Dear Hillary Supporters - What you think you know about us is dead wrong
You say you want unity. You say it's up to Bernie to bring his supporters back in the fold. You say Trump is dangerous. You say when November rolls around we'll bite the bullet and pull the lever for Her Highness.
I have some news for you.
We aren't a cult. We will not blindly follow Bernie and do whatever he tells us to do. We're not the PUMAS of 2008, who came back to the party because Hillary Clinton cut a deal with Barack Obama to get her endorsement. We think for ourselves. And if Bernie kisses Hillary's ring and sings kumbaya at the convention (which I doubt will happen) it isn't going to bring us back.
We've seen the velvet gloves come off the iron fists of the Democratic party's naked authoritarianism over the last year. We've watched as the boots of DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and all her minions in all the many state Democratic Parties, have been ground into our faces for daring to support a candidate who doesn't toe the Bought and Paid for Party line.
We've seen the outright lies that have been told and slanders and smear campaigns that have been spread like raw manure on every media platform the Democratic Party controls, smear campaigns jointly coordinated and organized by the Hillary campaign and the DNC directed not only against Bernie and his wife, Jane, but also against all of us, as well. We endured the constant barrage of slurs calling us sexists, frat boy Bernie Bros, misogynists, racists, dumb bimbos looking for where the boys are and unthinking, purity driven and violence prone brain dead losers.
We've watched as the Clinton campaign has subverted campaign finance laws and suppressed the votes of Sanders supporters by any means necessary in state after state. We've seen the exit polls diverge wildly from the "official vote" in primary after primary, always in Hillary's favor, and heard our complaints dismissed as tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, even as those same exit polls predicted the Republican primary results with almost uncanny accuracy.
We've watched supposed icons of the progressive wing of the party, from Civil Rights hero John Lewis to one of the most prominent liberal senators on environmental issues, Barbara Boxer, come forward and dutifully spout bullshit against Bernie and against us, bullshit a compliant and ethically compromised corporate media ran hogwild with, even as they ignored the serious conflicts of interests of her family foundation's fundraising operations while she was Secretary of State, much less the FBI investigations into her misuse and abuse of using a private email server to transmit and store top secret national security information.
All this was done by her campaign, her Super Pacs and her surrogates. Their obeisance to the anointed one was something to behold, the woman who was never supposed to be seriously challenged for the Democratic nomination in the first place. The woman whose political machine sewed up all the big money donors before any other viable establishment candidate, such as Vice President Joe Biden, had even given the first thought to running against her. We've seen her political operatives, such as slimemaster and former Clinton enemy, David Brock,, who was hired to operate the Hillary Super Pac, Correct the Record, openly admit he spent at least $1 million on social media operatives to attack Sanders supporters.
Do you think we will just forget what was done? Do you think we will just sit idly by, take your insults and unwarranted braggadocio and simply say "Thank you Secretary Clinton [and/or supporters], may we have another?"
Do you think we will forget Clinton chasing after Republican donors? Or her endorsements by warmongering neoconservatives such as Robert Kagan and Eliot Cohen? Did you think we would forget about her record of foreign policy disasters in Honduras, Libya and Syria?
Did you think we would just ignore her heavy reliance on financial support from Wall Street, even taking $24.9 Million from the risky "shadow banks" she's claimed she will crack down on once she's elected?
Do you really think we are so stupid or blind that we would just ignore all her crap and vote for her anyway, once Bernie gives us the high sign? Or that her message of "fear, more fear" regarding the candidacy of Donald Trump will cause us all to ignore all the reasons we abhor the prospect of another Clinton presidency?
An administration, by the way, that gave us (1) "welfare reform," (2) "criminal justice reform," (3) "telecommunication industry reform", and (4) the passage of NAFTA, the trade deal that ruined the Mexican economy and destroyed the lives of millions of US blue collar workers. Not to mention President Clinton's hard work to dismantle the last major New Deal securities law, the Glass-Stegall Banking Reform Act, the repeal of which played a major role in causing the financial crisis that nearly collapsed the world's economy in 2008.
