Hillary Clinton & Democratic Stockholm Syndrome
As writing and inspiration often goes, this piece started out as something quite different. It was intended to be a relatively quick reply in the Comments section to CantStoptheSignal's great piece, here:http://caucus99percent.com/content/why-does-clinton-machine-want-us-leave. (And please do spend some time with that essay, it's worth it).
But in the last 48 hours the breakneck pace of political events has once again re-oriented many things.
One thing by now has been cemented as never before: Hillary Clinton and the DNC are actively trying to alienate Progressives. One can even argue, given her recent Self-Coronation as transmitted on CNN…they are actively alienating many Americans of all sociopolitical colors.
So, what could be some potential the motives ? The blueprint to all of this unprecedented unilateral stuff, ?
Here are just a few possibilities I'd like to posit:
1) First off, I honestly do NOT think we can discount the notion that hillary and DNC still actually believe that, in a scenario where Bernie is no longer a candidate, registered progressive Dems will actually grudgingly return to her in numbers.
This sounds ludicrous, I know - but if you are around my age and you recall the Bill Clinton Debacl-- oops, I mean Administration -- you can understand that Taking Liberals for Granted Since They Have Nowhere Else to Go has always been a cornerstone of Clintonism, right from the time Bill headed the Dem Leadership Council (DLC) in the 80's. Over the past generation there have even been leaked quotes of comments made by folks within the Bill and Obama cabinets, blatantly saying this (Carville, Emmanuel, Gibbs jumping immediately to mind).
So, in the spirit of "sometimes the simplest possibility can be the actual reason…", and given that creative thinking has never been the forte of Clintonpolitix…..it all may be as straightforward as this.
2) Although CantStoptheSignal's piece points out that Hillary is, indeed, not 'stupid' per se.... she has certainly shown a level of Entitlement throughout her career which has arguably clouded any good judgment she should have been able to maintain in past situations (whether as a First Lady, Senator, Sec of State, or Candidate).
So this may just be 'ingrained' (to an oftentimes scary degree). Literally a Moral Flaw which has gone wild this time around. Basically "she just cannot conceive of how she wouldn't be the Dem Nom" Particularly after she has worked so hard to line up her ducks in a row. What LOSING the Primary might actually LOOK like to Clinton and her campaign-meisters is simply beyond comprehension.
(I, for one, might suggest the simplest RX: Just recall for a moment May of 2008; then you should be able to wrap your mind around what that looks like).
Naomi Klein, in her great article in The Nation, actually gets to the nitty-gritty of this Clinton flaw: the couple's world-view is so limited, their actual life experiences so hemmed in, that they actually cannot 'conceive' that their political philosophy is wrong. (A Malady also known as Greenspanitis):
" The problem with Clinton World is structural. It’s the way in which.. profoundly enmeshed relationships—lubricated by the exchange of money, favors, status, and media attention—shape what gets proposed as policy in the first place.
" To understand this Worldview, one need look no further than the foundation at which Hillary Clinton works and which bears her family name. The mission of the Clinton Foundation can be distilled as follows: There is so much private wealth sloshing around our planet (thanks in very large part to the deregulation and privatization frenzy that Bill Clinton unleashed on the world while president), that every single problem on earth, no matter how large, can be solved by convincing the ultra-rich to do the right things with their loose change. Naturally, the people to convince them to do these fine things are the Clintons, the ultimate relationship brokers and dealmakers, with the help of an entourage of A-list celebrities.
" At the center of it all is the canonical belief that change comes not by confronting the wealthy and powerful but by partnering with them. Viewed from within the logic of what Thomas Frank recently termed “the land of money,” all of Hillary Clinton’s most controversial actions make sense. Why not take money from fossil-fuel lobbyists? Why not get paid hundreds of thousands for speeches to Goldman Sachs? It’s not a conflict of interest; it’s a mutually beneficial partnership—part of a never-ending merry-go-round of corporate-political give and take.
