Send me more news like that.
Thank you, pfiore.
Yeah but... you think they'll let them speak, or force them to wear gags, or be arrested? Wish I could go, but at 83 with emphysema which doesn't allow me to walk more than a few feet at a time, etc, etc... I can only meditate and send you blessings and prayers from across the continent.
We're going to find out.
America is going to find out A WHOLE LOT OF THINGS in Philadelphia, and this country will never be the same again.
Our country IS changing now, finally! n/t
Our youth will be walking for you!
Everyone there will be walking for you!
That is how we pass...
...from one generation to the next...FORWARD.
Your response brought tears
and warmth. Thank you, ConeArt.
I'm sure they'll try to silence them. But they are the type of
people who will not be silenced. We live in interesting times.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
As a member of the military I served under Johnson, Nixon, Ford Carter, Reagan, HW Bush and Clinton. We have worked our way down. They say the way to get out of a hole is to stop digging it. I sincerely doubt the American people have learned this lesson. Perhaps electing Trump, and enduring the laughing that is to come with that, from the rest of the world, might change this. I'm another refugees from KOS. I now longer can deal with the bullshit they are spewing.
Northern Light
Thanks for all those years of Service, NL
and for the insights.
And welcome!
Thank you for reading my essay and commenting, Northern Light.
Tim Buckley . . .
[video: width:500 height:333]
Welcome, Northern Light
I think you will like it here. Glad you came over.
Bernie's top donors
I read somewhere recently that the number one donors to the Sanders campaign are US military personnel .. the armed forces...
I just don't think that's how people learn political lessons
if they didn't even learn from GWB.
I think they might learn from someone who demonstrates that something better for all of us is feasible, like Bernie. Obama looked like such a person 8 years ago. I think one more disappointment might finish hope.
Otherwise, the German people learned back in '45.
Love your writing, R, but
it's so devastating. I have Pete Seeger in my head, singing "A Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall"... don't have a link though. But that's what people younger than me need to hear, it's going to be hard, a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thank you for posting the video, Bisbonian.
yes, yes, thank you
that's the one.
"Where the pellets of poison are flooding the waters,"
we have to see it and say it so all souls can hear it,
...but it's hard...
I think younger people are hearing the thunder, they see the
storm coming and know electing Bernie is the only way to limit the damage and prevent an even more catastrophic storm.
This same song runs in my head often
Originally Bob Dylan, poet and prophet:
Journalist's creed; or ought to be.
I forgot it was Dylan
thank you for posting that. It is so profound. Yes, journalists but also citizens have to start seeing and speaking truth.
I think Pete Seeger is a role model for doing that. He sang and sang and sang to wake people up.
Absolutely spot on
Supporting Bernie but this is so much bigger than a single election cycle. The establishment knows this and the fact terrifies them - hence the sudden uptick in unity bullshit from the minions.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
The establishment better get used to being terrified.
Karma is Karma.
It knows what they've done and it knows where they live.
*they're* terrified?
They're the ones that are busy ensuring ecological collapse and risking WWIII!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I would cheer from the rooftops
if that comes to pass.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Seven billion people cheering from the rooftops of the world
would be something to see.
Thank you
I so needed to read this awesome writing of yours. My kids need to see this also. Just got off work and so glad I got to come on and read this.... kinda shaking actually from it.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you, Janet.
It comes from the heart, everything we say and do here comes from the heart, Bernie's campaign and the nationwide response to it come from the heart. America wants us to find her, to find her and set her free, and we are going to do that.
[video: width:500 height:333]
I very much enjoyed your writing and your sentiments.
To me it sounds like a eulogy, but a hopeful one that also contains the possibility of revival. I was reminded of some sentences from a book I recently read and was incredibly moved by.
To A God Unknown
John Steinbeck
I’m still hopeful ...
That's a beautiful excerpt from Steinbeck.
Thank you for sharing it with us, janis b, and thank you for your kind words about my writing.