This is the candidate whose campaign is printing hats with the motto "America is already great" even as millions of people fall out of the middle class and into poverty. She's so clueless she thinks all the poors will vote for her regardless of what she stands for, regardless of her record, regardless of the fact that her campaign is fueled by donations from the fossil fuel industry, the financial industry, the Tech industry, and billionaires of every flavor imaginable. Even one of the most evil men on the planet, Charles Koch, has stated that a Hillary Presidency could be better than any Republican who might win the nomination (cough - Donald Trump - cough).
You can rail all you want that Bernie needs to get with the program and order us to vote for "Hils" in November, but whatever he says it isn't going to make a bit of difference. You see we aren't robots who can be re-programmed to vote for whomever our commander in chief tells us to. We don't blindly support our candidate no matter what. We support him because of his record and because of his policies, policies he has supported throughout a lifetime of public service.
In short, we ain't like you.

I am pretty sure the Foundation has played
a huge role in preparing a number of countries for being "brought to heel." I suspect she had something to do with the fact that under GWB there were special forces in 80 countries, and now under Obama they are in 147.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I'll vote for good Democratic down ballot candidates
There are a couple in my district, but for President, I'm voting Bernie or Jill. I'm not voting for Trump and it would just be too hard, as I envision it at this point in time, to pull the lever for Hillary. I guess there's a chance that the gulf between the lesser and greater evils (not sure who is which) becomes so wide, that I have to vote for one or the other, especially if it's clear, on election day, that Jill Stein has no chance. I will donate to and promote Jill Stein until election day unless Bernie is running.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Sign the petition...
...asking Bernie to join Jill on he Green ticket. I understand Jill is willing to run for VP and put Bernie on the top of the ticket. This would be good all around: Good for Bernie, Good for Jill, Good for building the Greens and 3rd parties, and ergo, Good for us.
Go to the petition here .
I'll wait until after the rat convention
The Green Party convention is a few weeks later so if Bernie is not respected at the rat convention there will be every reason for him to slide on over to the Green Party convention.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I don't want Bernie on the Greens ticket.
That would just result in a shitstorm of major proportions as Democrats screamed bloody murder. I DO want those who can't cast their vote for Hillary, to vote Green. Staying home would just mean they're disappearing themselves as voters. If, instead, the Green Party ends up with a sizable percentage of the vote, the situation will be abundantly clear; the two-party duopoly is being forcefully rejected. It'll still mean a president Trump. That we can even consider whether he might be the lesser evil tells us all we need to know about the horrible state of American politics.
If our half of the Democratic Party loudly called for it
because it was justified, then it might not matter what the rat leaders say.
Beware the bullshit factories.
It DOESN'T matter
What the rat leaders say.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
The Democratic Party elite have proven themselves to be
corrupt to the core. I really could care less about what shitstorms they might want to start. They can lie and lie and just when they think they're getting away with it, it will all catch up with them.
Mark my words.
We should never never base our actions on what kind of shit storm they may choose to start. That gives them way too much power and they already have way too much power.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The Democratic Party elite have proven themselves to be
corrupt to the core. I really could care less about what shitstorms they might want to start. They can lie and lie and just when they think they're getting away with it, it will all catch up with them.
Mark my words.
We should never never base our actions on what kind of shit storm they may choose to start. That gives them way too much power and they already have way too much power.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I want Bernie on the Green ticket, if he isn't on the Dem ticket
If Bernie is not the Democratic Party nominee this year, I want him to take Jill Stein up on her offer to join with the Greens in the General Election. The Greens have a ballot spot in a great many States, so this would be a Yuuge deal. Bernie and the Greens offer a compelling case with so many positive political positions that they would draw millions of votes nationwide while altering the 2016 campaign dynamics. Having a Trump/Hillary election is guaranteed to give us a morally reprehensible winner, so why not look outside the box for a better outcome?
Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.
If I may suggest something...
(obviously I am going to do it anyway)...