3) If one ponders Stockholm Syndrome....this may well be the endgame, too. A complete crushing and demoralizing destruction of the will of Progressives ties in quite nicely with the Clinton-Obama-DLC model of the "New Democrats".
In a sense, one can view her entire '16 campaign as just that. From the get go, she and DNC wooed in just enough Core Dem supporters to make her Coronation seem inevitable; and have since then been lowering the bar and compromising on literally EVERY issue important to Progressives, with the one exception of Abortion.
Each time this happens, each time the bar gets lowered…whether Citizens United/Super PAC funding…fracking…campaign money laundering…..flip-flops on Gun Rights…flip-flops on Coal...etc….
she, as the Chosen one, tacitly asks her followers to surrender a piece of themselves.. Surrender the piece, then rationalize that surrender to everyone else as being 'realistic', 'practical', 'politically sly' (she don't really mean it, wink-wink), or a 'necessity'.
In the end the Supporter, having compromised many of his/her core moral principles/values... is disempowered; yet still retains an allegiance, empathy, and respect for their Leader.
In a nutshell...this is the Hillary '16 Campaign.
There have, however, been a few Wildcards in Primary '16. The fact tat Bernie supporters will NOT lower their 'bar' being the Yuge one. None of the bright lights in Hillary's room likely ever conceived of such a serious 'problem'.
So, although Hillary and Co. couldn't massage a good half of Dem voters into playing her game of Hillary Limbo, the need still remains to get the holdouts to the point of complete and utter capitulation.
Triangulative wordspray has failed, MSM skewed coverage has failed, DNC proclamations have failed…so, Clinton '16 will simply use a more "Muscular" approach : bludgeon Progressives into submission.
In their eyes, given their limited understanding of how Life actually operates, they may well believe that although there would be bitterness and some revolt at first, in the end Bernistas will come crawling back…possibly even to be re-educated using carrot-stick methods.
4) The last possibility which strikes me is this: They truly have computed in their minds that they can win an election and govern with Zero Progressive support.
From a purely political perspective then, this alienation is exactly what it looks like: A Complete Jettisoning of Progressive Americans from the political process.
Recent gestures by the Clinton/DNC cabal show they are indeed trying to woo GOP/right wing supporters to her. Particularly supporters of W, to whom they are currently making their case very aggressively. Again, this may seem nuts…until one ponders: the difference between an American NeoLib and American NeoCon Administration is maybe, what ?... 6 degrees of separation ?
As Rob Urie states in his excellent CounterPunch article :
"To the political inconvenience of said establishment Democrats, including Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Koch’s endorsement [of her] has content behind it.
His charge is that establishment Democrats have the softer touch needed in present circumstance to sell Conservative policies like deregulation of industry and fiscal austerity.
As Bill Clinton, whose policies Mr. Koch preferred to those of George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have demonstrated— it is socially liberal Democrats who have been the better proponents of Wall Street’s neo-capitalist takeover precisely because they accomplish with stealth economic policies what Republicans attempt more straightforwardly through politics"
So, in such a scenario, as long as Hillary can keep up the masquerade of seeming socially progressive, and as long as she can keep a % of her diehard LimboDemocrat supporters on that leash, the sham political system she would captain has no need whatsoever for Progressives, so can simply marginalize 'em, and forget 'em.
This also plays into what I personally feel IS a goal of the Corporate Plutocracy in America today: to eventually make the populace feel, thru a candidate like Hillary - that there's no need for a 2-party system at all, anymore. Because, as Hillary '16 shows us…registered Dems and registered right-wing Republicans actually can find a place under Her wide Umbrella.
And after a generation of Polarization Politics, where the populace was divided further and further into opposite camps while the 'center' became a vacant, dead wasteland…..isn't that nice big umbrella of Commonality EXACTLY what Americans have always wanted ? A bringing together of Americans* ? What a beautiful thing. What a Herculean Task Hillary will have pulled off.
America would get Clinton The Conciliator v.2.
