#Bernie Sanders #Political Revolution #Jill Stein #2016 election #Green Party

Some interesting Trends on Google, Check out these trends in search results.

A couple days ago I mentioned in passing that I wondered what the Google Search results were looking like for a couple key terms.

So, me being me I started poking around.

Let's just say, I don't think the DNC is gonna be particularly happy with their decision making process this election

Strange, Ominous, and Unreal

A storm is coming. A political storm, an economic storm, a global storm of catastrophic climate change consequences, an existential storm that will rage from the shores of America to the Pacific Rim, from the steppes of Eurasia to the oil fields of the Middle East, from the vanishing ice cap of the polar north to the vanishing ice cap of the polar south and everywhere in between.

Edith Wharton . . .