Contributions to any of the candidates that Sanders has suggested even if not in people's states would go a long way toward helping move progressive issues forward. It would be particularly great if Tim Canova could get a huge amount of support to bring down Debbie WS. That would be a message that couldn't be missed.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
this needs to be shared and circulated
maybe some of them can finally get the message
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
is this cross-posted
because otherwise it's to nobody here (I think)
... not "Hils" --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Well said, Steven
I remember way back in 1988 the late Molly Ivins wrote (paraphrasing) "maybe this will be the year when the American public is finally able to keep its eye on the walnut shell that's got the pea under it." No such luck, of course. But with the hapless, milquetoast candidate Michael Dukakis representing the only alternative to what was effectively a third term of far right, trickle-down Reagan-ism, it wasn't as if there was really a pea on the table to be spotted in any case.
Not so this year. The movement spearheaded by Bernie Sanders, which I think in many ways represents an outgrowth and evolution of the Occupy Wall Street movement, won't be derailed, contained or co-opted, regardless of what Bernie ultimately decides to do with respect to endorsing Hillary Clinton. The stakes are just way too high, and the gap between what the right-wing, neo-liberal elitist Clinton stands for and what Sanders supporters aspire to is simply too great and too fundamental to ever be bridged or smoothed over.
Warren Buffett said, accurately: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” If Bernie Sanders, for tactical reasons, decides to declare a temporary truce, all well and good for him. But given that Hillary Clinton and those of her ilk are not going to stop making war against me, neither am I about to stop fighting against them. What I am reading and seeing and hearing every day is that there are millions of others out there who feel exactly the same way, and whatever Bernie decides to do or not do after June 14th won't change that one iota.
inactive account
You quote Buffet saying Hillary is waging war against the rich? I question this. She loves the rich. And Buffet? This post only confuses me.
Go back and reread it.
You must have missed where the quotation marks end.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Buffett's comment
I'm truly surprised at your reaction, because I thought the comment was pretty straightforward. What Buffett was suggesting is that there's an ongoing war pitting the wealthy against the non-wealthy, the haves against the have-nots. And it seems pretty self-evident to me that Hillary is aligned with the former, and Bernie with the latter. Perhaps I could have expressed myself more plainly, but reading over what I wrote, I'm still mystified that anyone could interpret those remarks as suggesting that Hillary was somehow fighting on the side of the lesser classes.
inactive account
Thanks for telling me your feelings!
I guess I was too tired, or the time was too late. But I even read your post twice, and well... I stand corrected.
My concern is that establishment means to crush this movement
and they are in control of the means to do it, and right now they're trying to figure out how to get away with it without looking like the authoritarian overlords that they are.
This is what the GOS people don't seem to understand
That Bernie supporter are just 'naughty' Democrats that will be brought back to Die Partei.
I've never been a Democrat. I really don't care about Die Partei. I'm a Sanders supporter and will vote as I choose (not Clinton).
from a reasonably stable genius.
Not just the GOS people.
Everyone not for Bernie doesn't understand it.
Edited to add: And the 1% is frightened about it.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Barbara Boxer
In yesterday's NYT, Barbara Boxer said you should be obedient and vote for Hillary in November. These people sure think they are entitled to your vote.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
la-dee-fookin'-doo-dah fer her, LOL!
Don't they? They also seem to have this idea that if we don't listen when Sanders mouths the words "let's all be good and support The Democrat in the race" (nudge-nudge-winkety-wink), that somehow, we're Turning On Him. They're delusional *and* they take far too much for granted, in terms of "my vote". Where do they get that shit?
As long as they vote for
As long as they vote for Bernie in California. Give him a solid 75/25 win, eh?
At least Barbara Boxer didn't vote for the TPP, unlike DiFi (D-Lockheed) and my state's Ron Wyden (D-Nike).
Hear, hear!
Thanks for the Rant,
and for all the Links.
Excuse me, while I go disconnect
my bot-ware "programming".
Hillary supporters recycle this among themselves on social media
They are desperate for something,
anything, to stick to Bernie.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
They are at the point of
They are at the point of throwing any shit against the wall to see if it will stick like a tabloid reporter
Err, no..........
(The Clinton supporters that is.)
from a reasonably stable genius.
You dang women!!
A bunch of misogynists!!! Take my 59 year old wife. She's a self-hating woman-hater who seethes with hostility for purely conformist reasons. When will she wake up and smell the Folgers and finally realize the error of her Bernie-loving ways??? I'm TIRED of sleeping with one eye open to avoid being pastiched in my sleep!!!