*minus those who have been discarded as politically unnecessary, of course.
America would just need to set aside the fact that the middle-far Right of W would now occupy the new 'Center'; the Trump extreme Right now would become the Middle Right, and current Dem Neolib Clinton-Obama-Clinton faction would actually occupy the place of the current Left/Progressives. Given 4 years...that wouldn't be too difficult for the Corporate Plutocracy to do.
(As always, feedback, comments, and thoughts appreciated).

The Dems would rather lose with Hillary
The Dems would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie. I really think it's that bad. Look at President Obama, constantly looking to make deals with the Tea-GOP obstructionists instead of reaching out to progressives. They're just not that into us.
Of course, the national polls that show Trump and Clinton within the margin of error ignore the Electoral College. Unless Trump gets support in the right states, he can lose even with a slight national majority.
The American electorate is neatly divided into: (1) Voters who hate Hillary; (2) Voters who hate Trump; (3) and the largest group, voters who hate both Hillary and Trump. Unless Bernie is the Dem nominee, it will be a dreary contest.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I'd like to correct one assertion; I agree with everything else
I would say "unless Bernie runs in the General Election, it will be a dreary contest". (Actually, I probably would have written suicidally dreary, myself ...:/)
If you have time to peruse my earlier entry...I think we seriously gotta move past any notion of the Dems ever allowing Bernie to secure the Party nomination. They will simply not allow that to happen, regardless of what circumstances may arise between now and Convention.
Thanks for your thoughts
We recognize Hellery...
as a republican, but the republicans hate her...and will show up to vote against her. And I wouldn't be surprised if the rethuglican head of the FBI, Comey, waits till the general to indict her.
And then again a little bird suggests a miracle?

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Down the road...
Should Clinton get the Democratic Party nomination (not guaranteed at all, but likely), and should she win in November (also not guaranteed at all), she will see that she is wide open to concentrated fire from her left flank. Think LBJ. Millions of Americans - me included - went to the streets to protest against LBJ's war in Vietnam. LBJ, as bad as he could be, was more of a Democrat than Clinton could ever hope to be. Which is exactly the thing: I don't truly believe she really is a Democrat, as many have noted. She certainly is the opposite of what has kept me on the side of Democrats: The New Deal. Hillary Clinton is about as opposite an FDR Democrat as you can get and still put a "D" after your name.
I also believe it is no accident that the Clintons are bumping Progressives and actual Leftists over the railing. Further, the talk of Clinton attempting to choose Warren for VP is missing the point by a mile. In my opinion, it's much more likely to see her bring Jeb! to the Philadelphia and drag him, arm in arm, to the podium as her VP choice. I'm convinced that is exactly what she wants to do, if possible. It would certainly be a fitting choice.
They're prepared to squash us like Occupy
when we take to the streets. Lots more surveillance now, and the police are much more militarized, though I'm sure they'll bring out the real military, too - or maybe the mercenaries.
Yes, they are trying to do JUST that...BUT...
...the difference between Occupy and this Revolution is that, this one has a leader. If I may be so bold, Occupy eventually succumbed not only to MSM mis-portayal, but also due to its own Egalitarianism. This isn't a new idea, it has been mentioned by Chris Hedges and Michael Moore as well.
For whatever reason, Americans NEED a Persona, a Figure, to lead them to make the big move. This time, we have one. However, as we are unsure of Bernie's intentions, we may have to push, nudge, or drag him into making the big decision.
Thanks for your comments !
The Kochs might support "Libertarian" Gary Johnson
To siphon off the Trump votes. This would be a huge favor for Hillary (if her nomination theft is successful). Unwittingly, it would also be a huge favor to Jill Stein.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Great essay
And thank you for sending me to the Naomi Klein article. That explains so well the Clinton/Third Way mindset.
