Bruenig firing exposes the real political divide
Blogger Matt Bruenig was fired from Demos after correctly exposing Joan Walsh as being intellectually dishonest and calling Neera Tanden a scumbag. Actually, he probably should have just called her a hypocrite.
Bruenig said Tanden “tried to starve me and my mother because she wanted to be in Democratic politics,” and advanced the position that Tanden supported welfare reform in the 1990s, when Bill Clinton was president. Bruenig has been critical of Clinton in his writings, calling her "an enemy of the poor" and "a garbage rich person."
Tanden tweeted at Bruenig that “having been on welfare myself, don’t need lectures on this topic from you.”
Bruenig replied with this tweet: “Scumbag Neera uses welfare when she needs it then takes away from others when they need it. Disgusting.”
Lost in the bruhaha, is that what Bruenig says is the truth. Instead, the entire flare up is being touted by Demos, Bruenigs former employer, as a case of progressives disagreeing.
The statement also highlighted the ongoing feud between factions of the Democratic Party, saying “it has been a particularly challenging place for progressives on opposite sides during the Democratic primary, and we know that there is a Sanders versus Clinton overlay to the Twitter exchange on Thursday night.”
What Demos doesn't evidently understand and the Democratic Party willfully ignores and doesn't want the masses to understand, is that there are no progressives on opposite sides.
There are progressives on Bernie's side and corporatists on the Democratic Party's side.
THAT is why Bruenig rightfully can call Tanden a scumbag and accuse Joan Walsh as being intellectually dishonest. Demos is being dishonest in its portrayal of this dissension as well. Evidently, Demos is run by lying scumbags because they fired Bruenig for telling the truth then lied themselves in their depiction of what is going on here.
There is no disagreement between progressives. The progressives are all united behind Bernie.
This, in a nutshell, is why so many Bernie supporters like myself cannot and will not vote for Hillary. She's not a progressive, she's a corporatist. She's against everything progressives stand for. She knows this. The party knows this. Walsh and Tanden know this. Hence Walsh being dishonest and Tanden being a scumbag.
The progressives are not divided. If any of them break ranks and vote for Hillary, it's only out of fear of Trump. Progressives are united behind Bernie. We're quarreling with the corporate shills and sellouts.

Oh Demos understands all right
They just don't want to get put on Clinton's shit list.
They fired him out of fear.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Clinton's Shit List
In what universe can any of those people be called Progressives? Seriously - they're hard core DLC.
And even Shrillary herself said in public a few months ago that she was "guilty of being a Moderate."
that's how she got the name Windsocks. Ye Olde Check to see what to say: how the wind blows. Sometimes known as focus groups, or what ever Bernie Sanders is saying which is attracting those tens of thousands of people to all his events.
There are progressives on Bernie's side and corporatists on the Democratic Party's side.
You are so correct. I see little difference between corporatist clinton and trump. They'll both protect the status quo. Trump is a racist and clinton and her husband are closet racists. Both have disdain for the poor. clinton uses the poor and minorities only for their vote. When elected she'll cast them aside like so much garbage. Both could give a rats ass about climate change.
OTOH, clinton is a warmonger and trump is an unknown. clinton is pro TPP and trump says it's a bad deal. clinton will attack Social Security and Medicare, trump says hands off.
I'd say clinton is as much as a republican as, well, a republican.
Bernie or Bust...
Agree with what you wrote
We have two frontrunners who have little regard for the truth or promises. The only "positive" with Trump is that so many of his stands on critical issues are unknown.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Trump always been against NAFTA and TPP
Trump is way to the left of Clinton on many issues. NAFTA, TPP.
I slightly ddusagree
Hillary is not a racist. She's a clasist. She uses race - identity politics - with hypocrisy and contempt, but not hatred. The distinction is basically semantic, but the choice of words may be misleading.
On to Biden since 1973
Although being willing to use racism for mercenary
reasons, as she did in 08, should probably count as racist, don't you think?
Does it matter what the reason for doing it is?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Ultimately, essentially racist,
just with cynicism rather than conscious intent. Morally no real difference.
On to Biden since 1973
Am surprised
that more Sanders supporters are not making the argument that supporting Clinton and being progressive are 100% mutually exclusive. This is not a cheap shot - her entire history leads to this conclusion.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
The truth won't stick
At leaste at DU. I don't pay attention to comments anywhere else anymore. I used to make comments 2-3 times a week at Political Animal, but I was blocked twice for innocuous criticisms and now I'm done there.
The Washington/Media Consensus is that Bill and Hillary are progressives, so that's that.
Anyone who disagrees is puppeting RW talking points. I mean how can progressives possibly question Kevin Drum's assesment of Hillary? How can Berniacs accuse Hillary of being a hawk? Ridiculous!
And on, and on, and on . . .
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
New Movie on the Clintons - June
Clinton Cash. Interesting title.
And the "feminist" wing of the KIllary Party are literally
bragging they cost Bruenig his job. The lunatic Sady Doyle being the ringleader of that shitpileon
Corey Robin has had a few posts about it also and he refers to a great tweet too:
" Follow
Jeremy K. Kessler
the iron law of liberalism: incivility in defense of ethical positions is riskier than civility in defense of unethical positions"
BTW, Professor Robin is a great one to read/follow