Pastiche is worst of all in your sleep!
My 52 year old wife
and 20 year old daughter must be "misogynists" too. A bunch of my female friends too. Silly "BernieBros.."
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
LOL! You saved me the trouble
of typing a response to that utter nonsense.
What complete and utter tripe
What complete and utter tripe. There may be people who oppose Madame Secretary on those grounds, but I haven't seen them here.
Of course, there are Republicans / right-wingers impersonating Sanders supporters in some places on the internets, but they almost always give themselves away by some turn of horrid phrase that completely negates the possibility that they are sincere.
There are probably some Bernie-supporter-impersonators that are smarter than that, but I haven't seen the evidence.
Just that little section hurts my head.
I can't imagine how bad reading the full piece would be. I've come to the point where it hard for me to take these people more seriously than I do the average Republican.
Oh my gosh!
Got a good laugh out of that one. I love these dime store psychologists who seem to possess an unerring knack for seeing deep into the psyche of those they love feeling superior to, the better to tut-tut about these sad miscreants sub-conscious deficiencies and character defects.
Because obviously, there can't possibly be any good reasons to detest Hillary Clinton besides latent hatred of women (self-hatred, apparently, in the case of many female Bernie-bots), embrace of a mindless group-think mentality (thank God you never run into that on pro-Clinton sites like Daily Kos), or a desire to be one of the nihilistic kewl kids who childishly rejects all of the constructive and compassionate things Hillary aspires to do, such as bombing the shit out of brown people in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Gaza Strip, and other miscellaneous third world locales.
Oh, well. I plead guilty to being one of those perverse types who actually feels a positive sense of accomplishment if something I write or say earns me the contempt of a person capable of expressing the sentiments quoted above. I have many ambitious goals in life, but being approved of by someone like that is thankfully not one of them.
inactive account
at least now i understand why i hated thatcher so much.
how blessed i am to have perfect strangers explain it all.
it's tempting to call this "femsplaining", but that does a pretty serious disservice to all the women out there who are making a hard go of trying to actually explain themselves and their concerns to an often uninterested or derisive male audience.
maybe i'll stick with a word i coined over a year ago, over at TOP: dumbsplaining.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Upsetting the patriarchy would be one thing.
HRC isn't upsetting the patriarchy, she's co-opting it.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Yeah, really feminist to say
"Don't worry, Bill will be there for the hard parts." (no pun intended)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
exactly! using a man to do the hard part; goundbreaker!
We should all be terrifed with Bill Clinton being a co-president. And don't think for one minute that he won't be.
A true feminist who wanted to become the FIRST WOMAN to be president, shouldn't outsource one of the most important functions of the presidency to HER HUSBAND! Good god, I thought that this was to prove that a woman was equal to a man.
Apparently not! God knows what else Bill Clinton will try to coopt.
Okay, why has no one followed up on her health? Something smells here. Is this just a way for Bill to get a third term and finish dismantling the New Deal, now with all the New Deals he has made through the Clinton Foundation?
Sea Turtle
That calls for new Twitter pictures:
To start:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
is definitely in the running for World's Most Pretentious Word.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
THEY accuse US of conformity? Pot/Kettle.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
This - this is AMAZING!
That such a statement could come out of a site whose owner DECREED that differing opinions were no longer to be welcome post-March 15. Echo chamber?? I guess the nature of an echo chamber is that you can't tell when you're in one?
Someone should write their thesis on the warped psychology happening over at DK.
The great part is, the more absurd they get, the less likely they are to be taken seriously.
are there really people who read that stuff and believe that's why so many support Bernie? Its like reading the swill from a George Will article ... purely corrupt political thinking and messaging masquerading as intellectualism
Awesome post! sums up this
Awesome post! sums up this whole fiasco that are called the Primaries and the corporatist attitude the dem-elites have shown us all.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
She doesn't have to worry
She has the ugly woman vote locked up. At least Ed Rendell says so.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Well done, Steven
I can't anything that hasn't already been said here, but there's still the possibility that either the emails or more important IMO the conflict of interest between her duties as SOS and the Clinton foundation.