And it goes without saying (but I will say it anyway) I just tweeted this out.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thanks Steve, and Yes re: Naomi
I am still wondering exactly how The Nation let that one in. Perhaps a managing Editor was on vacation (?!). But yes, that's quite an article, right ? I mean, hillary is easy to vilify (although she deserves 95% of it),
But that was no 'hit piece'. It was a crystal-clear analysis of the mindset of the clintons, how they understand the world, and a critique of their inability to see it any other way.
Still frightening...but now not quite as baffling, perhaps.
The Nation magazine
endorsed Bernie. Also Katrina vanden Hueval, of course.
two groups
to watch.
1. Liberals who ID Democratic: right now Clinton carries them overwhelming.
2. Young Independents: here is where it is more complicated.
Almost the entirety of the gap between Clinton and Sanders in trail heats against Trump is among 19-29 independents.
A couple of examples:
NH: Trump LEADS Clinton 48-34 among those 18-29. Clintons approval rating among that group is 19 positive 78 negative. Sanders approval is 48-45. That NH poll only had Clinton up 2. IF Clinton can get Bernie's help, she reverses the numbers and NH becomes a blow out.
Georgia: overall its Clinton 41 Trump 45. Sanders leads Trump 47-42. Sanders leads Trump 59-32 among the young. Clinton leads only 44-37. Clinton's approval rating is 32-64 among the young, Trump is 27-64. Sanders is 63-32.
There is a similar pattern in Ohio and New Jersey as well.
The point is important. The Democratic Party can have a landslide victory.
And that is why Bernie matters a whole lot to Clinton. There is no WAY both campaigns don't know the numbers I have shared.
So here is what is going to happen:
Someone is going to take a poll with sanders on the ticket and sanders off the ticket. And that poll will show that ticket doing between 6 and 8 points better.
That polling is going to completely remake the VP choice, and the entire discussion between the Clinton and Sanders people.
Not Convinced
After all, Bernie is "not a real Democrat" AND he didn't end his campaign when the Royal Edict was issued. He isn't going to even be asked to be the VP choice no matter what the point spread.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Nor do we want him to be
Powerless, and Removed from his seat in the Senate, to boot.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Then again, if there is an indictment
after the convention and Clinton has to step down, Sanders would be best suited to carry on with the campaign.
Just sayin'.
Understand stats, but reality is DNC won't do that
Thanks for writing.
I agree w/ neoconned ....numbers are nice but the problem with 'em is...this isn't a conventional Political Race.
Dems just want Bernie GONE.
1) There is no way Shillary would ever allow him on her ticket; she's in the pocket of the Plutocracy, as is the entire Dem Party. Beyond that, she has just displayed so much Entitlement and Ego, she would never swallow Bernie as her running mate.
2) The requirements Bernie would insist upon will just NOT be accpeted by DNC: end Citizens Untd, Single-payer, free tuiion, Increase Social Security spending, restructure tax policies, etc. Up and down the list...there is ZERO which the Dems would ever agree to.
There will never be such a VP offer to Bernie. We really gotta stop deceiving ourselves that the Dems are providing anything but a roadblock. From the events of this week, and number of online petitions insisting he run 3rd party...it appears peeps are finally coming to that conclusion, too
Thanks for your response to my piece.
Of the four possibilities you mention,
as to what goes on in the warped minds of Hillary & co, I say a heaping serving of #1, a side order of #2, spiced up with a frisson of #3 and #4.
Bingo--your 4th answer is the correct one,
I believe.
One of her top ReadyForHillary PAC fundraisers said a couple years ago on NPR (when the PAC launched) that FSC would be wooing moderate Republicans in 2016.
FSC could care less, IMO, about any of the Bernie Coalition--except for millennials--specifically, college students.
A couple months ago, Glenn Thrush of Politico reported that her campaign wants Bernie to campaign for her on college campuses, once she takes the nomination.
Their calculation appears to be that if they can garner a sizable (if not all) portion of this segment of Bernie's base, taken with minorities, single women, and some of the professional class--PLUS a fair number of moderate Republican crossover voters--they've got it in the bag.
