Open Thread 07-05-15
Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Janis Joplin.
Yes' or 'No'? Greece votes in crucial bailout referendum
The Greek people are voting in a key referendum that will decide if they accept or reject the harsh bailout demands of international creditors. At stake, many commentators have said, is the country’s future in the eurozone and the EU itself.
A total of 4,800 polling stations across the country opened at 7:00 am local time (4:00 GMT) and will close at 7:00 pm, with first results expected after 9:00 pm.
Approximately 9.9 million Greeks are eligible to participate in the vote, which was labeled #Greferendum by the social media.
A turnout of at least 40 percent is required for the results of the plebiscite to be valid.
Syriza leaders Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis have already cast their votes in the referendum.
How Greece Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"
John Perkins is no stranger to making confessions. His well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, revealed how international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, while publicly professing to "save" suffering countries and economies, instead pull a bait-and-switch on their governments: promising startling growth, gleaming new infrastructure projects and a future of economic prosperity - all of which would occur if those countries borrow huge loans from those organizations. Far from achieving runaway economic growth and success, however, these countries instead fall victim to a crippling and unsustainable debt burden.
That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, with ordinary backgrounds, who travel to these countries and impose the harsh austerity policies prescribed by the IMF and World Bank as "solutions" to the economic hardship they are now experiencing. Men like Perkins were trained to squeeze every last drop of wealth and resources from these sputtering economies, and continue to do so to this day. In this interview, which aired on Dialogos Radio, Perkins talks about how Greece and the eurozone have become the new victims of such "economic hit men."
Michael Nevradakis: In your book, you write about how you were, for many years, a so-called "economic hit man." Who are these economic hit men, and what do they do?
John Perkins: Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be things like oil - or it could be markets - it could be transportation systems. There're so many different things. Once we identified these countries, we arranged huge loans to them, but the money would never actually go to the countries; instead it would go to our own corporations to build infrastructure projects in those countries, things like power plants and highways that benefitted a few wealthy people as well as our own corporations, but not the majority of people who couldn't afford to buy into these things, and yet they were left holding a huge debt, very much like what Greece has today, a phenomenal debt.
We pledge allegiance to the United States of Inc.: Corporations become nation-states in Silicon Valley’s latest utopian management scheme
In Holacracy's vision, workers are citizens of the companies that will one day rule the worldDuring my desultory post-graduation years in San Francisco, I lived in a big duplex with three roommates. We had bands, fledging writing gigs and other financially unpromising passions, until one of us threw over la vie bohème to work at a consulting firm. We teased him mercilessly for using nonsensical catchphrases like “think outside the box” and for getting a job telling other people how better to run their companies when he’d never actually run a company himself. In the years since, he started an airline in a foreign country, and everyone else began talking about thinking outside the box, too.
Management theory is the philosophy of the corporate class, who are more or less the ruling class in contemporary America. It’s surprising, then, how little attention the rest of us pay to what corporate leaders say to each other about what they do. True, a lack of interest in managementese is understandable, because who even knows what these people are talking about as they spill vast cloud banks of vaporous words across the landscape? To read Brian J. Robertson’s “Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World” is to sled through abstractions, euphemisms and neologisms (“energizing roles,” “processing tensions” and so on), wondering what any of it has to do with making a living by providing goods and services to a market.
“Holacracy” is particularly noteworthy, though, because it does offer a substantively new way to run a corporate enterprise, one that is already famous for requiring difficult readjustments in the handful of companies that have tried it. Zappos, the online shoe retailer, and Medium, a blend of publisher and social blogging platform, are two of the most prominent organizations to use holacracy, and the bumpiness of Zappos’ conversion has received a good amount of press. Reporters have described the new system as “no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy,” and a whopping 14 percent of Zappos’ workforce took a buyout rather than adapt to holacracy’s arcane system of circles within self-organizing circles and multiple, shifting “roles” assigned to each employee.
Still Waiting for USS Liberty’s Truth
By Ray McGovern
Israel’s chokehold over U.S. politics and politicians has been so powerful for so many decades that this obvious reality is routinely denied, a collective gagging of the truth that is itself a measure of how strong the Israeli grip is.
The most potent and poignant example of how much American independence has been surrendered to Israel when it comes to events in the Middle East may be the contortions of cover-up that followed Israel’s attempt to sink the USS Liberty during the Six-Day War in 1967, killing 34 American seamen.
The desire of virtually the entire U.S. political and media establishments was for this unpleasant incident to go away. No one, it seemed, wanted to hold Israel to account or to challenge its lame excuses about an inadvertent mistake. One of the few who eventually did was Navy Admiral and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer, who helped lead an independent, blue-ribbon commission to investigate what happened to the Liberty.