Jame's diary from last night gave two good links, but here's one more.
This one brings other details that the other two didn't bring up.
She apparently received a classified email and unclassified it then sent it to other people.
The article talks about influence peddling and that she may have broken the espionage act.
Obama has gone on a witch hunt and charged 3-4 people under it even though they didn't come close to meeting the requirements for being charged under it.
But Hillary definitely has and if he calls Lynch off from charging her, then justice is really dead in this country. If it isn't already.
Petrayous gave classified material to his girlfriend so that she could write a book and what happened to him?
He was fined $100 thousand dollars, put on probation for 4 years and got to keep both his rank and pension.
Meanwhile, Chelsea has another 30 plus years on her sentence.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And she thinks Edward Snowden should be put away
Sounds like she's done far more damage to national security than Snowden's calling out of the NSA infringement on our rights.
Beware the bullshit factories.
A SHillary by any other name...
...would still not get my vote. It's not about misogyny; it's about honesty and integrity!
I make no claims to understanding
what the Clinton supporters think. I suppose we can go on what they say -- but what they say is so evidently false, all the time, that I'd doubt that too.
I rather suspect that under the hard carapace of dishonesty is a rather authoritarian conservatism that cares nothing about the 99% and maybe thinks that if we nuked Tehran and Caracas they'd surrender at once.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Thank you, Steven!
This captures my thoughts perfectly.
No way, no how, no Hillary.
The PUMAs who voted McCain were upset because Hillary lost the primary. This time around, its different. Bernie's campaign isn't a cult of personality. It's not about him. It's about us. There is nothing the annointed one can say that would convince me that she cares about us.
Bingo, psychodrew; thanks for this excellent post, Stephen! EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Sad that so many of them actually fell for the hype that she's
got the right ideas and experience to take over the reins. Until very recently coverage of Bernie and those massive rallies has been blacked out and her supporters told from the very beginning that Bernie is not a serious player and can't possibly overcome her advantages. At this point he's pretty much disproved most of that bs propaganda and now that the media is letting some of that info through, I'm hoping that some of her not so blindly following supporters will see that their vote for this very flawed candidate will make things worse for everyone except those at the very top, and realize they've been conned before its too late.
poor demorats
They just don't understand it's about ideas and issues not party loyalty. The blatant corporate bias of the party and media establishment has been mind boggling. How are people so blind? Great essay Steven!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You nailed it, Steven.
Hillary Clinton is determined to re-establish Reagan-style death squad dictatorships in Latin America. Her action re: Honduras is proof. I'll be goddamned if I vote for this amoral monster.
Bolivia and Ecuador are next on the list
Its already happening as Argentina and Brazil have fallen to upper class whites, land owners and corporate interests. Venezuela is in deep shit as well. I am afraid that, with all the toxic propaganda, Bolivia and Ecuador are next on the list and we lose (I am a Bolivian citizen w/ some family in the USA) decades of fighting for social justice. In addition (also personal), supporting Likudite Satanyahu apartheid against the Palestinian people will only get worse if Marg... uh, H. Clinton gets a third term for herself and her nasty husband and Princess Chelsea who will be taking over the role of first lady. Her poor pathetic vulture fund husband will undoubtedly have a big say in how to manage the economies of Africa and Latin America as closet Royal Secretary of the Exchequer. Geez, I wonder if any relatives of King Leopold are around for a colonial advisory think tank?
The only reason I am watching and commenting on the election is these issues. Sanders foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, but is noticeably better than anyone else working the corporate parties. I do believe he'd get along fine with Evo Morales anyway.
From the Light House.
I was there when we gave Howard Dean
the post of Party Chair. I shook hsnds with Rev. Al Sharpton. I talked to Howard's brother John Dean.
Then we got Tim Kaine and DWS?
I canvassed for Universal HealthCare in 1992 and 1993. I've done GOTV in two states. I'm done with the Democratic Party.
Great rant Steve. Don't hold yourself back so much next time. Let us know how you really feel!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Steven, this is one of your best pieces. Ever.
I always read what you write, but this is pretty epic, man. Thanks so much for this -- it's a masterpiece.