I don't agree with their calculation, but I think that they feel fine with losing their older (Boomer) progressive base/activists, as long as they can maintain enough support from the so-called Obama Coalition, and moderate Repubs.
(The youth vote was part of the Obama Coalition in 2008, of course. That's why they are so eager to get Bernie's younger supporters on board.)
Also, according to Bill Press (CNN), they think that getting 'the list'--meaning Bernie's donation list that the Party expects him to turn over to FSC's campaign and/or the DNC--will cinch it for her.
Personally, I think that they'll be in for a big surprise. But, I suppose, time will tell.
Thanks for this post!
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”--Author Unknown
In Loving Memory Of Sweet Kaya, SOSD Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks Mollie...I think so too
Re: Big Surprise.
If they truly feel that it's the so-called 'millenials' that they can woo....wow...talk about having a Political Tin Ear ! :0
But it wouldn't surprise me that this is their 'strategy'. And they probably think themselves quite sly for coming up with it.
Their missteps and miscalculations thus far, however, have been mind-boggling. But never underestimate the power of the DNC-hillary Cabal to overestimate themselves...
Hillary and The New Dems
They genuinely believe they have The Bernie Wing of The Democratic Party over a barrell. Because of their twisted world view they believe a substantial majority of Sandernistas will be compelled to come crawling back with our votes, contributions and GOTV phone banking and door knocking.
We can not allow ourselves to be Kuciniched back into the Clinton Dream Machine.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
waz up?
I agree that Hilly, DNC et all believe that we are just bratty kids, threatening to run away from home, who will be OK come suppertime. I also believe Marx was pretty much right – we are in a class struggle and only incidentally a political struggle. She really believes that she is the best qualified person from the only strata of society that "Get Things Done". You touch on a point I have been pondering: her masquerade of seeming socially progressive. Consider how she tried to swing the whole Progressive question that way by attacking Bernie on gun-manufactures' liability, as if that were the crux of Progressivity (is that's a word). I do not think she envisions the two parties merging, quite the opposite. She needs the Repugs just like The MI Complex needs The Terrorists, now that they don't have The Soviet Union to frighten the children with.....
It had to happen sometime
It might as well be now.
A friend pointed out that the Republicans keep moving to the right in reaction to the Dems moving to the right.
Eventually both will be so far the right that any relationship to the left fails to pass the smell test.
Your friend is Astute...
...as are your comments. Thanks for that.
Here you go!
From Hullabaloo:
Digby quotes Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg on getting 31% of the moderate Republican vote:
And Sandernistas waking up to political reality:
According to Greenberg Trump is a Godsend to Progressives and The Democratic Party.
Check it out:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Everyone thinks Trump is Godsend
But not in the way most pundits, and Greenberg, mean it.
IMHO much of Greenberg's forecasting is very, very iffy. It's incredibly presumptuous..most of the presumption relying on the notion that this campaign season is not all that different from ones past. Yet it sorta ignores the Planetary realities which are now crushing down upon us.
I think Trump MIGHT a Godsend because, had the GOP ended up with a candidate who they could close ranks around early...the DNC would have a better argument for trying to push Bernie off a cliff, poste haste.
But the disarray on the GOP side has allowed people in the middle and left to really CONSIDER whether 4 more years of Obama-Clinton is really going to benefit anything, much less do the necessary 180 which needs to be done to avoid socio-enviro-economic disaster.
Thanks for replying to my piece.
Digby has always been a water-carrier for anyone/thing that has
a D attached to it. Telling that she thinks courting the RW is a good thing. (Susie Madrak of the "girl under the bleachers" comment is also in the tank for Hillary)
I have no issue working with sane Republicans
but what giveaways will they be expecting? Clinton has already hinted that she's not outright opposed to restrictions on so-called "late term" abortions, as long as the life and health of the mother is taken into account. How much farther will she be willing to bend in the political wind? We saw how long it took her to be in favor of marriage equality -- how strong will she be on LGBT rights, particularly "T" as we're reminded daily by Robyn's stellar efforts? Will she appoint judges (not just Scalia's replacement) who will be just fine with "religious freedom" clauses which really mean freedom if you're a Christian fundie but not so much for anyone else? There are just too many question marks surrounding her and her campaign.