Those finding were released on Oct. 22, 2003. The introduction and first four findings stated:
Direct Actions Across Canada Declare: 'Time to Move on' from Tar Sands
The #JobsJusticeClimate actions are serving as an important prelude to the Climate Summit of the Americas, happening in Toronto next weekCreative direct actions are taking place across Canada on Saturday, in a nationwide mobilization meant to demonstrate that Canadians "care about their communities, and that we are ready to stop digging, start building and move beyond the tar sands."
The 'We > Tar Sands' rallies and events are coming in advance of a major March for Jobs, Justice, and the Climate happening in Toronto on Sunday, and on the heels of a series of student-led sit-ins that swept the country on Friday.
Taken together, the actions represent "the first steps towards a new kind of climate movement," as eco-activist and anti-capitalist Naomi Klein put it.
The July 4th coast-to-coast mobilizations, which range from the creation of a giant human chain on the sea wall at Vancouver's Sunset Beach to a flotilla protest on the Ottawa River just outside Montreal to a free concert in Edmonton, the capital of tar sands-rich Alberta, are being supported by—which is providing live updates on the events here.
Janis Joplin - Cry Baby
Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart
Janis Joplin - Maybe
Janis Joplin-Mercedes Benz

Good morning folks...
I slept in this morning, finally got an 8 hour sleep. I'm ready to rock!
Did ISIS get y'all yesterday? Did they steal your Freedoms on Freedom Day? Check in so we know you're safe.
a fine time with Isis, myself. Always a pleasure, when she comes around.
I thank the Gods...
ISIL has an anthem: "O Soldiers Of Truth Go Forth." Sample lyrics:
The Islamic state has been established
So wipe out all the borders
Wherever our war goes
Jewish rabbis are humiliated
O soldiers of the truth, let's go!
Break the crosses and destroy the lineages
of the grandsons of monkeys
The state of Tawheed will remain
in spite of the lies of hateful people
Stupid. Boring.
Kind of like this one, also stupid and boring:
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus going on before
Christ, the Royal Master, leads against the foe
Forward into battle, see His banners go
At the sign of triumph
Satan's host doth flee;
On, then, Christian soldiers,
On to victory.
which of the God of Abraham's 3 progeny's does He/She favor, as a just God would? If the God of Abraham was just then it would be all 3 equally, if He/She favors one above the others can He/She be a just God?
Note: Just another one of the reasons I don't believe in the jive.
that is a problem. However, I believe that the non-magical-underpants portions of Mitt Romney are converting to Judaism, at which time he shall take charge of ISIL, thereby uniting all three factions.
It will be a new dawn.
that makes sense. I hope the Magic Underwear has a trap in the back, for relieving, ahem, the excess "Magic".
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
believe it has now been determined that the magic underwear contains various flaps and holes that allow emergence of waste products. It was once believed, back in Pioneer days, that the garments were sealed, Mormons accumulating in them waste across the ages, which they delivered as bounty, upon their deaths, to Mormon heaven. This is when it was likewise believed that gila monsters never defecated, but instead stored their poop in their tails. But then came Science, and now it is known that a gila monster indeed possesses an anus, which it occasionally uses, as it is known that when a Mormon utilitzes his or her anus, the magic underwear is, generally, temporarily swept aside. Science has also confirmed that the saliva of gila monsters is useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. I do not know if there has been found a use for Mormon saliva.
I always wanted to know what the meaning of "gilas"
is, now I ask directly as you used the word "gila monster". There is a kossack with the handle "a gilas girl" and I wondered what the meaning of that handle is. Is gila and gilas the same in meaning?
have to ask her. "Gila" is also a river and a town and a county in New Mexico, and I think that person, at least at one time, hailed from down there.
I do believe...
that Mitt Romney found a use for said saliva when emitting spittle encrusted elitist blurbs about the 47%, or was that accumulated waste, maybe both, there-to-for placing himself on par with said gila monster in the eyes of science. That underwear is magic.
what is going on here, are you all Mormon underwear fetischists?
It's so good to only understand half of what you guys post.
Only if it's Magic Underwear.
Only half of what we post makes any sense, so you're good to go.
Good morning JtC and all...
Glad you are feeling better today, JtC. Lots of tourists crowding the streets; thankfully, a cool breeze is blowing. Endured explosions all night, but no visible signs of ISIS this morning and the museum is still standing. Enjoy the day.
Morning smiley...
I thought I had enough sleep, but i just woke up from an hour long nap. Feel like I might take another too. Glad the Boogie Man didn't get you!
still alive, just helicopters and firetrucks rambling
over my head or passing my windows all the time. Feels like a war zone sometimes. So, seems the Greeks have voted in the majority for a "no"? I am behind, schlepped furniture yesterday and continue today. Wanna be outta here.