It's not like JtC doesn't have enough to do around here, but if we ever get a "Best of" section, I nominate THIS diary. Also too, Lisa Lockwood's righteous rant, but that's technically from GOS.
I miss Colorado.
Hey, thanks Shiz
I miss Colorado too.
Good to see you here, though!
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Good to see you here, too!
I love that some of TOP's most prolific writers have signed up to c99p! You, OPOL, Dallasdoc, TomP, gjohnsit ...
This makes me very happy.
I miss Colorado.
Steven, this is one of your best pieces. Ever.
I always read what you write, but this is pretty epic, man. Thanks so much for this -- it's a masterpiece.
It's not like JtC doesn't have enough to do around here, but if we ever get a "Best of" section, I nominate THIS diary. Also too, Lisa Lockwood's righteous rant, but that's technically from GOS.
I miss Colorado.
Sorry for the duplicate.
I'm having a hard time navigating the site right now. Heavy traffic and such.
I miss Colorado.
I've had the duplicate problem twice today.
Likewise I am assuming it's due to heavy traffic. Even though annoying, if that's the reason, they hurray! And we all need to chip in to help support this burgeoning site.
Amen on donating.
I gave $20 last month. I'll give another $20 next month. That's exactly $40 more than I've ever given Marcos. Damn, I do love this place.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
thank you Steven, hit nail on head!!
The entitlement makes me the most mad, next to the lies and the stealing of votes, and a whole lot of other things, so let me just say that I'm sick of them with their attitude that they OWN MY VOTE.
Sheeesh, really Hillary? really Senator Boxer?
Fat chance in Hell, that Hillary will EVER get my vote.
Not only has she not earned it but she's proven over and over again that she doesn't deserve it.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
And HFK. Also too.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Neolib dem, dey ♡ HFT ♪ Neocon dem, dey ♡ HFK ♪ woh-oh
HFT = High Frequency Traders
HFK = Henry “F----gn policy” (bowdlerized for your protection) Kissinger
Great piece of writing!
I shared it on facebook and twitter.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Great Summary of the Emperor/Empress of the World
Steven, thanks for the summary of the Clintons. The Democratic elites are going to find out that progressives are really progressives. They are so removed from the reality of the situation that it is pathetic. HRC had to go on ABC Nightly News this evening and proclaim that she was the nominee and that's that. How foolish. All this did was give people another opportunity to view her smug and condescending attitude. From what I hear on the ground, HRC is very unpopular. When I went to a restaurant today, the manager was talking politics to customers. The people were all Bernie supporters. I & the spouse joined in and had some fun. It's as if Bernie has 2 campaigns: Bernie 2016 and a stealth beehive campaign. Where ever you go, Bernie supporters are there. I truly have never seen anything like this and I've seen a lot of campaigns in my life.
As an outsider, it's interesting watching this up close
and personal. A lot of what I read elsewhere pertains to the Bernie supporters and how they aren't cooperating, might not vote, etc., and here we have a large contingent verifying it. I hope most of you stick to your guns, maybe it will do some good. But if all it gets is some bullshit platform nonsense at the convention that would be too bad.
But hey, those Bernie supporters that end up voting for Clinton weren't serious anyway.
the platform is just words on a paper
it won't appease me one bit.
This one is for OPOL
For our Buddy OPOL, who loves music, another "Theme Song ?"
Talking Heads _ "Big Business"
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
deeply disturbing
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
it isn't the Democrats that won't vote for her
it's the independents that won't vote for her. Sanders is hardly to blame for that or her loss to Trump.
Not to mention that a lot of Republicans
who otherwise might sit it out, will
definitely hold their noses as hard and
as long as necessary to make sure
"that woman" never gets near the WH
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Oh, I think its the Democrats, too
Maybe not a majority of Dems, but this lifelong Dem soon to be switched to unaffiliated isn't voting for her.
They are consistently underestimating how unlikeable she is to anyone who is not wealthy or at least comfortable and thus blinded by their material successes. If they were smart, they'd bring in Biden to take over. Even after the uproar, Biden would do far better among Independents and Democrats than she will.
But I hope they don't, because keeping her and her Republican agenda in place is the death knell for the Democratic Party we thought we knew. And good riddance, it's time for something new.