Well, first off-I think a "sane Republican" can now only be
found in the Democrat party. And secondly, judging by her history we don't need to guess where Hills will land on any issue-she's truly a Goldwater Girl, and has shown that side to us too many times for her to be able to disavow it now. OTOH-Goldwater would be considered a good fit for the Ds nowadays, so there's that.....
Game of Hillary limbo...
exactly, how low can you go!
I have this image of a Hilarious Meme for that
hillary Limbo...
.....slowly forming in my head. But it's still a tad fuzzy. Anyone wanna help ?
It's Misplaced Anger, Deftly Steered
I tend to think of the "Prisoner's Dilemma' about this lately; that is, are they really possibly that misguided, fooled, that Dumb to not see their path? This is why they consider us condescending, because we think they are dumb, basically. Black, white, it don't matter, that seems to just make them dumb for different reasons. And this makes them mad! How dare we condescend upon them? And so, they resort to groupthink. And a little jerk shall lead them.
But the groupthink Bernie hatred has homes all over the internet; I've seen one or two (careful what you google folks!). I am often shocked by how bad the discourse can get real quick in the Hillary chat rooms!
It's not a lot different here, except that we feel on the side of right. But we, too, are guilty of groupthink. I disdain orthodoxy, so I generally won't go along with any memes, I don't trust them.
So, though we are proud of ourselves that we tell the truth and use facts - and we should be, we should be wary of our own emotions. Otherwise ... well, you can find examples of that all over, not just the other place.
Bernie is a win-win.
Contrary to popular opinion
I'm a Bernie supporter that doesn't necessarily hate Hillary Clinton -- I just believe that she's the wrong candidate for this era. She's a 20th century politician who has to deal with 21st century problems -- I'm not sure she's up to the challenge.
Excellent essay!
After reading and listening to Thomas Frank in various videos, the most recent of which was posted here by Azazello, I think a the Stockholm Syndrome is a big part of it. Frank talks about how Bill Clinton openly insulted Jesse Jackson who was on the same stage with him with Clinton's Sista Souljah speech. The Clintons have openly turned their backs on labor and yet their continue to get the support of labor.
I remember Bill Clinton's famous words, Your opponent can't talk when your fist is in his mouth. I think those words delve deeply into the way that the Clintons operate. They insult those whom most would think to be their allies while courting those whom most would think not to be allies. What they do is threaten, brow beat, and insult until they get their way. It leaves a trail of broken people in the wake, but it has been effective. The attitude is where else are they going to go? And the bulk of the people have played defense out of fear of the skeery Republicans.
But the long term goal is to drive out all the last vestiges of real liberalism, not just social liberalism. Naomi Klein is also right that the Clintons are basically clueless about how the majority of people in the country live and struggle. It has to do with their belief in meritocracy which forms the basis for neo-liberalism. I wrote about meritocracy in my neo-liberalism series posted on the Wed. Open Threads.
All these world views are simply a way for neo-liberals (who view themselves as superior to the rest of us) to justify their greed because they deserve the awards of the system that they have created.
Thank you for this great essay.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gulfgal
Your comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate you including various references. Am heading over to your essay(s) right now
I have always thought of Clintonpolitix as Genetic Engineering Gone Bad.
Clintons and the ol' DLC created this Hybrid Democrat Being back in the late 80's....with (seemingly) just enough of this and dash of that to appeal to, well, EVERYONE. But the monster clearly needed to devour the flesh of our Democracy, although MSM collusion always provided rationalizations for the creature running amok.
Unfortunately, the mad Dr. Clintons overlooked that their Creation had buried deep within it a Defective Gene: an Expiration Date.
That Date finally arrived this Spring...and they are scrambling to try to keep the monster on life support now.