Morning mimi...
I don't think the voting is over but the Guardian is saying the "Nos" are ahead.
Greek referendum: no vote ahead in early results - live updates
yep, I admit I am scared that the Euro currency
drops to the bottom. Personally for me that would be very bad. But I would vote "no" as well, if I were Greek. Schaeuble is the most stubborn boneheaded man, Merkel's future completely on shaky ground, the Social Democrats in Germany are very much to blame for the way the German government reacted, and there is no left. Same thing as seemlingly everywhere else including the US. What a terrible shame. I think times are ready to go "berserk" again.
The Euro will stabilize.
It may drop against the Dollar for a bit, but the Euro is an important currency and its importance will grow. After November, it could soar.
Right now, the Euro at its low, has been very good for European export markets. This is boosting their economy, overall, or at least supporting it, in the face of the disastrous (for them) Russian sanctions.
thanks, pluto, waiting it out then til it's stronger again/nt
ISIS did not get me, but
Computer issues have crimped my on line style. One of our dogs accidentally knocked my laptop off the table a little over a year ago, breaking some parts, particularly one of the cover hinges and cracking portal where I plug in my charger cable. That finally gave way last night and I could not recharge my battery.
Hubby has glued it together several times, and did another emergency repair this morning after I had a meltdown over not being able to watch my on-line subscription to the Tour de France. It just might be time to think about a new computer. Right now I am using a small notebook of hubby's but it is eyestrain city to these old eyes.
I am hoping to be back with the big screen soon. 
I hope every one had a good and safe 4th of July. And I am happy to see that JtC is feeling better. Get well soon!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
sorry to hear about your computer. I think dogs and liquids may be the greatest natural enemies of laptops (well, those and Bill Gates). Whenever my daughter gets a laptop, liquids immediately burst out of the refrigerator and run, sloshing wildly, over to the laptop, where they proceed to ecstatically pour themselves into it.
Morning gg...
it's a good thing you've got a handyman, I'm a master at MacGyvering things myself.
Did you check under your bed, those ISIS dudes are stealthy, kind of like a ghost army.
the only time I look under the bed is when I am vacuuming or dusting, or when I haul out my Christmas wreathe. Otherwise, I am terrified of what I might find.
Hubby has permanently hard wired the charging cord to the computer for now. I wonder how long that will last.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
he is McGuyver! If he soldered it it should last for a long time, at least until the pooch does his pooch thing again.
The pooch
We call him the computer killer because he destroyed a two month old computer of my husband's the same way he did mine.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
or do it like I do, just sent off my laptop and tablet
which I never used to my son, as he got his stolen when some thugs beat him up. When my son told me "I don't want your laptop, because I know you like to read in your bed with it", I knew I HAD to send it to him. He was right and I thought that it was a shame and the truth and that it had to stop.
How many people go with their laptops or tablets or phones to bed? How many have their TV in their bedroom? Is there any time in your life where you don't have those things "on" and "available" any "second" of your life"? Do you realize that you are slaves of this darn technology, which eats up your mind?
So, I am without anything now and really have to be at home and on my desk to go online. Next thing I do is to get rid of TV altogether or just with an old fashioned roof antenna. After that I try to think if I can get rid of my mobile phone. I guess that goes the last. Internet access can't go. That's what we have come to.
How about you?
We cut
the cord to Direct TV over five years ago. I miss sports but mostly the Tour de France so when I found I could buy an on line subscription each year, I do it and watch on line. I do not have a smart phone, just an old fashioned flip phone and neither of us text. IMO, texting is a real time suck and I have had no desire to do it. I have good friends who are constantly texting feeling like they must interrupt whatever they are doing to respond to a text message.
As a result of eliminating the tv and not having texting or a smart phone, I am very happy. The thing about not having tv is that most of the day the house is very quiet and it is amazing just how less stressful it is.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Similar to what we did
several years ago. We currently have only basic cable that only picks up C-Span at primary, and satellite radio to receive news here (house and cars). In addition to a service like Netflix, and a computer--who needs anything more?
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
yes, I can stream the news on the computer and
that's all I need. I need the mobile phone to communicate with my son, who only can use a mobile phone and has to use Verizon. As we talk a lot, I have to live with it and the family plan. I wished I wouldn't have to do that though.
For sure, have to have a cell phone, and for us,
because of Twitter, email, and texting--we find smart phones to be a necessity.
(More about that later--we hit 'pay dirt' with a great deal on the last phones we purchased just several months ago. Does everything we need, too. Excellent news service, with all kinds of widgets/apps.)