I am still hoping to vote for Bernie in The General
however, if the Dems decide to abandon any semblance of progressive and humanistic values and put up Hillary then it is beginning to look like this voter will abstain. I will vote for down ballot candidates but no f'in way Hillary. She represents values and policies which in large part are the antithesis of my beliefs
If Bernie is not at the top of the ticket then I will write him in
I guess I've been suspended at Daily Kos for saying I no longer will vote for Hillary in the general. It says I have to acknowledge it before I can post again, but I won't sign just so I won't be tempted to post there again. I intended to vote for Hillary in the general from the very beginning, but between what I've learned about her since & her & her supporters' dirty tricks, I really just don't think I can. I won't vote for Trump, but if writing in Bernie is allowed (I keep trying to find out if that is an option), I'll do that or vote for the Green party. As long as we keep voting in the best of the worst, we're going to keep getting the same results. The only thing that really worries me is the Supreme Court; other than that, if we survived all these years of Bushes & Reagan & Clinton, I think we can survive 4 years of Trump & then hopefully start cleaning house. I wish Anonymous would work on trying to find evidence of collusion between Bill & Trump. A conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory all the way up until it is proven true. I still have my suspicions about those two, whether Hillary knew about it or not. They're both con-men of the highest order.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
I am certain that there is collusion bet Bill & Trump; Bill put
Trump up to this run, that has been documented. I have no doubt that Bill/Hill/DNC/corporatocracy is running a 'Shock Doctrine' campaign. Knowing Hillary has huge unlikeables and that Bill can't legally be elected again, manipulated Trump into running (his massive ego must be easy to manipulate) and then thought that if given the choice between Trump and Hill, that voters would choose 'the lesser of the two evils.' Also apparantly Wall St hates Trump, or so I have been told by someone who knows.
THAT, boys and girls, I believe is the true story behind this election season, how the two most unlikeable candidates are now running for nomination in their respective parties. That and the fact that Hill has stolen the primary process with all the 'dirty tricks'....
We cannot allow the Clintons to get more power. And now that we know it will be a dual/joint presidency... omfg. What a nightmare.
Sea Turtle
I guess I've been suspended at Daily Kos for saying I no longer will vote for Hillary in the general. It says I have to acknowledge it before I can post again, but I won't sign just so I won't be tempted to post there again. I intended to vote for Hillary in the general from the very beginning, but between what I've learned about her since & her & her supporters' dirty tricks, I really just don't think I can. I won't vote for Trump, but if writing in Bernie is allowed (I keep trying to find out if that is an option), I'll do that or vote for the Green party. As long as we keep voting in the best of the worst, we're going to keep getting the same results. The only thing that really worries me is the Supreme Court; other than that, if we survived all these years of Bushes & Reagan & Clinton, I think we can survive 4 years of Trump & then hopefully start cleaning house. I wish Anonymous would work on trying to find evidence of collusion between Bill & Trump. A conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory all the way up until it is proven true. I still have my suspicions about those two, whether Hillary knew about it or not. They're both con-men of the highest order.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Wow... and we're the conformists, Suzzzi
That site is unbelievable.
Don't worry about the Supreme Court, Suzzzi.
Obama nominated Garland, for dog sakes! Scalia may as well have stayed alive! hrc will nominate corporate-friendly justices just like the rest of them do. They are not on the side of the people, but on the side of the corporations and the 1%. All rules must favor the 1%. Period. So, don't worry about the Supreme Court - only Bernie will appoint justices that favor equality for all, which is why we're screwed without him in the WH.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Regarding write-in votes
This article is very informative -
It's not about Bernie. It's about what Bernie offers.
I am not a Bernie bot. I was looking for someone who was a fighter for liberal ideas, and Bernie just happened to show up. There was no one else espousing big change. If he had not run, I still would not vote for Hillary. Why doesn't the DNC get this, instead of being insulting to us, then expecting us to roll over? Their hubris is going to be their Achilles heel.
This is a great post that sums up a lot of our feelings.
Thanks for a great post
You summed it all up exactly and exquisitely. I have voted Dem for 35 years straight, but won't this year unless Bernie is on the ballot.