Thank you Rusty,
There were so many sentences in that very small book that would serve to reinforce what you are saying; that it's worth reading to feel elevated by.
Thank you Rusty,
edited for placing in the wrong place.
I so want to hope
I so want to hope.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A golden age of progressive government is coming, but I think
conditions are going to get much worse before that era can begin. If Bernie can win the nomination at the convention he'll beat Trump in November, and the worst of what's coming may be prevented, but we all know the Democratic establishment would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie.
He has a chance of overcoming that resistance, especially if several hundred thousand of his supporters come to Philadelphia, but the Dem establishment seems bound and determined to commit electoral suicide by nominating Hillary.
TY Rusty. Occupy DNC: amen, halleluia, & let's get messy :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Occupy DNC is our best chance of having a real impact on the
convention. I think Bernie knows that, his comment about democracy being messy indicates his intention to support mass protest in Philly and not allow the corporate media and Dem establishment to slander protesters as "anarchists" and "violent thugs", etc.
This is a truly great piece.
You are aiming right at the heart of what's going on: the kingdom of lies, or the mentirocracia, as I like to put it; the control of the imagination (as this writer also discussed: Thank you for your excellent work.
May I make one caveat? You say: "The corporate propaganda has never been so pervasive, so relentless, so effective." It's never been so pervasive, so relentless, and so powerful. But it's singularly ineffective, if one measures the effectiveness of propaganda by its ability to convince. People are less convinced than I've seen them in my lifetime. If anything, I think that's why this election cycle has gotten so butt-ugly: establishment media and establishment politicians are getting downright shirty about the fact that we're not accepting their lies at the rate they expect.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You have a valid point, people have very little trust now in
the political establishment and the media, but I think the corporate media is still very effective. It's deflecting the blame for what's wrong away from those responsible for it and onto the usual scapegoats.
In my view, if the propaganda wasn't still very effective, Bernie would be crushing Hillary in the primaries and leading Trump by 30 points in the general election polls.
Thank you, Can'tStoptheSignal, I appreciate your kind words about my writing.
You're welcome! It's a great piece.
To continue our disagreement:
If the propaganda were working, they wouldn't be using voter purges--such big voter purges that people can plainly see them, even though the MSM resolutely ignores them!
As I said in another diary, whoever is rigging this election, they're extremely ham-handed.
With even a reasonably effective propaganda operation, people would scorn to use such clumsy tools.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That's a good point.
I'm going to acknowledge that I overstated the overall effectiveness of the propaganda, it would have been more accurate to say it's still having a significant impact on conservatives and low information voters, while more Democratic voters than ever before are seeing through it.
thank you. great piece, great writing. Love the perspective you give ... and the music.
keep the faith.
Thank you, Lady Libertine.
I'm glad you're here, I love seeing familiar names everywhere I look on this website.
Great writing, Rusty, about a pivotal moment in US politics.
I tend to key the tipping point to the Edward Snowden affair. After that exposure, government changed dramatically. Desperation was apparent in its every action. In fact, geopolitical actions became "reactions" and "retaliations." All of them, including the toppling of Ukraine's government, the Iran nuclear agreement, and this weekend's bizarre Presidential visit to Vietnam, which was all about massively arming them against China. After a 50-year arms embargo. As if….
Whatever is yanking the US back and forth on the global stage has been invisible up 'til now, although the G-20 is aware of US paranoid-maddness. And poor Europe thinks it has to sleep with the enemy for "protection."
The geopolitcal crazy, including the desperation-filled TPP and TTIF, is what drives the US domestic dystopia. Are the (Russia-obsessed) Neocon's plans for Global Empire too big to fail?
Thanks for sharing your vision.
Yeah, I think Snowden blew the lid off the national security
state kettle, and the neocon cooks have been freaking out ever since.
Thank you, Pluto's Republic. I appreciate the insights you provide in your posts here.