I agree with Nancy that phones can be both a hassle, and an unwelcomed distraction at times. Still, I can't function without a Twitter feed for more than a couple of hours. Whew! That's bad.
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
is that twitter need for work purposes or for
your own private pleasure. If I start twitter, I end up reading and then I end up feeling I am drowning and sinking and getting dizzy.
Thank God I don't have to read all of it for making a living.
Strictly news--Twitter's the only 'social media' that we use.
(Not counting emailing or texting in that category.)
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
German Sec. for Economy and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel,
also vice chancellor of Germany and chef of the Social Democratic Party says that there is no more compromise with the government in Athens after the results of the referendum with over 61 percent "no" votes. With that statement he supports the Christian Union (conservatives in Germany, and party of Mr. Schaeuble, which is pretty darn bad. He also turns against Merkel herself, who more and more has to fight against those in her own party AND in the Social Democratic Party, who do not want or see any further negotiations with Athens. Merkel and Hollande are headed for a special summit in Bruessels on Tuesday evening, to which also Varoufakis will go, but apparently Brussels ask itself, what they are supposed to negotiate over and what Varoufakis "is doing in Bruessels". (shaking my head)
The way I understand this, it is pretty weird that Merkel has to decide now, which unity is more important to her, the unity within Europe (trying to find a solution that avoids the Grexit and helps the Greece) or the unity within her government, as apparently pretty much all of them are against her still trying to be open to negotiate a way out of the situation.
EU-Parliament President Martin Schulz says one should start on Monday or Tuesday to talk about a "humanitarian rescue program" (pointing to a video clip that made the rounds on German TV about a crying Greek elderly man, who said he can't buy the medication for his dying wife anymore - saying 'we don't want to see that again' - oh, wow, really? ..). Well, that's a band-aid, but not a solution, I guess.
Meanwhile didn't Laguarde sound a little bit more "understanding" and forthcoming, saying that Greece needs up to €60 billion (HK$516.8 billion) of extra funds over the next three years, with large-scale debt relief in order to create a "breathing space" to stabilise the economy.
But in this article from Global Economy (South China Morning Post) David Brown says that the IMF might have lost its policy clout over Greece. May be as has Merkel. I wonder if both are pulling now on the same rope.
That all reads like a crime story.
people you mention, they are cartoon characters. Merkel pickles cabbage, and Hollande assembles croque monsieurs in the back of some bistro. Gabriel is sent into the streets so his face can scare off Mean Dogs, while Schulz was just shot into space so the sunlight can reflect off his forehead and provide guidance to the Pluto probe, which just went dark. Lagarde is going into a pokey, like all the other IMF presidents.
I make sure I forward this message to her ... :-) /nt
These images of FSC are spreading like wildfire--Hah! ;^D
Late to the Party, but glad to hear that you are feeling better JtC. Was hoping that I could drop by EB last night, but things are pretty hectic with Family in. Can't hear myself think (not that I'm complaining).
Here's FSC in all her splendor . . .
[Clinton New Hampshire Parade Photo With Moving Rope Line, Darren McCollester, Getty Images, July 4, 2015]
Reporters caption under the Getty Image:
Here's a link to the piece, "A Clinton innovation: The moving parade rope line," By Gregory Korte.
Oh, and here's the non-schedule of the Dem Party Presidential Debates. Believe it or not, Repubs have a better schedule, actually including states other than the very early primary/caucus states (including California and Ohio, IIRC).
Pretty sketchy, eh?
(BTW, if there is a more current schedule, I stand corrected.)
I have several more Twitter photos of our crack national reporters (from the New Hampshire Parade) cordoned off, which I'll post after I upload them to Flickr.
I don't believe for a minute that her campaign can continue in this 'non-campaign' campaign mode--totally controlling the national press. After all, this behavior just accentuates the contrast between her and Senator Sanders when it comes to authenticity--or lack thereof.
Have a good rest of the Holiday, Everyone!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Perhaps more Democrats will drop in
…to the race.
Right now, Millennials are talking positive about presidential candidate Jim Webb:
Jim Webb Has The Most Progressive Drug Approach Of Any Candidate
What does FSC mean, again?
Former Secretary Clinton. And you're right about Webb--he
proposed 'prison/drug sentencing reform' legislation as far back as 2011. Believe it passed the Senate, but wasn't funded (or something like that).
"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
too bad
Webb fellates serial killers—"There is no institution in America that better exemplifies leadership, sacrifice and courage than the United States Marine Corps"—and loves him some slavery-diaper.
Actually, awhile back, I proposed it meant
"Full Spectrum Clinton" and I stand by that
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Touché, John. ;-) NC is one of my favorites, too. N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.