My Wisest Investment Evah
So I'm going through my Twitter Feed and I see this by an interesting young NYT reporter, Yamichi Alcindor (who I sometimes really like and sometimes really don't like, lol):
Think about this. #feelthebern #BirdieSanders
— Nightprowlkitty (@Nightprowlkitty) May 22, 2016
To repeat:
@BernieSanders is standing in the buffer zone between the U.S. and Mexico talking to activists and talking to people through a border wall.
The financial people have an acronym they use, "ROI" or return on investment.
Can you imagine Hillary standing in the buffer zone between the U.S. and Mexico, talking to anyone at all?
As a matter of fact, what HAS she accomplished during her campaign? What's she doing now? Does she feel she already knows all the American people so she doesn't need to go around talking to us? Or is it that she has her time being monopolized by big money and other power brokers and courtiers and just doesn't have any more to spare? I guess we'll never know, transparency isn't her strong suit.
Anyway, my return on investment for each penny I've contributed to the Sanders campaign has come back to me a thousand fold. Bernie is doing exactly what I'd want a Presidential candidate to do - go out and talk to the people and tell the truth.
If Bernie had taken the money, this would not be happening, it couldn't happen.
Bernie's donors are we the people. And he's going out to show solidarity with as many of us as he can, each and every day.
Seriously, this is the wisest investment I've ever made and I continue to receive enormous returns on it every day.

Here's a picture from Sanders' visit from Yamiche:
Beat in the USA.
He is like the energizer bunny
He's everywhere, and he includes everyone. I can't believe we the people had such a great candidate, and they elbowed him to death.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Every "elbow" ...
... is proving Bernie's point. Each time the Establishment Dems go negative it wakes more and more people up to the corruption in the party.
Beat in the USA.
Not to death
Call California! This is NOT over.
Here's another example, from San Francisco:
Beat in the USA.
That news clip is amazing.
Try to imagine Hillary going to Liberty U.
and challenging them to be true to their Christian beliefs. No way. She'd gush about what a great Christian she was in her phony southern accent, and everyone present would know she was pandering.